This is my personal Neovim setup, which is an extension of LazyVim, already equipped with a quite good and easy-to-configure configuration.
You can contribute by making a pull request with any bugfix or feature that you want to add :D
If you don't have an idea, you can follow these steps:
Fork the project (optional in case you have a permission error) Or clone it on your local machine
Create a new branch with:
$ git checkout -b <new branch>
When you have all the changes you have:
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "a description"
$ git push origin <new branch>
And do a pull request to the main branch
Neovim >= 0.9.0
Git >= 2.19.0 (for clone this project and dependencies inside neovim config)
GripGrep >= 13.0.0
FzF >= 0.40.0 (dependes on some plugins that use this fuzzy finder)
A C compiler in your path and libstdc++ installed (Windows users please read this)
Some terminal like Kitty, Alacritty, iterm2 or warp
A recommendation is install a Nerd Font for ligatures and display icons
For a good operation of this configuration and to take advantage of all the Plugins, we recommend you to use v8 or higher that adds many improvements and support for many things
More information below:
When cloning the repository, in case the folder is named neovim-dotfiles, change the name to nvim so that Neovim recognizes it
For Windows run one of the two commands within powershell, you can use choco or scoop
$ scoop install neovim
# Or
$ choco install neovim -y
And for Linux and MacOs : neovim/wiki/Installing-Neovim
or see this custom gist, on how to install Neovim on different Linux distributions:
Also you need install python neovim support.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-neovim python3-pip
$ pip install pynvim
In this config use packer to handle and install plugins.
To install Packer.nvim you can run any of these commands
Linux, Unix
git clone --depth 1\
If you use Arch Linux, there is also an AUR package.
Windows (Powershell)
git clone "$env:LOCALAPPDATA\nvim-data\site\pack\packer\start\packer.nvim"
More information about packer:
$ cd %APPDATA\Local\nvim
If you want to test another branch, change `main` to to the name of the branch you want to test
But the main branch is so to speak the stable version
$ git clone -b main .
If you have an error like 'C' compiler not found
Open a terminal as a Admin and run:
$ choco install zig
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.config/nvim
$ cd $HOME/.config/
$ git clone -b develop .
If you do not like the color that comes by default, you can execute the command inside neovim: :colorscheme + TAB
and you will see a list of themes that you can select
In this configuration use lspconfig And Lsp-Installer for install lsp languages -> williamboman/nvim-lsp-installer
Or :LspInfo
for see the languages you have setup
It may be that when you enter the cloned configuration in nvim for the first time, you will get multiple errors
But don't worry just press Enter
or q
and run this command :PackerInstall or PackerSync
Several plugins will be downloaded, then restart neovim (exit and enter neovim again)
In this setting you have the option to enable GitHub Copilot for smart autocompletion.
First you must be able to use Copilot, once activated in your account, execute:
:Copilot setup
With this it will open a page in your browser where you will perform an authentication and with that it will be ready :)
If in case the autocomplete does not appear, execute:
:Copilot enable
If you want to read more about this plugin I leave you the documentation:
Made with 💙 by mrLuisFer