This project is based on nodejs for Raspberry PI.
- http/websocket/restful/TCPsocket/UDPsocket server share the same session/cookie
- module-based, event-based, handler
- each js file < 5k bytes
How to use: $ npm install $ node index.js
- All node build-in and npm modules will be loaded automatically.
- Core modules may be cited. To remove may cause problems.
- Modules may cite core modules, and are able to plug.
API: {api_name: 'string', api_args: {}}
used_port: 9997 tcp socket 9996 udp socket 9998 express restful 9990 express cloudcmd 9999 static_html/sockjs server /upload_form
todo: load balancer survey package.json, memory_usage.js file uploader file downloader /* to support memory usage / / to monitor RPI's internal status / / self_test / / fuzzy: auto-adjust AC/heater */
R.event.on("chatroom", function(){ console.log("chatroom XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"); console.log(arguments[0]); });
cluster webrtc p2p
known issues:
- requiring actions sometimes fail due to auto-require's sequence
- npm install web-terminal
senario R.event.emit('command',"exec {"command":"ls"}", function() {console.log(arguments);});
///////////////////////////// dictionary of function (API)
todo: event => api ("string",{}) => ({api: "string", args:{}})
usage: var rc = require(''); var xx = new rc(); xx.add_handler('./handler.js'); xx.remove_handler('./handler.js'); xx.add_event('', function(){}); xx.remove_event('', function(){}); xx.on('11', function(){}); xx.get('22', function (){}); xx.log(''); xx.exit();