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Monasca Agents Installer

This project includes everything needed to create self-extracting installers for Monasca agents as well as for the monasca-ui Horizon plugin, allowing the user to easily install and configure agents on the target host.

The agents currently supported are the metrics agent and the log agent. (There are plans to support an events agent in the future).

This project uses makeself for building the self-extracting archive.

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Keystone configuration

Metrics agent

Logs agent

Monasca UI plugin

Keystone configuration

Monasca agents require appropriate Keystone configuration in order to work properly. As every use case may be different, not all the steps may be necessary for a particular setup.

Setting admin credentials

In order to perform any action in Keystone, it is required to provide admin credentials. The easiest way of doing that is by exporting the following environment variables:

export OS_USERNAME=<admin user>
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=<admin project>
export OS_PASSWORD=<admin password>
export OS_AUTH_URL=<keystone auth url>
export OS_REGION_NAME=<region name>

One can verify if the provided credentials are correct by running a simple command, like

openstack service list

If this command executes without any errors, then you are most likely all set.

Creating a dedicated project for monitoring

If one wishes to have a dedicated project for monitoring, then it can be created with the following command (we assume the project name to be monitoring:

openstack project create monitoring

Creating monasca roles

Monasca requires some specific roles to run correctly. One should run the following command to create them:

openstack role create monasca-user
openstack role create monasca-agent

Creating agent user

The agent user will be used by metrics and logs agent to submit data to monasca. It can be created by executing:

openstack user create --project monitoring --password password monitoring-agent

Assigning roles The monitoring agent user and the admin user both require appropriate roles. One can assign them by executing:

openstack role add --project monitoring --user admin monasca-user
openstack role add --project monitoring --user admin admin
openstack role add --project monitoring --user monitoring-agent monasca-agent

Defining services and endpoints The monasca-ui plugin requires a set of services and endpoints to be defined in the Keystone. You may need to adjust the URLs to match your setup:

openstack service create --name monasca monitoring
openstack service create --name logs logs
openstack endpoint create monasca public --region <Region_name>
openstack endpoint create logs public --region <Region_name>

Metrics agent

Creating the installer package

To use the latest version of monasca-agent, simply run


To use a specific version of monasca-agent, add the desired version number and upper constraints file as an argument:

./ -v <version_number> -u <upper_constraints_file>

You can find an example of an upper constraints file here.

Additionally, you can add the --install_libvirt_dependencies to install python packages for libvirt. Either way, this will generate a new executable named: monasca-agent-<version_number>.run .

Running the installer

Please use the embedded help for detailed and up-to-date info:

./monasca-agent-<version_number>.run --help

To provide Keystone credentials and configure the agent using auto-detection run the following command:

./ \
    --target /opt/monasca-agent -- \
    --overwrite_conf \
    --username <username> \
    --password <password> \
    --keystone_url <keystone_url> \
    --project_name <project> \
    --user_domain_name <user_domain_name> \
    --project_domain_name <project_domain_name> \
    --monasca_statsd_port <statsd_port>
Parameter Required Default Example Value Description
username yes Unset myuser This is a required parameter that specifies the username needed to login to Keystone to get a token
password yes Unset mypassword This is a required parameter that specifies the password needed to login to Keystone to get a token
keystone_url yes Unset This is a required parameter that specifies the url of the keystone api for retrieving tokens. It must be a v3 endpoint.
project_name no null myproject Specifies the name of the Keystone project name to store the metrics under, defaults to users default project.
user_domain_name no null default User domain name for username scoping
project_domain_name no null default Project domain name for keystone authentication
monasca_statsd_port no 8125 8126 Integer value for statsd daemon port number. If default port number is used, set the other number (e.g. 8126) which is not used.

For more parameters, please see Monasca Agent Documentation.

By default if files: agent.yaml, supervisor.conf and monasca-agent.service exists they are not overwritten so if you want to update them with new settings you need to add --overwrite_conf option.

This will create and run a new service file /etc/systemd/system/monasca-agent.service with the configuration set as per the arguments mentioned above.

Uninstalling Metrics agent

Stop the service and delete files related to it:

sudo systemctl stop monasca-agent
sudo systemctl disable monasca-agent
sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/monasca-agent.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed monasca-agent

In the following description, <target_dir> is the target directory specified at the time of running monasca-agent-[version].run (e.g. /opt/monasca-agent).

Delete created files:

sudo rm -rf <target_dir>
sudo rm -rf /etc/monasca/agent/
sudo rm -f /etc/sudoers.d/mon-agent

Delete logs:

sudo rm -rf /var/log/monasca-agent/

Finally, remove mon-agent user (-r will also remove user's home directory):

sudo userdel -r mon-agent

Logs agent

Creating the installer package

To use default versions of logstash and logstash_output_monasca_log_api, simply run


You can add an argument to specify the logstash version, or two arguments to also specify the logstash_output_monasca_log_api version:

./ <logstash_version> <logstash_output_monasca_log_api_version>

This will generate a new executable named: log-agent-<logstash_version>_<logstash_output_monasca_log_api_version>.run .

Running the installer

Please use the embedded help for detailed and up-to-date info:

./log-agent-<logstash_version>_<logstash_output_monsaca_log_api_version>.run --help

To create an agent configuration file (agent.conf), run


Use the following arguments to modify the default values of the agent.conf file, followed by any number of input file paths:

./log-agent-<logstash_version>_<logstash_output_monasca_log_api_version>.run \
    --target /opt/monasca-log-agent -- \
    --overwrite_conf \
    --monasca_log_api_url <monasca log api url> \
    --keystone_auth_url <keystone authorisation url> \
    --project_name <project name> \
    --username <username> \
    --password <password> \
    --user_domain_name <user domain name> \
    --project_domain_name <project domain name> \
    --hostname <hostname for dimensions> \
    <input_file_path_1> <input_file_path_2> <input_file_path_n>

To include all the files in a directory, use the * wild card (eg. /var/log/* ).

Parameter Required Default Example Value Description
monasca_log_api_url no http://localhost:5607/v3.0 Monasca log api URL
keystone_auth_url no http://localhost/identity/v3 Kyestone api URL
project_name no mini-mon myproject Keystone project name
username no monasca-agent myuser Keystone user name
password no password mypassword Keystone password
user_domain_name no default User domain id for username scoping
project_domain_name no default Project domain id for keystone authentication
hostname no hostname myhostname Hostname
input_file_path_n no unset /var/log/* Input log file path. If this variable is not specified, default log agent configuration file is created.

By default if files agent.conf and monasca-log-agent.service exists they are not overwritten so if you want to replace existing configuration and service file you need to add --overwrite_conf option.

Additionally, you can add the --no_service to omit the step of automatically creating monasca-log-agent.service in /etc/systemd/system/

Uninstalling Logs agent

Stop the service and delete files related to it:

sudo systemctl stop monasca-log-agent
sudo systemctl disable monasca-log-agent
sudo rm -f /etc/systemd/system/monasca-log-agent.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed monasca-log-agent

In the following description, <target_dir> is the target directory specified at the time of running log-agent-[version].run (e.g. /opt/monasca-log-agent).

Delete obsolete files:

sudo rm -rf <target_dir>
sudo rm -rf /var/log/monasca-log-agent/
sudo rm -f /etc/profile.d/

Monasca-ui plugin

Creating the installer package

In order to create the monasca-ui installer, you need to run the following command:

./ -v <version_number> -u <upper_constraints_file>

You can find an example of an upper constraints file here. In case the <version_number> is omitted, the newest one will be used.

<version_number> could be standard SEMVER version number that is available on It also support creating installer straight from official monasca-ui Git repository. For this you need to provide commit hash (e.g. d58f0f6), branch (e.g. stable/pike) or tag.

You could create installer from custom fork of monasca-ui. Just set --monasca_ui_repo (short -r) argument to your fork Git URI.

./ --monasca_ui_repo "git+git://"

Running the installer

The monasca-ui plugin can be installed via the following command (replace every occurrence of <monasca_ui_dir> with the directory where monasca-ui should be installed):

./monasca-ui-<version>.run --target <monasca_ui_dir> -- \

This will extract the plugin with all the required dependencies.

<horizon_dir> is a directory with your running Horizon code for example it could be /srv/www/openstack-dashboard.

By default monitoring configuration file is not overwritten if it exists already. If you want to replace it you need to use --overwrite_conf option.

Then it is necessary to perform a set of manual configuration steps. First of all, you need to append the monasca-ui virtualenv libraries to the Horizon system path. You need to find your wsgi script for Horizon (in <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/wsgi folder) and edit it adding:


If your deployment uses Apache server for hosting the wsgi applications, then you can look into one of the following locations (depending on your OS) for the appropriate site configuration file:


Then go through the files in there and look for a line indicating the wsgi configuration file, for example:

WSGIScriptAlias / <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi

You may also have to append the Python system path in the script.

Then it is required to enable the monasca-ui plugin. Simply create symbolic links in horizon installation pointing to the monasca-ui installation:

ln -s <monasca_ui_dir>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/monitoring/enabled/ \
ln -s <monasca_ui_dir>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/monitoring/conf/monitoring_policy.json \

You need to adjust settings in <monasca_ui_dir>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/monitoring/config/

In this file you need to configure Kibana IP in the following line:

KIBANA_HOST = getattr(settings, 'KIBANA_HOST', 'http://<kibana_host>:5601/')

For reference please consult monasca-ui documentation.

After that, you need to restart the apache server:

On Debian and Suse derived systems:

systemctl restart apache2

On RedHat:

systemctl restart httpd

Uninstalling Monasca UI plugin

Remove the symlinks:

sudo rm <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/enabled/
sudo rm <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/conf/monitoring_policy.json

Remove the line with the instruction to append site-packages in the wsgi file:

Open file: <horizon_dir>/openstack_dashboard/wsgi/django.wsgi, delete the line: sys.path.append("<monasca_ui_dir>/lib/python2.7/site-packages/") and save.

Delete created files:

sudo rm -rf <monasca_ui_dir>

Also you will need to remove Python system path appended to if you needed to add it to make monasca-ui run properly.

Restart the apache server

On Debian and Suse derived systems:

sudo systemctl restart apache2

On RedHat:

sudo systemctl restart httpd