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1804 Release

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@MSFT-Heba MSFT-Heba released this 02 May 00:58


We are looking forward to hearing your feedback on this new release and the new Authentication and Error Handling systems.

What's New?

  • Introducing SignInManager and PlayerAuthentication Prefab

    • We’ve heard your feedback about needing a simpler Authentication experience (both when using the out-of-the-box prefabs or writing your own).

    • PlayerAuthentication

      • This prefab replaces the UserProfile and XboxLiveUser prefabs in the previous releases.
      • Unlike UserProfile, whether you’re working with single or multiple user scenarios, all you need is to drag in the prefab to the scene and assign a player number to the Xbox Live User handled by this instance.
      • Do you need to get the signed in Xbox Live User in the other prefabs? All you need to do is make a call to SignInManager using the player number you assigned to the Xbox LiveUser in PlayerAuthentication.
      • PlayerAuthentication and other prefabs are a good example of how to use SignInManager.
      • By default, all prefabs use ‘1’ for the player number.
    • SignInManager handles the authentication of Xbox Live Users and allows other scripts and classes to listen to changes in the status of Xbox Live Users:

      • SignInPlayer (int playerNumber): Adds and signs in a new Xbox Live User and assigns it a player number.
      • SignOutPlayer (int playerNumber): Removes and signs out the Xbox Live User with the assigned player number.
      • SwitchUser(int playerNumber): Signs out the Xbox Live User with the assigned player number and adds and signs in a new Xbox Live User.
      • GetPlayer(int playerNumber): Returns the Xbox Live User with the assigned player number if they exist.
      • GetPlayer(string xuid): Returns the Xbox Live User with the assigned xuid if they exist.
      • OnPlayerSignIn(int playerNumber, UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Adds a callback method for when the Xbox Live User with player number signs in.
      • OnPlayerSignOut(int playerNumber, UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Adds a callback method for when the Xbox Live User with player number signs out.
      • OnAnyPlayerSignIn(UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Adds a callback method for when any Xbox Live User is signed in
      • OnAnyPlayerSignOut(UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Adds a callback method for when any Xbox Live User signs out.
      • RemoveCallbackFromPlayer(int playerNumber, UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Removes a callback from sign in and sign out if it exists.
      • RemoveCallbackFromAllPlayers(UnityAction<XboxLiveUser, XboxLiveAuthStatus, string> callback): Removes a callback from sign in and sign out if it exists.
      • GetCurrentPlayers(): Returns a list of the currently signed in Xbox Live Users and their assigned player numbers.
      • GetCurrentNumberOfPlayers(): Returns the number of signed in Xbox Live Users.
      • GetMaximumNumberOfPlayers(): Returns the maximum number of signed in Xbox Live Users supported on current platform.
      • GetPlayerNumber(string xuid): Returns the player number assigned to the Xbox Live User with input xuid.
      • GetXboxLiveContextForPlayer(int playerNumber): Returns the Xbox Live Context for the Xbox Live User with the assigned player number.
  • Introducing ExceptionManager

    • ExceptionManager is used by the Xbox Live User Plugin prefabs and scripts to announce and propagate exceptions occurring to listening scripts. When an exception occurs, the manager will notify listening scripts of the SourceComponent (GameSaveManager, SignInManager, etc), ExceptionType (SignInFailed, SignInSilentlyFailed, MinimumPlayerNumberReached, etc) and the Exception so your scripts can react as needed.
    • For an example of how ExceptionManager can be used, please check XboxLiveServicesSettings prefab.
      • OnException(ExceptionSource sourceComponent, UnityAction<XboxLiveException> callback): Adds a callback method for when the chosen sourceComponent throws an exception.
      • OnAnyException(UnityAction<XboxLiveException> callback): Adds a callback method for when any Xbox Live script/prefab throws an exception.
      • RemoveCallbackFromComponent(ExceptionSource sourceComponent, UnityAction<XboxLiveException> callback): Removes a callback for when the chosen sourceComponent throws an exception.
      • RemoveCallbackFromAllComponents(UnityAction<XboxLiveException> callback): Removes a callback for when any Xbox Live script/prefab throws an exception.
  • An Updated Leaderboard Prefab featuring a new mode, Nearest Me, for showing leaderboard entries closest to the Xbox Live User playing.

  • Introducing Light and Dark Themes

    • In this release, you can choose Dark and Light themes for each of PlayerAuthentication and Leaderboard. Stay tuned for the other prefabs.

Breaking Changes

  • UserProfile and XboxLiveUser prefabs were replaced with PlayerAuthentication and SignInManager.
  • For your exported UWP game to work on Xbox, it is now a requirement to add <uap:SupportedUsers>multiple</uap:SupportedUsers> add Under the <Properties></Properties> section of the generated package.appxmanifest.xml for both single and multi-user scenarios.

Known Issues

  • XboxLiveSettings class has been renamed to XboxLiveContextSettings and is temporarily non functional.