FastPCA is a PCA-calculator programmed in C++(11). Computation is parallelized with OpenMP.
For fast matrix diagonalization, LAPACK is used (and needed, of course).
The project includes the 'xdrfile' library of GROMACS. Thus, you can use data files written as ASCII data as well as .xtc-trajectories.
For bug-reports, write to or
Happy Computing.
The code is published "AS IS" under the simplified BSD license. For details, please see LICENSE.txt
If you use the code for published works, please cite as
- F. Sittel et al., Principal component analysis on a torus: Theory and application to protein dynamics, J. Chem. Phys 147, 244101, 2017; DOI:10.1063/1.4998259
Create a build-directory in the project root and change into that directory:
Run cmake, based on the underlying project:
Hopefully, everything went right. If not, carefully read the error messages. Typical errors are missing dependencies...
If everything is o.k., run make (on multicore machines, use '-j' to parallelize compilation, e.g. 'make -j 4' for up to four parallel jobs):
Now, you should find the 'fastca' binary in the 'src' folder.
- Boost (program_options), min. version 1.49
- cmake, min. version 2.8
- g++