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Use Prometheus with your MongoDB Resource

You can use the mongodb-prometheus-sample.yaml file to deploy a MongoDB resource in your Kubernetes cluster, with a ServiceMonitor to indicate to Prometheus how to consume metrics data from it.

The sample specifies a simple MongoDB resource with one user, and the spec.Prometheus attribute with basic HTTP authentication and no TLS. The sample lets you test the metrics that MongoDB sends to Prometheus.

Quick Start

We tested this setup with version 0.54 of the Prometheus Operator.


  • Kubernetes 1.16+
  • Helm 3+

Install the Prometheus Operator

You can install the Prometheus Operator using Helm. To learn more, see the installation instructions.

To install the Prometheus Operator using Helm, run the following commands:

helm repo add prometheus-community
helm repo update
helm install prometheus prometheus-community/ \   
  kube-prometheus-stack --namespace <prometheus-system> \   

Install the MongoDB Community Kubernetes Operator

Run the following command to install the Community Kubernetes Operator and create a namespace to contain the Community Kubernetes Operator and resources:

helm install community-operator mongodb/community-operator --namespace <mongodb> --create-namespace

To learn more, see the Installation Instructions.

Create a MongoDB Resource

You can use the mongodb-prometheus-sample.yaml file to deploy a MongoDB resource in your Kubernetes cluster, with a ServiceMonitor to indicate to Prometheus how to consume metrics data from it.

You can apply the sample directly with the following command:

kubectl apply -f <mongodb-prometheus-sample.yaml>

Note: If you haven't cloned the mongodb-kubernetes-operator repository, you must provide the full URL that points to the mongodb-prometheus-sample.yaml file in the command:

This command creates two Secrets that contain authentication for a new MongoDB user and basic HTTP authentication for the Prometheus endpoint. The command creates both Secrets in the mongodb namespace.

This command also creates a ServiceMonitor that configures Prometheus to consume this resource's metrics. This command creates the ServiceMonitor in the prometheus-system namespace.

Optional: Enable TLS on the Prometheus Endpoint

Install Cert-Manager

  1. Run the following commands to install Cert-Manager using Helm:

    helm repo add jetstack
    helm repo update
    helm install \
      cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
      --namespace cert-manager \
      --create-namespace \
      --version v1.7.1 \
      --set installCRDs=true
  2. Now with Cert-Manager installed, create a Cert-Manager Issuer and then a Certificate. You can use the two files that we provide to create a new Issuer:

    a. Run the following command to create a Secret that contains the TLS certificate tls.crt and tls.key entries. You can use the certificate and key files that we provide in the testdata/tls directory to create a Cert-Manager Certificate.

    kubectl create secret tls issuer-secret --cert=../../testdata/tls/ca.crt --key=../../testdata/tls/ca.key \
      --namespace mongodb

    The following response appears:

    secret/issuer-secret created

    b. Run the following command to create a new Issuer and Certificate:

    kubectl apply -f issuer-and-cert.yaml --namespace mongodb

    The following response appears: created created

Enable TLS on the MongoDB CRD

Important! Do NOT use this configuration in Production environments! A security expert should advise you about how to configure TLS.

To enable TLS, you must add a new entry to the spec.prometheus section of the MongoDB CustomResource. Run the following patch operation to add the needed entry.

kubectl patch mdbc mongodb --type='json' \
  -p='[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/prometheus/tlsSecretKeyRef", "value":{"name": "prometheus-target-cert"}}]' \
  --namespace mongodb

The following response appears: patched

After a few minutes, the MongoDB resource should return to the Running phase. Now you must configure the Prometheus ServiceMonitor to point to the HTTPS endpoint.

Update ServiceMonitor

To update the ServiceMonitor, run the following command to patch the resource again:

kubectl patch servicemonitors mongodb-sm --type='json' \
    {"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/endpoints/0/scheme", "value": "https"},
    {"op": "add",     "path": "/spec/endpoints/0/tlsConfig", "value": {"insecureSkipVerify": true}}
' \
    --namespace mongodb

The following reponse appears: patched

With these changes, the new ServiceMonitor points to the HTTPS endpoint (defined in /spec/endpoints/0/scheme). You also set spec/endpoints/0/tlsConfig/insecureSkipVerify to true, so that Prometheus doesn't verify the TLS certificates on MongoDB's end.

Prometheus should now be able to scrape the MongoDB target using HTTPS.