Sadly or not, nothing lasts forever. One day you might do a server migration. Among many, mataroa is doing something naughty. We store everything, images including, in the Postgres database. Naughty indeed, yet makes it much easier to backup but also migrate.
To start with, one a migrator has setup their new server (see Deployment) we recommend testing everything in another domain, other than the main (existing) one.
Once everything works:
- Verify all production variables and canonical server names exist in settings et al.
- Disconnect production server from public IP. This is not a zero-downtime migration — to be clear.
- Run one last time.
database dump into new server.- Restore database dump in new server.
- Switch elastic/floating IP to new server.
- Start new server on main domain.
The above assume the migrator has a floating IP that they can move around. If not, there are two problems. The migrator needs to coordinate DNS but much more problematically all custom domains stop working :/ For this reason we should implement CNAME custom domains. However, CNAME custom domains do not support root domains, so what's the point anyway you ask. Good question. I don't know. I only hope I never decide to switch away from Hetzner.