To get our Sensor Stream Pipe up and running, you will require the following:
The following steps were tested on Ubuntu 18.04. Installing on other recent Linux distributions should be pretty similar, but please check the installation instructions for OpenCV and Kinect DK on your respective platform first. Installation instructions for Windows should be ready soon. If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions, please let us know by emailing or post on our forum.
To get our Sensor Stream Pipe up and running, you will require the following:
- OpenCV 3.2.0 (tested on version available on Ubuntu 18.04 repo) is used for image processing.
- libav 3.4.6 (tested on version available on Ubuntu 18.04 repo) encodes, decodes and processes image frames.
- Cereal 1.2.2 (headers only) serializes data for network transmission.
- ZeroMQ and cppzmq (libzmq3 4.3.1, cppzmq 4.3.0) perform network and low-level I/O operations.
- spdlog 1.4.1 Logging library.
- yaml-cpp 0.6.0 reads server configuration files.
- Zdepth: compresses depth data.
- NvPipe (optional, but recommended if you have an NVidia GPU ) encodes and decodes frames. This is optional, but recommended for users with Nvidia GPUs.
- Azure Kinect SDK 1.3 (to support the Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK), 1.4 otherwise (optional) accesses Kinect DK data.
- Azure Kinect Body Tracking SDK 1.0 (optional) SSP Body Tracking client.
sudo apt install libopencv-dev libopencv-core-dev uuid-dev
sudo apt install libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev
First, create a folder where local libs are to be installed:
mkdir ~/libs
mkdir ~/libs/srcOriginal
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
tar xf v1.2.2
cp -r cereal-1.2.2/include ~/libs
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
tar xf zeromq-4.3.1.tar.gz
cd zeromq-4.3.1
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/libs
make install -j4
If you want to take advantage of ZMQ pulling support to check for new frames, compile ZMQ and CPPZMQ with the draft API suppport. Replace the cmake line with:
Also, you must set SSP_WITH_ZMQ_POLLING at SSP build time.
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
tar xf v4.3.0.tar.gz
cd cppzmq-4.3.0
cp *.hpp ~/libs/include
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
tar xf yaml-cpp-0.6.0.tar.gz
cd yaml-cpp-yaml-cpp-0.6.0
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/libs
make install
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
git clone
cd Zdepth
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/libs
make install
cp libzdepth.a ~/libs/lib/
cp zstd/libzstd.a ~/libs/lib/
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
tar xf v1.4.1.tar.gz
cd spdlog-1.4.1 && mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/libs
make -j
make install
cd ~/libs/srcOriginal
git clone
cd NvPipe/
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=~/libs
make install
Note: to avoid getting a password prompt, run any command as sudo before starting this section of the tutorial
- Add the Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products.
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-add-repository
sudo apt-get update
- Install Azure Kinect SDK 1.3 (change 1.3 to 1.4 if you do not need body tracking)
sudo apt install libk4a1.3 libk4a1.3-dev
- To be able to use the Kinect as non-root, please run the following:
sudo cp 99-k4a.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
4 a) If using 1.4, in the current package, the link to the canonical version of the depth lib is missing. You can create it by running the following command:
sudo ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libk4a1.4/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
4 a) If using 1.3, the depth engine is missing from the package. Microsoft is aware of the problem, but it only corrected it in 1.4.
You can get the file from the package at
Open with Archive Manager (or equivalent), the file is in (data/./usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libk4a1.4/), and extract it to ~/libs/lib
You can then perform an equivalent command as above.
cd ~/libs/lib
ln -s
Check instructions above to add the Linux Software Repository for Microsoft Products and then do:
sudo apt install libk4abt1.0-dev
Download and build the project (the ssp_server, ssp_client and ssp_tester):
git clone
cd Sensor-Stream-Pipe
mkdir build
cd build
You can turn on Kinect, Bodytrack and NVPipe support by adding the following to the cmake ..
line respectively:
Windows installation process was performed using vcpkg to install most dependencies. Tested on Windows 10 Build 19041, Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (VS).
This process may also work for Linux, but this was not tested.
Follow vcpkg installation instructions available here
Install dependencies using vcpkg.
vcpkg install azure-kinect-sensor-sdk:x64-windows cereal:x64-windows cppzmq:x64-windows ffmpeg:x64-windows opencv3:x64-windows spdlog:x64-windows yaml-cpp:x64-windows zeromq:x64-windows
Prepare a directory to place the remaining dependecies lib and include files (refered henceforth as $LIBS
This directory should have a lib
and include
subfolders with the corresponding .lib
and headers respectively.
Clone Zdepth repo
git clone
Open CMakeLists file in VS and build accorcing to your desired profile (x86 or x64; Debug or Release).
If you did not specify an install dir during the CMake configuration, copy the Zdepth\include
and output lib folders (e.g. ZDepth\out\*
) to $LIBS
Install Azure Body Tracker SDK from the instructions available here.
Copy the SDK include and lib files from the SDK install list to $LIBS
, or add the SDK path to SSP CMakeLists (see below)
Clone the SSP repo
git clone
Due to the diferences in the build process, the Windows CMake file is named CMakeListsWindows.txt at the root of the SSP repo.
Thus, you shoud delete CMakeLists.txt and rename CMakeListsWindows.txt to CMakeLists.txt.
Open CMakeLists.txt in VS.
Replace/Add the include ("C://Users//Andre//source//repos//vcpkg//installed//x64-windows//include") and link paths ("C://Users//Andre//source//repos//vcpkg//installed//x64-windows//lib") at the top of the file with your $LIBS
You can also add your vcpkg//installed//
dir to the include and link paths.
After replacing the paths, set the desired compile options (SSP_WITH_KINECT_SUPPORT, SSP_WITH_K4A_BODYTRACK, ...), regenerate CMakeCache and build the project.
if you have linking errors (missing .lib files), try replacing the short lib name with the full lib path in CMake: "libzmq" -> "C:/Users/Andre/source/repos/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/lib/libzmq.lib"