- Welcome
- Introductions
- Code of Conduct Reminder
- Checkin on Github accounts and computer setup
- What is Git? Talk about Git (briefly)
- Version control: https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/figures/
- Open science and reproducible
- Back end behind GitHub
- Github - front end to Git that provides "social" features (issues, commenting, etc.)
- More detail and CLI examples at end?
- Project Management
- Websites
- Code documentation
- Open Data
- All the things
- why you would work openly - public repository
- Why/when/how you would work privately
- Conf organizing, manage internal discussions of keynotes etc
- Can have GH on local server; hold sensitive/commercial data here
- 1:1 consultations
- Gateway to openness for researchers not quite ready to open
Lingo Quiz 1 - make better with Socrative: http://www.socrative.com/index.php (2 mins) SOCK-rat-ive - Steph
SMALL GROUP EXERCISE 30-35 people, small groups of 3-4 See excercise instructions here
Lingo Quiz 2 - make better with Socrative: http://www.socrative.com/index.php (6 mins) SOCK-rat-ive - Steph
- Projects
- what is a project? (trello, etc.)
- where to find projects?
- Examples:
- Danielle's Project of Projects: https://github.com/daniellecrobinson/fellows-class-2016/projects/2
- An IA project: https://github.com/internetarchive/openlibrary/projects/1
- Other?
- Add an exercise in Projects? (15 mins)
- Wiki
- Pulse/Graphs
- Watch/Star/etc.
- fartscroll https://github.com/theonion/fartscroll.js (Chrome only) (clone/watch/star/fork)
Branches (vs Forks)
Merging vs Pulling vs
Explaining how to choose which branches compare when doing pull requests
Base vs Master (right?)
gh-pages: https://codecademy.com/learn/deploy-a-website (50 minutes) Jessica
EXERCISE: gh-pages for online Data Management
gh-pages - demo on the repo
demo gitbook (2 min) Steph
Open Data gitbook
OLTS gitbook?
Here's a resource if you want to go off on your own
EXTRA: demo Git on command line for version control (to satisfy interest of keeners) (5-10 min) (Jessica)
clone to local and demo from there
add vs. commit allows staging multiple files for single commit
allows local version control without cloud storage
reproducible research
resolve conflicts