The most important MobX api's. Understanding observable
, computed
, reactions
and actions
is enough to master MobX and use it in your applications!
@observable classProperty = value
Observable values can be JS primitives, references, plain objects, class instances, arrays and maps. The following conversion rules are applied, but can be fine-tuned by using modifiers. See below.
- If value is wrapped in the modifier
: a new Observable Map will be returned. Observable maps are very useful if you don't want to react just to the change of a specific entry, but also to the addition or removal of entries. - If value is an array, a new Observable Array will be returned.
- If value is an object without prototype, all its current properties will be made observable. See Observable Object
- If value is an object with a prototype, a JavaScript primitive or function, a Boxed Observable will be returned. MobX will not make objects with a prototype automatically observable; as that is the responsibility of it's constructor function. Use
in the constructor, or@observable
in it's class definition instead.
These rules might seem complicated at first sight, but you will notice that in practice they are very intuitive to work with. Some notes:
- To create dynamically keyed objects use the
modifier! Only initially existing properties on an object will be made observable, although new ones can be added usingextendObservable
. - To use the
decorator, make sure that decorators are enabled in your transpiler (babel or typescript). - By default making a data structure observable is infective; that means that
is applied automatically to any value that is contained by the data structure, or will be contained by the data structure in the future. This behavior can be changed by using modifiers.
Usage: extendObservable(target, propertyMap)
. For each key/value pair in propertyMap
a (new) observable property will be introduced on the target object.
This can be used in constructor functions to introduce observable properties without using decorators.
If a value of the propertyMap
is an argumentless function, a computed property will be introduced.
computed(() => expression)
@computed get classProperty() { return expression; }
Creates a computed property. The expression
should not have side effects but return a value.
The expression will automatically be re-evaluated if any observables it uses changes, but only if it is in use by some reaction.
Any application has actions. Actions are anything that modify the state.
With MobX you can make it explicit in your code where your actions live by marking them.
Actions helps you to structure your code better.
It is advised to use them on any function that modifies observables or has side effects.
also provides useful debugging information in combination with the devtools.
Note: using action
is mandatory when strict mode is enabled, see useStrict
action(name, fn)
@action classMethod
@action(name) classMethod
@action boundClassMethod = (args) => { body }
@action(name) boundClassMethod = (args) => { body }
For one-time-actions runInAction(name?, fn, scope?)
can be used, which is sugar for action(name, fn, scope)()
Computed values are values that react automatically to state changes.
Reactions are side effects that react automatically to state changes.
Reactions can be used to ensure that a certain side effect (mainly I/O) is automatically executed when relevant state changes, like logging, network requests etc.
The most commonly used reaction is the observer
decorator for React components (see above).
Can be used as higher order component around a React component.
The component will then automatically re-render if any of the observables used in the render
function of the component has changed.
Note that observer
is provided by the "mobx-react"
package and not by "mobx"
observer(React.createClass({ ... }))
observer((props, context) => ReactElement)
observer(class MyComponent extends React.Component { ... })
@observer class MyComponent extends React.Component { ... })
Usage: autorun(debugname?, () => { sideEffect })
. Autorun runs the provided sideEffect
and tracks which observable state is accessed while running the side effect.
Whenever one of the used observables is changed in the future, the same sideEffect will be run again.
Returns a disposer function to cancel the side effect. «details»
Usage: when(debugname?, () => condition, () => { sideEffect })
The condition expression will react automatically to any observables it uses.
As soon as the expression returns true the sideEffect function will be invoked, but only once.
returns a disposer to prematurely cancel the whole thing. «details»
Usage: autorunAsync(debugname?, () => { sideEffect }, delay)
. Similar to autorun
, but the sideEffect will be delayed and debounced with the given delay
Usage: reaction(debugname?, () => data, data => { sideEffect }, fireImmediately = false, delay = 0)
A variation on autorun
that gives more fine-grained control on which observables that will be tracked.
It takes two function, the first one is tracked and returns data that is used as input for the second one, the side effect.
Unlike autorun
the side effect won't be run initially, and any observables that are accessed while executing the side effect will not be tracked.
The side effect can be debounced, just like autorunAsync
. «details»
By default observable
is applied recursively and to values that are assigned in the future as well.
Modifiers can be used to influence how observable
treats specific values.
: This is the most important modifier. Instead of creating an object with observable properties, an Observable Map is created instead. The main difference with observable objects is that the addition and removal of properties can be easily observed. UseasMap
if you want a map like data structure where the keys will change over time.asFlat
: Will not applyobservable
recursively. The passed object / collection itself will be observable, but the values in it won't. This disables the possibility to deeply observe objects.asReference
: Use the passed in value verbatim, just create an observable reference to the object.asStructure
: When new values are assigned, ignore the new value if it structurally equal to the previous value.
Here are some utilities that might make working with observable objects or computed values more convenient. More, less trivial utilities can be found in the * mobx-utils package.
Can be used to pass stores to child components using React's context mechanism. See the mobx-react
Higher order component and counterpart of Provider
. Can be used to pick stores from React's context and pass it as props to the target component. Usage:
inject("store1", "store2")(observer(MyComponent))
@inject("store1", "store2") @observer MyComponent
@inject((stores, props, context) => props) @observer MyComponent
@observer(["store1", "store2"]) MyComponent
is a shorthand for the the@inject() @observer
Usage: toJS(observableDataStructure)
. Converts observable data structures back to plain javascript objects, ignoring computed values. «details»
Usage: isObservable(thing, property?)
. Returns true if the given thing, or the property
of the given thing is observable.
Works for all observables, computed values and disposer functions of reactions. «details»
Usage: isObservableObject(thing)
, isObservableArray(thing)
, isObservableMap(thing)
. Returns true
if.., well, do the math.
Usage: isArrayLike(thing)
. Returns true
if the given thing is either a true JS-array or an observable (MobX-)array.
This is intended as convenience/shorthand.
Note that observable arrays can be .slice()
d to turn them into true JS-arrays.
Usage: isAction(func)
. Returns true if the given function is wrapped / decorated with action
Usage: isComputed(thing, property?)
. Returns true if the giving thing is a boxed computed value, or if the designated property is a computed value.
Usage: createTransformer(transformation: A => B, onCleanup?): A = B
Can be used to make functions that transforms one value into another value reactive and memoized.
It behaves similar to computed and can be used for advanced patterns like very efficient array maps, map reduce or computed values that are not part of an object.
Usage: intercept(object, property?, interceptor)
Api that can be used to intercept changes before they are applied to an observable api. Useful for validation, normalization or cancellation.
Usage: observe(object, property?, listener, fireImmediately = false)
Low-level api that can be used to observe a single observable value.
Usage: useStrict(boolean)
Enables / disables strict mode globally.
In strict mode, it is not allowed to change any state outside of an action
See also extras.allowStateChanges
The following api's might come in handy if you want to build cool tools on top of MobX or if you want to inspect the internal state of MobX
The mobx-react-devtools is a powerful package that helps you to investigate the performance and dependencies of your react components.
Also has a powerful logger utility based on spy
. «details»
Usage: spy(listener)
Registers a global spy listener that listens to all events that happen in MobX.
It is similar to attaching an observe
listener to all observables at once, but also notifies about running (trans/re)actions and computations.
Used for example by the mobx-react-devtools
whyRun(Reaction object / ComputedValue object / disposer function)
whyRun(object, "computed property name")
is a small utility that can be used inside computed value or reaction (autorun
, reaction
or the render
method of an observer
React component)
and prints why the derivation is currently running, and under which circumstances it will run again.
This should help to get a deeper understanding when and why MobX runs stuff, and prevent some beginner mistakes.
Usage: getAtom(thing, property?)
Returns the backing Atom of a given observable object, property, reaction etc.
Usage: getDebugName(thing, property?)
Returns a (generated) friendly debug name of an observable object, property, reaction etc. Used by for example the mobx-react-devtools
Usage: getDependencyTree(thing, property?)
Returns a tree structure with all observables the given reaction / computation currently depends upon.
Usage: getObserverTree(thing, property?)
Returns a tree structure with all reactions / computations that are observing the given observable.
Usage: isSpyEnabled()
. Returns true if at least one spy is active
Usage: spyReport({ type: "your type", «details» data})
. Emit your own custom spy event.
Usage: spyReportStart({ type: "your type", «details» data})
. Emit your own custom spy event. Will start a new nested spy event group which should be closed using spyReportEnd()
Usage: spyReportEnd()
. Ends the current spy group that was started with extras.spyReportStart
The mobx-react
package exposes the following additional api's that are used by the mobx-react-devtools
: enables the tracking ofobserver
based React componentsrenderReporter.on(callback)
: callback will be invoked on each rendering of anobserver
enabled React component, with timing information etccomponentByNodeRegistery
: ES6 WeakMap that maps from DOMNode to aobserver
based React component instance
The following methods are all used internally by MobX, and might come in handy in rare cases. But usually MobX offers more declarative alternatives to tackle the same problem. They might come in handy though if you try to extend MobX
Usage: transaction(() => { block })
Low-level api that can be used to batch state changes.
State changes made inside the block won't cause any computations or reactions to run until the end of the block is reached.
Nonetheless inspecting a computed value inside a transaction block will still return a consistent value.
It is recommended to use action
instead, which uses transaction
Usage: untracked(() => { block })
Low-level api that might be useful inside reactions and computations.
Any observables accessed in the block
won't cause the reaction / compuations to be recomputed automatically.
However it is recommended to use action
instead, which uses untracked
Utility class that can be used to create your own observable data structures and hook them up to MobX. Used internally by all observable data types. «details»
Utility class that can be used to create your own reactions and hook them up to MobX.
Used internally by autorun
, reaction
(function) etc.
Usage: allowStateChanges(allowStateChanges, () => { block })
Can be used to (dis)allow state changes in a certain function.
Used internally by action
to allow changes, and by computed
and observer
to disallow state changes.
Usage: resetGlobalState()
Resets MobX internal global state. MobX by defaults fails fast if an exception occurs inside a computation or reaction and refuses to run them again.
This function resets MobX to the zero state. Existing spy
listeners and the current value of strictMode will be preserved though.
Will probably by deprecated, use observable(asMap())
instead. Usage: map()
, map(keyValueObject)
, map(entries)
Returns an observable, largely ES6 compliant Map data structure.
This is useful if you want to store data based on string keys.
For the full api of the returned ObservableMap
see Observable maps.
Usage: expr(() => someExpression)
. Just a shorthand for computed(() => someExpression).get()
is useful in some rare cases to optimize another computed function or reaction.
In general it is simpler and better to just split the function in multiple smaller computed's to achieve the same effect.