Based on libPvAPI.dylib (as the libPvAPI.a won't compile with of >= 0.9). The PvApi.h must be slightly modified.
ofxPvAPI::Camera is modelled after, but not completely compatible with, ofVideoGrabber. ofxPvAPI::ParamCam adds ofParameters and an ofParameterGroup to the Camera, for easy use with ofxGui. ofxPvAPI::ParamCamExt adds extended functionality such as flip, rotate 90º, homography warp and mono to RGB conversion
Tested with the Prosilica GC750 and the MAKO G-223B (monochrome) and the MAKO G125C (color) on OSX 10.13 with of 0.10.
- make for Linux
- make for Windows
- refactor parameterConnector
tested on macOS 10.13 with OF 0.10.0 and Xcode 9.3
- Add
to your addons folder - Download the legacy SDK from Allied Vision and copy the following files from the SDK to the addon.
- Create example (or update your app) using the projectGenerator
- include libPvAPI.dylib in the example (or your app) by adding the following script to Project -> Build Phases -> Run Script
# Copy libPvAPI and change install directory for PvAPI to run
rsync -aved "$OF_PATH/addons/ofxPvAPI/libs/PvAPI/lib/osx/libPvAPI.dylib" "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$";
install_name_tool -change libPvAPI.dylib @executable_path/../Frameworks/libPvAPI.dylib "$TARGET_BUILD_DIR/$$PRODUCT_NAME";
- When adding the addon manually in Xcode make sure to:
- add the libPvAPI.dylib to Project -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags
- add
to Project -> Build Settings -> Other C++ Flags - add
to Project -> Build Settings -> Other C++ Flags
- add the libPvAPI.dylib to Project -> Build Settings -> Other Linker Flags
tested on Ubuntu 18.10 using make
- Add
to your addons folder - Download the legacy SDK from Allied Vision and copy the following files from the SDK to the addon.
- Create example with make
- The default pixel format is mono.
- As the extended functions are performed on the texture, ParamCamExt::getPixels() gets it's pixels from the texture and is not optimized.
- The example has no initial settings.XML file, save (right upper corner of the ofxGui) to create one.
- The cameras don't work on wifi.
- Sometimes it helps to turn off the Wifi
- Sometimes it helps to turn off the Firewall.
- Careful with the IP settings!
- It is recommended to set the MTU to Jumbo / 9000 (System Preferences -> Network -> Ethernet -> Advanced -> Hardware -> Configure Manually -> MTU), but in my experience it also works without.
- According to the driver attribute document the autoGain should work together with the autoExposure for best lightness result. In my experiments using them simultanious gives weird results.
- Weird install_name_tool bug: Set app deployment target > 10.7
NOT TESTED FOR A LONG TIME below the obsolete intructions for OF 0.8.x and Windows 7, maybe they will be of some help
- Add
to your addons folder - Download the legacy SDK from Allied Vision and copy the following files from the SDK to the addon.
- IN Properties -> C/C++ -> additional include directories ADD
IN Properties -> Linker -> Additional Lybrary Directories ADD
* ......\addons\ofxPvApi\libs\PvAPI\lib\win32- For some reason this was not necessary, but i had to add the PvAPI.lib to the solution explorer
- copy
: IN Build Events -> Post Build Event - > Command Line ADDxcopy /y "$(ProjectDir)..\..\..\addons\ofxPvAPI\libs\PvAPI\lib\win32\PvAPI.dll" "$(ProjectDir)bin"
- Turn off the Firewall (cameras don't work otherwise)