No major changes
I finished generating my first batch of plots of the FastTCP flows. I have started to look for patterns in the plots to see connections between network conditions queue occupancy.
My milestone for this week was to produce enough plots to see patterns. I did finish my first batch of plots, and I was able to find some patterns so I believe I met my milestone. Although I was able to find some patterns, I will need to do more experiments to see more connections and get a better sense of exactly what FastTCP does. I will probably need to run experiments on a wider set of URLs, since some of my downloads from last time were too short to give meaningful data about queue occupancy.
No surprises
Over the next two weeks, I plan to run more experiments and to find more patterns to formulate a more solid theory as to how FastTCP works. If I am not able to reach a conclusion using the results of my current experiments, I may need to perform more experiments with different network conditions. I am also going to read this paper bout FastTCP.
I think my future milestones are reasonable right now. Depending on the results of my experiments, I might need to update my milestones later.
I have all the resources I need