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Microsoft.Management.Configuration API


This API is being added to enable the Developer+ configuration scenarios. It enables interacting with configuration sets in three contexts:

  1. Loading an existing configuration set from a stream
  2. Loading previously applied configuration sets from the local history
  3. Authoring a new/editing an existing configuration

These configuration sets are composed of configuration units, which describe the individual configurable items and the values to configure.

Configuration actions consist of:

  1. Test :: Determining whether the system state matches the described state
  2. Get :: Extracting the current system state with respect to the configuration scope
  3. Set :: Applying the described state to the system

This API is also intended to support multiple processes watching for state changes, both for the configuration set lifetimes and the individual configuration unit states.

Conceptual pages (How To)

(Add conceptual documentation that will go to "how to" page if needed)

API Pages

ConfigurationSetState enumeration

The state of a configuration set in the configuration history.

Name Description
Unknown Primarily used for a configuration set that has not been applied.
Pending The configuration set has been recorded into the history, but has not yet begun applying.
InProgress The configuration set has begun being applied to the system.
Completed The configuration set has completed being applied.

ConfigurationUnitState enumeration

The state of a configuration unit in the configuration history.

Name Description
Unknown Primarily used for a configuration unit that has not been applied.
Pending The configuration unit has been recorded into the history, but has not yet begun applying.
InProgress The configuration unit has begun being applied to the system.
Completed The configuration unit has completed being applied; the result information will contain additional details.
Skipped The configuration unit was skipped; the result information will contain additional details on the reason.

ConfigurationUnitDetailLevel enumeration

Defines the level of detail probing that is allowed about a configuration unit.

Name Description
Local Only reads details from local data.
Catalog Will query the catalog information for details, but will not download any modules.
Download Will download modules, but not load them.
Load Will download and load modules for details.

ConfigurationUnitResultInformation class

Information on a result for a single unit of configuration.

The class is used both in reporting results through the ConfigurationSet.ConfigurationSetChange event as they occur and in viewing past results via the ConfigurationUnit.ResultInformation property on a historical record.

IConfigurationUnitSettingDetails interface

Provides information for a specific configuration unit setting.

The properties on this interface are useful for creating a rich authoring experience.

IConfigurationUnitSettingDetails.Semantics schema

TODO: Define the meaning/schema for this value

IConfigurationUnitProcessorDetails interface

Provides information for a specific configuration unit within the runtime.

The properties on this interface are useful for informing the user about the provenance of the code that is responsible for processing the configuration unit.

ConfigurationUnit class

A single unit of configuration.

Represents the smallest actionable configuration element.

ConfigurationUnit constructor

Creates an empty configuration unit for authoring purposes.


ConfigurationUnit properties

Name Description
UnitName The name of the unit being configured; not a name for this instance.
InstanceIdentifier An identifier used to uniquely identify the instance of a configuration unit on the system.
Identifier The identifier name of this instance within the set. This value is referenced by other unit's Dependencies.
Dependencies The identifiers of the configuration units that this unit depends on.
Directives Contains the values that are for use by the configuration system, related to this unit.
Settings Contains the values that are for use by the configuration unit itself.
Details Contains information on the origin of the configuration unit. You must call ConfigurationProcessor.Get*DetailsAsync to populate this value.
State The current state of the configuration unit.
ResultInformation Contains information on the result of the latest attempt to apply the configuration unit.
ShouldApply Allows for control over whether this unit should be applied when the set containing it is applied.

ConfigurationUnit.Directives known values

TODO: List of well known directives

ConfigurationSetChangeEventType enumeration

The change event type that has occurred for a configuration set change.

Name Description
Unknown For future use if the caller is not aware of newer change types.
SetStateChanged The state of the configuration set has changed.
UnitStateChanged The state of a configuration unit has changed.

ConfigurationSetChangeData class

The change data sent about changes to a specific set.

This class is sent to subscribers of the ConfigurationSet.ConfigurationSetChange event, containing information about the specific change that occurred.

ConfigurationSet class

A configuration set contains a collection of configuration units and details about the set.

Represents a self contained group of configuration units that are operated on together.

ConfigurationSet constructors

Creates an empty configuration set for authoring purposes.


Loads a configuration set from the given stream.

ConfigurationSet(Windows.Storage.Streams.IInputStream stream);

ConfigurationSet.ConfigurationSetChange event

State changes for this set and it's units are sent to subscribers of this event.

event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<ConfigurationSet, ConfigurationSetChangeData> ConfigurationSetChange;

ConfigurationSet.Serialize method

Serializes the configuration set to the given output stream.

void Serialize(Windows.Storage.Streams.IOutputStream stream);

ConfigurationSet.Remove method

Removes the configuration set from the recorded history, if present.

void Remove();

You can use this method to remove a configuration set that is no longer relevant. For example, it may have been for a repository that is no longer being used by the user and future conflicts with it's configuration are not important.

ConfigurationSet properties

Name Description
Name The name of the set; if from a file this could be the file name.
Origin The origin of the set; if it came from a repository it could be the remote URL (ex.
InstanceIdentifier An identifier used to uniquely identify the instance of a configuration set on the system.
State The state that the set is in.
InitialIntent The time that this set was recorded with intent to apply.
ApplyBegun The time that this set was last started to be applied.
ApplyEnded The time that this set was last finished being applied (does not indicate success).
ConfigurationUnits The configuration units that are part of this set.

IConfigurationUnitProcessor interface

Provides access to a specific configuration unit within the runtime.

This interface is the primary mechanism used to actually read and write configuration to the system, but it is not expected that you would use this directly as a consumer of Microsoft.Management.Configuration.

IConfigurationSetProcessor interface

Contains the lifetime of the processing action for a configuration set.

This interface is used to contain the lifetime of a processing action, but it is not expected that you would use this directly as a consumer of Microsoft.Management.Configuration.

IConfigurationProcessorFactory interface

Allows different runtimes to provide specialized handling of configuration processing.

It is not expected that you would use this interface directly, but rather the ConfigurationProcessor class.

Spec note: A separate binary (written by us) will contain the implementation(s) of this interface.

DiagnosticLevel enumeration

Indicates the importance of diagnostic information.

Name Description
Verbose Most useful for debugging scenarios; likely too much for general use.
Informational Details that can be useful for understanding what is happening.
Warning Indicates some abnormal condition, but that is not expected to impact functionality.
Error An error has occurred, but this does not necessarily mean that it will halt the operation.
Critical A serious, fatal condition has been encountered.

DiagnosticInformation class

Contains diagnostic information from the configuration system that can be passed along to the user or log files. This is not intended as primary information, and is thus not localized.

ConfigurationConflictType enumeration

The type of conflict between configuration sets that was detected.

Name Description
Unknown For future use if the caller is not aware of newer conflict types.
MatchingOrigin Indicates that the first configuration set has a matching name and origin to the second, which has already been applied.
IdenticalSetApplied Indicates that the first configuration set is identical to the second, which has already been applied.
SettingsConflict Indicates a conflict between the settings of two configuration units.

ConfigurationConflictSetting class

Describes a conflict between a setting of two configuration units.

ConfigurationConflict class

Describes a conflict between two configuration sets.

ApplyConfigurationSetFlags enumeration

Flags to control how a configuration set should be applied to the system.

Name Description
None The configuration set should be applied in the default manner.
DoNotOverwriteMatchingOriginSet Forces a new configuration set instance to be recorded when the set being applied matches a previous set's origin. The default behavior is to assume that the incoming set is an update to the existing set and overwrite it.

ConfigurationChangeEventType enumeration

The configuration set change event type that has occurred.

Name Description
Unknown For future use if the caller is not aware of newer change types.
SetAdded A new configuration set was recorded in the history with the intent to be applied.
SetStateChanged A configuration set has changed state.
SetRemoved A configuration set has been removed from the history.

ConfigurationChangeEventType class

The change data sent about changes to sets.

ConfigurationProcessor class

The configuration processor is responsible for the interactions with the system.

You must use this class to do anything beyond reading configuration sets. It is the entrypoint for all actions that will interact with the actual system configuration.

ConfigurationProcessor constructor

Creates a configuration processor using the given configuration factory.

ConfigurationProcessor(IConfigurationProcessorFactory factory);

TODO: Add details on the mechanics of creating the IConfigurationProcessorFactory objects that we provide.

ConfigurationProcessor.CheckForConflicts(Async) method

Checks for conflicts amongst the configuration sets provided, optionally including the configuration sets already applied to the system.

Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<ConfigurationConflict> CheckForConflicts(Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<ConfigurationSet> configurationSets, Boolean includeConfigurationHistory);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation< Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<ConfigurationConflict> > CheckForConflictsAsync(Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<ConfigurationSet> configurationSets, Boolean includeConfigurationHistory);

This method should be used on any configuration set that is opened in order to determine if it would cause a conflict with previously applied configurations. It should be called after setting the Name and Origin in order to determine if it is a potential update.

ConfigurationProcessor.GetSetDetails(Async) method

Gets the details for all configuration units in a set.

void GetSetDetails(ConfigurationSet configurationSet, ConfigurationUnitDetailLevel detailLevel);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction GetSetDetailsAsync(ConfigurationSet configurationSet, ConfigurationUnitDetailLevel detailLevel);

This is a convenience/optimization method that will do the same thing as calling GetUnitDetails(Async) on each configuration unit in the set. See GetUnitDetails(Async) for more information on what it will do.

ConfigurationProcessor.GetUnitDetails(Async) method

Gets the details for all configuration units in a set.

void GetUnitDetails(ConfigurationUnit unit, ConfigurationUnitDetailLevel detailLevel);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction GetUnitDetailsAsync(ConfigurationUnit unit, ConfigurationUnitDetailLevel detailLevel);

This method will get the details about a specific configuration unit and make them available via ConfigurationUnit.Details. The detailLevel parameter allows control over how deeply to probe for details. It is an analog for the amount of trust to place in the configuration unit processor.

ConfigurationProcessor.ApplySet(Async) method

Applies the configuration set state to the system.

ApplyConfigurationSetResult ApplySet(ConfigurationSet configurationSet, ApplyConfigurationSetFlags flags);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress<ApplyConfigurationSetResult, ConfigurationSetChangeData> ApplySetAsync(ConfigurationSet configurationSet, ApplyConfigurationSetFlags flags);

Using the async method and it's progress is more efficient than subscribing to the ConfigurationSetChange event before calling this method.

ConfigurationProcessor.TestSet(Async) method

Tests if the system state matches the state described by the configuration set.

TestConfigurationSetResult TestSet(ConfigurationSet configurationSet);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperationWithProgress<TestConfigurationSetResult, TestConfigurationUnitResult> TestSetAsync(ConfigurationSet configurationSet);

ConfigurationProcessor.GetSettings(Async) method

Gets the current configuration unit settings from the system state.

GetConfigurationUnitSettingsResult GetSettings(ConfigurationUnit unit);

Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation<GetConfigurationUnitSettingsResult> GetSettingsAsync(ConfigurationUnit unit);

ConfigurationProcessor.Diagnostics event

Enables listening to internal diagnostics events for logging purposes.

ConfigurationProcessor.ConfigurationChange event

Signals changes to the set of configuration sets in the history, as well as changes to the state of configuration sets in the history.

ConfigurationProcessor.GetConfigurationHistory method

Gets the configuration sets from the recorded history.

Windows.Foundation.Collections.IVectorView<ConfigurationSet> GetConfigurationHistory();

Gets the configuration sets that have already been applied or those recorded with the intent to be applied. This may include in progress sets or those that are waiting to be applied.

API Details

Link to the MIDL3 file.



This sample illustrates some of the expected usage patterns.

using Microsoft.Management.Configuration;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using Windows.Foundation;
using Windows.Foundation.Collections;
using Windows.Storage;
using Windows.Storage.Streams;

namespace ConfigurationSample
    internal static class Helpers
        internal static IConfigurationProcessorFactory CreateIConfigurationProcessorFactory()
            throw new NotImplementedException();

        internal static ConfigurationSet OpenConfigurationSet(string filePath, ConfigurationProcessor processor)
            var fileOperation = FileRandomAccessStream.OpenAsync(filePath, FileAccessMode.Read);
            var file = fileOperation.GetResults();
            OpenConfigurationSetResult result = processor.OpenConfigurationSet(file);

            if (result.Set != null)
                return result.Set;

            Console.WriteLine($"Failed opening configuration set: 0x{result.ResultCode:X} at {result.Field}");
            return null;

        internal static void SetWatcher(ConfigurationSet set, ConfigurationSetChangeData data)
            Console.WriteLine($"  - Set: {set.Name} [{set.InstanceIdentifier}]");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Change: {data.Change}");
            Console.WriteLine($"    Set State: {data.SetState}");
            switch (data.Change)
                case ConfigurationSetChangeEventType.UnitStateChanged:
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Unit: {data.Unit.UnitName} [{data.Unit.InstanceIdentifier}]");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Unit State: {data.UnitState}");
                    if (data.UnitState == ConfigurationUnitState.Completed && data.ResultInformation.ResultCode != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"    Failure: {data.ResultInformation.Description} [{data.ResultInformation.ResultCode.HResult}]");

    internal class ApplyProgressWatcher
        private bool isFirstProgress = true;

        internal void Watcher(IAsyncOperationWithProgress<ApplyConfigurationSetResult, ConfigurationSetChangeData> operation, ConfigurationSetChangeData data)
            if (isFirstProgress)
                isFirstProgress = false;

                // If our first progress callback contains partial results, output them as if they had been called through progress
                ApplyConfigurationSetResult partialResult = operation.GetResults();

                foreach (ApplyConfigurationUnitResult unitResult in partialResult.UnitResults)
                    HandleUnitProgress(unitResult.Unit, unitResult.State, unitResult.ResultInformation);

            switch (data.Change)
                case ConfigurationSetChangeEventType.SetStateChanged:
                    Console.WriteLine($"  - Set State: {data.SetState}");
                case ConfigurationSetChangeEventType.UnitStateChanged:
                    HandleUnitProgress(data.Unit, data.UnitState, data.ResultInformation);

        private void HandleUnitProgress(ConfigurationUnit unit, ConfigurationUnitState state, ConfigurationUnitResultInformation resultInformation)
            switch (state)
                case ConfigurationUnitState.Pending:
                case ConfigurationUnitState.InProgress:
                case ConfigurationUnitState.Completed:
                case ConfigurationUnitState.Skipped:
                    Console.WriteLine($"  - Unit: {unit.UnitName} [{unit.InstanceIdentifier}]");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Unit State: {state}");
                    if (resultInformation.ResultCode != null)
                        Console.WriteLine($"    HRESULT: [0x{resultInformation.ResultCode.HResult:X8}]");
                        Console.WriteLine($"    Reason: {resultInformation.Description}");
                case ConfigurationUnitState.Unknown:

    internal class Program
        static void LoadAndOutput(string[] args)
            ConfigurationProcessor processor = new ConfigurationProcessor(Helpers.CreateIConfigurationProcessorFactory());

            // Open the given configuration file
            ConfigurationSet configSet = Helpers.OpenConfigurationSet(args[1], processor);
            if (configSet == null)

            // Output some of the information from the set
            Console.WriteLine($"Configuration Set: {args[1]}");

            foreach (ConfigurationUnit unit in configSet.ConfigurationUnits)
                Console.WriteLine($"  - Configuration Unit: {unit.UnitName}");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(unit.Identifier))
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Identifier: {unit.Identifier}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Intent: {unit.Intent}");
                IReadOnlyList<string> dependencies = unit.Dependencies;
                if (dependencies.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Dependencies:");
                    foreach (string dependency in dependencies)
                        Console.WriteLine($"      {dependency}");
                ValueSet directives = unit.Directives;
                if (directives.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Directives:");
                    foreach (var directive in unit.Directives)
                        Console.WriteLine($"      {directive.Key}: {directive.Value}");
                ValueSet settings = unit.Settings;
                if (settings.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("    Settings:");
                    foreach (var setting in unit.Settings)
                        Console.WriteLine($"      {setting.Key}: {setting.Value}");

        static void LoadAndCheckConflicts(string[] args)
            // Create the factory and processor
            ConfigurationProcessor processor = new ConfigurationProcessor(Helpers.CreateIConfigurationProcessorFactory());

            // Open the given configuration file
            ConfigurationSet configSet = Helpers.OpenConfigurationSet(args[1], processor);
            if (configSet == null)

            // Set a name and origin for this set so that we can see it in the conflict info
            configSet.Name = Path.GetFileName(args[1]);
            configSet.Origin = args[1];

            // Check for conflicts with existing configurations
            List<ConfigurationSet> configSets = new List<ConfigurationSet>() { configSet };
            IList<ConfigurationConflict> conflicts = processor.CheckForConflicts(configSets, true);

            Console.WriteLine($"Conflicts with Configuration Set: {args[1]}");

            foreach (ConfigurationConflict conflict in conflicts)
                Console.WriteLine($"  - Conflict: {conflict.Conflict}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    First Set: {conflict.FirstSet.Name} [{conflict.FirstSet.Origin}]");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Second Set: {conflict.SecondSet.Name} [{conflict.SecondSet.Origin}]");
                if (conflict.Conflict == ConfigurationConflictType.SettingsConflict)
                    Console.WriteLine($"    First Unit: {conflict.FirstUnit.UnitName} [{conflict.FirstUnit.InstanceIdentifier}]");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    Second Unit: {conflict.SecondUnit.UnitName} [{conflict.SecondUnit.InstanceIdentifier}]");
                    foreach (ConfigurationConflictSetting setting in conflict.Settings)
                        Console.WriteLine($"    - Setting: {setting.Name}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"      First Value: {setting.FirstValue}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"      Second Value: {setting.SecondValue}");

        static void LoadAndApply(string[] args)
            // Create the factory and processor
            ConfigurationProcessor processor = new ConfigurationProcessor(Helpers.CreateIConfigurationProcessorFactory());

            // Open the given configuration file
            ConfigurationSet configSet = Helpers.OpenConfigurationSet(args[1], processor);
            if (configSet == null)

            Console.WriteLine($"Applying Configuration Set: {args[1]}");

            ApplyProgressWatcher watcher = new ApplyProgressWatcher();

            var operation = processor.ApplySetAsync(configSet, ApplyConfigurationSetFlags.None);
            operation.Progress = watcher.Watcher;
            ApplyConfigurationSetResult result = operation.GetResults();

            Console.WriteLine($"  - Done: {result.ResultCode.HResult}");

        static void GetHistoryAndWatchEverything(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("Watching all configuration [press Enter to stop]:");

            // Create the factory and processor
            ConfigurationProcessor processor = new ConfigurationProcessor(Helpers.CreateIConfigurationProcessorFactory());

            List<ConfigurationSet> list = new List<ConfigurationSet>();

            // Attach to the top level change event
            processor.ConfigurationChange += (ConfigurationSet incomingSet, ConfigurationChangeData data) =>
                int existingSetIndex = -1;

                lock (list)
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                        if (list[i].InstanceIdentifier == data.InstanceIdentifier)
                            existingSetIndex = i;

                    if (data.Change == ConfigurationChangeEventType.SetAdded || data.Change == ConfigurationChangeEventType.SetStateChanged)
                        if (existingSetIndex == -1)
                            incomingSet.ConfigurationSetChange += Helpers.SetWatcher;
                    else // Removed
                        if (existingSetIndex != -1)
                            list[existingSetIndex].ConfigurationSetChange -= Helpers.SetWatcher;

                Console.WriteLine($"  - Set: {data.InstanceIdentifier}");
                Console.WriteLine($"    Change: {data.Change}");

            foreach (ConfigurationSet set in processor.GetConfigurationHistory())
                int existingSetIndex = -1;

                lock (list)
                    for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i)
                        if (list[i].InstanceIdentifier == set.InstanceIdentifier)
                            existingSetIndex = i;

                    if (existingSetIndex == -1)
                        set.ConfigurationSetChange += Helpers.SetWatcher;

                if (existingSetIndex == -1)
                    Console.WriteLine($"  - Set: {set.Name} [{set.InstanceIdentifier}]");
                    Console.WriteLine($"    State: {set.State}");

            // Wait for user to press enter

        static void Main(string[] args)
            var method = typeof(Program).GetMethod(args[0], BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);

            if (method != null)
                method.Invoke(null, new object[]{ args });
                Console.WriteLine($"{args[0]} is not a sample");