Project file for CSP 2020 tutorial
Chose from one of two datasets:
Zoo Animal Life Expectancy
> Researchers based at Chicago’s Lincoln Park Zoo have published “life expectancy estimates for hundreds of vertebrate species based on carefully vetted studbook data from North American zoos and aquariums.” Their dataset includes “sex-specific median life expectancies as well as sample size and 95% confidence limits for each estimate.”
Book Ratings from Book Crossings
> In 2004, computer scientist Cai-Nicolas Ziegler scraped (with permission) 433,000 numeric ratings of 186,000 books by 78,000 users on the book-tracking website BookCrossing. For most users, the data includes their stated city and age. [h/t Ningshan Zhang, Kyle Schmaus, and Patrick O. Perry]
Note: ;-delim file
Both datasets sourced from Data is Plural
Project Outline:
Open an R script file in your project and read in the data of your choice.
Do a little EDA.
Open an RMarkdown file. Set output to github_document.
Outline your analysis plan,
required packages and other documentation.
Save files, commit and push!
Play with code in your script file
Save and commit (don't push yet)
Play a little more with code
Save and ammend your previous commit.
Push if you're at a stopping place with your code,
otherwise, repeat.
Open another RMarkdown file. Set output to github_document.
Build your project report. Include a description of the project analysis, results from your EDA, a graph or two and your conclusions.
Save files, commit and push!
Refresh your github page and look at your results