To configure webserv, use a configuration file. The file will be read once, at the start of the program. No changes can be configured after starting the program.
By default the name is webserv.conf, another file can be specified as a parameter when starting the webserv program.
The servers, error_pages and locations are defined in blocks, for example:
server {
/* context */
Inside the server block, the context can be defined in random order, on a single line ending with a semilocom or in a block (locations & error_pages). Multiple values are seperated by a comma. The following options are available, if not set they will use their default values:
server {
listen localhost:80;
index index.html;
client_max_body_size 1m;
error_page {
400 error400.html;
404 error404.html;
location / {
root /;
index index.html;
accept_files off;
cgi .php;
directry_listening on;
allowed_methods GET, POST, DELETE;
storage storage;
return 400 error400.html;