#!/usr/bin/env python import logging import argparse import asyncio import os import sys from tempfile import gettempdir, NamedTemporaryFile logger = logging.getLogger("ggml-vk-generate-shaders") shader_f32 = """ #define FLOAT_TYPE float """ shader_f16 = """ #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16 : require #define FLOAT_TYPE float16_t """ shader_int8_ext = """ #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int8 : require """ # Type-specific defines shader_f32_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 1 #define QUANT_R 1 #define A_TYPE float """ shader_f16_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 1 #define QUANT_R 1 #define A_TYPE float16_t """ shader_q4_0_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 32 #define QUANT_R 2 struct block_q4_0 { float16_t d; uint8_t qs[16]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q4_0 """ shader_q4_1_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 32 #define QUANT_R 2 struct block_q4_1 { float16_t d; float16_t m; uint8_t qs[16]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q4_1 """ shader_q5_0_defines = """ #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int16 : require #define QUANT_K 32 #define QUANT_R 2 struct block_q5_0 { float16_t d; uint16_t qh[2]; uint8_t qs[16]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q5_0 """ shader_q5_1_defines = """ #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int16 : require #define QUANT_K 32 #define QUANT_R 2 struct block_q5_1 { float16_t d; float16_t m; uint qh; uint8_t qs[16]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q5_1 """ shader_q8_0_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 32 #define QUANT_R 1 struct block_q8_0 { float16_t d; int8_t qs[32]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q8_0 """ # K-quants shader_q2_K_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 256 struct block_q2_K { uint8_t scales[QUANT_K/16]; uint8_t qs[QUANT_K/4]; f16vec2 d; }; #define A_TYPE block_q2_K """ shader_q3_K_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 256 struct block_q3_K { uint8_t hmask[QUANT_K/8]; uint8_t qs[QUANT_K/4]; uint8_t scales[12]; float16_t d; }; #define A_TYPE block_q3_K """ shader_q4_K_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 256 struct block_q4_K { f16vec2 d; uint8_t scales[3*QUANT_K/64]; uint8_t qs[QUANT_K/2]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q4_K """ shader_q5_K_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 256 struct block_q5_K { f16vec2 d; uint8_t scales[12]; uint8_t qh[QUANT_K/8]; uint8_t qs[QUANT_K/2]; }; #define A_TYPE block_q5_K """ shader_q6_K_defines = """ #define QUANT_K 256 struct block_q6_K { uint8_t ql[QUANT_K/2]; uint8_t qh[QUANT_K/4]; int8_t scales[QUANT_K/16]; float16_t d; }; #define A_TYPE block_q6_K """ # Dequant functions shader_float_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { return vec2(data_a[a_offset + ib], data_a[a_offset + ib + 1]); } """ shader_q4_0_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { const float d = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].d); const uint vui = uint(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs]); return (vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) - 8.0f) * d; } """ shader_q4_1_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { const float d = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].m); const uint vui = uint(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs]); return vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) * d + m; } """ shader_q5_0_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { const float d = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].d); const uint uint_qh = uint(data_a[a_offset + ib].qh[1]) << 16 | data_a[a_offset + ib].qh[0]; const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10); const uint vui = uint(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs]); return (vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) - 16.0f) * d; } """ shader_q5_1_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { const float d = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].m); const uint uint_qh = data_a[a_offset + ib].qh; const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10); const uint vui = uint(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs]); return vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) * d + m; } """ shader_q8_0_dequant_func = """ vec2 dequantize(uint ib, uint iqs, uint a_offset) { const float d = float(data_a[a_offset + ib].d); return vec2(int(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs]), int(data_a[a_offset + ib].qs[iqs + 1])) * d; } """ # MULMAT mulmat_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID #extension GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int16 : require #define EXPERT_COUNT 8 #endif #ifndef LOAD_VEC_A #define LOAD_VEC_A 1 #endif #ifndef LOAD_VEC_B #define LOAD_VEC_B 1 #endif """ mulmat_body1 = """ layout(local_size_x_id = 0, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID layout (binding = 3) readonly buffer IDS {int data_ids[];}; #endif layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint M; uint N; uint K; uint stride_a; uint stride_b; uint stride_d; uint batch_stride_a; uint batch_stride_b; uint batch_stride_d; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID uint nei0; uint nei1; uint nbi1; uint ne11; #else uint k_split; uint ne02; uint ne12; uint broadcast2; uint broadcast3; #endif } p; layout (constant_id = 1) const uint BM = 64; layout (constant_id = 2) const uint BN = 64; layout (constant_id = 3) const uint BK = 16; // Assumed to be 32 if working with a quant layout (constant_id = 4) const uint WM = 32; layout (constant_id = 5) const uint WN = 32; layout (constant_id = 6) const uint WMITER = 2; layout (constant_id = 7) const uint TM = 4; layout (constant_id = 8) const uint TN = 2; layout (constant_id = 9) const uint WARP = 32; shared FLOAT_TYPE buf_a[BM * (BK+1)]; shared FLOAT_TYPE buf_b[BN * (BK+1)]; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID shared u16vec2 row_ids[2048]; #endif void main() { #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const uint expert_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; #else const uint batch_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; const uint i13 = batch_idx / p.ne12; const uint i12 = batch_idx % p.ne12; const uint i03 = i13 / p.broadcast3; const uint i02 = i12 / p.broadcast2; const uint batch_idx_a = i03 * p.ne02 + i02; #endif const uint blocks_m = (p.M + BM - 1) / BM; const uint ir = gl_WorkGroupID.x % blocks_m; const uint ik = gl_WorkGroupID.x / blocks_m; const uint ic = gl_WorkGroupID.y; const uint warp_i = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / WARP; const uint warp_r = warp_i % (BM / WM); const uint warp_c = warp_i / (BM / WM); const uint WNITER = (WM * WN) / (WARP * TM * TN * WMITER); const uint WSUBM = WM / WMITER; const uint WSUBN = WN / WNITER; const uint tiw = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % WARP; const uint tiwr = tiw % (WSUBM / TM); const uint tiwc = tiw / (WSUBM / TM); const uint loadr_a = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % (BK / LOAD_VEC_A); const uint loadc_a = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / (BK / LOAD_VEC_A); const uint loadr_b = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % (BK / LOAD_VEC_B); const uint loadc_b = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / (BK / LOAD_VEC_B); const uint loadstride_a = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * LOAD_VEC_A / BK; const uint loadstride_b = gl_WorkGroupSize.x * LOAD_VEC_B / BK; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID uint _ne1 = 0; for (uint ii1 = 0; ii1 < p.nei1; ii1++) { for (uint ii0 = 0; ii0 < p.nei0; ii0++) { if (data_ids[ii1*p.nbi1 + ii0] == expert_idx) { row_ids[_ne1] = u16vec2(ii0, ii1); _ne1++; } } } barrier(); // Workgroup has no work if (ic * BN >= _ne1) return; #endif #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const uint start_k = 0; const uint end_k = p.K; #else const uint start_k = ik * p.k_split; const uint end_k = min(p.K, (ik + 1) * p.k_split); #endif uint pos_a = ( #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID expert_idx * p.batch_stride_a + #else batch_idx_a * p.batch_stride_a + #endif ir * BM * p.stride_a + start_k) / LOAD_VEC_A; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID uint pos_b = 0; #else uint pos_b = (batch_idx * p.batch_stride_b + ic * BN * p.stride_b + start_k) / LOAD_VEC_B; #endif float sums[WMITER * TM * WNITER * TN]; FLOAT_TYPE cache_a[WMITER * TM]; FLOAT_TYPE cache_b[WNITER * TN]; [[unroll]] for (uint i = 0; i < WMITER*TM*WNITER*TN; i++) { sums[i] = 0.0f; } [[unroll]] for (uint block = start_k; block < end_k; block += BK) { [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < BM; l += loadstride_a) {""" mulmat_load_scalar = """ #if LOAD_VEC_A == 8 const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].x); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].y); buf_a[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].z); buf_a[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][0].w); buf_a[buf_idx + 4] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].x); buf_a[buf_idx + 5] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].y); buf_a[buf_idx + 6] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].z); buf_a[buf_idx + 7] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx][1].w); #elif LOAD_VEC_A == 4 const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].x); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].y); buf_a[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].z); buf_a[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[idx].w); #else if (ir * BM + loadc_a + l < p.M && block + loadr_a < end_k) { buf_a[(loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a + loadr_a]); } else { buf_a[(loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); } #endif """ mulmat_load_q4_0 = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a; const uint ib = idx / 16; const uint iqs = idx & 0xF; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); const vec2 v = (vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) - 8.0f) * d; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q4_1 = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a; const uint ib = idx / 16; const uint iqs = idx & 0xF; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[ib].m); const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); const vec2 v = vec2(vui & 0xF, vui >> 4) * d + m; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q5_0 = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a; const uint ib = idx / 16; const uint iqs = idx & 0xF; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const uint uint_qh = uint(data_a[ib].qh[1]) << 16 | data_a[ib].qh[0]; const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10); const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); const vec2 v = (vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) - 16.0f) * d; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q5_1 = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a; const uint ib = idx / 16; const uint iqs = idx & 0xF; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[ib].m); const uint uint_qh = data_a[ib].qh; const ivec2 qh = ivec2(((uint_qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10, (uint_qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10); const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); const vec2 v = vec2((vui & 0xF) | qh.x, (vui >> 4) | qh.y) * d + m; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 16] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q8_0 = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 16; const uint iqs = (idx & 0xF) * 2; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const vec2 v = vec2(int(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]), int(data_a[ib].qs[iqs + 1])) * d; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q2_K = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127 const uint qsi = (iqs / 64) * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30 const uint scalesi = iqs / 8; // 0..15 const uint qsshift = ((iqs % 64) / 16) * 2; // 0,2,4,6 const uvec2 qs = uvec2(data_a[ib].qs[qsi], data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1]); const uint scales = data_a[ib].scales[scalesi]; const vec2 d = vec2(data_a[ib].d); const vec2 v = d.x * float(scales & 0xF) * vec2((qs >> qsshift) & 3) - d.y * float(scales >> 4); buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.x); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(v.y);""" mulmat_load_q3_K = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127 const uint n = iqs / 64; // 0,1 const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..62 const uint hmi = (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30 const uint j = (iqs % 64) / 4; // 0..3 const uint is = iqs / 8; // 0..15 const uint halfsplit = ((iqs % 64) / 16); // 0,1,2,3 const uint qsshift = halfsplit * 2; // 0,2,4,6 const uint m = 1 << (4 * n + halfsplit); // 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128 const int8_t us = int8_t(is < 4 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+8] >> 0) & 3) << 4) : is < 8 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+4] >> 2) & 3) << 4) : is < 12 ? (data_a[ib].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is+0] >> 4) & 3) << 4) : (data_a[ib].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib].scales[is-4] >> 6) & 3) << 4)); const float dl = float(data_a[ib].d) * float(us - 32); buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(dl * float(int8_t((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> qsshift) & 3) - (((data_a[ib].hmask[hmi ] & m) != 0) ? 0 : 4))); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(dl * float(int8_t((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> qsshift) & 3) - (((data_a[ib].hmask[hmi + 1] & m) != 0) ? 0 : 4)));""" mulmat_load_q4_K = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127 const uint n = iqs / 32; // 0,1,2,3 const uint b = (iqs % 32) / 16; // 0,1 const uint is = 2 * n + b; // 0..7 const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..126 const vec2 loadd = vec2(data_a[ib].d); uint8_t sc; uint8_t mbyte; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is ] & 63); mbyte = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4)); mbyte = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4)); } const float d = loadd.x * sc; const float m = loadd.y * mbyte; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) - m); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) - m);""" mulmat_load_q5_K = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127 const uint n = iqs / 32; // 0,1,2,3 const uint b = (iqs % 32) / 16; // 0,1 const uint is = 2 * n + b; // 0..7 const uint qsi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..126 const uint qhi = (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..30 const uint8_t hm = uint8_t(1 << (iqs / 16)); const vec2 loadd = vec2(data_a[ib].d); uint8_t sc; uint8_t mbyte; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is ] & 63); mbyte = uint8_t(data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4)); mbyte = uint8_t((data_a[ib].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4)); } const float d = loadd.x * sc; const float m = loadd.y * mbyte; buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * (float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) + float((data_a[ib].qh[qhi ] & hm) != 0 ? 16 : 0)) - m); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(d * (float((data_a[ib].qs[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) + float((data_a[ib].qh[qhi + 1] & hm) != 0 ? 16 : 0)) - m);""" mulmat_load_q6_K = """ const uint idx = pos_a + (loadc_a + l) * p.stride_a / LOAD_VEC_A + loadr_a; const uint buf_idx = (loadc_a + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_a * LOAD_VEC_A; const uint ib = idx / 128; // 2 values per idx const uint iqs = idx % 128; // 0..127 const uint n = iqs / 64; // 0,1 const uint b = (iqs % 64) / 32; // 0,1 const uint is_b = (iqs % 16) / 8; // 0,1 const uint qhshift = ((iqs % 64) / 16) * 2; // 0,2,4,6 const uint is = 8 * n + qhshift + is_b; // 0..15 const uint qsi = n * 64 + (iqs % 32) * 2; // 0,2,4..126 const uint qhi = n * 32 + (iqs % 16) * 2; // 0,2,4..62 const float dscale = float(data_a[ib].d) * float(data_a[ib].scales[is]); buf_a[buf_idx ] = FLOAT_TYPE(dscale * float(int8_t(((data_a[ib].ql[qsi ] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].qh[qhi ] >> qhshift) & 3) << 4)) - 32)); buf_a[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(dscale * float(int8_t(((data_a[ib].ql[qsi + 1] >> (b * 4)) & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib].qh[qhi + 1] >> qhshift) & 3) << 4)) - 32));""" mulmat_body2 = """ } [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < BN; l += loadstride_b) { #if LOAD_VEC_B == 8 #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[ic * BN + loadc_b + l]; const uint idx = pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b; #else const uint idx = pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b; #endif const uint buf_idx = (loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b * LOAD_VEC_B; buf_b[buf_idx + 0] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].x); buf_b[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].y); buf_b[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].z); buf_b[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][0].w); buf_b[buf_idx + 4] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].x); buf_b[buf_idx + 5] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].y); buf_b[buf_idx + 6] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].z); buf_b[buf_idx + 7] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx][1].w); #elif LOAD_VEC_B == 4 #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[ic * BN + loadc_b + l]; const uint idx = pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b; #else const uint idx = pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b / LOAD_VEC_B + loadr_b; #endif const uint buf_idx = (loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b * LOAD_VEC_B; buf_b[buf_idx + 0] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].x); buf_b[buf_idx + 1] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].y); buf_b[buf_idx + 2] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].z); buf_b[buf_idx + 3] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[idx].w); #elif !MUL_MAT_ID if (ic * BN + loadc_b + l < p.N && block + loadr_b < end_k) { buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[pos_b + (loadc_b + l) * p.stride_b + loadr_b]); } else { buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); } #else const uint row_i = ic * BN + loadc_b + l; if (row_i < _ne1) { const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[row_i]; buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[pos_b + row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_b + (row_idx.x % p.ne11) * p.stride_b + loadr_b]); } else { buf_b[(loadc_b + l) * (BK+1) + loadr_b] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); } #endif } barrier(); pos_a += BK / LOAD_VEC_A; pos_b += BK / LOAD_VEC_B; for (uint i = 0; i < BK; i++) { // Load from shared into cache [[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) { [[unroll]] for (uint j = 0; j < TM; j++) { cache_a[wsir * TM + j] = buf_a[(warp_r * WM + wsir * WSUBM + tiwr * TM + j) * (BK+1) + i]; } } [[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) { [[unroll]] for (uint j = 0; j < TN; j++) { cache_b[wsic * TN + j] = buf_b[(warp_c * WN + wsic * WSUBN + tiwc * TN + j) * (BK+1) + i]; } } [[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) { [[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) { [[unroll]] for (uint cc = 0; cc < TN; cc++) { [[unroll]] for (uint cr = 0; cr < TM; cr++) { sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr] += float(cache_a[wsir * TM + cr]) * float(cache_b[wsic * TN + cc]); } } } } } barrier(); } const uint dr = ir * BM + warp_r * WM; const uint dc = ic * BN + warp_c * WN; #ifndef MUL_MAT_ID const uint offsets = batch_idx * p.batch_stride_d + ik * p.batch_stride_d * gl_NumWorkGroups.z; #endif [[unroll]] for (uint wsic = 0; wsic < WNITER; wsic++) { [[unroll]] for (uint wsir = 0; wsir < WMITER; wsir++) { const uint dr_warp = dr + wsir * WSUBM + tiwr * TM; const uint dc_warp = dc + wsic * WSUBN + tiwc * TN; [[unroll]] for (uint cc = 0; cc < TN; cc++) { #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const uint row_i = dc_warp + cc; if (row_i >= _ne1) break; const u16vec2 row_idx = row_ids[row_i]; #endif [[unroll]] for (uint cr = 0; cr < TM; cr++) { #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID data_d[row_idx.y * p.batch_stride_d + row_idx.x * p.stride_d + dr_warp + cr] = D_TYPE(sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr]); #else if (dr_warp + cr < p.M && dc_warp + cc < p.N) { data_d[offsets + (dc_warp + cc) * p.stride_d + dr_warp + cr] = D_TYPE(sums[(wsic * TN + cc) * (WMITER * TM) + wsir * TM + cr]); } #endif } } } } } """ mulmat_split_k_reduce_src = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {float data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {float data_d[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ne; uint k_num; } p; void main() { const uint idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (idx >= p.ne) { return; } float result = 0.0f; [[unroll]] for (uint i = 0; i < p.k_num; i++) { result += data_a[i * p.ne + idx]; } data_d[idx] = result; } """ # DEQUANT SHADER dequant_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : require #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint M; uint K; uint stride_a; uint stride_b; uint nel; } p; """ dequant_f32_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {float data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 16; if (i >= p.nel) { return; } [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 16; l++) { data_b[i + l] = D_TYPE(data_a[i + l]); } } """ dequant_q4_0_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {block_q4_0 data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 4 + gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 64; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 64; const uint il = tid/32; const uint ir = tid%32; const uint ib = 32*i + ir; if (ib >= p.nel / 32) { return; } const uint b_idx = 1024*i + 32*ir + 8*il; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const float dm = -8.0f * d; const uint q_idx = 8*il; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 8; ++l) { data_b[b_idx + l + 0] = D_TYPE(d * (data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l] & 0xF) + dm); data_b[b_idx + l + 16] = D_TYPE(d * (data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l] >> 4) + dm); } } """ dequant_q4_1_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {block_q4_1 data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 4 + gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 64; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 64; const uint il = tid/32; const uint ir = tid%32; const uint ib = 32*i + ir; if (ib >= p.nel / 32) { return; } const uint b_idx = 1024*i + 32*ir + 8*il; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[ib].m); const uint q_idx = 8*il; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 8; ++l) { data_b[b_idx + l + 0] = D_TYPE(d * (data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l] & 0xF) + m); data_b[b_idx + l + 16] = D_TYPE(d * (data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l] >> 4) + m); } } """ dequant_q5_0_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {block_q5_0 data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 4 + gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 64; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 64; const uint il = tid/32; const uint ir = tid%32; const uint ib = 32*i + ir; if (ib >= p.nel / 32) { return; } const uint b_idx = 1024*i + 32*ir + 8*il; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const uint qh = uint(data_a[ib].qh[1]) << 16 | data_a[ib].qh[0]; const uint q_idx = 8*il; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 8; ++l) { const uint iqs = q_idx + l; const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); data_b[b_idx + l + 0] = D_TYPE(d * (((vui & 0xF) | (((qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10)) - 16.0f)); data_b[b_idx + l + 16] = D_TYPE(d * (((vui >> 4) | ((qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10)) - 16.0f)); } } """ dequant_q5_1_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {block_q5_1 data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 4 + gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 64; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 64; const uint il = tid/32; const uint ir = tid%32; const uint ib = 32*i + ir; if (ib >= p.nel / 32) { return; } const uint b_idx = 1024*i + 32*ir + 8*il; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const float m = float(data_a[ib].m); const uint qh = data_a[ib].qh; const uint q_idx = 8*il; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 8; ++l) { const uint iqs = q_idx + l; const uint vui = uint(data_a[ib].qs[iqs]); data_b[b_idx + l + 0] = D_TYPE(d * (((vui & 0xF) | (((qh >> iqs) << 4) & 0x10))) + m); data_b[b_idx + l + 16] = D_TYPE(d * (((vui >> 4) | ((qh >> (iqs + 12)) & 0x10))) + m); } } """ dequant_q8_0_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 256, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {block_q8_0 data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 4 + gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 64; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 64; const uint il = tid/32; const uint ir = tid%32; const uint ib = 32*i + ir; if (ib >= p.nel / 32) { return; } const uint b_idx = 1024*i + 32*ir + 16*il; const float d = float(data_a[ib].d); const uint q_idx = 16*il; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < 16; l += 2) { data_b[b_idx + l ] = D_TYPE(d * data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l ]); data_b[b_idx + l + 1] = D_TYPE(d * data_a[ib].qs[q_idx + l + 1]); } } """ # K-quants dequant_q2_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { [[unroll]] for (uint wgy = 0; wgy < 256; wgy++) { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 256 + wgy; if (i >= p.M * p.K / QUANT_K) { return; } const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint ip = tid / 32; const uint il = tid - 32 * ip; const uint is = 8 * ip + il / 16; const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + 128 * ip + il; const uint ql_idx = 32 * ip + il; const uint8_t qs = data_a[i].qs[32 * ip + il]; FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.x); FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.y); data_b[y_idx + 0] = D_TYPE(dall * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].scales[is+0] & 0xF) * ((qs >> 0) & 3)) - dmin * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is+0] >> 4)); data_b[y_idx + 32] = D_TYPE(dall * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].scales[is+2] & 0xF) * ((qs >> 2) & 3)) - dmin * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is+2] >> 4)); data_b[y_idx + 64] = D_TYPE(dall * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].scales[is+4] & 0xF) * ((qs >> 4) & 3)) - dmin * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is+4] >> 4)); data_b[y_idx + 96] = D_TYPE(dall * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].scales[is+6] & 0xF) * ((qs >> 6) & 3)) - dmin * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is+6] >> 4)); } } """ dequant_q3_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { [[unroll]] for (uint wgy = 0; wgy < 256; wgy++) { const uint i = uint(gl_WorkGroupID.x * 256 + wgy); if (i >= p.M * p.K / QUANT_K) { return; } const uint r = gl_LocalInvocationID.x / 4; const uint tid = r / 2; const uint is0 = r % 2; const uint l0 = 16 * is0 + 4 * (gl_LocalInvocationID.x % 4); const uint n = tid / 4; const uint j = tid - 4*n; const uint8_t m = uint8_t(1 << (4*n + j)); const uint is = 8*n + 2*j + is0; const uint shift = 2*j; const int8_t us = int8_t(is < 4 ? (data_a[i].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[i].scales[is+8] >> 0) & 3) << 4) : is < 8 ? (data_a[i].scales[is-0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[i].scales[is+4] >> 2) & 3) << 4) : is < 12 ? (data_a[i].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[i].scales[is+0] >> 4) & 3) << 4) : (data_a[i].scales[is-8] >> 4) | (((data_a[i].scales[is-4] >> 6) & 3) << 4)); const FLOAT_TYPE d_all = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d); const FLOAT_TYPE dl = d_all * FLOAT_TYPE(us - 32); const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + 128 * n + 32 * j; const uint qs_idx = 32*n; for (uint l = l0; l < l0 + 4; ++l) { data_b[y_idx + l] = D_TYPE(dl * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[i].qs[qs_idx + l] >> shift) & 3) - (((data_a[i].hmask[l] & m) != 0) ? 0 : 4))); } } } """ dequant_q4_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { [[unroll]] for (uint wgy = 0; wgy < 256; wgy++) { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 256 + wgy; if (i >= p.M * p.K / QUANT_K) { return; } const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint il = tid / 8; const uint ir = tid % 8; const uint is = 2 * il; const uint n = 4; const FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.x); const FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.y); const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + 64 * il + n * ir; const uint qs_idx = 32*il + n * ir; uint8_t sc; uint8_t m; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is] & 63); m = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 4] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[i].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4)); m = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[i].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4)); } const FLOAT_TYPE d1 = dall * sc; const FLOAT_TYPE m1 = dmin * m; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 1] & 63); m = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 5] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 5] & 0xF) | ((data_a[i].scales[is - 3] >> 6) << 4)); m = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 5] >> 4) | ((data_a[i].scales[is + 1] >> 6) << 4)); } const FLOAT_TYPE d2 = dall * sc; const FLOAT_TYPE m2 = dmin * m; [[unroll]] for (uint l = 0; l < n; ++l) { data_b[y_idx + l ] = D_TYPE(d1 * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].qs[qs_idx + l] & 0xF) - m1); data_b[y_idx + l + 32] = D_TYPE(d2 * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].qs[qs_idx + l] >> 4) - m2); } } } """ dequant_q5_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { [[unroll]] for (uint wgy = 0; wgy < 256; wgy++) { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 256 + wgy; if (i >= p.M * p.K / QUANT_K) { return; } const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint il = tid / 16; const uint ir = tid % 16; const uint is = 2 * il; const FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.x); const FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d.y); const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + 64 * il + 2 * ir; const uint qs_idx = 32*il + 2 * ir; const uint qh_idx = 2 * ir; uint8_t sc; uint8_t m; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is] & 63); m = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 4] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 4] & 0xF) | ((data_a[i].scales[is - 4] >> 6) << 4)); m = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 4] >> 4) | ((data_a[i].scales[is ] >> 6) << 4)); } const FLOAT_TYPE d1 = dall * sc; const FLOAT_TYPE m1 = dmin * m; if (is < 4) { sc = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 1] & 63); m = uint8_t(data_a[i].scales[is + 5] & 63); } else { sc = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 5] & 0xF) | ((data_a[i].scales[is - 3] >> 6) << 4)); m = uint8_t((data_a[i].scales[is + 5] >> 4) | ((data_a[i].scales[is + 1] >> 6) << 4)); } const FLOAT_TYPE d2 = dall * sc; const FLOAT_TYPE m2 = dmin * m; const uint8_t hm1 = uint8_t(1 << (2 * il )); const uint8_t hm2 = uint8_t(1 << (2 * il + 1)); data_b[y_idx ] = D_TYPE(d1 * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].qs[qs_idx ] & 0xF) + (((data_a[i].qh[qh_idx ] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) - m1); data_b[y_idx + 1] = D_TYPE(d1 * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].qs[qs_idx + 1] & 0xF) + (((data_a[i].qh[qh_idx + 1] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) - m1); data_b[y_idx + 32] = D_TYPE(d2 * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].qs[qs_idx ] >> 4) + (((data_a[i].qh[qh_idx ] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) - m2); data_b[y_idx + 33] = D_TYPE(d2 * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[i].qs[qs_idx + 1] >> 4) + (((data_a[i].qh[qh_idx + 1] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) - m2); } } """ dequant_q6_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 64, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_b[];}; void main() { [[unroll]] for (uint wgy = 0; wgy < 256; wgy++) { const uint i = gl_WorkGroupID.x * 256 + wgy; if (i >= p.M * p.K / QUANT_K) { return; } const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint ip = tid / 32; const uint il = tid - 32 * ip; const uint is = 8 * ip + il / 16; const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + 128 * ip + il; const uint ql_idx = 64 * ip + il; const uint8_t qh = data_a[i].qh[32 * ip + il]; const FLOAT_TYPE d = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].d); data_b[y_idx + 0] = D_TYPE(d * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is + 0] * (int8_t((data_a[i].ql[ql_idx + 0] & 0xF) | (((qh >> 0) & 3) << 4)) - 32))); data_b[y_idx + 32] = D_TYPE(d * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is + 2] * (int8_t((data_a[i].ql[ql_idx + 32] & 0xF) | (((qh >> 2) & 3) << 4)) - 32))); data_b[y_idx + 64] = D_TYPE(d * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is + 4] * (int8_t((data_a[i].ql[ql_idx + 0] >> 4) | (((qh >> 4) & 3) << 4)) - 32))); data_b[y_idx + 96] = D_TYPE(d * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i].scales[is + 6] * (int8_t((data_a[i].ql[ql_idx + 32] >> 4) | (((qh >> 6) & 3) << 4)) - 32))); } } """ # Mul Mat Vec mul_mat_vec_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require #extension GL_EXT_shader_8bit_storage : require #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID #define EXPERT_COUNT 8 #endif """ mul_mat_vec_layout = """ layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID layout (binding = 3) readonly buffer IDS {int data_ids[];}; #endif layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols; uint stride_a; uint stride_b; uint stride_d; uint batch_stride_a; uint batch_stride_b; uint batch_stride_d; #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID uint nei0; uint ne11; #else uint ne02; uint ne12; uint broadcast2; uint broadcast3; #endif } p; void get_offsets(out uint a_offset, out uint b_offset, out uint d_offset) { #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID const uint expert_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; #else const uint batch_idx = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; #endif #ifndef MUL_MAT_ID const uint i13 = batch_idx / p.ne12; const uint i12 = batch_idx % p.ne12; const uint i03 = i13 / p.broadcast3; const uint i02 = i12 / p.broadcast2; const uint batch_idx_a = i03 * p.ne02 + i02; #else const uint expert_id = data_ids[expert_idx]; #endif a_offset = #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID expert_id * p.batch_stride_a; #else batch_idx_a * p.batch_stride_a; #endif b_offset = #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID (expert_idx % p.ne11) * p.stride_b; #else batch_idx * p.batch_stride_b; #endif d_offset = #ifdef MUL_MAT_ID expert_idx * p.stride_d; #else batch_idx * p.batch_stride_d; #endif } """ mul_mat_vec_body = """ layout(local_size_x_id = 0, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (constant_id = 0) const uint BLOCK_SIZE = 32; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint y_offset = QUANT_R == 1 ? 1 : QUANT_K/2; tmp[tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); [[unroll]] for (uint i = 0; i < p.ncols/BLOCK_SIZE; i += 2) { const uint col = i*BLOCK_SIZE + 2*tid; const uint ib = (row*p.ncols + col)/QUANT_K; // block index const uint iqs = (col%QUANT_K)/QUANT_R; // quant index const uint iybs = col - col%QUANT_K; // y block start index vec2 v = dequantize(ib, iqs, a_offset / QUANT_K); // matrix multiplication tmp[tid] += FLOAT_TYPE(v.x) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + iybs + iqs]) + FLOAT_TYPE(v.y) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + iybs + iqs + y_offset]); } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = BLOCK_SIZE/2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ # K-quants mul_mat_vec_q2_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[32]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint num_blocks_per_row = p.ncols / QUANT_K; const uint ib0 = a_offset / QUANT_K + row*num_blocks_per_row; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0...31 or 0...16 const uint ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x%K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0 or 0, 1 const uint step = 16/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 16 or 8 const uint v_im = tid/step; // 0 or 1. 0 computes 0..., 1 computes 128... const uint v_in = tid - step*v_im; // 0...15 or 0...7 const uint l0 = K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION*v_in; // 0...15 const uint q_offset = 32*v_im + l0; const uint s_offset = 8*v_im; const uint y_offset = 128*v_im + l0; tmp[16 * ix + tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); // partial sum for thread in warp [[unroll]] for (uint i = ix; i < num_blocks_per_row; i += K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION) { const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + y_offset; const FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.x); const FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.y); FLOAT_TYPE sum1 = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); FLOAT_TYPE sum2 = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); for (int l = 0; l < K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; ++l) { sum1 += FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 0]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 0] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l + 0] >> 0) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 16]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 1] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l +16] >> 0) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 32]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 2] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l + 0] >> 2) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 48]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 3] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l +16] >> 2) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 64]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 4] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l + 0] >> 4) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 80]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 5] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l +16] >> 4) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 96]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 6] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l + 0] >> 6) & 3) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l +112]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 7] & 0xF) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l +16] >> 6) & 3); sum2 += FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 0]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 0] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 16]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 1] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 32]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 2] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 48]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 3] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 64]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 4] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 80]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 5] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 96]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 6] >> 4) & 0xF) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l +112]) * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 7] >> 4) & 0xF); } tmp[16 * ix + tid] += dall * sum1 - dmin * sum2; } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = 16; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ mul_mat_vec_q3_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[32]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint num_blocks_per_row = p.ncols / QUANT_K; const uint ib0 = a_offset / QUANT_K + row*num_blocks_per_row; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0...31 or 0...16 const uint ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x%K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0 or 0, 1 const uint step = 16/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 16 or 8 const uint v_im = tid/step; // 0 or 1. 0 computes 0..., 1 computes 128... const uint v_in = tid - step*v_im; // 0...15 or 0...7 const uint8_t m = uint8_t(1 << (4 * v_im)); const uint l0 = K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION*v_in; // 0...15 const uint q_offset = 32*v_im + l0; const uint y_offset = 128*v_im + l0; tmp[16 * ix + tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); // partial sum for thread in warp const uint s_shift = 4 * v_im; [[unroll]] for (uint i = ix; i < num_blocks_per_row; i += K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION) { const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + y_offset; const FLOAT_TYPE d = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d); FLOAT_TYPE sum = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); for (int l = 0; l < K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; ++l) { sum += FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 0]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[0] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[ 8] >> (s_shift + 0) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l ] ) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l ] & (m << 0)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 32]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[2] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[10] >> (s_shift + 0) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l ] >> 2) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l ] & (m << 1)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 64]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[4] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[ 8] >> (s_shift + 2) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l ] >> 4) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l ] & (m << 2)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 96]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[6] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[10] >> (s_shift + 2) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l ] >> 6) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l ] & (m << 3)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 16]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[1] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[ 9] >> (s_shift + 0) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l+16] ) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l+16] & (m << 0)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 48]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[3] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[11] >> (s_shift + 0) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l+16] >> 2) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l+16] & (m << 1)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l + 80]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[5] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[ 9] >> (s_shift + 2) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l+16] >> 4) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l+16] & (m << 2)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l +112]) * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[7] >> s_shift) & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[11] >> (s_shift + 2) & 0x3) << 4)) - 32) * FLOAT_TYPE(((data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + l+16] >> 6) & 3) - (((data_a[ib0 + i].hmask[l0 + l+16] & (m << 3)) != 0) ? 0 : 4)); } tmp[16 * ix + tid] += d * sum; } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = 16; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ mul_mat_vec_q4_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[32]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint num_blocks_per_row = p.ncols / QUANT_K; const uint ib0 = a_offset / QUANT_K + row*num_blocks_per_row; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0...31 or 0...16 const uint ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x%K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0 or 0, 1 const uint step = 8/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 8 or 4 const uint il = tid/step; // 0...3 const uint ir = tid - step*il; // 0...7 or 0...3 const uint n = 2 * K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 2 or 4 const uint v_im = il / 2; // 0 or 1. 0 computes 0,32 + 128,160, 1 computes 64,96 + 192,224 const uint v_in = il % 2; const uint l0 = n * (2 * ir + v_in); // 0...15 const uint q_offset = 32*v_im + l0; const uint y_offset = 64*v_im + l0; tmp[16 * ix + tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); // partial sum for thread in warp [[unroll]] for (uint i = ix; i < num_blocks_per_row; i += K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION) { const uint y1_idx = i * QUANT_K + y_offset; const uint y2_idx = y1_idx + 128; const FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.x); const FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.y); const uint8_t sc0 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 ] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc1 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 1] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc2 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 4] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc3 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 5] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc4 = uint8_t(( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 8] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 ] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc5 = uint8_t(( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 9] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 1] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc6 = uint8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 8] >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 4] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc7 = uint8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 9] >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 5] & 0xc0) >> 2)); #if K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION == 2 const uint8_t q4_0 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_1 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_2 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 2] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_3 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 3] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_4 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_5 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_6 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 2] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_7 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 3] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_8 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_9 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_10 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 66] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_11 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 67] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_12 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_13 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_14 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 66] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_15 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 67] >> 4); const FLOAT_TYPE sx = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx]) * q4_0 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) * q4_1 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 2]) * q4_2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 3]) * q4_3); const FLOAT_TYPE sy = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) * q4_4 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) * q4_5 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 34]) * q4_6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 35]) * q4_7); const FLOAT_TYPE sz = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx]) * q4_8 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) * q4_9 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 2]) * q4_10 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 3]) * q4_11); const FLOAT_TYPE sw = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) * q4_12 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) * q4_13 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 34]) * q4_14 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 35]) * q4_15); const FLOAT_TYPE smin = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx ]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx ]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) * sc7 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) * sc7 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 2]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 34]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 2]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 34]) * sc7 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 3]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 35]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 3]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 35]) * sc7 ); tmp[16 * ix + tid] += FLOAT_TYPE(dall * (sx * sc0 + sy * sc1 + sz * sc4 + sw * sc5) - dmin * smin); #else const uint8_t q4_0 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_1 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_2 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_3 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_4 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_5 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_6 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_7 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] >> 4); const FLOAT_TYPE sx = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx ]) * q4_0 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) * q4_1); const FLOAT_TYPE sy = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) * q4_2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) * q4_3); const FLOAT_TYPE sz = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx ]) * q4_4 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) * q4_5); const FLOAT_TYPE sw = FLOAT_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) * q4_6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) * q4_7); const FLOAT_TYPE smin = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) * sc7 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) * sc2 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) * sc3 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) * sc6 + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) * sc7 ); tmp[16 * ix + tid] += FLOAT_TYPE(dall * (sx * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im] & 0x3f) + sy * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im + 1] & 0x3f) + sz * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im + 4] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im] & 0xc0) >> 2)) + sw * FLOAT_TYPE((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im + 5] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im + 1] & 0xc0) >> 2))) - dmin * smin); #endif } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = 16; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ mul_mat_vec_q5_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[32]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint num_blocks_per_row = p.ncols / QUANT_K; const uint ib0 = a_offset / QUANT_K + row*num_blocks_per_row; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x/2; // 0...31 or 0...16 const uint ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x%2; // 0 or 0, 1 const uint il = tid/4; // 0...3 const uint ir = tid - 4*il; // 0...7 or 0...3 const uint v_im = il / 2; // 0 or 1. 0 computes 0,32 + 128,160, 1 computes 64,96 + 192,224 const uint v_in = il % 2; const uint l0 = 4*ir + 2*v_in; // 0...15 const uint q_offset = 32*v_im + l0; const uint y_offset = 64*v_im + l0; const uint8_t hm1 = uint8_t(1 << (2*v_im)); const uint8_t hm2 = uint8_t(hm1 << 4); tmp[16 * ix + tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); // partial sum for thread in warp [[unroll]] for (uint i = ix; i < num_blocks_per_row; i += 2) { const uint y1_idx = i * QUANT_K + y_offset; const uint y2_idx = y1_idx + 128; const FLOAT_TYPE dall = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.x); const FLOAT_TYPE dmin = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d.y); const uint8_t sc0 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 ] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc1 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 1] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc2 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 4] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc3 = uint8_t( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 5] & 0x3f); const uint8_t sc4 = uint8_t(( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 8] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 ] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc5 = uint8_t(( data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 9] & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 1] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc6 = uint8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 8] >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 4] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t sc7 = uint8_t(((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 9] >> 4) & 0x0f) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].scales[v_im * 2 + 5] & 0xc0) >> 2)); const uint8_t q4_0 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_1 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_2 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 16] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_3 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 17] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_4 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset ] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_5 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 1] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_6 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 16] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_7 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 17] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_8 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_9 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_10 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 80] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_11 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 81] & 0xf); const uint8_t q4_12 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 64] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_13 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 65] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_14 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 80] >> 4); const uint8_t q4_15 = uint8_t(data_a[ib0 + i].qs[q_offset + 81] >> 4); const FLOAT_TYPE sx = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx ]) * (q4_0 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 ] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) * (q4_1 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 1] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 16]) * (q4_2 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 16] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 17]) * (q4_3 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 17] & hm1) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) ); const FLOAT_TYPE sy = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) * (q4_4 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 ] & (hm1 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) * (q4_5 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 1] & (hm1 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 48]) * (q4_6 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 16] & (hm1 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 49]) * (q4_7 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 17] & (hm1 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) ); const FLOAT_TYPE sz = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx ]) * (q4_8 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 ] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) * (q4_9 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 1] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 16]) * (q4_10 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 16] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 17]) * (q4_11 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 17] & hm2) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) ); const FLOAT_TYPE sw = FLOAT_TYPE( FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) * (q4_12 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 ] & (hm2 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) * (q4_13 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 1] & (hm2 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 48]) * (q4_14 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 16] & (hm2 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 49]) * (q4_15 + (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[l0 + 17] & (hm2 << 1)) != 0) ? 16 : 0)) ); const FLOAT_TYPE smin = FLOAT_TYPE( (FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 1]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 16]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 17])) * sc2 + (FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 32]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 33]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 48]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y1_idx + 49])) * sc3 + (FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 1]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 16]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 17])) * sc6 + (FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 32]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 33]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 48]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y2_idx + 49])) * sc7 ); tmp[16 * ix + tid] += FLOAT_TYPE(dall * (sx * sc0 + sy * sc1 + sz * sc4 + sw * sc5) - dmin * smin); } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = 16; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ mul_mat_vec_q6_K_body = """ layout(local_size_x = 32, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[32]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; uint a_offset, b_offset, d_offset; get_offsets(a_offset, b_offset, d_offset); const uint num_blocks_per_row = p.ncols / QUANT_K; const uint ib0 = a_offset / QUANT_K + row*num_blocks_per_row; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0...31 or 0...16 const uint ix = gl_LocalInvocationID.x%K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 0 or 0, 1 const uint step = 16/K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION; // 16 or 8 const uint v_im = tid/step; // 0 or 1. 0 computes 0..., 1 computes 128... const uint v_in = tid - step*v_im; // 0...15 or 0...7 #if K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION == 1 const uint l0 = v_in; // 0...15 const uint is = 0; #else const uint l0 = 4 * v_in; // 0, 4, 8, ..., 28 const uint is = v_in / 4; #endif const uint ql_offset = 64*v_im + l0; const uint qh_offset = 32*v_im + l0; const uint s_offset = 8*v_im + is; const uint y_offset = 128*v_im + l0; tmp[16 * ix + tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); // partial sum for thread in warp [[unroll]] for (uint i = ix; i < num_blocks_per_row; i += K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION) { const uint y_idx = i * QUANT_K + y_offset; const FLOAT_TYPE d = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].d); #if K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION == 1 FLOAT_TYPE sum = FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 0]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 0]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 0] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 0] & 0x03) << 4)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 16]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 1]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 16] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 16] & 0x03) << 4)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 32]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 2]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 32] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 0] & 0x0c) << 2)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 48]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 3]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 48] & 0xF) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 16] & 0x0c) << 2)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 64]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 4]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 0] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 0] & 0x30) >> 0)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 80]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 5]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 16] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 16] & 0x30) >> 0)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + 96]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 6]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 32] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 0] & 0xc0) >> 2)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx +112]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 7]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + 48] >> 4) | ((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + 16] & 0xc0) >> 2)) - 32); tmp[16 * ix + tid] += sum; #else FLOAT_TYPE sum = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0); [[unroll]] for (int l = 0; l < 4; ++l) { sum += FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l+ 0]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 0]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + l+ 0] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + l] >> 0) & 3) << 4)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l+32]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 2]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + l+32] & 0xF) | (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + l] >> 2) & 3) << 4)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l+64]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 4]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + l+ 0] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + l] >> 4) & 3) << 4)) - 32) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[b_offset + y_idx + l+96]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ib0 + i].scales[s_offset + 6]) * d * FLOAT_TYPE(int8_t((data_a[ib0 + i].ql[ql_offset + l+32] >> 4) | (((data_a[ib0 + i].qh[qh_offset + l] >> 6) & 3) << 4)) - 32); } tmp[16 * ix + tid] += sum; #endif } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (uint s = 16; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { data_d[d_offset + row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ mul_mat_p021_src = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require #define BLOCK_SIZE 32 #define FLOAT_TYPE float layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE dst[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols_x; uint nrows_x; uint nchannels_x; uint nchannels_y; uint b_offset; uint d_offset; } p; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint row_x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; const uint channel = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; const uint channel_x = channel / (p.nchannels_y / p.nchannels_x); const uint nrows_y = p.ncols_x; const uint nrows_dst = p.nrows_x; const uint row_dst = row_x; tmp[tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); for (uint col_x0 = 0; col_x0 < p.ncols_x; col_x0 += BLOCK_SIZE) { const uint col_x = col_x0 + tid; if (col_x >= p.ncols_x) { break; } // x is transposed and permuted const uint ix = row_x*p.nchannels_x*p.ncols_x + channel_x*p.ncols_x + col_x; const FLOAT_TYPE xi = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ix]); const uint row_y = col_x; // y is not transposed but permuted const uint iy = channel*nrows_y + row_y; tmp[tid] += xi * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[iy]); } // dst is not transposed and not permuted const uint idst = channel*nrows_dst + row_dst; // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { dst[idst] = tmp[0]; } } """ mul_mat_nc_src = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require #define BLOCK_SIZE 32 #define FLOAT_TYPE float layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE dst[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols_x; uint nrows_x; uint row_stride_x; uint channel_stride_x; uint channel_x_divisor; uint b_offset; uint d_offset; } p; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint row_x = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; const uint channel = gl_GlobalInvocationID.z; const uint channel_x = channel / p.channel_x_divisor; const uint nrows_y = p.ncols_x; const uint nrows_dst = p.nrows_x; const uint row_dst = row_x; const uint idst = channel*nrows_dst + row_dst; tmp[tid] = 0.0f; for (uint col_x0 = 0; col_x0 < p.ncols_x; col_x0 += BLOCK_SIZE) { const uint col_x = col_x0 + tid; if (col_x >= p.ncols_x) { break; } const uint row_y = col_x; const uint ix = channel_x*p.channel_stride_x + row_x*p.row_stride_x + col_x; const uint iy = channel*nrows_y + row_y; const FLOAT_TYPE xi = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[ix]); tmp[tid] += xi * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[iy]); } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } if (tid == 0) { dst[idst] = tmp[0]; } } """ generic_head = """ #version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint KX; uint KY; float param1; float param2; } p; """ generic_unary_op_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ne; uint ne00; uint ne01; uint ne02; uint ne03; uint nb00; uint nb01; uint nb02; uint nb03; uint ne10; uint ne11; uint ne12; uint ne13; uint nb10; uint nb11; uint nb12; uint nb13; uint d_offset; float param1; float param2; } p;""" generic_unary_op_layout = """ layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];};""" generic_unary_op_funcs = """ uint src0_idx(uint idx) { const uint i03 = idx / (p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i03_offset = i03 * p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i02 = (idx - i03_offset) / (p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i02_offset = i02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i01 = (idx - i03_offset - i02_offset) / p.ne00; const uint i00 = idx - i03_offset - i02_offset - i01*p.ne00; return i03*p.nb03 + i02*p.nb02 + i01*p.nb01 + i00*p.nb00; } uint dst_idx(uint idx) { const uint i13 = idx / (p.ne12*p.ne11*p.ne10); const uint i13_offset = i13 * p.ne12*p.ne11*p.ne10; const uint i12 = (idx - i13_offset) / (p.ne11*p.ne10); const uint i12_offset = i12*p.ne11*p.ne10; const uint i11 = (idx - i13_offset - i12_offset) / p.ne10; const uint i10 = idx - i13_offset - i12_offset - i11*p.ne10; return i13*p.nb13 + i12*p.nb12 + i11*p.nb11 + i10*p.nb10; }""" generic_unary_op_main = """ void main() { if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= p.ne) { return; } """ generic_unary_op_combined = f"{generic_unary_op_head}\n{generic_unary_op_layout}\n{generic_unary_op_funcs}\n{generic_unary_op_main}" generic_binary_op_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ne; uint ne00; uint ne01; uint ne02; uint ne03; uint nb00; uint nb01; uint nb02; uint nb03; uint ne10; uint ne11; uint ne12; uint ne13; uint nb10; uint nb11; uint nb12; uint nb13; uint ne20; uint ne21; uint ne22; uint ne23; uint nb20; uint nb21; uint nb22; uint nb23; uint d_offset; float param1; float param2; } p;""" generic_binary_op_layout = """ layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer B {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];};""" generic_binary_op_funcs = """ uint src0_idx(uint idx) { const uint i03 = idx / (p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i03_offset = i03 * p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i02 = (idx - i03_offset) / (p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i02_offset = i02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i01 = (idx - i03_offset - i02_offset) / p.ne00; const uint i00 = idx - i03_offset - i02_offset - i01*p.ne00; return i03*p.nb03 + i02*p.nb02 + i01*p.nb01 + i00*p.nb00; } uint src1_idx(uint idx) { const uint i03 = idx / (p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i03_offset = i03 * p.ne02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i02 = (idx - i03_offset) / (p.ne01*p.ne00); const uint i02_offset = i02*p.ne01*p.ne00; const uint i01 = (idx - i03_offset - i02_offset) / p.ne00; const uint i00 = idx - i03_offset - i02_offset - i01*p.ne00; return (i03 % p.ne13)*p.nb13 + (i02 % p.ne12)*p.nb12 + (i01 % p.ne11)*p.nb11 + (i00 % p.ne10)*p.nb10; } uint dst_idx(uint idx) { const uint i23 = idx / (p.ne22*p.ne21*p.ne20); const uint i23_offset = i23 * p.ne22*p.ne21*p.ne20; const uint i22 = (idx - i23_offset) / (p.ne21*p.ne20); const uint i22_offset = i22*p.ne21*p.ne20; const uint i21 = (idx - i23_offset - i22_offset) / p.ne20; const uint i20 = idx - i23_offset - i22_offset - i21*p.ne20; return i23*p.nb23 + i22*p.nb22 + i21*p.nb21 + i20*p.nb20; }""" generic_binary_op_main = """ void main() { if (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x >= p.ne) { return; } """ generic_binary_op_combined = f"{generic_binary_op_head}\n{generic_binary_op_layout}\n{generic_binary_op_funcs}\n{generic_binary_op_main}" # MUL mul_body = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]) * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[src1_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)])); } """ # DIV div_body = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]) / FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[src1_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)])); } """ # ADD add_body = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]) + FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[src1_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)])); } """ # SCALE scale_body = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]) * FLOAT_TYPE(p.param1)); } """ # SQR sqr_body = """ const FLOAT_TYPE val = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]); data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(val * val); } """ # CLAMP clamp_body = """ const FLOAT_TYPE val = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]); data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(val < p.param1 ? p.param1 : (val > p.param2 ? p.param2 : val)); } """ # CPY cpy_end = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = D_TYPE(data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]); } """ # Causes an optimization error otherwise cpy_f16_f16_end = """ data_d[p.d_offset + dst_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)] = data_a[src0_idx(gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)]; } """ # GET_ROWS get_rows_float_body = """ void main() { const uint i00 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; const uint i10 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; const uint i11 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.z)/p.ne12; const uint i12 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.z)%p.ne12; if (i00 >= p.ne00) { return; } const uint i01 = data_b[i10*p.nb10 + i11*p.nb11 + i12*p.nb12]; const uint a_offset = i01*p.nb01 + i11*p.nb02 + i12*p.nb03; const uint d_offset = i10*p.nb21 + i11*p.nb22 + i12*p.nb23; #ifndef OPTIMIZATION_ERROR_WORKAROUND data_d[d_offset + i00] = D_TYPE(data_a[a_offset + i00]); #else data_d[d_offset + i00] = data_a[a_offset + i00]; #endif } """ get_rows_body = """ void main() { const uint i00 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.x)*2; const uint i10 = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; const uint i11 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.z)/p.ne12; const uint i12 = (gl_GlobalInvocationID.z)%p.ne12; if (i00 >= p.ne00) { return; } const uint i01 = data_b[i10*p.nb10 + i11*p.nb11 + i12*p.nb12]; const uint a_offset = i01*p.nb01 + i11*p.nb02 + i12*p.nb03; const uint d_offset = i10*p.nb21 + i11*p.nb22 + i12*p.nb23; const uint ib = a_offset + i00/QUANT_K; // block index const uint iqs = (i00%QUANT_K)/QUANT_R; // quant index const uint iybs = i00 - i00%QUANT_K; // dst block start index const uint y_offset = QUANT_R == 1 ? 1 : QUANT_K/2; vec2 v = dequantize(ib, iqs, 0); data_d[d_offset + iybs + iqs ] = D_TYPE(v.x); data_d[d_offset + iybs + iqs + y_offset] = D_TYPE(v.y); } """ # UNARY gelu_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; void main() { const float GELU_COEF_A = 0.044715f; const float SQRT_2_OVER_PI = 0.79788456080286535587989211986876f; const uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (i >= p.KX) { return; } const float xi = float(data_a[i]); const float val = SQRT_2_OVER_PI*xi*(1.0f + GELU_COEF_A*xi*xi); data_d[i] = D_TYPE(0.5f*xi*(2.0f - 2.0f / (exp(2 * val) + 1))); } """ silu_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (i >= p.KX) { return; } const float xi = float(data_a[i]); data_d[i] = D_TYPE(xi / (1.0f + exp(-xi))); } """ relu_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; void main() { const uint i = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (i >= p.KX) { return; } data_d[i] = max(float(data_a[i]), 0); } """ # DIAG_MASK_INF diag_mask_inf_head = """#version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols; uint rows_per_channel; uint n_past; } p; """ diag_mask_inf_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x = 512, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; void main() { const uint col = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y; const uint row = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (col >= p.ncols) { return; } const uint i = row*p.ncols + col; if (col > p.n_past + row % p.rows_per_channel) { data_d[i] = D_TYPE(uintBitsToFloat(0xFF800000)); } else { data_d[i] = D_TYPE(data_a[i]); } } """ # NORMS norm_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; shared vec2 sum[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; sum[tid] = vec2(0.0f, 0.0f); [[unroll]] for (uint col = tid; col < p.KX; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { const float xi = float(data_a[row*p.KX + col]); sum[tid].x += xi; sum[tid].y += xi * xi; } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { sum[tid] += sum[tid + s]; } barrier(); } const float mean = sum[0].x / p.KX; const float var = sum[0].y / p.KX - mean * mean; const float inv_std = inversesqrt(var + p.param1); [[unroll]] for (uint col = tid; col < p.KX; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { data_d[row*p.KX + col] = D_TYPE((float(data_a[row*p.KX + col]) - mean) * inv_std); } } """ rms_norm_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; shared FLOAT_TYPE sum[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; sum[tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); // partial sum for thread in warp [[unroll]] for (uint col = tid; col < p.KX; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { const FLOAT_TYPE xi = FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[row*p.KX + col]); sum[tid] += xi * xi; } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { sum[tid] += sum[tid + s]; } barrier(); } const FLOAT_TYPE mean = sum[0] / FLOAT_TYPE(p.KX); const FLOAT_TYPE scale = inversesqrt(mean + FLOAT_TYPE(p.param1)); [[unroll]] for (uint col = tid; col < p.KX; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { data_d[row*p.KX + col] = D_TYPE(scale * FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[row*p.KX + col])); } } """ # SOFT_MAX soft_max_head = """ #version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint KX; uint KY; float scale; float max_bias; float m0; float m1; uint n_head_log2; } p; """ soft_max_body = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer Y {B_TYPE data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; shared FLOAT_TYPE vals[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint rowx = gl_WorkGroupID.x; const uint rowy = rowx % p.KY; float slope = 1.0f; // ALiBi if (p.max_bias > 0.0f) { const uint h = rowx/p.KY; // head index const float base = h < p.n_head_log2 ? p.m0 : p.m1; const uint exp = h < p.n_head_log2 ? h + 1 : 2*(h - p.n_head_log2) + 1; slope = pow(base, exp); } // Find max FLOAT_TYPE max_val = uintBitsToFloat(0xFF800000); [[unroll]] for (uint col0 = 0; col0 < p.KX; col0 += BLOCK_SIZE) { const uint col = col0 + tid; if (col >= p.KX) { break; } max_val = max(max_val, FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[rowx * p.KX + col]) * p.scale + (p.KY > 0 ? slope * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[rowy * p.KX + col]) : FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f))); } vals[tid] = max_val; barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { vals[tid] = max(vals[tid], vals[tid + s]); } barrier(); } max_val = vals[0]; barrier(); // Sum up values vals[tid] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); [[unroll]] for (uint col0 = 0; col0 < p.KX; col0 += BLOCK_SIZE) { const uint col = col0 + tid; if (col >= p.KX) { break; } const uint i = rowx * p.KX + col; const FLOAT_TYPE val = exp(FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[i]) * p.scale + (p.KY > 0 ? slope * FLOAT_TYPE(data_b[rowy * p.KX + col]) : FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f)) - max_val); vals[tid] += val; data_d[i] = D_TYPE(val); } barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { vals[tid] += vals[tid + s]; } barrier(); } const D_TYPE divisor = D_TYPE(vals[0]); [[unroll]] for (uint col0 = 0; col0 < p.KX; col0 += BLOCK_SIZE) { const uint col = col0 + tid; if (col >= p.KX) { break; } data_d[rowx*p.KX + col] /= divisor; } } """ # ROPE rope_src = """ #version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 256, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer Y {int data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols; float freq_scale; uint p_delta_rows; float freq_base; float ext_factor; float attn_factor; float corr_dims[4]; } p; float rope_yarn_ramp(const float low, const float high, const uint i0) { const float y = (i0 / 2 - low) / max(0.001f, high - low); return 1.0f - min(1.0f, max(0.0f, y)); } void rope_yarn(const float theta_extrap, const uint i0, out float cos_theta, out float sin_theta) { float mscale = p.attn_factor; // Get n-d rotational scaling corrected for extrapolation float theta_interp = p.freq_scale * theta_extrap; float theta = theta_interp; if (p.ext_factor != 0.0f) { float ramp_mix = rope_yarn_ramp(p.corr_dims[0], p.corr_dims[1], i0) * p.ext_factor; theta = theta_interp * (1 - ramp_mix) + theta_extrap * ramp_mix; // Get n-d magnitude scaling corrected for interpolation mscale *= 1.0f + 0.1f * log(1.0f / p.freq_scale); } cos_theta = cos(theta) * mscale; sin_theta = sin(theta) * mscale; } void main() { const uint col = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * 2; const uint row = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (col >= p.ncols) { return; } const uint i = row*p.ncols + col; const uint i2 = row/p.p_delta_rows; const int pos = data_b[i2]; const float theta_base = pos * pow(p.freq_base, -float(col)/p.ncols); float cos_theta, sin_theta; rope_yarn(theta_base, col, cos_theta, sin_theta); const float x0 = float(data_a[i + 0]); const float x1 = float(data_a[i + 1]); data_d[i + 0] = D_TYPE(x0*cos_theta - x1*sin_theta); data_d[i + 1] = D_TYPE(x0*sin_theta + x1*cos_theta); } """ rope_neox_src = """ #version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require layout(local_size_x = 1, local_size_y = 256, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) readonly buffer Y {int data_b[];}; layout (binding = 2) readonly buffer Z {float data_freq_factors[];}; layout (binding = 3) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols; uint ndims; float freq_scale; uint p_delta_rows; float freq_base; float ext_factor; float attn_factor; float corr_dims[4]; float theta_scale; float inv_ndims; uint has_freq_facs; } p; float rope_yarn_ramp(const float low, const float high, const uint i0) { const float y = (i0 / 2 - low) / max(0.001f, high - low); return 1.0f - min(1.0f, max(0.0f, y)); } void rope_yarn(const float theta_extrap, const uint i0, out float cos_theta, out float sin_theta) { float mscale = p.attn_factor; // Get n-d rotational scaling corrected for extrapolation float theta_interp = p.freq_scale * theta_extrap; float theta = theta_interp; if (p.ext_factor != 0.0f) { float ramp_mix = rope_yarn_ramp(p.corr_dims[0], p.corr_dims[1], i0) * p.ext_factor; theta = theta_interp * (1 - ramp_mix) + theta_extrap * ramp_mix; // Get n-d magnitude scaling corrected for interpolation mscale *= 1.0f + 0.1f * log(1.0f / p.freq_scale); } cos_theta = cos(theta) * mscale; sin_theta = sin(theta) * mscale; } void main() { const uint col = gl_GlobalInvocationID.y * 2; const uint row = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x; if (col >= p.ncols) { return; } const uint ib = col / p.ndims; const uint ic = col % p.ndims; if (ib > 0) { const uint i = row*p.ncols + ib*p.ndims + ic; data_d[i + 0] = data_a[i + 0]; data_d[i + 1] = data_a[i + 1]; return; } const uint i = row*p.ncols + ib*p.ndims + ic/2; const uint i2 = row/p.p_delta_rows; const int pos = data_b[i2]; const float freq_factor = p.has_freq_facs != 0 ? data_freq_factors[ic/2] : 1.0f; const float theta_base = pos*p.freq_scale*pow(p.theta_scale, col/2.0f) / freq_factor; float cos_theta, sin_theta; rope_yarn(theta_base, ic, cos_theta, sin_theta); const float x0 = float(data_a[i + 0]); const float x1 = float(data_a[i + p.ndims/2]); data_d[i + 0] = D_TYPE(x0*cos_theta - x1*sin_theta); data_d[i + p.ndims/2] = D_TYPE(x0*sin_theta + x1*cos_theta); } """ argsort_src = """ #version 450 #extension GL_EXT_shader_16bit_storage : require #define BLOCK_SIZE 1024 #define ASC 0 layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) buffer D {int data_d[];}; layout (push_constant) uniform parameter { uint ncols; uint ncols_pad; uint order; } p; shared int dst_row[BLOCK_SIZE]; void swap(uint idx0, uint idx1) { int tmp = dst_row[idx0]; dst_row[idx0] = dst_row[idx1]; dst_row[idx1] = tmp; } void main() { // bitonic sort const int col = int(gl_LocalInvocationID.x); const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.y; if (col >= p.ncols_pad) { return; } const uint row_offset = row * p.ncols; // initialize indices dst_row[col] = col; barrier(); for (uint k = 2; k <= p.ncols_pad; k *= 2) { for (uint j = k / 2; j > 0; j /= 2) { const uint ixj = col ^ j; if (ixj > col) { if ((col & k) == 0) { if (dst_row[col] >= p.ncols || (dst_row[ixj] < p.ncols && (p.order == ASC ? data_a[row_offset + dst_row[col]] > data_a[row_offset + dst_row[ixj]] : data_a[row_offset + dst_row[col]] < data_a[row_offset + dst_row[ixj]])) ) { swap(col, ixj); } } else { if (dst_row[ixj] >= p.ncols || (dst_row[col] < p.ncols && (p.order == ASC ? data_a[row_offset + dst_row[col]] < data_a[row_offset + dst_row[ixj]] : data_a[row_offset + dst_row[col]] > data_a[row_offset + dst_row[ixj]])) ) { swap(col, ixj); } } } barrier(); } } if (col < p.ncols) { data_d[row_offset + col] = dst_row[col]; } } """ sum_rows_src = """ #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable layout(local_size_x_id = 0, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer A {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; layout (constant_id = 0) const uint BLOCK_SIZE = 32; shared FLOAT_TYPE tmp[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint row = gl_WorkGroupID.x; const uint col = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; tmp[col] = FLOAT_TYPE(0.0f); for (uint i = col; i < p.KX; i += BLOCK_SIZE) { tmp[col] += FLOAT_TYPE(data_a[row*p.KX + i]); } barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = int(BLOCK_SIZE) / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (col < s) { tmp[col] += tmp[col + s]; } barrier(); } if (col == 0) { data_d[row] = D_TYPE(tmp[0]); } } """ GLSLC = "glslc" VK_NUM_TYPES = 16 GGML_TYPE_F32 = 0 GGML_TYPE_F16 = 1 GGML_TYPE_Q4_0 = 2 GGML_TYPE_Q4_1 = 3 GGML_TYPE_Q5_0 = 6 GGML_TYPE_Q5_1 = 7 GGML_TYPE_Q8_0 = 8 GGML_TYPE_Q8_1 = 9 GGML_TYPE_Q2_K = 10 GGML_TYPE_Q3_K = 11 GGML_TYPE_Q4_K = 12 GGML_TYPE_Q5_K = 13 GGML_TYPE_Q6_K = 14 GGML_TYPE_Q8_K = 15 type_names = { GGML_TYPE_F32: "f32", GGML_TYPE_F16: "f16", GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: "q4_0", GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: "q4_1", GGML_TYPE_Q5_0: "q5_0", GGML_TYPE_Q5_1: "q5_1", GGML_TYPE_Q8_0: "q8_0", GGML_TYPE_Q8_1: "q8_1", GGML_TYPE_Q2_K: "q2_K", GGML_TYPE_Q3_K: "q3_K", GGML_TYPE_Q4_K: "q4_K", GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: "q5_K", GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: "q6_K", GGML_TYPE_Q8_K: "q8_K", } K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION = 2 ASYNCIO_CONCURRENCY = 64 output_dir = gettempdir() lock = asyncio.Lock() shader_fnames = [] async def string_to_spv(name, code, defines, fp16=True): f = NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) f.write(code) f.flush() name = f"{name}{'_fp32' if not fp16 else ''}" fname = os.path.join(output_dir, f"{name}.comp") cmd = [GLSLC, "-fshader-stage=compute", "--target-env=vulkan1.2", "-O", f.name, "-o", fname] cmd.extend([f"-D{key}={value}" for key, value in defines.items()]) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() stdout = stdout.decode() error = stderr.decode() if proc.returncode: # Generate preprocessed code cmd = [GLSLC, "-E", f.name] cmd.extend([f"-D{key}={value}" for key, value in defines.items()]) proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*cmd, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE) stdout, stderr = await proc.communicate() logger.info(" ".join(cmd)) if proc.returncode: raise RuntimeError(f"{name=} {f.name=} {stdout=} {stderr=}") preprocessed_code = stdout.decode() cmd.extend([f"-D{key}={value}" for key, value in defines.items()]) code_with_lines = "\n".join([f"{i + 1}: {line}" for i, line in enumerate(preprocessed_code.splitlines())]) logger.error(f"cannot compile {name}\n\n{code_with_lines}\n\n{error}") f.close() os.remove(f.name) sys.exit(proc.returncode) f.close() os.remove(f.name) async with lock: shader_fnames.append((name, fname)) async def main(): logger.info("ggml_vulkan: Generating and compiling shaders to SPIR-V") tasks = [] stream = [] for fp16 in (False, True): # mulmat if fp16: shader_float_type = shader_f16 load_vec = "8" vec_type_f16 = "f16mat2x4" vec_type = "mat2x4" else: shader_float_type = shader_f32 load_vec = "4" vec_type_f16 = "f16vec4" vec_type = "vec4" stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_float_type, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_scalar, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f32", "".join(stream), {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type, "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f32_f16", "".join(stream), {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f32_f16_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type, "B_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f16", "".join(stream), {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f16_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "B_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f16_f32", "".join(stream), {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_f16_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_1_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_1, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_1_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_1", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_1_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_1", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_1_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_1, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_1_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_1", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_1_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_1", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q8_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q8_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q8_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q8_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q8_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q8_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q2_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q2_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q2_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q2_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q2_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q2_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q3_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q3_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q3_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q3_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q3_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q3_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q4_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q5_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q6_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q6_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q6_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q6_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_q6_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q6_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) # MUL_MAT_ID stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_float_type, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_scalar, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type, "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f16", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f16_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "B_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f16_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_f16_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": load_vec, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": vec_type_f16, "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_1_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_1, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_1_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_1", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_1_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_1", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_1_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_1, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_1_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_1", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_1_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_1", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q8_0_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q8_0, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q8_0_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q8_0", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q8_0_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q8_0", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q2_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q2_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q2_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q2_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q2_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q2_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q3_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q3_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q3_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q3_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q3_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q3_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q4_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q4_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q4_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q4_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q5_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q5_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q5_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q5_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) stream.clear() stream.extend((mulmat_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_float_type, shader_q6_K_defines, mulmat_body1, mulmat_load_q6_K, mulmat_body2)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q6_k_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "A_TYPE": "block_q6_K", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) tasks.append(string_to_spv("matmul_id_q6_k_f32_aligned", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "LOAD_VEC_A": 2, "LOAD_VEC_B": load_vec, "A_TYPE": "block_q6_K", "B_TYPE": vec_type, "D_TYPE": "float"}, fp16)) # Shaders where precision is needed, so no fp16 version # mul mat vec for i in range(0, VK_NUM_TYPES): stream.clear() stream.extend((mul_mat_vec_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_f32)) if i == GGML_TYPE_F32: stream.extend((shader_f32_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_float_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_F16: stream.extend((shader_f16_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_float_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: stream.extend((shader_q4_0_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_q4_0_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: stream.extend((shader_q4_1_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_q4_1_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0: stream.extend((shader_q5_0_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_q5_0_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1: stream.extend((shader_q5_1_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_q5_1_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0: stream.extend((shader_q8_0_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, shader_q8_0_dequant_func, mul_mat_vec_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q2_K: stream.extend((shader_q2_K_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, mul_mat_vec_q2_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q3_K: stream.extend((shader_q3_K_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, mul_mat_vec_q3_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_K: stream.extend((shader_q4_K_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, mul_mat_vec_q4_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: stream.extend((shader_q5_K_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, mul_mat_vec_q5_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: stream.extend((shader_q6_K_defines, mul_mat_vec_layout, mul_mat_vec_q6_K_body)) else: continue tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"mul_mat_vec_{type_names[i]}_f32_f32", "".join(stream), {"B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION": K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION})) tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"mul_mat_vec_{type_names[i]}_f16_f32", "".join(stream), {"B_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float", "K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION": K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION})) tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"mul_mat_vec_id_{type_names[i]}_f32", "".join(stream), {"MUL_MAT_ID": "1", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION": K_QUANTS_PER_ITERATION})) # Dequant shaders for i in range(0, VK_NUM_TYPES): stream.clear() stream.extend((dequant_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_f32)) if i == GGML_TYPE_F32: stream.append(dequant_f32_body) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: stream.extend((shader_q4_0_defines, dequant_q4_0_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: stream.extend((shader_q4_1_defines, dequant_q4_1_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0: stream.extend((shader_q5_0_defines, dequant_q5_0_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1: stream.extend((shader_q5_1_defines, dequant_q5_1_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0: stream.extend((shader_q8_0_defines, dequant_q8_0_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q2_K: stream.extend((shader_q2_K_defines, dequant_q2_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q3_K: stream.extend((shader_q3_K_defines, dequant_q3_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_K: stream.extend((shader_q4_K_defines, dequant_q4_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_K: stream.extend((shader_q5_K_defines, dequant_q5_K_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q6_K: stream.extend((shader_q6_K_defines, dequant_q6_K_body)) else: continue tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"dequant_{type_names[i]}", "".join(stream), {"D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) # get_rows for i in range(0, VK_NUM_TYPES): stream.clear() stream.extend((generic_binary_op_head, shader_int8_ext, shader_f32)) optimization_workaround = False if i == GGML_TYPE_F32: stream.extend((shader_f32_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_float_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_F16: stream.extend((shader_f16_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_float_body)) optimization_workaround = True elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_0: stream.extend((shader_q4_0_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, shader_q4_0_dequant_func, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q4_1: stream.extend((shader_q4_1_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, shader_q4_1_dequant_func, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_0: stream.extend((shader_q5_0_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, shader_q5_0_dequant_func, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q5_1: stream.extend((shader_q5_1_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, shader_q5_1_dequant_func, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_body)) elif i == GGML_TYPE_Q8_0: stream.extend((shader_q8_0_defines, generic_binary_op_layout, shader_q8_0_dequant_func, generic_binary_op_funcs, get_rows_body)) else: continue if optimization_workaround: tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"get_rows_{type_names[i]}", "".join(stream), {"B_TYPE": "int", "D_TYPE": "float16_t", "OPTIMIZATION_ERROR_WORKAROUND": "1"})) else: tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"get_rows_{type_names[i]}", "".join(stream), {"B_TYPE": "int", "D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv(f"get_rows_{type_names[i]}_f32", "".join(stream), {"B_TYPE": "int", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("mul_mat_vec_p021_f16_f32", mul_mat_p021_src, {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("mul_mat_vec_nc_f16_f32", mul_mat_nc_src, {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) # Norms tasks.append(string_to_spv("norm_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{norm_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("rms_norm_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{rms_norm_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("cpy_f32_f32", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{cpy_end}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("cpy_f32_f16", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{cpy_end}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("cpy_f16_f16", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{cpy_f16_f16_end}", {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("add_f32", f"{generic_binary_op_combined}\n{add_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("split_k_reduce", mulmat_split_k_reduce_src, {})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("mul_f32", f"{generic_binary_op_combined}\n{mul_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("div_f32", f"{generic_binary_op_combined}\n{div_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("scale_f32", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{scale_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("sqr_f32", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{sqr_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("clamp_f32", f"{generic_unary_op_combined}\n{clamp_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float", "FLOAT_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("gelu_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{gelu_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("silu_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{silu_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("relu_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{relu_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("diag_mask_inf_f32", f"{diag_mask_inf_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{diag_mask_inf_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("soft_max_f32", f"{soft_max_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{soft_max_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float", "C_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("soft_max_f32_f16", f"{soft_max_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{soft_max_body}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "B_TYPE": "float16_t", "C_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("rope_f32", rope_src, {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("rope_f16", rope_src, {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("rope_neox_f32", rope_neox_src, {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("rope_neox_f16", rope_neox_src, {"A_TYPE": "float16_t", "D_TYPE": "float16_t"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("argsort_f32", argsort_src, {"A_TYPE": "float"})) tasks.append(string_to_spv("sum_rows_f32", f"{generic_head}\n{shader_f32}\n{sum_rows_src}", {"A_TYPE": "float", "D_TYPE": "float"})) # Helper to decorate tasks with semaphore acquisition. async def withSemaphore(sem, task): async with sem: return await task # Run tasks concurrently guarded by a concurrency limit. sem = asyncio.Semaphore(ASYNCIO_CONCURRENCY) await asyncio.gather(*(withSemaphore(sem, task) for task in tasks)) with open("ggml-vulkan-shaders.hpp", "w") as f: f.write("#include <cstdint>\n\n") for name, path in sorted(shader_fnames): with open(path, "rb") as spv: counter = 0 newline_counter = 0 f.write(f"unsigned char {name}_data[] = {{\n") for val in spv.read(): f.write(f"0x{val:02x},") newline_counter += 1 counter += 1 if newline_counter >= 12: newline_counter = 0 f.write("\n") f.write("\n};\n") f.write(f"const uint64_t {name}_len = {counter};\n\n") os.remove(path) if __name__ == "__main__": parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="GGML Vulkan Shader Generator") parser.add_argument("--glslc", help="Path to glslc") parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", help="increase output verbosity") args = parser.parse_args() logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG if args.verbose else logging.INFO) if args.glslc: GLSLC = args.glslc asyncio.run(main())