library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all;
entity fulladder is
a_i : in std_logic;
b_i : in std_logic;
c_i : in std_logic;
-- res_n : in std_logic;
-- clk_i : in std_logic;
-- enable_i : in std_logic;
c_o : out std_logic;
sum_o : out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl_unbedingt of fulladder is
c_o <= (a_i and b_i) or (a_i and c_i) or (b_i and c_i);
sum_o <= (a_i and (b_i and c_i))
or ((not a_i) and ((not b_i) and c_i))
or ((not a_i) and (b_i and (not c_i)))
or (a_i and ((not b_i) and (not c_i)));
end rtl_unbedingt;
architecture rtl_bedingt of fulladder is
signal in_vec : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal out_vec : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
in_vec <= (c_i, b_i, a_i);
out_vec <= "00" when in_vec = "000" else
"01" when in_vec = "001" else
"01" when in_vec = "010" else
"10" when in_vec = "011" else
"01" when in_vec = "100" else
"10" when in_vec = "101" else
"10" when in_vec = "110" else
"11" when in_vec = "111" else
sum_o <= out_vec(0);
c_o <= out_vec(1);
end rtl_bedingt;
architecture rtl_select of fulladder is
signal in_vec : std_logic_vector(2 downto 0);
signal out_vec : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
in_vec <= (c_i, b_i, a_i);
with in_vec select
out_vec <= "00" when "000",
"01" when "001",
"01" when "010",
"10" when "011",
"01" when "100",
"10" when "101",
"10" when "110",
"11" when "111",
"00" when others;
sum_o <= out_vec(0);
c_o <= out_vec(1);
end rtl_select;
configuration fulladder_conf of fulladder is
for rtl_select
end for;
end fulladder_conf;