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Indices and Replicate

The functions Indices and Replicate are used to copy or filter data. They might be described as transforming a run-length encoding into unencoded form. On the other hand, Indices might be described as giving a sparse representation of 𝕩, which is smaller if 𝕩 mostly consists of zeros.

BQN doesn't have any of the various features used in APL to add fills to the result of Replicate, like negative numbers in 𝕨 or an Expand (\) primitive. An alternative to Expand is to use Replicate with structural Under () to insert values into an array of fills.


Given a list of natural numbers 𝕨, Replicate repeats each major cell in 𝕩 the corresponding number of times. That is, 𝕨 and 𝕩 must have the same length, and the result includes i⊑𝕨 copies of each cell i⊏𝕩, in order.

    2‿1‿0‿2 / "abcd"

    ⊢ a ← >"aa0"‿"bb1"‿"cc2"‿"dd3"

    2‿1‿0‿2 / a

It's also allowed for 𝕨 to be a single number (or enclosed number: it just needs to be a unit and not a list). In this case every cell of 𝕩 is repeated that number of times.

    3 / "copy"

When 𝕨 is a list of booleans, a cell is never repeated more than once, meaning that each cell of 𝕩 is either left out (0), or kept in (1). If Fn is a function with a boolean result, Fn¨⊸/ filters elements of a list according to Fn.

    1‿1‿0‿0‿1‿0 / "filter"

    ≤⟜'i' "filter"

    ≤⟜'i'⊸/ "filter"

Here ≤⟜'i' is a pervasive function, so there's no need to add ¨. Similarly, to filter major cells of an array, Fn˘⊸/ could be used, applying Fn to one major cell at a time.

This idea extends to Replicate as well. The function below tests which input characters are double quotes, but by adding one it changes the result to 1 for each non-quote character and 2 for quotes (but source code and display also double quotes here, so the input string has only two "s and the output has four).

    {1+'"'=𝕩}⊸/ "for ""escaping"" quotes"

Compound Replicate

If 𝕨 has depth two, then its elements give the amounts to copy along each leading axis of 𝕩.

    ⊢ b ← 2‿5 ⥊ ↕10

    ⟨2‿0, 1‿0‿0‿1‿1⟩ / b

    2‿0 / 1‿0‿0‿1‿1⊸/˘ b

Here the 2‿0 indicates that the first row of b is copied twice and the second is ignored, while 1‿0‿0‿1‿1 picks out three entries from that row. As in the single-axis case, 𝕩 can have extra trailing axes that aren't modified by 𝕨. The rules are that 𝕨 can't have more elements than axes of 𝕩 (so (≠𝕨)≤=𝕩), and that each element has to have the same length as the corresponding axis—or it can be a unit, as shown below.

    ⟨<2,<3⟩ / b

Above, both elements of 𝕨 are enclosed numbers. An individual element doesn't have to be enclosed, but I don't recommend this, since if none of them are enclosed, then 𝕨 will have depth 1 and it will be interpreted as replicating along the first axis only.

    ⟨2,3⟩ / b

The example above has a different result from the previous one! The function <¨⊸/ could be used in place of / to replicate each axis by a different number.

If 𝕨 is ⟨⟩, then it has depth 1, but is handled with the multidimensional case anyway, giving a result of 𝕩. The one-dimensional case could also only ever return 𝕩, but it would be required to have length 0, so this convention still only extends the simple case.

    b ≡ ⟨⟩ / b


The monadic form of / is much simpler than the dyadic one, with no multidimensional case or mismatched argument ranks. 𝕩 has to be a list of natural numbers, and /𝕩 is the list 𝕩/↕≠𝕩. Its elements are the indices for 𝕩, with index i repeated i⊑𝕩 times.

    / 3‿0‿2‿1

A unit argument isn't allowed, and isn't very useful: for example, /6 might indicate an array of six zeros, but this can be written /⥊6 or 6⥊0 with hardly any extra effort.

When 𝕨 has rank 1, 𝕨/𝕩 is equivalent to 𝕨/⊸⊏𝕩. Of course, this isn't the only use of Indices. It also gets along well with Group: for example, /⊸⊔ groups 𝕩 according to a list of lengths 𝕨.

    2‿5‿0‿1 /⊸⊔ "ABCDEFGH"

This function will fail to include trailing empty arrays; the modification (/∾⟜1)⊸⊔ fixes this and ensures the result always has as many elements as 𝕨.

If 𝕩 is boolean then /𝕩 contains all the indices where a 1 appears in 𝕩. Applying -⟜» to the result gives the distance from each 1 to the previous, or to the start of the list, another potentially useful function.

    / 0‿1‿0‿1‿0‿0‿0‿0‿1‿0

    -⟜» / 0‿1‿0‿1‿0‿0‿0‿0‿1‿0

With more effort we can also use / to analyze groups of 1s in the argument (and of course all these methods can be applied to 0s instead, by first flipping the values with ¬). First we highlight the start and end of each group by comparing the list with a shifted copy of itself. Or rather, we'll first place a 0 at the front and then at the end, in order to detect when a group starts at the beginning of the list or ends at the end (there's also a shift-based version, ≠⟜«0∾𝕩).

    0 (∾≍∾˜) 0‿1‿1‿1‿0‿0‿1‿0‿1‿1‿0

    0 (∾≠∾˜) 0‿1‿1‿1‿0‿0‿1‿0‿1‿1‿0

    / 0(∾≠∾˜) 0‿1‿1‿1‿0‿0‿1‿0‿1‿1‿0

So now we have the indices of each transition from 0 to 1 or 1 to 0, in an extended list with 0 added at the beginning and end. The first index has to be for a 0 to 1 transition, because we forced the first value to be a 0, and then the next can only be 1 to 0, then 0 to 1, and so on until the last, which must be 1 to 0 because the last value is also 0.

    -˜`˘ ∘‿2⥊/ 0(∾≠∾˜) 0‿1‿1‿1‿0‿0‿1‿0‿1‿1‿0

This means the transitions can be grouped exactly in pairs, the beginning and end of each group. Reshape with a computed length ∘‿2 groups these pairs, and then a scan -˜`˘ can be used to convert the start/end format to start/length if wanted.


The result of Indices /n is an ordered list of natural numbers, where the number i appears i⊑n times. Given an ordered list of natural numbers k, the inverse of indices returns a corresponding n: one where the value i⊑n is the number of times i appears in k.

    / 3‿2‿1

    /⁼ 0‿0‿0‿1‿1‿2

Finding how many times each index appears in a list of indices is often a useful thing to do, and there are a few ways to do it:

    +˝˘ (↕5) =⌜ 2‿2‿4‿1‿2‿0  # Inefficient

    ≠¨⊔ 2‿2‿4‿1‿2‿0

    /⁼ 2‿2‿4‿1‿2‿0

The last of these is an extension defined in the language specification. As we said, the result of Indices is always sorted, so properly there's no argument that could return 2‿2‿4‿1‿2‿0. But the index-counting function is very useful, so /⁼ is defined to implicitly sort its argument (which is still required to be a list of natural numbers). Since /⁼ is implemented as a single operation, it's the best way to perform this counting task.

Just rank 1?

So if 𝕩 is a boolean list, /𝕩 tells you where each 1 is located. What about a boolean array?

    ⊢ r ← 1¨⌾(3‿8⊏⥊) 3‿6⥊0

Error. But the two 1s are located at 0‿3 and 1‿2. What's wrong with those? First, let's note that you can find these indices if you need to, using Replicate. Make the list of all indices ↕≢𝕩, and filter Over Deshape (○⥊).

    /○⥊⟜(↕≢) r

The issue with this function is that it's not consistent with the result of / on a list. This is because the extension gives element indices, which are lists, while the original / gives single-number indices, which is only possible when 𝕩 has rank 1.

    /○⥊⟜(↕≢) 0‿1‿0‿1‿0‿0‿0‿0‿1‿0

    /        0‿1‿0‿1‿0‿0‿0‿0‿1‿0

So these functions can't be the same primitive. The only thing we can do—what some APLs do—is to use index lists when 𝕩 has rank not equal to 1 but index numbers otherwise. But supporting a partial function is hazardous: it means that code that works for ranks 4, 3, 2… might not work for rank 1. This isn't how BQN does things. So if you need this functionality, you need to spell it out.

Which isn't too simple? The other part of the story, and why I think /○⥊⟜(↕≢) is good enough despite its length, is that I just don't like element indices. They force array nesting here, which is complicated and slow. There's usually a better approach, such as using arithmetic to skip indices entirely, or ⌾⥊ (Under Deshape) to temporarily work on the array as a list.