This repo contains Serverless Framework project for a simple AWS Websocket chat app Technolgies Used:
- ApiGateway Sockets
- lambda
- DynamoDB
- Ec2
Install required npm packages first
$ npm install
Install Serverless Framework globally
$ npm install -g serverless
Install required Python packages
$ pip install -r python-packages.txt -t ./lib/python
Deploy into AWS
$ serverless deploy --stage dev
Creating a Coturn server
Create a EC2 instance with ALL_UDP ports open to the internet
sudo -i
apt-get update && apt-get install libssl-dev libevent-dev libhiredis-dev make -y
apt install coturn
turnserver -a -o -v -n -u username:password -p 3478 -L private -r someRealm -X public/private --no-dtls --no-tls
Connecting to Front-end.
WebRTCChat.html Change values of
Endpoint of websockets api
IP address (public)
Port value (3478).
In S3 bucket host Html page
Enable public