- we assume you have npm/node installed on your workstation
- we assume you have git installed on your workstation
- we assume you have json (npm install -g json) installed on your workstation
- we assume you understand the basics of SDC, if not please start with the SmartDataCenter README
- we assume you have your SSH keys loaded in your ssh-agent when connecting to build zones via SSH.
To build SDC components you to decide first make a couple choices:
- which components are you going to build?
- where are you going to build components?
If you are building any of the following components:
- manta-manatee
- sdc-manatee
- electric-moray
- platform
you will need a sdc-multiarch 13.3.1 build zone. For any other components you will need an sdc-smartos 1.6.3. If you want to build all components, you'll need both.
If you have an account in the Joyent Public Cloud you can build all components (except "platform", see "Building the Platform") required to create a working SDC headnode in the JPC and have the outputs pushed to Joyent's Manta. This is the easiest method for building, but will create several zones (one for each zone image built) and store results in Manta, both of which will have billing consequences.
If instead you would like to build components in a local SDC install or in a downloaded CoaL image, you will have some additional setup to do before you can build. In this case, see the section "Setting up an SDC for builds".
NOTE: Even if you do not use JPC and output your builds to Manta, you will still need an account in JPC in order to do a build. This is because dependent components will still need to be downloaded from Manta.
On your local workstation (tested with OS X, but should work elsewhere) you can run:
git clone git@github.com:joyent/mountain-gorilla.git MG && cd MG
Most of the rest of these instructions can be performed from within this directory.
After cloning, you should run:
npm install
in this directory to setup the dependencies. Once you've done that, you can also run:
export PATH=${PATH}:$(pwd)/node_modules/smartdc/bin
This is one of the most critical steps. The environment variables define which SDC/manta target/credentials will be used for the rest of setup. You must set at least:
export MANTA_URL=https://us-east.manta.joyent.com
export SDC_KEY_ID=<KEY>
export SDC_URL=https://us-east-1.api.joyentcloud.com
where is the name of the JPC/SDC user you want to build with, and is the SSH fingerprint of the SSH key that you've added for your user.
If you're using CoaL and using the default self-signed certificates for cloudapi you will also want to:
export SDC_TESTING=1
otherwise you'll get errors like:
sdc-listpackages: error: undefined
It's possible to use different values for MANTA_USER and SDC_ACCOUNT if you've pointed these at different SDC standups. In that case zones will be created using the SDC_ACCOUNT credentials and any files pulled from / pushed to Manta will be done using the MANTA_USER's credentials.
If you're not using JPC here, you'll want to change the SDC_URL and MANTA_URL above to match your local cloudapi and manta respectively.
NOTE: if your SDC is not yet setup, you need to set SDC_URL after setting up cloudapi in the next section.
NOTE: skip this section (move on to "Setting up the build environment") if you're going to build in the JPC.
This section assumes that you have a local SDC/CoaL setup and have access to the global zone.
If you are using CoaL you won't have cloudapi by default. To add it you can run the following from within the MG directory on your workstation:
./tools/setup-cloudapi.sh root@<HN_GZ_IP>
where <HN_GZ_IP> is the IP of the GZ of your headnode. This script will login and create the cloudapi zone for you.
If you're using CoaL and don't have any CNs attached to your headnode, you will also want to login to the GZ of your CoaL headnode and run:
/zones/$(vmadm lookup -1 tags.smartdc_role=cloudapi)/root/opt/smartdc/cloudapi/tools/coal-setup.sh
in order that you can provision using cloudapi on your headnode.
In order to perform builds you need to add an external interface to the imgapi zone. You also need to setup firewall rules (default rules do not allow connections on the external interface) that allow your build zone(s) to connect to the external interface of imgapi.
Refer to the SDC documentation for details on how to perform the required steps here.
Firewall rules can also be setup after the build zone(s) are created, but before the first build.
Record the external IP address for imgapi. You'll need this later to set SDC_IMGAPI_URL.
For your convienence, here are commands for the previous steps if you are running in COAL:
# Add an external nic
$ /usbkey/scripts/add_external_nic.sh $(vmadm lookup alias=~imgapi)
# Make sure the job finished successfully
$ sdc-workflow /jobs/405b26f1-0f6a-4118-aacb-0d89fd777a36 | json -Ha execution
# Find the external imgapi ip address
$ sdc-vmapi /vms/$(vmadm lookup alias=~imgapi) | json -H nics | \
json -ac 'this.nic_tag === "external"' ip
If you're using your own SDC and do not have imgapi connected to a Manta (eg. you're using CoaL) you'll also need to run the following from the GZ of the headnode:
echo '{"metadata": {"IMGAPI_ALLOW_LOCAL_CREATE_IMAGE_FROM_VM": true}}' \
| sapiadm update $(sdc-sapi /services?name=imgapi | json -H 0.uuid)
If you are using CoaL the sdc-smartos and sdc-multiarch images should already be imported. If for some reason your setup does not have these images, you'll need to import them. Follow the SDC documentation on importing images. The images you need are:
- fd2cc906-8938-11e3-beab-4359c665ac99 / sdc-smartos 1.6.3
- b4bdc598-8939-11e3-bea4-8341f6861379 / sdc-multiarch 13.3.1
Based on the choices you made earlier (see "Decisions to Make" section) you should know which build zones you will need. This section will guide you through the creation of the required zones.
Before you continue, ensure that whatever user you're going to use (whether your personal account in JPC or 'admin' or other user in your local SDC/CoaL) has your SSH keys added to it. This is important as these instructions will have you running sdc-* commands and manta commands which will need these credentials.
If you don't do this you'll see errors like:
sdc-listpackages: error (InvalidCredentials): Invalid key d5:19:78:bb:d8:f5:ba:cd:6b:40:96:3f:5a:23:59:a9
Whether you're building in JPC or a local SDC you need to find the UUID of the package you're going to use to build. To do this (assuming you've setup all the variables listed in the previous section correctly) you can run:
sdc-listpackages | json -c "this.name == 'g3-standard-2-smartos'" 0.id
replacing 'g3-standard-2-smartos' with the name of your package if you're not
using JPC. For CoaL you can use package 'sdc_2048' if you haven't changed the
default packages. The output of this command will be a UUID which you should
substitute in commands below. In my case the value was
'486bb054-6a97-4ba3-97b7-2413d5f8e849' so substitute your own value where you
see that. If your SDC_ACCOUNT isn't an administrator, you may not be able
to find the sdc_2048
package. If you are using COAL this is because the
package's owner_uuid is admin. To make images public for you ruser to see, run
this from the global zone:
sdc-papi /packages | json -Ha uuid | while read l; do \
echo '{ "owner_uuids": null }' | sdc-papi /packages/$l -X PUT -d@-; done
Note that you probably do not want to do this for a public SDC. You are better off creating a new, public package.
To create a sdc-smartos 1.6.3 zone you'll want to run:
sdc-createmachine \
--dataset fd2cc906-8938-11e3-beab-4359c665ac99 \
--package 486bb054-6a97-4ba3-97b7-2413d5f8e849 \
--name "build-1.6.3"
changing "486bb054-6a97-4ba3-97b7-2413d5f8e849" to match the UUID you got in the previous step. The output should be a JSON object. The only field from that which you need to keep track of right now is the 'id' field. This is the UUID of the new build VM.
You can run:
sdc-getmachine 721182fa-d4f1-61f6-8fae-9875512356e2 | json state
substituting your own UUID for '721182fa-d4f1-61f6-8fae-9875512356e2' until the result is 'running'. Once the VM goes running, you can find its IP using:
sdc-getmachine 721182fa-d4f1-61f6-8fae-9875512356e2 | json ips
(again substituting your own UUID for '721182fa-d4f1-61f6-8fae-9875512356e2').
At this point you'll want to take the IP address which is public (in the case there are more than one) and fill that in as <BUILD_ZONE_IP> in the section "Preparing build zones for builds" below.
To create a sdc-multiarch 13.3.1 build zone, you should follow the steps for creating a sdc-smartos 1.6.3 build zone with the exception that instead of dataset "fd2cc906-8938-11e3-beab-4359c665ac99" you should use dataset "b4bdc598-8939-11e3-bea4-8341f6861379" and you'll want to use a different name. For example:
sdc-createmachine \
--dataset b4bdc598-8939-11e3-bea4-8341f6861379 \
--package 486bb054-6a97-4ba3-97b7-2413d5f8e849 \
--name "build-13.3.1"
For each build zone (1.6.3 or 13.3.1) you want to follow the same set of instructions. First you want to do:
./tools/setup-remote-build-zone.sh root@<BUILD_ZONE_IP>
This will produce some output as it logs into your zone, installs some packages and generally gets it ready for you to login and start some builds.
For each build zone (1.6.3 or 13.3.1) you want to clone MG before you start building. So SSH to the build zone, then run:
ssh -A root@<BUILD_ZONE_IP> # Use the -A to forward your SSH agent
git clone git@github.com:joyent/mountain-gorilla.git MG && cd MG
If you're building in JPC, you can skip this step. If you're building in a local SDC/CoaL setup, you'll probably also need to also set the following at this point:
export SDC_IMAGE_PACKAGE=sdc_2048
export SDC_TESTING=1
You'll also need to ensure these variables are set at the time of each build.
- SDC_LOCAL_BUILD tells MG that you don't want the build creating zones in JPC or pushing files to JPC's Manta as part of the build process.
- SDC_IMAGE_PACKAGE is the name of the package you want to use for the build zones. CoaL ships with an sdc_2048 package which should work.
- SDC_TESTING allows the node-smartdc tools to work even when you've got a self-signed SSL certificate.
- SDC_IMGAPI_URL should be set to https:// where is the external IP you added to imgapi (remembering to add the firewall rules if you have not already)
The following commands should be run in the MG directory in the appropriate build zone for the target you're building. They should also be run with all the environment variables described earlier set.
Ensure you've set the appropriate environment variables, especially:
- SDC_LOCAL_BUILD if you're building against your own SDC/CoaL
- SDC_URL set to the proper cloudapi
Then to build, run the following in your MG directory in your build zone:
TARG=<build>; ./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/builds \
-O /stor/whatever/builds && make ${TARG}_upload_manta
if we use 'assets' for the build for example:
TARG=assets; ./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/builds \
-O /stor/whatever/builds && make ${TARG}_upload_manta
which will:
- download dependencies from /joyager/stor/builds
- create a tarball of the assets bits + dependencies
- create a SmartOS VM in JPC (using cloudapi)
- install the tarball of bits into the JPC VM
- create an image from the VM, sending to Manta
- download the image from Manta modify the manifest
- push the build back to manta in ${MANTA_USER}/stor/whatever/builds/assets
To not upload results to Manta, follow the same procedure as in "Option 1" but change the make target from:
make ${TARG}_upload_manta
make ${TARG}
The result will then be in the bits/ directory instead of going to Manta.
If you want to ensure you've built every bit that you're using, you'll want to do your builds in order and send them to a fresh Manta area. There's a tool in MG's tools directory that will help you build in the correct order. For example, assuming I'm running as Manta user "joyager" and I want to create a full set of builds and then use that to build a new headnode image, I'd start in my 1.6.3 zone and run:
(set -o errexit
for TARG in $(./tools/targets-1.6.3.sh); do
./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/whatever/builds \
-O /stor/whatever/builds && make ${TARG}_upload_manta
which will build all the dependencies first then the 1.6.3-built images. Uploading to /joyager/stor/whatever/builds (which was empty when we started) and taking dependencies only from that directory.
Once this is complete, we can run the same command just with:
instead of:
generating the target list. The only target that currently cannot be built this way which is required for building a new headnode image is the platform target. The next section will deal with that.
Assuming you've set all the environment variables and setup both build zones you need (including the modifications in the "Building the platform image" section) and setup your cloudapi and so forth, you can use the instructions in this section to build everything locally without Manta.
Start on the 1.6.3 build zone and run:
mkdir /root/MY_BITS
Then cd to your MG workspace on this zone and run:
(set -o errexit; for TARG in $(tools/targets-1.6.3.sh); do \
./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/donotuse/builds \
-O /stor/donotuse/builds && make ${TARG}_local_bits_dir; done)
This will take a while. Once it completes, create the /root/MY_BITS directory on your 13.3.1 build zone and set the LOCAL_BITS_DIR variable:
mkdir /root/MY_BITS
Now transfer all the bits from your 1.6.3 build zone to this 13.3.1 build zone. One way to do this is using rsync (make sure you preserve the directory structure):
rsync -va root@<1.6.3-zone-IP>:/root/MY_BITS/* /root/MY_BITS/
Once that's complete (still logged into the 13.3.1 build zone with the LOCAL_BITS_DIR set) you can go to your MG directory and run:
(set -o errexit; for TARG in $(tools/targets-13.3.1.sh) platform; do \
./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/donotuse/builds \
-O /stor/donotuse/builds && make ${TARG}_local_bits_dir; done)
This will take quite a while (3-4 hours most likely) but once it's complete, /root/MY_BITS will contain all the bits required to build the usb headnode image. To do this, you will want to:
git clone git@github.com:joyent/sdc-headnode.git
cd sdc-headnode
make BITS_DIR=/root/MY_BITS usb
You can also change 'usb' to 'coal' if you want to build the CoaL image instead.
The platform image can be built in a 13.3.1 build zone just like any other MG target. However there are some additional changes required to these build zones before you can build platform.
You need to:
- set fs_allowed="ufs,pcfs,tmpfs"
- ensure you've got plenty of quota for your zone
- ensure you've got enough DRAM allocated for your zone
One option for performing all of these at once would be do something like:
- vmadm update fs_allowed="ufs,pcfs,tmpfs" ram=8192 quota=200
from the GZ. This would work fine on hardware but is unlikely to work with CoaL unless you've bumped the default amount of DRAM for CoaL significantly.
Once you have a properly setup 13.3.1 build zone you can build the platform with the same command as you'd use for other targets:
TARG=platform; ./configure -t ${TARG} -d joyager -D /stor/whatever/builds \
-O /stor/whatever/builds && make ${TARG}_upload_manta
which will build and upload to Manta. Alternatively you can omit the _upload_manta and just have the platform build to the local bits/ directory.