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SAML authentication

Arjen van Bochoven edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 15 revisions

Available in MunkiReport version 3.0

MunkiReport uses OneLogin's SAML PHP Toolkit. This is a straightforward, modern library that is easy to integrate with MunkiReport.


You need to add the toolkit using composer:

composer require onelogin/php-saml --update-no-dev --optimize-autoloader


To configure MunkiReport for SAML authentication, you need at least add the following to ``$config.php`:

$conf['auth']['auth_saml'] = [
    'sp' => [
        'NameIDFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
    'idp' => [
        'entityId' => '',
        'singleSignOnService' => ['url' => ''],
        'singleLogoutService' => ['url' => ''],
    'disable_sso' => false,

Replace the values with the correct values for your env.

  • sp - This is the Service Provider array. You should only add the NameIDFormat here. MunkiReport will automatically fill in the correct endpoints (metadata, acs and sls)
  • idp - This is the Identity Provider array. You need to add the proper connection details for your IDp.
  • entityId - URI to the IDp metadata
  • singleSignOnService - Array containing one or more URIs to the Single Sign On endpoints of the IDp.
  • singleLogoutService - Array containing one or more URIs to the Single Sign Out endpoints of the IDp.
  • disable_sso - boolean Force authentication allows you to force re-authentication of users even if the user has a SSO session at the IdP.


The Identity Provider needs some information from the MunkiReport SAML Service. You can generate this via this endpoint:


Attribute Mapping

MunkiReport needs to know which attributes to map to user and to groups. You can add your own attribute mapping to config.php:

$conf['auth']['auth_saml']['attr_mapping'] = [
    'memberOf' => 'groups',
    '' => 'user',


You can handle authorization in the IDp by only allowing users and or groups to authenticate for MunkiReport. But you can also handle authorization in the SAML configuration:

$conf['auth']['auth_saml']['mr_allowed_users'] = ['your_username', 'another_user'];
$conf['auth']['auth_saml']['mr_allowed_groups'] = ['admingroup'];


If you can't use Single Logout, you can specify

$conf['auth']['auth_saml']['disable_sso'] = true;

This setting will use the identity provider for authentication, but not via Single Sign On. Logging out will not notify the iDP but just destroy the session.

More information/settings


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