diff --git a/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt b/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt
index 705df91ac8..1762546eb3 100644
--- a/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt
+++ b/.github/actions/spelling/expect.txt
@@ -120,11 +120,13 @@ EFGH
@@ -173,6 +175,7 @@ hmodule
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index f7ddc4e59e..5b92e4a54f 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ jobs:
BuildVer: $[counter(dependencies.GetReleaseTag.outputs['GetTag.tag'], 1)]
buildOutDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\$(buildPlatform)\$(buildConfiguration)
+ buildOutDirAnyCpu: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\AnyCPU\$(buildConfiguration)
artifactsDir: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\$(buildPlatform)
packageLayoutDir: $(Build.BinariesDirectory)\WingetPackageLayout
@@ -218,8 +219,8 @@ jobs:
- template: templates/e2e-setup.yml
- source: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
- buildOutDir: $(buildOutDir)
+ sourceDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+ localhostWebServerArgs: '-BuildRoot $(buildOutDir)\LocalhostWebServer -StaticFileRoot $(Agent.TempDirectory)\TestLocalIndex -LocalSourceJson $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\localsource.json -SourceCert $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\AppInstallerTest.cer'
- template: templates/e2e-test.template.yml
@@ -260,6 +261,20 @@ jobs:
TargetFolder: '$(artifactsDir)\E2ETests\TestData'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: 'Copy LocalhostWebServer'
+ inputs:
+ SourceFolder: '$(buildOutDir)\LocalhostWebServer'
+ TargetFolder: '$(artifactsDir)\E2ETests\LocalhostWebServer'
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: 'Copy Dev Package Dependencies'
+ inputs:
+ SourceFolder: '$(appxPackageDir)\AppInstallerCLIPackage_0.0.2.0_Test\Dependencies\$(buildPlatform)\'
+ TargetFolder: '$(artifactsDir)\E2ETests\DevPackageDependencies'
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Copy Files: WinGetUtilInterop.UnitTests'
@@ -335,6 +350,13 @@ jobs:
TargetFolder: '$(artifactsDir)\PowerShell'
condition: succeededOrFailed()
+ - task: CopyFiles@2
+ displayName: 'Copy PowerShell AnyCPU Module Files'
+ inputs:
+ SourceFolder: '$(buildOutDirAnyCpu)\PowerShell'
+ TargetFolder: '$(artifactsDir)\PowerShell'
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Copy Dev Package (Loose Files)'
@@ -407,7 +429,32 @@ jobs:
Contents: '**\*'
TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+ - task: PowerShell@2
+ displayName: Install Tests Dependencies
+ inputs:
+ targetType: 'inline'
+ script: |
+ Get-ChildItem E2ETests\DevPackageDependencies -Filter *.appx | %{ Add-AppxPackage $_.FullName }
+ workingDirectory: $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Build.x64release\
+ - template: templates/e2e-setup.yml
+ parameters:
+ sourceDir: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)
+ localhostWebServerArgs: '-BuildRoot $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Build.x64release\E2ETests\LocalhostWebServer -StaticFileRoot $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Build.x64release\E2ETests\TestLocalIndex -SourceCert $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\AppInstallerTest.cer'
+ - pwsh: .\RunTests.ps1 -testModulesPath $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory) -outputPath $(Pipeline.Workspace)\PesterTest -packageLayoutPath $(Pipeline.Workspace)\Build.x64release\DevPackage
+ workingDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)\src\PowerShell\tests\
+ displayName: Run Tests
+ - task: PublishTestResults@2
+ displayName: Publish Pester Test Results
+ inputs:
+ testResultsFormat: 'NUnit'
+ testResultsFiles: '$(Pipeline.Workspace)\PesterTest\Test*.xml'
+ failTaskOnFailedTests: true
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: Publish PowerShell Module Artifacts
targetPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+ condition: succeededOrFailed()
diff --git a/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/PowerShell/WinGetClientModule.cs b/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/PowerShell/WinGetClientModule.cs
index c28705ba13..44810db550 100644
--- a/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/PowerShell/WinGetClientModule.cs
+++ b/src/AppInstallerCLIE2ETests/PowerShell/WinGetClientModule.cs
@@ -7,10 +7,8 @@
namespace AppInstallerCLIE2ETests.PowerShell
using System;
- using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
- using System.Management.Automation;
using AppInstallerCLIE2ETests.Helpers;
using NUnit.Framework;
@@ -22,8 +20,6 @@ namespace AppInstallerCLIE2ETests.PowerShell
public class WinGetClientModule
- // TODO: Consider using Pester framework for conducting more extensive PowerShell module tests or move to Powershell Host.
/// Set setup.
@@ -74,62 +70,6 @@ public void AssertServerShutdownAfterExecution()
Assert.IsTrue(serverProcessExit, $"{Constants.WindowsPackageManagerServer} failed to terminate after creating COM object.");
- ///
- /// Test Get-WinGetSource.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void GetWinGetSource()
- {
- if (!Environment.Is64BitProcess)
- {
- return;
- }
- var getSourceResult = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.GetSourceCmdlet, $"-Name {Constants.TestSourceName}");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, getSourceResult.ExitCode, $"ExitCode: {getSourceResult.ExitCode} Failed with the following output: {getSourceResult.StdOut}, {getSourceResult.StdErr}");
- Assert.IsTrue(getSourceResult.StdOut.Contains($"{Constants.TestSourceName}"));
- }
- ///
- /// Tests WinGetPackage cmdlets.
- /// Find-WinGetPackage.
- /// Install-WinGetPackage.
- /// Get-WinGetPackage.
- /// Update-WinGetPackage.
- /// Uninstall-WinGetPackage.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void WinGetPackageCmdlets()
- {
- if (!Environment.Is64BitProcess)
- {
- return;
- }
- // TODO: It would be nice to add an installer to be use ONLY by the PowerShell cmdlets for E2E to avoid conflicts and bad
- // cleanups in other tests.
- var result = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.FindCmdlet, $"-Id {Constants.ExeInstallerPackageId}");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, result.ExitCode, $"ExitCode: {result.ExitCode} Failed with the following output: {result.StdOut}; {result.StdErr}");
- Assert.IsTrue(result.StdOut.Contains("TestExeInstaller"));
- var installResult = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.InstallCmdlet, $"-Id {Constants.ExeInstallerPackageId} -Version");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, installResult.ExitCode, $"Failed with the following output: {installResult.StdOut}");
- var updateResult = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.UpdateCmdlet, $"-Id {Constants.ExeInstallerPackageId}");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, updateResult.ExitCode, $"Failed with the following output: {updateResult.StdOut}");
- var getResult = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.GetCmdlet, $"-Id {Constants.ExeInstallerPackageId}");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, getResult.ExitCode, $"Failed with the following output: {getResult.StdOut}");
- var uninstallResult = TestCommon.RunPowerShellCoreCommandWithResult(Constants.UninstallCmdlet, $"-Id {Constants.ExeInstallerPackageId}");
- Assert.AreEqual(Constants.ErrorCode.S_OK, uninstallResult.ExitCode, $"Failed with the following output: {uninstallResult.StdOut}");
- Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(installResult.StdOut));
- Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateResult.StdOut));
- Assert.IsTrue(getResult.StdOut.Contains(""));
- Assert.IsTrue(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(uninstallResult.StdOut));
- }
/// There is a known issue where the server takes an abnormally long time to terminate after the E2E test pwsh processes finish execution.
/// This test verifies that the server does indeed terminate within 5 minutes after running all of the cmdlets.
@@ -154,932 +94,6 @@ public void VerifyServerTermination()
Assert.IsTrue(serverProcessExit, $"{Constants.WindowsPackageManagerServer} failed to terminate after creating COM object.");
- ///
- /// Test Get-WinGetUserSettings.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void GetWinGetUserSettings()
- {
- var ogSettings = @"{
- ""visual"": {
- ""progressBar"": ""rainbow""
- },
- ""experimentalFeatures"": {
- ""experimentalArg"": false,
- ""experimentalCmd"": true
- }
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Get-WinGetUserSettings")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Get-WinGetUserSettings when the local settings file is not a json.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void GetWinGetUserSettings_BadJsonFile()
- {
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings("Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test.");
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var cmdletException = Assert.Throws(
- () => powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Get-WinGetUserSettings")
- .Invoke());
- // If we reference Microsoft.WinGet.Client to this project PowerShell host fails with
- // System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException : Operation is not supported on this platform. (0x80131539)
- // System.PlatformNotSupportedException : Operation is not supported on this platform. (0x80131539)
- // trying to load the runspace. This is most probably because the same dll is already loaded.
- // Check the type the long way.
- dynamic exception = cmdletException.InnerException;
- Assert.AreEqual(exception.GetType().ToString(), "Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReaderException");
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. Settings are equal.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_Equal()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", ogSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsTrue((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. Settings are equal. Ignore schema.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_Equal_Schema()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "$schema",
- "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json"
- },
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsTrue((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. Settings are not equal.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_NotEqual()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "rainbow" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. Local settings has more properties.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_MoreSettingsLocal()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. Input has more properties.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_MoreSettingsInput()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell.AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings. IgnoreNotSet.
- /// They are equal.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_Equal_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", ogSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsTrue((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings IgnoreNotSet.
- /// Ignore comparing properties that are not set in the input.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_MoreSettingsLocal_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsTrue((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings IgnoreNotSet.
- /// Local settings doesnt have some properties.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_MoreSettingsInput_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings IgnoreNotSet.
- /// DeepEquals fails, but we should still fail at experimentalArg.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_DifferentValue_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings IgnoreNotSet.
- /// DeepEquals fails, but we should still fail at comparing the array.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_ArrayDifferent_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "installBehavior",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "preferences",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "architectures", new string[] { "x64", "x86" } },
- }
- },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "installBehavior",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "preferences",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "architectures", new string[] { "x64", "arm64" } },
- }
- },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings IgnoreNotSet.
- /// DeepEquals fails, but we should still fail at experimentalArg because is an int.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_DifferentValueType_IgnoreNotSet()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", 4 },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("IgnoreNotSet")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Test-WinGetUserSettings.
- /// Settings file is not a json.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void TestWinGetUserSettings_BadJsonFile()
- {
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings("Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test.");
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Test-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- Assert.IsFalse((bool)result[0].BaseObject);
- }
- ///
- /// Test Set-WinGetUserSettings.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void SetWinGetUserSettings_Overwrite()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "$schema",
- "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json"
- },
- {
- "source",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes", 3 },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Set-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- var settingsResult = result[0].BaseObject as Hashtable;
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("$schema"));
- Assert.False(settingsResult.ContainsKey("source"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("experimentalFeatures"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("visual"));
- }
- ///
- /// Test Set-WinGetUserSettings. Merge local settings with input.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void SetWinGetUserSettings_Merge()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "source",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes", 3 },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Set-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("Merge")
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- var settingsResult = result[0].BaseObject as Hashtable;
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("$schema"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("source"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("experimentalFeatures"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("visual"));
- }
- ///
- /// Test Set-WinGetUserSettings when the local settings file already have the schema property. It shouldn't
- /// be added twice.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void SetWinGetUserSettings_Schema()
- {
- var ogSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "$schema",
- "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json"
- },
- {
- "source",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes", 3 },
- }
- },
- };
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings(ogSettings);
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- {
- "experimentalFeatures",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "experimentalArg", false },
- { "experimentalCmd", true },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Set-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- var settingsResult = result[0].BaseObject as Hashtable;
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("$schema"));
- Assert.False(settingsResult.ContainsKey("source"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("experimentalFeatures"));
- }
- ///
- /// Test Set-WinGetUserSettings when the local settings file is not a json.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void SetWinGetUserSettings_BadJsonFile()
- {
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings("Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test.");
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var result = powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Set-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .Invoke();
- Assert.That(result, Has.Exactly(1).Items);
- Assert.IsInstanceOf(result[0].BaseObject);
- var settingsResult = result[0].BaseObject as Hashtable;
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("$schema"));
- Assert.True(settingsResult.ContainsKey("visual"));
- }
- ///
- /// Test Set-WinGetUserSettings when the local settings file is not a json.
- ///
- [Test]
- public void SetWinGetUserSettings_BadJsonFile_Merge()
- {
- WinGetSettingsHelper.SetWingetSettings("Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test.");
- var inputSettings = new Hashtable()
- {
- {
- "visual",
- new Hashtable()
- {
- { "progressBar", "retro" },
- }
- },
- };
- using var powerShellHost = new PowerShellHost();
- var cmdletException = Assert.Throws(
- () => powerShellHost.PowerShell
- .AddCommand("Set-WinGetUserSettings")
- .AddParameter("UserSettings", inputSettings)
- .AddParameter("Merge")
- .Invoke());
- // If we reference Microsoft.WinGet.Client to this project PowerShell host fails with
- // System.Management.Automation.CmdletInvocationException : Operation is not supported on this platform. (0x80131539)
- // System.PlatformNotSupportedException : Operation is not supported on this platform. (0x80131539)
- // trying to load the runspace. This is most probably because the same dll is already loaded.
- // Check the type the long way.
- dynamic exception = cmdletException.InnerException;
- Assert.AreEqual(exception.GetType().ToString(), "Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Engine.Exceptions.UserSettingsReadException");
- }
private bool IsRunning(string processName)
return Process.GetProcessesByName(processName).Length > 0;
diff --git a/src/LocalhostWebServer/Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1 b/src/LocalhostWebServer/Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1
index ef243af9ed..d3e6bfb72c 100644
--- a/src/LocalhostWebServer/Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1
+++ b/src/LocalhostWebServer/Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
Export cert location.
.PARAMETER LocalSourceJson
Local source json definition
+.PARAMETER SourceCert
+ The certificate of the source package.
@@ -32,9 +34,18 @@ param(
- [string]$LocalSourceJson
+ [string]$LocalSourceJson,
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$SourceCert
+if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($sourceCert))
+ # Requires admin
+ & certutil.exe -addstore -f "TRUSTEDPEOPLE" $sourceCert
cd $BuildRoot
Start-Process -FilePath "LocalhostWebServer.exe" -ArgumentList "StaticFileRoot=$StaticFileRoot CertPath=$CertPath CertPassword=$CertPassword OutCertFile=$OutCertFile LocalSourceJson=$LocalSourceJson"
diff --git a/src/PowerShell/tests/Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Tests.ps1 b/src/PowerShell/tests/Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Tests.ps1
index 00faba7012..f52713895d 100644
--- a/src/PowerShell/tests/Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Tests.ps1
+++ b/src/PowerShell/tests/Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Tests.ps1
@@ -5,37 +5,93 @@
Pester tests related to the Microsoft.WinGet.Client PowerShell module.
The tests require the localhost web server to be running and serving the test data.
- 'Invoke-Pester' should be called in an admin powershell window with the 'Microsoft.WinGet.Client' PowerShell module already imported.
+ 'Invoke-Pester' should be called in an admin PowerShell window.
BeforeAll {
+ $settingsFilePath = (ConvertFrom-Json (wingetdev.exe settings export)).userSettingsFile
+ Import-Module Microsoft.WinGet.Client
+ function SetWinGetSettingsHelper($settings) {
+ $content = ConvertTo-Json $settings -Depth 4
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value $content
+ }
# Source Add requires admin privileges, this will only execute successfully in an elevated PowerShell.
- wingetdev source add 'TestSource' 'https://localhost:5001/TestKit/'
+ function AddTestSource {
+ try {
+ Get-WinGetSource -Name 'TestSource'
+ }
+ catch {
+ Add-WinGetSource -Name 'TestSource' -Arg 'https://localhost:5001/TestKit/'
+ }
+ }
+ function RemoveTestSource {
+ try {
+ Get-WinGetSource -Name 'TestSource'
+ }
+ catch {
+ # Source Remove requires admin privileges, this will only execute successfully in an elevated PowerShell.
+ # This is a workaround to an issue where the server takes longer than expected to terminate when
+ # running from PowerShell. This can cause other E2E tests to fail when attempting to reset the test source.
+ Start-Process -FilePath "wingetdev" -ArgumentList "source remove TestSource"
+ }
+ }
+Describe 'Get-WinGetVersion' {
+ It 'Get-WinGetVersion' {
+ $version = Get-WinGetVersion
+ $version | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ }
-Describe 'Get-WinGetSource' {
- It 'Get Test Source' {
+Describe 'Get|Add|Reset-WinGetSource' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ AddTestSource
+ }
+ It 'Get Test source' {
$source = Get-WinGetSource -Name 'TestSource'
+ $source | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$source.Name | Should -Be 'TestSource'
$source.Argument | Should -Be 'https://localhost:5001/TestKit/'
$source.Type | Should -Be 'Microsoft.PreIndexed.Package'
+ It 'Get fake source' {
+ { Get-WinGetSource -Name 'Fake' } | Should -Throw
+ }
+ # This tests require admin
+ It 'Reset Test source' {
+ Reset-WinGetSource -Name TestSource
+ }
Describe 'Find-WinGetPackage' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ AddTestSource
+ }
It 'Given no parameters, lists all available packages' {
$allPackages = Find-WinGetPackage -Source TestSource
$allPackages.Count | Should -BeGreaterThan 0
It 'Find by Id' {
- $package = Find-WinGetPackage -Source 'TestSource' -Id 'AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller'
+ $package = Find-WinGetPackage -Source 'TestSource' -Id 'AppInstallerTest.TestExampleInstaller'
$package | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
- $package.Name | Should -Be 'TestExeInstaller'
- $package.Id | Should -Be 'AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller'
- $package.Version | Should -Be ''
+ $package.Name | Should -Be 'TestExampleInstaller'
+ $package.Id | Should -Be 'AppInstallerTest.TestExampleInstaller'
+ $package.Version | Should -Be ''
$package.Source | Should -Be 'TestSource'
@@ -56,7 +112,7 @@ Describe 'Find-WinGetPackage' {
It 'Find package and verify PackageVersionInfo' {
- $package = Find-WinGetPackage -Source 'TestSource' -Id 'AppInstallerTest.TestPortableExe' -Exact
+ $package = Find-WinGetPackage -Source 'TestSource' -Id 'AppInstallerTest.TestPortableExe' -MatchOption Equals
$package | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$package.AvailableVersions[0] | Should -Be ''
@@ -73,17 +129,23 @@ Describe 'Find-WinGetPackage' {
Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ AddTestSource
+ }
It 'Install by Id' {
$result = Install-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller -Version ''
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.InstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
It 'Install by exact Name and Version' {
- $result = Install-WinGetPackage -Name TestPortableExe -Version '' -Exact
+ $result = Install-WinGetPackage -Name TestPortableExe -Version '' -MatchOption Equals
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.InstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
@@ -92,14 +154,16 @@ Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
It 'Update by Id' {
$result = Update-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.InstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
- It 'Update by Name and Version' {
+ It 'Update by Name' {
$result = Update-WinGetPackage -Name TestPortableExe
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.InstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
@@ -108,6 +172,7 @@ Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
It 'Uninstall by Id' {
$result = Uninstall-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.UninstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
@@ -116,6 +181,7 @@ Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
It 'Uninstall by Name' {
$result = Uninstall-WinGetPackage -Name TestPortableExe
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.UninstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
@@ -123,13 +189,13 @@ Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
AfterAll {
# Uninstall all test packages after each for proper cleanup.
- $testExe = Get-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller
+ $testExe = Get-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller -MatchOption Equals
if ($testExe.Count -gt 0)
Uninstall-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller
- }
+ }
- $testPortable = Get-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestPortableExe
+ $testPortable = Get-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestPortableExe -MatchOption Equals
if ($testPortable.Count -gt 0)
Uninstall-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestPortableExe
@@ -138,10 +204,15 @@ Describe 'Install|Update|Uninstall-WinGetPackage' {
Describe 'Get-WinGetPackage' {
+ BeforeAll {
+ AddTestSource
+ }
It 'Install by Id' {
$result = Install-WinGetPackage -Id AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller -Version ''
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.InstallerErrorCode | Should -Be 0
$result.Status | Should -Be 'Ok'
$result.RebootRequired | Should -Be 'False'
@@ -153,7 +224,7 @@ Describe 'Get-WinGetPackage' {
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.Name | Should -Be 'TestExeInstaller'
$result.Id | Should -Be 'AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller'
- $result.Version | Should -Be ''
+ $result.InstalledVersion | Should -Be ''
$result.Source | Should -Be 'TestSource'
$result.AvailableVersions[0] | Should -Be ''
@@ -164,7 +235,7 @@ Describe 'Get-WinGetPackage' {
$result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
$result.Name | Should -Be 'TestExeInstaller'
$result.Id | Should -Be 'AppInstallerTest.TestExeInstaller'
- $result.Version | Should -Be ''
+ $result.InstalledVersion | Should -Be ''
$result.Source | Should -Be 'TestSource'
$result.AvailableVersions[0] | Should -Be ''
@@ -179,7 +250,237 @@ Describe 'Get-WinGetPackage' {
+Describe 'Get-WinGetUserSettings' {
+ It 'Get settings' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $userSettings = Get-WinGetUserSettings
+ $userSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $userSettings.Count | Should -Be 2
+ $userSettings.visual.progressBar | Should -Be 'rainbow'
+ $userSettings.experimentalFeatures.experimentalArg | Should -Be $false
+ $userSettings.experimentalFeatures.experimentalCmd | Should -Be $true
+ }
+ It 'Get settings. Bad json file' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value "Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test."
+ { Get-WinGetUserSettings } | Should -Throw
+ }
+Describe 'Test-WinGetUserSettings' {
+ It 'Bad json file' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value "Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test."
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} }
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Equal' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $ogSettings | Should -Be $true
+ }
+ It 'Equal. Ignore schema' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value '{ "$schema": "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json", "visual": { "progressBar": "retro" } }'
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} }
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $true
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal string' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal bool' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$true ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal. More settings' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true }}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false }}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal. More settings input' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; }}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Equal IgnoreNotSet' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $ogSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $true
+ }
+ It 'Equal IgnoreNotSet. More settings' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true }}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false }}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $true
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal IgnoreNotSet. More settings input' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; }}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal bool IgnoreNotSet' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$true ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$false ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal array IgnoreNotSet' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ installBehavior= @{ preferences= @{ architectures = @("x86", "x64")} }}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ installBehavior= @{ preferences= @{ architectures = @("x86", "arm64")} }}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ It 'Not Equal wrong type IgnoreNotSet' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$true ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=4 ; experimentalCmd=$true}}
+ Test-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -IgnoreNotSet | Should -Be $false
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper @{ debugging= @{ enableSelfInitiatedMinidump=$true ; keepAllLogFiles=$true } }
+ }
+Describe 'Set-WinGetUserSettings' {
+ It 'Overwrites' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ source= @{ autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes=3}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$true ; experimentalCmd=$false}}
+ $result = Set-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.'$schema' | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $result.visual | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.visual.progressBar | Should -Be "rainbow"
+ $result.experimentalFeatures | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.experimentalFeatures.experimentalArg | Should -Be $true
+ $result.experimentalFeatures.experimentalCmd | Should -Be $false
+ $result.source | Should -BeNullOrEmpty
+ }
+ It 'Merge' {
+ $ogSettings = @{ source= @{ autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes=3}}
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper $ogSettings
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="rainbow"} ; experimentalFeatures= @{experimentalArg=$true ; experimentalCmd=$false}}
+ $result = Set-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -Merge
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.'$schema' | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $result.visual | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.visual.progressBar | Should -Be "rainbow"
+ $result.experimentalFeatures | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.experimentalFeatures.experimentalArg | Should -Be $true
+ $result.experimentalFeatures.experimentalCmd | Should -Be $false
+ $result.source | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.source.autoUpdateIntervalInMinutes | Should -Be 3
+ }
+ It 'Schema.' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value '{ "$schema": "https://aka.ms/winget-settings.schema.json", "visual": { "progressBar": "retro" } }'
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} }
+ $result = Set-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.'$schema' | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $result.visual.progressBar | Should -Be "retro"
+ }
+ It 'Overwrites Bad json file' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value "Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test."
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} }
+ $result = Set-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings
+ $result | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $result.'$schema' | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $result.visual.progressBar | Should -Be "retro"
+ }
+ It 'Overwrites Bad json file' {
+ Set-Content -Path $settingsFilePath -Value "Hi, im not a json. Thank you, Test."
+ $inputSettings = @{ visual= @{ progressBar="retro"} }
+ { Set-WinGetUserSettings -UserSettings $inputSettings -Merge } | Should -Throw
+ }
+ AfterAll {
+ SetWinGetSettingsHelper @{ debugging= @{ enableSelfInitiatedMinidump=$true ; keepAllLogFiles=$true } }
+ }
+Describe 'Get|Enable|Disable-WinGetSetting' {
+ It 'Get-WinGetSetting' {
+ $settings = Get-WinGetSettings
+ $settings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $settings.'$schema' | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $settings.adminSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $settings.userSettingsFile | Should -Be $settingsFilePath
+ }
+ # This tests require admin
+ It 'Enable|Disable' {
+ $settings = Get-WinGetSettings
+ $settings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $settings.adminSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $settings.adminSettings.LocalManifestFiles | Should -Be $false
+ Enable-WinGetSetting -Name LocalManifestFiles
+ $afterEnable = Get-WinGetSettings
+ $afterEnable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $afterEnable.adminSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $afterEnable.adminSettings.LocalManifestFiles | Should -Be $true
+ Disable-WingetSetting -Name LocalManifestFiles
+ $afterDisable = Get-WinGetSettings
+ $afterDisable | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty -ErrorAction Stop
+ $afterDisable.adminSettings | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty
+ $afterDisable.adminSettings.LocalManifestFiles | Should -Be $false
+ }
AfterAll {
- # Source Remove requires admin privileges, this will only execute successfully in an elevated PowerShell.
- wingetdev source remove 'TestSource'
+ RemoveTestSource
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/PowerShell/tests/RunTests.ps1 b/src/PowerShell/tests/RunTests.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5321558794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/PowerShell/tests/RunTests.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+ [string]$testModulesPath,
+ [string]$outputPath,
+ [string]$packageLayoutPath
+# This updates pester not always necessary but worth noting
+Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
+Import-Module Pester
+if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($testModulesPath))
+ $env:PSModulePath += ";$testModulesPath"
+if (-not (Test-Path $outputPath))
+ New-Item -Path $outputPath -ItemType Directory
+ Remove-Item $outputPath\* -Recurse -Force
+# Register the package
+if (-not [System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($packageLayoutPath))
+ $local:packageManifestPath = Join-Path $packageLayoutPath "AppxManifest.xml"
+ Import-Module Appx -UseWindowsPowerShell
+ Add-AppxPackage -Register $local:packageManifestPath
+ # Configure crash dump and log file settings
+ $local:settingsExport = ConvertFrom-Json (wingetdev.exe settings export)
+ $local:settingsFilePath = $local:settingsExport.userSettingsFile
+ $local:settingsFileContent = ConvertTo-Json @{ debugging= @{ enableSelfInitiatedMinidump=$true ; keepAllLogFiles=$true } }
+ Set-Content -Path $local:settingsFilePath -Value $local:settingsFileContent
+Invoke-Pester -Script $PSScriptRoot\Microsoft.WinGet.Client.Tests.ps1 -OutputFile $outputPath\Tests-WinGetClient.XML -OutputFormat NUnitXML
diff --git a/templates/e2e-setup.yml b/templates/e2e-setup.yml
index efff240da3..adb1f496aa 100644
--- a/templates/e2e-setup.yml
+++ b/templates/e2e-setup.yml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
# Configures local test source and local PowerShell repository.
-- name: source
+- name: sourceDir
type: string
-- name: buildOutDir
+- name: localhostWebServerArgs
type: string
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@ steps:
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Install Root Certificate
- filePath: '${{ parameters.source }}\src\LocalhostWebServer\InstallDevCert.ps1'
+ filePath: '${{ parameters.sourceDir }}\src\LocalhostWebServer\InstallDevCert.ps1'
arguments: '-pfxpath $(HTTPSDevCert.secureFilePath) -password microsoft'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Launch LocalhostWebServer
- filePath: '${{ parameters.source }}\src\LocalhostWebServer\Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1'
- arguments: '-BuildRoot ${{ parameters.buildOutDir }}\LocalhostWebServer -StaticFileRoot $(Agent.TempDirectory)\TestLocalIndex -CertPath $(HTTPSDevCert.secureFilePath) -CertPassword microsoft -OutCertFile $(Agent.TempDirectory)\servercert.cer -LocalSourceJson ${{ parameters.source }}\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\localsource.json'
+ filePath: '${{ parameters.sourceDir }}\src\LocalhostWebServer\Run-LocalhostWebServer.ps1'
+ arguments: '-CertPath $(HTTPSDevCert.secureFilePath) -CertPassword microsoft -OutCertFile $(Agent.TempDirectory)\servercert.cer ${{ parameters.localhostWebServerArgs }}'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Setup Local PS Repository
- filePath: '${{ parameters.source }}\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\Configuration\Init-TestRepository.ps1'
+ filePath: '${{ parameters.sourceDir }}\src\AppInstallerCLIE2ETests\TestData\Configuration\Init-TestRepository.ps1'
arguments: '-Force'
pwsh: true