Rails Engine is a Turing turing back end solo project which exposes several ecommerce endpoints to the front end.
Clone this repository by using the command
git clone git@github.com:mronauli/rails_engine.git
Find your way to the rails_engine directory
cd rails_engine
Install the gems include in the Gemfile
Setup the database and import data from csv files in db folder:
rails db:drop , rails db:{create,migrate,seed}, rake create_models
Fire up the server
rails s
Clone front end repository by using the command
Find your way to the rails_engine directory
cd rails_driver
Install the gems include in the Gemfile
Setup the database
rails db:{create,migrate}
bundle exec figaro install
in your config/application.yml append
RAILS_ENGINE_DOMAIN: http://localhost:3000
Fire up a separate server for the front end
rails s -p 3001