diff --git a/lang/cy.json b/lang/cy.json index affb7821b3..1e5342d823 100644 --- a/lang/cy.json +++ b/lang/cy.json @@ -1504,8 +1504,8 @@ "opgIsCheckingYourLpa": "Welsh", "weHaveSentAnEmailYouProvidedCertificate": "
Welsh {{.CertificateProviderEmail}}
", "certificateProviderNowConfirmYourIdentityContent": "We have sent an email confirming that you provided your certificate for this LPA to {{.CertificateProviderEmail}}.
If you would like a paper record, you can also print a copy of this page.
", "certificateProviderNowConfirmYourIdentityContent": "Your role as {{possessive .DonorFullName}} certificate provider will not be finalized until you confirm your identity.
Now that you have provided the certificate for this LPA, you must confirm your identity and connect it to your LPA account by:
When you have confirmed your identity, you will no longer be able to view or access this LPA from your dashboard.
If the Office of the Public Guardian ever has any concerns about {{possessive .DonorFirstNames}} LPA in future, we may contact you.
If you ever need to report a concern, you can do this at any time using the report a concern about an LPA service.
", - "weNeedMoreEvidenceToMakeADecisionAboutYourLPAFee": "We need some more evidence to make a decision about your LPA fee", - "weContactedYouOnWithGuidanceAboutWhatToDoNext": "We contacted you on {{.MoreEvidenceRequiredAt}} with guidance about what to do next.", + "weNeedMoreEvidenceToMakeADecisionAboutYourLPAFee": "We need some more evidence to make a decision about your LPA fee", + "weContactedYouOnWithGuidanceAboutWhatToDoNext": "We contacted you on {{.MoreEvidenceRequiredAt}} with guidance about what to do next.", "thisPageOutlinesTheDecisionsYouMade": "This page outlines the decisions you have made in your LPA. Read and check it carefully before signing the LPA. You cannot make changes to the LPA after signing.", "certificateProviderReadCarefullyBeforeSigning": "This page outlines the decisions {{.DonorFullName}} made in their LPA and should accurately reflect what you witnessed. Minor errors may have been corrected. Read it carefully before signing the LPA.", "attorneyReadCarefullyBeforeSigning": "This page outlines the decisions {{.DonorFullName}} made in their LPA and how you as an attorney can use it. Minor errors may have been corrected. Read it carefully before signing the LPA.",