###Required Libraries:
FreeImage You will need to compile the Debug configuration in order to use the library, which can be a bit involved...OR you can email me and I can send you a precompiled version Ive generated.
freeglut Use the Martin Payne's prepackaged release, unless you want to compile from source
Be sure to put a copy of the freeglut library file to the following directory:
- freeglut\bin\freeglut.dll to %SystemRoot%/SysWOW64
When installing glew, there are a few extra steps you have to perform in order to ensure everything works correctly. Depending on your system's architecture, you will need to copy the library to one of the following directories:
- glew\bin\Release\Win32\glew32.dll to %SystemRoot%/system32
- glew\bin\Release\Win32\glew32.dll to %SystemRoot%/SysWOW64
I recognize that I am referring to the same glew32.dll file for both architectures. There is a glew32.dll under the 64bit architecture, however this appears to be a bug and VS (at least on my system) refuses to acknowledge the 64bit file. So dont use it. Should you encounter any problems do not hesitate to ask.
The VS2013 project utilizes Global variables to allow for maximum flexibility on the developer's part (YOU). Ive configured the project such that it assumes you have the following global variables defined on your system.
- ALUMINUM_PATH e.g. defines the base location of the aluminum library, ie, C:\aluminum
To define a global variable go to:
- Control Panel\System and Security\System
- Select "Advanced System Settings", the "System Properties" window will appear,
- Select "Environmental Variables"
- Define you're variables...
- Logout/Restart and you're done!
###Hints: %SystemRoot% == "c:\Windows"
If you dont own a copy of Visual Studios 2013, you can download it for free from the University of Illinois webstore