- Feature: added a getter for contact note.
- Feature: made ContactId field public.
- Feature: added a getter for address, company info and websites.
- Feature: added a getter for contact ID.
- Bug fix: getGivenName now returns correct value.
- Bug fix: Fixed gradle upload script.
- Feature: Added whereNotEqualTo api to query.
- Bug Fix: getPhoneNumber now returns phoneNumber instead of serializedPhoneNumber.
- Fetched Data: * Added StructuredName: GivenName and FamilyName.
- Feature: Added phoneNumber field to PhoneNumber. (renamed old phoneNumber field to phoneNormalizedNumber).
- Feature: Added OR constraints. (See readme for usage).
- Bug Fix:Fixed AND constrains.
- Fetched Data:
- Added eventStartDate, eventType and event Label
- Implemented Query Constraints:
- whereExists (This constraint is implemented in code instead of sql. See function javadoc for more info.)
- Fetched Data:
- Phone NormalizedNumber, Type and Label are now distinct fields. (Were aggregated in previous version)
- Email Address, Type and Label are now distinct fields (Were aggregated in previous version)
- Implemented Query Constraints:
- startsWith
- equalTo
- Added findFirst query function.
- Implemented Comparator functionality. Allows you to provide a comparator to choose between values of same type in same contact.
- Fetched Data:
- DisplayName
- Phone NormalizedNumber and Type (and Label)
- Email Address and Type (and Label)
- PhotoURI
- Implemented Query Constraints:
- whereContains
- hasPhoneNumber
- include