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David Burkett edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 14 revisions

P2P Messages

WARNING: This document is still in progress and has not yet been reviewed by any of the core Grin developers.

Message Types

There are currently 19 different types of P2P Messages:

Id Message Type Description
0 Error Sent when an issue is found during communication with a peer. Usually followed by closing the connection.
1 Hand First part of a handshake, sender advertises its version and characteristics.
2 Shake Second part of a handshake, receiver of the first part replies with its own version and characteristics.
3 Ping Sent to confirm that the connection is still valid, and used to advertise the node's total_difficulty to confirm whether sync is needed.
4 Pong The response to a ping message.
5 GetPeerAddrs Used to request addresses of new peers to connect to.
6 PeerAddrs Peer addresses sent in response to a GetPeerAddrs message.
7 GetHeaders Used to request block headers from a peer.
8 Header A single block header received from a peer.
9 Headers Multiple block headers received from a peer in response to a GetHeaders message.
10 GetBlock Used to request a block from a peer.
11 Block A single block received from a peer.
12 GetCompactBlock Used to request a compact block from a peer.
13 CompactBlock A single compact block received from a peer.
14 StemTransaction A stem transaction received from a peer.
15 Transaction A transaction received from a peer.
16 TxHashSetRequest Used to request the transaction hashset from a peer.
17 TxHashSetArchive The transaction hashset in response to the TxHashSetRequest message.
18 BanReason Contains the reason your node was banned by a peer.

Message structure

All P2P messages follow a generic message structure as follows.

Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
2 Magic uint8[2] Magic number used to identify Grin packets. Always hard-coded as {0x1E, 0xC5}.
1 Type MessageTypeEnum Identifier of the packet content.
8 Length uint64 The total length of the message. This will be 11 + the payload size.
? Payload uint8[] The actual data.

TODO: Provide example

Common structures

TODO: Populate common structures

Variable-length strings are encoded in UTF8, and are preceded with a uint64 indicating their lengths.


Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Code uint32 Error Code. TODO: Determine possible values.
? Message String Slightly more user-friendly message
Size Name Data Type Description/Comments
4 Version uint32 Protocol version of the sender.
1 Capabilities CapabilitiesMask Bitmask representing the capabilities of the sender.
8 Nonce uint64 Randomly generated for each handshake to help detect connections to yourself.
32 Hash uint8[32] Genesis block of the current chain. Testnet1/2/3 and mainnet all have a different genesis.
8 TotalDifficulty uint64 Total difficulty accumulated by the sender. Used to check whether sync may be needed.
7/19 SenderAddress SocketAddress Network address of the sender. 7 bytes for IPv4 or 19 bytes for IPv6.
7/19 ReceiverAddress SocketAddress Network address of the receiver. 7 bytes for IPv4 or 19 bytes for IPv6.
? UserAgent String Name and version of the software. Example: "MW/Grin 0.1.2"
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