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Node Core Audio

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A C++ extension for node.js that gives javascript access to audio buffers and basic audio processing functionality

Right now, it's basically a node.js binding for PortAudio.

NOTE: Looking for help maintaining this repository!

Active contributors:


Install portaudio and fftw3 as shared libraries by e.g. compiling them from the sources:

Download portaudio, unpack it and then in the folder:

make clean
sudo make install

Download fftw3, unpack it and then in the folder:

./configure --enable-shared
sudo make install

Alternatively you can install the libraries by using a package manager:

MacOS (homebrew):

brew install portaudio 
brew install fftw


npm install node-core-audio

Basic Usage

Below is the most basic use of the audio engine. We create a new instance of node-core-audio, and then give it our processing function. The audio engine will call the audio callback whenever it needs an output buffer to send to the sound card.

// Create a new instance of node-core-audio
const coreAudio = require("node-core-audio")

// Create a new audio engine
var engine = coreAudio.createNewAudioEngine()

 * A processing function that can process / manipulate the incoming audio samples
 * before returning them to the soundcard's output.
 * @param {Array} samples The samples from the input stream.
 * @return {Array} The samples for the output stream.
function processAudio( inputBuffer ) {	
	for (var channel = 0; channel < inputBuffer.length; ++channel) {
		console.log(`Channel ${channel} has ${inputBuffer[channel].length} samples`)
		// Even though all channels should have the same ammount of samples...
	return inputBuffer;


Alternatively, you can read/write samples to the sound card manually

var engine = coreAudio.createNewAudioEngine()

// Grab the samples
var samples =

// Silence the 0th channel
for(var sample = 0; sample < inputBuffer[0].length; ++ sample )
	samples[0][sample] = 0.0

// Send the sample array back to the sound card

Important! Processing Thread

When you are writing code inside of your audio callback, you are operating on the processing thread of the application. This high priority environment means you should try to think about performance as much as possible. Allocations and other complex operations are possible, but dangerous.


The basic principle is that you should have everything ready to go before you enter the processing function. Buffers, objects, and functions should be created in a constructor or static function outside of the audio callback whenever possible. The examples in this readme are not necessarily good practice as far as performance is concerned.

The callback is only called if all buffers has been processed by the soundcard.

Audio Engine Options

Option Type Default Description
sampleRate number 44100 The sample rate of the incoming audio.
sampleFormat string sampleFormatFloat32 The sample format to use. Allowed sampleFormatFloat32, sampleFormatInt32, sampleFormatInt24, sampleFormatInt16, sampleFormatInt8, sampleFormatUInt8
framesPerBuffer number 1024 The count of frames per buffer (per channel).
interleaved boolean false If set to true the samples are given as a two dimensional array [channel][sample], otherwise the samples are given as a one dimensional array with alternating channel values.
inputChannels number 1 Count of input channels.
ouputChannels number 2 Count of ouput channels.
inputDevice number Default input device id. Device id of the system's default input device.
outputDevice number Default output device id. Device id of the system's default output device.
fftWindowSize number 1024 The window size for the fft's
fftOverlapSize number 0.0 The overlap size for the fft windows. (0.5 = 50%, 0 = no overlapping)
fftWindowFunction string Blackman The window function to apply. Allowed Square, VonHann, Hamming, Blackman, BlackmanHarris, BlackmanNuttall, FlatTop


First things first

const coreAudio = require("node-core-audio")

Create and audio processing function

function processAudio(samples) {
    // Just print the value of the first sample on the left channel
    return samples

Initialize the audio engine and setup the processing loop

var engine = coreAudio.createNewAudioEngine()

General functionality

 * Returns whether the audio engine is active.
 * @return {boolean} Whether the audio engine is active.
var active = engine.isActive()

 * Updates the parameters and restarts the engine.
 * All keys from `getOptions()` are available.
 * @param {Object} options The audio engine options to set.
	inputChannels: 2

 * Returns the current options for the engine.
 * @return {Object} The current audio engine options.
var opts = engine.getOptions()

 * Returns the current input buffer of the soundcard as array.
 * Note: This is a blocking call, don't take too long!
 * @return {Array} The current input buffer of the soundcard as array.
var samples =

 * Writes an array of samples onto the soundcard.
 * Note: This is a blocking call, don't take too long!
 * @param {Array} samples An array of samples.
 * @return {boolean} If underflow occurred.
var underflow = engine.write([0.42, ...])

 * Returns the name of a given device id.
 * @param {number} device_id The device id to get the name of.
 * @return {string} The device name for the given id.
var deviceName = engine.getDeviceName(0)

 * Returns the maximum input channels of a given device id.
 * Note: This can be used to identify input devices (must be > 0 to be an input device).
 * @param {number} device_id The device id to get max input channels for.
 * @return {number} The maximum input channels for a given device id.
var deviceMaxInputChannels = engine.getDeviceMaxInputChannels(0)

 * Returns the maximum output channels of a given device id.
 * Note: This can be used to identify output devices (must be > 0 to be an output device).
 * @param {number} device_id The device id to get max output channels for.
 * @return {number} The maximum output channels for a given device id.
var deviceMaxOutputChannels = engine.getDeviceMaxOutputChannels(0)

 * Returns the total number of audio devices.
 * @return {number} The count of audio devices.
var totalDevices = engine.getNumDevices()

 * Sets the callback function for fft results of the incoming audio stream.
 * @param  {(channel, samples)=>void} callback The callback function receiving the channel number of the fft result and the fft samples for this channel.
engine.setFFTCallback((channel, samples) => {

Known Issues / TODO

  • Add FFTW to C++ extension, so you can get fast FFT's from javascript, and also register for the FFT of incoming audio, rather than the audio itself
  • Extend FFTW functions to allow sending own audio data rather than only subscribing to the incoming audio
  • Add support for streaming audio over sockets


MIT - See LICENSE file.

Copyright Mike Vegeto, 2013