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Time hell

Marinna Martini edited this page Apr 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

Python has a bazillion ways to deal with time. That is the problem.

Use case 1: getting EPIC time and CF time to play together on the same time axis

Because some day you will want to do this, and you will want it in datetime so that you can use, say hvplot. You will also need to have your times straight to catch subtle time issues.

For the CF file, decode_times+decode_cf are not helpful. Details are here:

puv = xr.open_dataset(data_path+puv_file, decode_times=False)
print('puv time units {}'.format(puv['time'].units))
buf = puv['time'].units.split()
t0 = datetime.datetime.strptime(buf[2]+' '+buf[3], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
dt = pd.to_timedelta(puv['time'][:].values,unit='s')
puv_t = t0+dt

For the EPIC file, with time, time2, where epic_to_datetime can be found here:

wmn = xr.open_dataset(data_path+wavesmon_file, decode_times=False)
print('wmn time units {}'.format(wmn['time'].units))
wmn_t = epic_to_datetime(wmn['time'][:].values,wmn['time2'][:].values)

Use case #2 Converting time strings and other time formats I commonly use (and forget, because there are so many flavors):

import netCDF4 as nc
ds = nc.Dataset(datapath+infileroot,'r')
cft = nc.num2date(ds['time'][:],ds['time'].units)
print(f'first time stamp in file {cft[0]}')
print(type(cft[0])) # returns datetime.datetime

Use case #3, convert to datetime from a string

This is done all the time and there's information all over the internet about it.
datetime.datetime.strptime(burst_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') The make up of the format string, and all the specifications, though, are not so easy to find. Here is one place that has a good listing:

Use case #4 find a timestamp in a netCDF file

From use case #1, we have out time series time stamps in datetime.datetime objects, the thing to remember here is that idx_date is a tuple of ndarrays. That drove me nuts for a while.

import datetime
time_to_find = datetime.datetime.strptime(burst_date,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
idx_date = np.where(cft[:] >= time_to_find)
print(f'{cft[idx_date[0][0]]} is at {idx_date[0][0]}')
burst_number = idx_date[0][0]

Use case #5: matplotlib and CFtimes

This was a recent run-around on pangeo and my laptop. Open a very simple netCDF file as follows: ds = xr.open_dataset(, decode_cf=True, use_cftime=True) and try to plot with matplot lib and get float argument must be a string or a number, not 'cftime._cftime.DatetimeProlepticGregorian' error.

Full code is in this gist:

It seemed to all come down to a difference of version of libnetcdf, laptop is 4.6.2, pangeo is 4.7.4 and/or the fact that nc-time-axis is required in the later version of libnetcdf. Installing nc-time-axis in my pangeo setup fixed the problem.
