This tutorial will walk you through deploying the following components:
- Vault Example ReplicaSet
The vault-example
ReplicaSet will create Pods composed from the following container images:
- A container that requests and unwraps tokens from a Vault Controllerkelseyhightower/vault-example
- A container that uses and renews Vault tokens
The vault-init
container performs the following actions during the Pod initialization phase:
- Requests a wrapped token from the Vault Controller
- Unwraps the token by communicating with a Vault server
- Writes the unwrapped token to a shared volume at
- Exits so the Pod creation process can continue
The vault-example
container performs the following actions while the Pod is running:
- Reads a token from a shared volume at
- Logs the token details (Don't do this in production)
- Renews the token with a Vault server
kubectl -n vault-controller create -f replicasets/vault-example.yaml
Once a vault-example
Pod is scheduled to a node the vault-init
container will run during the Pod initialization phase:
kubectl -n vault-controller get pods -l app=vault-example
vault-example-wif7l 0/1 Init:0/1 0 6s
View the logs for the vault-init
kubectl -n vault-controller logs \
$(kubectl -n vault-controller \
get pods -l app=vault-example \
-o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
-c vault-init
Log output:
2016/10/28 19:08:28 Starting vault-init...
2016/10/28 19:08:28 Requesting a new wrapped token from http://vault-controller
2016/10/28 19:08:28 token request: Request error error missing or empty pod IP; retrying in 5s
2016/10/28 19:08:33 Requesting a new wrapped token from http://vault-controller
2016/10/28 19:08:33 Token request complete; waiting for callback...
2016/10/28 19:08:33 wrote /var/run/secrets/
2016/10/28 19:08:33 Successfully obtained and unwrapped the vault token, exiting...
At this point the init process has completed and the vault-example
Pod should be running:
kubectl -n vault-controller get pods -l app=vault-example
vault-example-wif7l 1/1 Running 0 1m
View the logs for the vault-example
kubectl -n vault-controller logs \
$(kubectl -n vault-controller get pods \
-l app=vault-example \
-o jsonpath='{.items[0]}') \
-c vault-example
Log output:
2016/10/28 19:08:35 Starting vault-example app...
2016/10/28 19:08:35 Reading vault secret file from /var/run/secrets/
==> WARNING: Don't ever write secrets to logs!
The secret is being printed here for demonstration purposes.
Use the secret details below with the vault cli
to get more info about the token.
"request_id": "7c850f7e-bcad-ba8b-882f-927f868ec928",
"lease_id": "",
"lease_duration": 0,
"renewable": false,
"data": null,
"warnings": null,
"auth": {
"client_token": "7f49f049-cabf-c1e3-906d-2817f68d403e",
"accessor": "169b473d-e80e-5021-fc02-6e7209aa2235",
"policies": [
"metadata": {
"host_ip": "",
"namespace": "vault-controller",
"pod_ip": "",
"pod_name": "vault-example-wif7l",
"pod_uid": "e7a3df17-9d41-11e6-a0f3-42010a8a00ab"
"lease_duration": 86400,
"renewable": true
==> vault-example started! Log data will stream in below:
2016/10/28 19:08:35 Successfully renewed the client token; next renewal in 43200 seconds
You've reached the end of the Vault Controller tutorial. At this point you can experiment by scaling up the vault-example
replicaset and observing how each Pod obtains a dedicated Vault token.
Scale the vault-exampl
kubectl -n vault-controller \
scale replicaset vault-example --replicas=3
Review the logs for one of the vault-example
kubectl -n vault-controller logs \
$(kubectl -n vault-controller get pods \
-l app=vault-example \
-o jsonpath='{.items[1]}') \
-c vault-example
Once you have completed the tutorial be sure to clean up:
kubectl delete namespace vault-controller