The Ring SDK is a Typescript wrapper for the The One API.
It is designed to be a simple, easy to use, and intuitive wrapper for the API.
Each endpoint in the API has a corresponding module in the SDK.
Each module has a set of functions that correspond to the functions in the API.
Each function in the SDK returns a Promise that resolves to the data returned by the API.
- ADR-0001 - Use Typescript to provide type safety and intellisense.
- ADR-0002 - Use native Fetch API that can be easily polyfilled for other platforms.
- ADR-0003 - Use a single client object factory to provide a simple interface to the API.
- ADR-0004 - Use modules to split logic into logical units corresponding to the API.
- ADR-0005 - Make modules easy to add and remove.
- ADR-0006 - Test core functionality of the SDK.
- ADR-0007 - Build for Javascript and Typescript.