diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index 2306479745..170fe0cc3e 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Operace se ruší na základě žádosti.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index efed536857..591512e94b 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Der Vorgang wird gemäß Anforderung abgebrochen.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 745094db7e..36441471d2 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La operación se cancelará como se ha solicitado.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index 5521d954c2..c8dc27df5e 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Annulation de l'opération, comme demandé.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index cdaf47280c..b6b761c4ca 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'operazione verrà annullata come richiesto.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index b20a53b222..dab0b76417 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">操作のキャンセルが要求されたため、キャンセルしています。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 397b19deed..b9ac7820d1 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">요청한 대로 작업을 취소하는 중입니다.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 61bde9dbb1..458d14e4f5 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Anulowanie operacji zgodnie z żądaniem.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index 58a215e1bb..3e1d806ee8 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Cancelando a operação conforme solicitado.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index 029fc953fe..c23b1175ee 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Операция отменяется в соответствии с запросом.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index 36dc5e6985..b6da8597bd 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">İşlem istek üzerine iptal ediliyor.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index b88f0539f2..2611b9ebd2 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">按要求取消该操作。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index 0a62c59c42..0e9311fa1d 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Common/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -266,8 +266,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="CancellationRequested">
         <source>Cancelling the operation as requested.</source>
-        <target state="new">Cancelling the operation as requested.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">正在應要求取消作業。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index 1e1072b607..a03452d9ee 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Žádný test neodpovídá danému filtru testovacích případů {0} v: {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index 4f8097bbf4..00ac08e798 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Kein Test entspricht dem angegebenen Testfallfilter "{0}" in "{1}".</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 1aff8a2fc0..9f160e7c66 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Ninguna prueba coincide con el filtro de casos de prueba proporcionado "{0}" en {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index aad32bbcda..ffdc29ec4a 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Aucun test ne correspond au filtre testcase donné `{0}` dans {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index f5c87d039e..3b084970b6 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nessun test corrisponde al filtro di test case specificato `{0}` in {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index 839d735d4e..2206e9d50f 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">指定のテストケース フィルター `{0}` に一致するテストは {1} にありません</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 2e68a325ba..0b4942cbbb 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{1}에 지정된 테스트 사례 필터 `{0}`과(와) 일치하는 테스트가 없습니다.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 976624acbb..8ff9701623 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Żaden test nie jest zgodny z podanym filtrem przypadku testowego „{0}” w elemencie {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index 83f5841708..f90a65b9f2 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nenhum teste corresponde ao filtro de testcase `{0}` determinado no {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index 6d4ee3b505..1d9e91f5bc 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Нет тестов, соответствующих указанному фильтру тестовых случаев "{0}" в {1}</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index a4ae609b6a..2bdc4b9d2e 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{1} içinde sunulan test çalışması filtresi `{0}` ile eşleşen test yok</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index e012850b00..be65772d8a 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">没有测试匹配 {1} 中的给定用例测试筛选器“{0}”</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index 04c681e28e..84ae83e800 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.CrossPlatEngine/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -199,8 +199,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="NoTestsAvailableForGivenTestCaseFilter">
         <source>No test matches the given testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</source>
-        <target state="new">No test is available for testcase filter `{0}` in {1}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">沒有任何測試符合 {1} 中的指定 testcase 篩選 `{0}`</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index 940447921f..73f7c8592e 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Zadaný klíč parametru blame {0} není platný. Tento klíč se bude ignorovat.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Klíč parametru blame {0} dokáže podporovat jen hodnoty {1}/{2}. Tento klíč se bude ignorovat.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nešlo spustit výpis procesu: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Byla povolena funkce CollectDump, ale soubor výpisu nebyl vygenerován.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index 26872ed16c..eb7a641e55 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Der angegebene blame-Parameterschlüssel "{0}" ist ungültig. Dieser Schlüssel wird ignoriert.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Der blame-Parameterschlüssel "{0}" kann nur die Werte "{1}"/"{2}" unterstützen. Dieser Schlüssel wird ignoriert.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Prozesssicherung konnte nicht gestartet werden: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump war aktiviert, aber es wurde keine Abbilddatei generiert.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 43e794307a..3a54c50259 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La clave de parámetro blame especificada {0} no es válida. Se omitirá esta clave.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La clave de parámetro blame {0} solo puede admitir valores {1}/{2}. Se omitirá esta clave.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">No se ha podido iniciar el volcado de proceso: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump estaba habilitado pero no se ha generado el archivo de volcado.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index dd1cfe8bba..b50a242731 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La clé de paramètre blame spécifiée {0} n'est pas valide. Cette clé est ignorée.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La clé de paramètre blame {0} peut prendre en charge uniquement les valeurs {1}/{2}. Cette clé est ignorée.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Impossible de démarrer le fichier dump du processus : {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump a été activé, mais le fichier dump n'a pas été généré.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index cbac6c395d..d3a97cc2c1 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La chiave specificata {0} del parametro di Blame non è valida e verrà ignorata.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La chiave {0} del parametro di Blame può supportare solo valori {1}/{2}. Questa chiave verrà ignorata.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Non è stato possibile avviare il dump del processo: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump è stato abilitato ma non è stato generato alcun file di dump.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index 840b5fe352..27b182a035 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">指定された blame パラメーター キー {0} は無効です。このキーは無視されます。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">blame パラメーター キー {0} は値 {1}/{2} のみをサポートします。このキーは無視されます。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">プロセス ダンプを開始できませんでした: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump は有効になりましたが、ダンプ ファイルは生成されませんでした。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 56ad96a37f..88af1978d8 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">지정된 blame 매개 변수 키 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 이 키를 무시합니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">blame 매개 변수 키 {0}은(는) {1}/{2} 값만 지원할 수 있습니다. 이 키를 무시합니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">프로세스 덤프를 시작할 수 없음: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump가 사용하도록 설정되었지만 덤프 파일이 생성되지 않았습니다.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 49fdb137c9..7b9a310355 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Podany klucz parametru blame {0} nie jest prawidłowy. Ten klucz jest ignorowany.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Klucz parametru blame {0} może obsługiwać tylko wartości {1}/{2}. Ten klucz jest ignorowany.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nie można rozpocząć zrzutu procesu: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Opcja CollectDump została włączona, ale nie wygenerowano pliku zrzutu.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index e6c87dd25c..ffeea9fc76 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">A chave de parâmetro de blame especificada {0} é inválida. Ignorando esta chave.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">A chave de parâmetro de blame {0} oferece suporte apenas aos valores {1}/{2}. Ignorando esta chave.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Não foi possível iniciar o processo de despejo: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump foi habilitado, mas o arquivo de despejo não foi gerado.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index 7f1e29681b..974bc09667 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Указанный ключ {0} параметра Blame недопустим. Он будет пропущен.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Ключ {0} параметра Blame поддерживает только значения {1}/{2}. Он будет пропущен.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Не удалось запустить дамп процесса: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Параметр CollectDump включен, но файл дампа не был создан.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index 3ec68b1602..45d4bec6a8 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Belirtilen blame parametresi anahtarı {0} geçerli değil. Bu anahtar yoksayılıyor.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Belirtilen blame parametresi anahtarı {0} yalnızca {1}/{2} değerlerini destekleyebilir. Bu anahtar yoksayılıyor.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">İşlem dökümü başlatılamadı: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump etkindi, ancak döküm dosyası oluşturulmamıştı.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index a2afff0535..08ae36c87b 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">指定的追责参数键 {0} 无效。忽略此键。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">追责参数键 {0} 只支持值 {1}/{2}。忽略此键。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">无法启动进程转储: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump 已启用,但是未生成转储文件。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index a7cb6749a4..af5913b92e 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.Extensions.BlameDataCollector/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -37,23 +37,23 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterKeyIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key specified {0} is not valid. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key {0} is not valid. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">指定的 blame 參數索引鍵 {0} 無效。即將忽略此索引鍵。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="BlameParameterValueIncorrect">
         <source>The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this key.</source>
-        <target state="new">The blame parameter key  {0} can only support values {1}/{2}. Ignoring this parameter.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">blame 參數索引鍵 {0} 僅支援值 {1\}/{2}。即將忽略此索引鍵。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpCouldNotStart">
         <source>Could not start process dump: {0}</source>
-        <target state="new">Could not start process dump: {0}</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">無法啟動處理序傾印: {0}</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="ProcDumpNotGenerated">
         <source>CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</source>
-        <target state="new">CollectDump was enabled but dump file was not generated.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">CollectDump 已啟用,但未產生傾印檔案。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index c6eb507d65..3ee3664c93 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Řetězec filtru {0} zahrnuje nerozpoznanou řídicí sekvenci.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index 3daf0ce50c..8ace86b33c 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Die Filterzeichenfolge "{0}" umfasst eine nicht erkannte Escapesequenz.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 2dfff84f75..f4e125de13 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La cadena de filtro "{0}" incluye una secuencia de escape no reconocida.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index ce326300fe..987afeb118 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La chaîne de filtre '{0}' inclut une séquence d'échappement non reconnue.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index 043fcbffb4..68048d3637 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La stringa di filtro '{0}' include una sequenza di escape non riconosciuta.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index 2690777d9a..ed11621472 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">フィルター文字列 '{0}' には、認識されないエスケープ シーケンスが含まれています。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 299021769b..ea3e5f1b7d 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">필터 문자열 '{0}'에 인식할 수 없는 이스케이프 시퀀스가 포함되어 있습니다.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 1fa2c7477a..f8a4bc65dd 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Ciąg filtra „{0}” obejmuje nierozpoznaną sekwencję ucieczki.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index b65e175042..e6980bd35d 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">A cadeia de caracteres de filtro '{0}' inclui sequência de escape não reconhecida</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index 81ad2a7ba8..76f82aaf36 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Строка фильтра "{0}" содержит нераспознанную escape-последовательность.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index 4c418ad5b2..204768f9d2 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">'{0}' filtre dizesi tanınmayan atlatma sırası içeriyor.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index 4b9b5ca62f..3063908a1b 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">筛选器字符串“{0}”包含无法识别的转义序列。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index f6212c4c0b..fdc1edde40 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -614,8 +614,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="TestCaseFilterEscapeException">
         <source>Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</source>
-        <target state="new">Filter string '{0}' includes unrecognized escape sequence.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">篩選字串 '{0}' 包含無法辨識的逸出序列。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index f62047e2d0..c536968853 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nejde najít {0}. Ujistěte se, že testovací projekt má odkaz na balíček nuget Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nejde najít {0}. Publikujte prosím svůj testovací projekt a zkuste to znovu.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index ea1a63967d..2e5cf69dc0 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">"{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Stellen Sie sicher, dass das Testprojekt einen NuGet-Verweis des Pakets "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" aufweist.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">"{0}" wurde nicht gefunden. Veröffentlichen Sie Ihr Testprojekt, und versuchen Sie es noch mal.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 3fbce61d34..3dcb39a212 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">No se encuentra {0}. Asegúrese de que el proyecto de prueba tenga una referencia NuGet del paquete "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">No se encuentra {0}. Publique el proyecto de prueba y vuelva a intentarlo.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index 57a2b62e70..2bd4288591 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} est introuvable. Vérifiez que le projet de test a une référence nuget du package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} est introuvable. Publiez votre projet de test et réessayez.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index 97326fdff3..3f30a82125 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Non è possibile trovare {0}. Assicurarsi che il progetto di test includa un riferimento NuGet del pacchetto "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Non è possibile trovare {0}. Pubblicare il progetto di test e riprovare.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index 759daa9d19..bf23d36cb9 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} を見つけることができません。テスト プロジェクトにパッケージ "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" の NuGet 参照があることを確認してください。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} を見つけることができません。テスト プロジェクトを発行してもう一度お試しください。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index a98955da1d..b18097c9ee 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 프로젝트에 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" 패키지의 nuget 참조가 포함되어 있는지 확인하세요.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다. 테스트 프로젝트를 게시하고 다시 시도하세요.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 472527fa85..e55f421979 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nie można znaleźć elementu {0}. Upewnij się, że projekt testowy ma odwołanie nuget do pakietu „Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk”.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nie można znaleźć elementu {0}. Opublikuj swój projekt testowy i spróbuj ponownie.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index 9648bab26e..0130760094 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Não foi possível localizar {0}. Certifique-se de que o projeto de teste tem uma referência nuget do pacote "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Não foi possível localizar {0}. Publique o projeto de teste e tente novamente.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index cf8a877524..86870776bd 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Не удается найти {0}. Убедитесь, что в тестовом проекте есть ссылка NuGet на пакет "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Не удалось найти {0}. Опубликуйте тестовый проект и повторите попытку.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index 0093c37569..5f010e0c6b 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} bulunamıyor. Test projesinin "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" paketinde nuget başvurusu olduğundan emin olun.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">{0} bulunamıyor. Lütfen test projenizi yayımlayın ve yeniden deneyin.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index 7764aab9c8..fefb9a5772 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">无法找到 {0}。确保测试项目具有包 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk" 的 nuget 引用。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">无法找到 {0}。请发布测试项目并重试。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index 12691af6ca..fe7b74c85a 100644
--- a/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/Microsoft.TestPlatform.TestHostProvider/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
       <trans-unit id="UnableToFindDepsFile">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Make sure test project has a nuget reference of package "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">找不到 {0}。請確認測試專案有 "Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk "套件的 nuget 參考。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="SuggestPublishTestProject">
         <source>Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</source>
-        <target state="new">Unable to find {0}. Please publish your test project and retry.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">找不到 {0}。請發佈您的測試專案並重試。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index 226264f4ef..dae9153b70 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Platné použití: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;kompletní cesta k souboru testsettings nebo runsettings, který se má migrovat&gt;
-Příklad: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Příklad: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Platné použití:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Úplná cesta k souboru testsettings nebo runsettings určenému k migraci&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Úplná cesta k souboru testsettings nebo runsettings určenému k migraci&gt; &lt;Úplná cesta k souboru runsettings určenému k migraci&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index cdeaa176b0..e0fb9d08c2 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Gültige Syntax: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Vollständiger Pfad zur Datei "testsettings" oder "runsettings", die migriert werden soll&gt;
-Beispiel: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Beispiel: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Gültige Syntax:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Vollständiger Pfad zur Datei "testsettings" oder "runsettings" für die Migration&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Vollständiger Pfad zur Datei "testsettings" oder "runsettings" für die Migration&gt; &lt;Vollständiger Pfad zu der zu erstellenden Datei "runsettings"&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 7e72e99e31..be0377ee1f 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Uso válido: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Ruta de acceso completa al archivo testsettings o runsettings que se migrará&gt;
-Ejemplo: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Ejemplo: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Uso válido:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Ruta de acceso completa a los archivos testsettings o runsettings que se van a migrar&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Ruta de acceso completa a los archivos testsettings o runsettings que se van a migrar&gt; &lt;Ruta de acceso completa al archivo runsettings que se va a crear&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index 851798798a..c07d4448cd 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Utilisation valide : SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Chemin complet vers le fichier testsettings ou runsettings à migrer&gt;
-Exemple : SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Exemple : SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Utilisation valide :
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Chemin complet du fichier testsettings ou fichier runsettings à migrer&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Chemin complet du fichier testsettings ou fichier runsettings à migrer&gt; &lt;Chemin complet du fichier runsettings à créer&gt;
+Exemples :
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index 6934909180..7287732c06 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Sintassi valida: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;percorso completo del file testsettings o del file runsettings di cui eseguire la migrazione&gt;
-Esempio: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Esempio: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Sintassi valida:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;percorso completo del file testsettings o runsettings di cui eseguire la migrazione&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;percorso completo del file testsettings o runsettings di cui eseguire la migrazione&gt; &lt;percorso completo del file runsettings da creare&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index 2629b37732..695d28391d 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">有効な使用法: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;移行する testsettings ファイルまたは runsettings ファイルの完全なパス&gt;
-例: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-例: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">有効な使用方法:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;移行する testsettings ファイルまたは runsettings ファイルのフルパス&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;移行する testsettings ファイルまたは runsettings ファイルのフルパス&gt; &lt;作成する runsettings ファイルのフルパス&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 1ab7228577..e6d32f3c24 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">유효한 사용: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;마이그레이션할 testsettings 파일 또는 runsettings 파일의 전체 경로&gt;
-Example: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Example: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">유효한 사용법:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;마이그레이션할 testsettings 파일 또는 runsettings 파일의 전체 경로&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;마이그레이션할 testsettings 파일 또는 runsettings 파일의 전체 경로&gt; &lt;만들려는 runsettings 파일의 전체 경로&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index a3885ef43b..0c16c7605c 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Prawidłowe użycie: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;pełna ścieżka do pliku testsettings lub runsettings do zmigrowania&gt;
-Przykład: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Przykład: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Prawidłowe użycie:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;pełna ścieżka do pliku testsettings lub runsettings do zmigrowania&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;pełna ścieżka do pliku testsettings lub runsettings do zmigrowania&gt; &lt;pełna ścieżka do pliku runsettings do utworzenia&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoTestu.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoStaregoPrzebiegu.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoTestu.testsettings E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoNowegoPrzebiegu.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoStaregoPrzebiegu.runsettings E:\MójTest\UstawieniaMojegoNowegoPrzebiegu.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index 8a2c60f07f..503cb2fb00 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Uso válido: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Caminho completo para o arquivo testsettings ou o arquivo runsettings será migrado&gt;
-Exemplo: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Exemplo: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Uso válido:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Caminho completo para a migração do arquivo testsettings ou runsettings&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Caminho completo para a migração do arquivo testsettings ou runsettings&gt; &lt;Caminho completo para a criação do arquivo runsettings&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index b6c6ee1971..7b7ddb6c89 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Допустимое использование: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Полный путь к переносимому файлу testsettings или runsettings&gt;
-Пример: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Пример: SettingsMigrator.exe E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Допустимое использование:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;полный путь к переносимому файлу testsettings или runsettings&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;полный путь к переносимому файлу testsettings или runsettings&gt; &lt;полный путь к создаваемому файлу runsettings&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index fae4ee2ab5..bd883d4522 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">Geçerli kullanım: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Geçirilecek testsettings dosyasının veya runsettings dosyasının tam yolu&gt;
-Örnek: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Örnek: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Geçerli kullanım:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Geçirilecek testsettings veya runsettings dosyalarının tam yolu&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;Geçirilecek testsettings veya runsettings dosyalarının tam yolu&gt; &lt;Oluşturulacak runsettings dosyasının tam yolu&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index 59f74dc056..1eb132ea5c 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">有效用法: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;要迁移的 testsettings 文件或 runsettings 文件的完整路径&gt;
-示例: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-Example: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">有效用法:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;要迁移的 testsettings 文件或 runsettings 文件的完整路径&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;要迁移的 testsettings 文件或 runsettings 文件的完整路径&gt; &lt;要创建的 runsettings 文件的完整路径&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index 6d3802b669..fa2c7a5790 100644
--- a/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/SettingsMigrator/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -49,10 +49,15 @@ SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
 SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</source>
-        <target state="new">有效用法: SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;到達 testsettings 檔案或要移轉之 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑&gt;
-範例: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings 
-範例: SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">有效使用方式:
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;所要移轉 testsettings 檔案或 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe &lt;所要移轉 testsettings 檔案或 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑&gt; &lt;所要建立 runsettings 檔案的完整路徑&gt;
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyTestSettings.testsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings
+SettingsMigrator.exe  E:\MyTest\MyOldRunSettings.runsettings E:\MyTest\MyNewRunSettings.runsettings</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
index 3edc5664bb..1763ea111e 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.cs.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Verze rozhraní&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Verze rozhraní&gt;
       Cílová verze rozhraní .NET Framework, která se použije k provedení testu. 
-      Platné hodnoty jsou ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" atd.
-      Další podporované hodnoty jsou Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Platné hodnoty jsou .NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1, .NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0 atd.
+      Další podporované hodnoty jsou Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework: &lt; Framework verze &gt;
       Cílové rozhraní .net Framework verze pro spuštění testu. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Neplatná verze rozhraní .NET Framework: {0}. Zadejte prosím úplný název cílového rozhraní. Další podporované verze jsou Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Neplatná verze rozhraní .NET Framework: {0}. Zadejte prosím úplný název cílového rozhraní (příklad: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Další podporované verze jsou Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 a FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Neplatné rozhraní .net Framework verze: {0}. uveďte, prosím, fullname TargetFramework. Ostatní podporované rozhraní .net Framework verze jsou Framework35, Framework40 a Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Cesta k souboru protokolu&gt;
-      Povolí podrobné protokoly pro testovací platformu.
-      Protokoly se zapisují do zadaného souboru.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Cesta k souboru protokolu&gt;
+      Povolí protokoly pro testovací platformu.
+      Protokoly se zapisují do zadaného souboru.
+      Změní u protokolů úroveň trasování, jak je uvedeno níže.
+      Příklad: /Diag:&lt;Cesta k souboru protokolu&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Výchozí hodnota verbose&gt;
+      Povolené hodnoty pro úroveň trasování: off, error, warning, info a verbose</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Diag | / Diag: &lt; cesta k souboru protokolu &gt;
       Povolení podrobného protokolování pro testovací platformu.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Spustí test v režimu blame. Tato možnost je užitečná pro izolování problematického testu, který způsobuje chybové ukončení hostitele testů. V aktuálním adresáři se vytvoří výstupní soubor Sequence.xml, do kterého se zaznamená pořadí provádění testů před chybovým ukončením.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Spustí test v režimu blame. Tato možnost je užitečná při izolaci problematického testu, který způsobuje jeho chybové ukončení.
+      Vytvoří výstupní soubor v aktuálním adresáři jako Sequence.xml,
+      který zachytí pořadí provádění testu před chybovým ukončením.
+      Volitelně se můžete rozhodnout pro shromáždění výpisu procesu pro hostitele testu.
+      Pokud se rozhodnete pro shromáždění výpisu, shromáždí se ve výchozím nastavení při chybovém ukončení minivýpis.
+      Toto výchozí chování můžete také přepsat pomocí určitých volitelných parametrů:
+      CollectAlways – Pro shromáždění výpisu při ukončení, pokud nedojde k chybovému ukončení (true/false) 
+      DumpType – Pro zadání typu výpisu (mini/full)
+      Příklad: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Zadaný parametr blame {0} není platný. Tento parametr se bude ignorovat.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Cesta k souboru diag {0} není platná.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument blame {0} není platný.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument diag {0} není platný.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument logger {0} není platný.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Zadání Framework35 není podporováno. U projektů mířících na .Net Framework 3.5 prosím použijte Framework40, aby testy v CLR 4.0 běžely v režimu kompatibility.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
index 6e187c744c..12c8ab24ce 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.de.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt; Frameworkversion &gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt; Frameworkversion &gt;
       Die .NET Framework-Zielversion, die für die Testausführung verwendet werden soll.
       Gültige Werte sind ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0 " usw.
-      Weitere unterstützte Werte sind "Framework35", "Framework40", "Framework45", "FrameworkCore10" und "FrameworkUap10".</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Weitere unterstützte Werte sind "Framework40", "Framework45", "FrameworkCore10" und "FrameworkUap10".</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Framework | / Framework: &lt; Frameworkversion &gt;
       Ziel von .net Framework-Version für die Ausführung verwendet werden. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Ungültige .NET Framework-Version: {0}. Geben Sie den vollständigen Namen von TargetFramework an. Weitere unterstützte .NET Framework-Versionen sind "Framework35", "Framework40", "Framework45", "FrameworkCore10" und "FrameworkUap10".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Ungültige .NET Framework-Version: {0}. Geben Sie den vollständigen Namen von TargetFramework an (Beispiel: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Weitere unterstützte .NET Framework-Versionen sind "Framework40", "Framework45", "FrameworkCore10" und "FrameworkUap10".</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Ungültige .net Framework-Version: {0}. Geben Fullname der TargetFramework. Andere unterstützt .net Framework-Versionen sind Framework35, Framework40 und Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Pfad zur Protokolldatei&gt;
-      Aktiviert ausführliche Protokolle für die Testplattform.
-      Protokolle werden in die angegebene Datei geschrieben.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Pfad zur Protokolldatei&gt;
+      Aktiviert Protokolle für die Testplattform.
+      Protokolle werden in die angegebene Datei geschrieben.
+      Ändern Sie die Ablaufverfolgungsebene für Protokolle wie unten gezeigt:
+      Beispiel: /Diag:&lt;Pfad zur Protokolldatei&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Standard: "verbose"&gt;
+      Zulässige Werte für "tracelevel": "off", "error", "warning", "info" und "verbose".</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Diag | / Diag: &lt; Pfad zur Protokolldatei &gt;
       Aktivieren Sie ausführliche Protokolle Testplattform.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Führt den Test im Modus "Verantwortung zuweisen" aus. Diese Option hilft bei der Isolierung des problematischen Tests, der den Absturz des Testhosts verursacht. Im aktuellen Verzeichnis wird eine Ausgabedatei "Sequence.xml" erstellt, in der die Reihenfolge der Testausführung vor dem Absturz erfasst wird.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Führt den Test im blame-Modus aus. Diese Option ist hilfreich zum Isolieren des problematischen Tests, der einen Absturz des Testhosts verursacht.
+      Im aktuellen Verzeichnis wird eine Ausgabedatei namens "Sequence.xml" erstellt,
+      in der die Reihenfolge der Testausführung vor dem Absturz erfasst wird.
+      Optional können Sie eine Prozesssicherung für den Testhost erfassen.
+      Wenn Sie sich zum Erfassen einer Sicherung entschließen, wird bei einem Absturz standardmäßig eine Minisicherung erfasst.
+      Dieses Standardverhalten können Sie durch einige optionale Parameter außer Kraft setzen:
+      CollectAlways: Zum Erfassen einer Sicherung beim Beenden, selbst wenn kein Absturz eintritt (TRUE/FALSE). 
+      DumpType: Zur Angabe des Sicherungstyps (mini/full).
+      Beispiel: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Der mit "blame" angegebene blame-Parameter "{0}" ist ungültig. Dieser Parameter wird ignoriert.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Der Diagnosedateipfad "{0}" ist ungültig.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Das blame-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Das diag-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Das logger-Argument "{0}" ist ungültig.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 wird nicht unterstützt. Verwenden Sie für Projekte, die auf .Net Framework 3.5 ausgerichtet sind, Framework40 zum Ausführen von Tests im "Kompatibilitätsmodus" von CLR 4.0.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
index 356132d512..0a6a9e954b 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.es.xlf
@@ -741,11 +741,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Versión de .NET Framework&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Versión de .NET Framework&gt;
       Versión de .NET Framework de destino que se usará para la ejecución de pruebas. 
       Los valores válidos son: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
-      Otros valores admitidos son: Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Otros valores admitidos son: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework: &lt; versión de Framework &gt;
       Trabajar en .net Framework versión que se utilizará para la ejecución de la prueba. 
@@ -765,8 +765,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Versión de .NET Framework no válida: {0}. Proporcione el nombre completo de TargetFramework. Otras versiones de .NET Framework admitidas son Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Versión de .Net Framework no válida: {0}. Proporcione el nombre completo de TargetFramework (ejemplo: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Otras versiones de .Net Framework admitidas son Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 y FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Válido .net Framework versión: {0}. proporcione el nombre completo de la TargetFramework. Sí admite .net Framework versiones son Framework35, Framework40 y Framework45.</target>
@@ -1398,10 +1398,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;RutaDelArchivoDeRegistro&gt;
-      Habilita registros detallados para la plataforma de pruebas.
-      Los registros se escriben en el archivo proporcionado.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Ruta de acceso al archivo de registro&gt;
+      Habilite los registros para la plataforma de prueba.
+      Los registros se escriben en el archivo proporcionado.
+      Cambie el nivel de seguimiento de los registros como se muestra a continuación
+      Ejemplo: /Diag:&lt;Ruta de acceso al archivo de registro&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Adopta como valor predeterminado "verbose"&gt;
+      Valores permitidos para tracelevel: off, error, warning, info y verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | / Diag: &lt; ruta de acceso al archivo de registro &gt;
       Habilitar registros detallados de la plataforma de pruebas.
@@ -1503,9 +1507,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Ejecuta la prueba en modo de culpa. Esta opción es útil para aislar la prueba problemática que provoca el bloqueo del host de prueba. Crea un archivo de salida en el directorio actual como "Sequence.xml" que captura el orden de ejecución de la prueba antes del bloqueo.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Ejecuta la prueba en modo blame. Esta opción es útil a la hora de aislar la prueba problemática que provoca el bloqueo del host de prueba.
+      Crea un archivo de salida en el directorio actual como "Sequence.xml",
+      que captura el orden de ejecución de la prueba antes del bloqueo.
+      Tiene la opción de elegir recopilar el volcado de proceso para el host de prueba.
+      Cuando elige recopilar el volcado, de forma predeterminada se recopila un mini volcado en un bloqueo.
+      También puede elegir invalidar este comportamiento predeterminado mediante algunos parámetros opcionales:
+      CollectAlways: para recopilar un volcado al salir incluso aunque no haya un bloqueo (true/false) 
+      DumpType: para especificar el tipo de volcado (mini/completo).
+      Ejemplo: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1600,33 +1614,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">El parámetro blame especificado con blame, {0} no es válido. Se omitirá este parámetro.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La ruta de acceso al archivo Diag "{0}" no es válida.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">El argumento de Blame "{0}" no es válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">El argumento de Diag "{0}" no es válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">El argumento de Logger "{0}" no es válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">No se admite Framework35. Para proyectos con destino .Net Framework 3.5, use Framework40 para ejecutar las pruebas en "modo de compatibilidad" de CLR 4.0.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
index 938adbd48f..d6c15855dc 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.fr.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;version du framework&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;version du framework&gt;
       Version cible du .Net Framework à utiliser pour l'exécution des tests. 
       Les valeurs valides sont : ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0", etc.
-      Les autres valeurs prises en charge sont Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Les autres valeurs prises en charge sont Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework : &lt; Version .NET Framework &gt;
       Ciblez .net version de Framework à utiliser pour l’exécution du test. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Version non valide du .Net Framework : {0}. Indiquez le nom complet de TargetFramework. Les autres versions du .Net Framework prises en charge sont Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Version non valide du .Net Framework : {0}. Indiquez le nom complet de TargetFramework (exemple : .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Les autres versions du .Net Framework prises en charge sont Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 et FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Non valide .net version du Framework : {0}. Veuillez donner le nom complet de la TargetFramework. Autre prise en charge de .net Framework versions sont Framework35, Framework40 et Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;chemin du fichier journal&gt;
-      Permet d'activer les journaux détaillés pour la plateforme de test.
-      Les journaux sont écrits dans le fichier fourni.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Chemin du fichier journal&gt;
+      Active les journaux pour la plateforme de test.
+      Les journaux sont écrits dans le fichier fourni.
+      Changez le niveau de trace des journaux, comme indiqué ci-dessous
+      Exemple : /Diag:&lt;Chemin du fichier journal&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Par défaut "verbose"&gt;
+      Valeurs autorisées pour tracelevel : off, error, warning, info et verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | / Diag : &lt; chemin d’accès au fichier journal &gt;
       Activer les fichiers journaux détaillés pour la plate-forme de test.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Exécute le test en mode blame (responsabilité). Cette option permet d'isoler le test problématique qui est à l'origine d'un incident sur l'hôte de test. Elle crée dans le répertoire actif un fichier de sortie nommé "Sequence.xml", qui capture l'ordre d'exécution du test avant l'incident.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Exécute le test en mode blame. Cette option est utile pour isoler le test problématique qui cause le plantage de l'hôte de test.
+      Il crée un fichier de sortie dans le répertoire actif nommé "Sequence.xml",
+      qui capture l'ordre d'exécution du test avant le plantage.
+      Vous pouvez éventuellement choisir de collecter le fichier dump du processus de l'hôte de test.
+      Quand vous choisissez de collecter le fichier dump, par défaut, un mini-dump est collecté lors du plantage.
+      Vous pouvez aussi choisir de remplacer ce comportement par défaut par des paramètres facultatifs :
+      CollectAlways - Pour collecter le fichier dump à la fermeture, même s'il n'y pas de plantage (true/false) 
+      DumpType - Pour spécifier le type de fichier dump (mini/full).
+      Exemple : /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Le paramètre blame spécifié avec blame, {0} n'est pas valide. Ce paramètre est ignoré.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Le chemin du fichier Diag '{0}' n'est pas valide.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argument blame '{0}' n'est pas valide.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argument diag '{0}' n'est pas valide.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argument logger '{0}' n'est pas valide.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 n'est pas pris en charge. Pour les projets ciblant .Net Framework 3.5, utilisez Framework40 pour exécuter les tests dans CLR 4.0 en "mode compatibilité".</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
index 40eef19a13..b47fea32a4 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.it.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Versione framework&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Versione framework&gt;
       Versione di .NET Framework di destinazione da usare per l'esecuzione dei test. 
       Valori validi: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" e così via.
-      Altri valori supportati: Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Altri valori supportati: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Framework | / Framework: &lt; versione Framework &gt;
       Destinazione di .net Framework versione da utilizzare per l'esecuzione del test. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">La versione di .NET Framework {0} non è valida. Specificare il nome completo della versione di .NET Framework di destinazione. Altre versioni di .NET Framework supportate: Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">La versione di .NET Framework {0} non è valida. Specificare il nome completo della versione di .NET Framework di destinazione ad esempio .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0. Altre versioni di .NET Framework supportate: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">.Net valida versione Framework: {0}. assegnare fullname del TargetFramework. Altro supportato di .net Framework versioni sono Framework35, Framework40 e Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Percorso dei file di log&gt;
-      Abilita i log dettagliati per la piattaforma di test.
-      I log vengono scritti nel file specificato.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;percorso del file di log&gt;
+      Abilita i log per la piattaforma di test.
+      I log vengono scritti nel file specificato.
+      Modifica il livello di traccia per i log come illustrato di seguito:
+      Esempio: /Diag:&lt;percorso del file di logfile&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;impostazione predefinita: "verbose"&gt;
+      Valori consentiti per tracelevel: off, error, warning, info e verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Diag | / Diag: &lt; percorso file registro &gt;
       Attiva log dettagliato per la piattaforma di test.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Esegue il test in modalità di segnalazione errore. Questa opzione è utile per isolare il test problematico che causa l'arresto anomalo dell'host dei test. Crea nella directory corrente un file di output denominato "Sequence.xml", in cui viene acquisito l'ordine di esecuzione del test prima dell'arresto anomalo.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Valore];[DumpType]=[Valore]
+      Esegue il test in modalità di segnalazione errore. Questa opzione è utile per isolare il test problematico che causa l'arresto anomalo di Test Host.
+      Crea nella directory corrente un file di output "Sequence.xml", che
+      acquisisce l'ordine di esecuzione del test prima dell'arresto anomalo.
+      Si può scegliere di raccogliere il dump del processo per Test Host.
+      Quando si sceglie di raccogliere il dump, per impostazione predefinita viene raccolto un minidump in caso di arresto anomalo.
+      Si può anche scegliere di eseguire l'override di questo comportamento predefinito usando alcuni parametri facoltativi:
+      CollectAlways: per raccogliere il dump all'uscita anche in assenza di arresto anomalo (true/false) 
+      DumpType: per specificare il tipo di dump (mini/full).
+      Esempio: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Il parametro di Blame specificato con Blame {0} non è valido e verrà ignorato.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Il percorso '{0}' del file di Diag non è valido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argomento '{0}' di Blame non è valido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argomento '{0}' di Diag non è valido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">L'argomento '{0}' di Logger non è valido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 non è supportato. Per i progetti destinati a .NET Framework 3.5, usare Framework40 per eseguire i test nella modalità di compatibilità di CLR 4.0.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
index db0923befe..a2beac5a71 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ja.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework のバージョン&gt;
-      テストの実行に使用する対象の .Net Framework バージョンです。
-     有効な値は ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" などです。
-      その他のサポートされる値は Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework のバージョン&gt;
+      テスト実行に使用するターゲット .Net Framework のバージョンです。 
+      有効な値は ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" などです。
+      その他のサポートされている値は Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--フレームワーク |/フレームワーク: &lt; フレームワーク バージョン &gt;
       対象の .Net Framework のバージョンをテストの実行に使用します。
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">.Net Framework バージョンが無効です: {0}。TargetFramework の完全な名前を指定してください。その他のサポートされる .Net Framework バージョンは Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">.Net Framework バージョンが無効です: {0}。TargetFramework の完全な名前を指定してください (例: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。その他のサポートされる .Net Framework バージョンは Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10、FrameworkUap10 です。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">無効な .Net Framework のバージョン: {0}.、TargetFramework のフルネームを指定してください。サポートされているその他の .Net Framework のバージョンは、Framework35、Framework40 および Framework45。</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;ログ ファイルのパス&gt;
-      テスト プラットフォームの詳細ログを有効にします。
-      ログは指定されたファイルに書き込まれます。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;ログ ファイルのパス&gt;
+      テスト プラットフォームのログを有効にします。
+      ログは指定されたファイルに書き込まれます。
+      ログのトレース レベルを以下のように変更します
+      例: /Diag:&lt;ログ ファイルのパス&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;既定値は "verbose"&gt;
+      tracelevel に指定できる値は、off、error、warning、info、verbose です。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | または Diag: &lt; ログ ファイルへのパス &gt;
       テスト プラットフォームの詳細なログを有効にします。
@@ -1455,7 +1459,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="InIsolationDeprecated">
         <source>The /InIsolation flag is deprecated. The tests are always run in a separate process</source>
-        <target state="translated">/InIsolation フラグは推奨されていません。テストは常に別個のプロセスで実行されます</target>
+        <target state="translated">/InIsolation フラグは非推奨です。テストは常に別個のプロセスで実行されます</target>
         <note />
       <trans-unit id="NotRunTestIndicator">
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      変更履歴モードでテストを実行します。このオプションは、テスト ホストのクラッシュの原因となる問題のあるテストを分離する場合に役立ちます。現在のディレクトリに、クラッシュする前のテスト実行順序を示す出力ファイル "Sequence.xml" が作成されます。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      テストを Blame モードで実行します。このオプションは、テスト ホストのクラッシュを引き起こしているテストを分離するのに役立ちます。
+      現在のディレクトリに "Sequence.xml" という出力ファイルを作成し、
+      そのファイルにクラッシュ前のテストの実行順序をキャプチャします。
+      必要に応じて、テスト ホストのプロセス ダンプを収集することもできます。
+      ダンプを収集するように選択すると、既定ではクラッシュ時にミニ ダンプが収集されます。
+      この既定の動作を次のオプション パラメーターでオーバーライドすることもできます:
+      CollectAlways - クラッシュが発生していなくても終了時にダンプを収集します (true/false) 
+      DumpType - ダンプの種類を指定します (mini/full)。
+      例: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1541,7 +1555,7 @@
       <trans-unit id="UseVsixExtensionsDeprecation">
         <source>/UseVsixExtensions is getting deprecated. Please use /TestAdapterPath instead.</source>
-        <target state="translated">/UseVsixExtensions は使用されなくなりました。代わりに /TestAdapterPath を使用してください。</target>
+        <target state="translated">/UseVsixExtensions は非推奨になりました。代わりに /TestAdapterPath を使用してください。</target>
         <note />
       <trans-unit id="DisableAutoFakesUsage">
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">blame で指定された blame パラメーター {0} は無効です。このパラメーターは無視されます。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag ファイル パス '{0}' は無効です。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Blame 引数 '{0}' は無効です。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag 引数 '{0}' は無効です。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Logger 引数 '{0}' は無効です。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 はサポートされていません。.Net Framework 3.5 を対象とするプロジェクトでは、Framework40 を使用して CLR 4.0 の "互換モード" でテストを実行してください。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
index 65f59727f2..563a694a08 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ko.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;프레임워크 버전&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;프레임워크 버전&gt;
       테스트 실행에 사용할 대상 .NET Framework 버전입니다. 
       유효한 값은 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 등입니다.
-      지원되는 기타 값은 Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      지원되는 기타 값은 Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-프레임 워크 | / 프레임 워크: &lt; 프레임 워크 버전 &gt;
       대상.Net Framework 버전 테스트 실행에 사용할 수 있습니다. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">.NET Framework 버전 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. TargetFramework의 전체 경로를 지정하세요. 지원되는 다른 .NET Framework 버전은 Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">.NET Framework 버전 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. TargetFramework의 전체 이름을 지정하세요(예: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). 지원되는 다른 .NET Framework 버전은 Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 및 FrameworkUap10입니다.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">잘못 된.Net Framework 버전: {0}. fullname은 TargetFramework의 이름을 입력 하십시오. 지원 되는 다른.Net Framework 버전은 Framework35, Framework40 및 Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;로그 파일 경로&gt;
-      테스트 플랫폼에 대해 자세한 정보 표시 로그를 사용하도록 설정합니다.
-      로그가 제공된 파일에 기록됩니다.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;로그 파일 경로&gt;
+      테스트 플랫폼에 대해 로그를 사용하도록 설정합니다.
+      로그가 제공된 파일에 기록됩니다.
+      로그에 대한 추적 수준을 아래와 같이 변경
+      예: /Diag:&lt;로그 파일 경로&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;"verbose"를 기본값으로 설정&gt;
+      tracelevel에 허용되는 값: off, error, warning, info 및 verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-진단 | / 진단: &lt; 로그 파일 경로 &gt;
       테스트 플랫폼에 대 한 자세한 정보 표시 로그를 활성화 합니다.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      테스트를 원인 모드로 실행합니다. 이 옵션은 테스트 호스트 작동을 중단시키는 문제 있는 테스트를 격리하는 데 유용합니다. 이 경우 현재 디렉터리에 "Sequence.xml"이라는 출력 파일을 만들며, 이 파일에는 작동 중단 이전 테스트 실행 순서가 캡처되어 있습니다.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      원인 모드에서 테스트를 실행합니다. 이 옵션은 테스트 호스트 크래시를 유발하는 문제 있는 테스트를 격리하는 데 유용합니다.
+      이 경우 현재 디렉터리에 "Sequence.xml"라는 출력 파일을 만들며,
+      이 파일에는 크래시 이전 테스트 실행 순서가 캡처되어 있습니다.
+      필요에 따라 테스트 호스트에 대한 프로세스 덤프를 수집하도록 선택할 수 있습니다.
+      덤프를 수집하도록 선택하는 경우 기본적으로 크래시에 대한 미니 덤프가 수집됩니다.
+      다음과 같은 몇 가지 선택적 매개 변수로 이 기본 동작을 재정의하도록 선택할 수도 있습니다.
+      CollectAlways - 크래시가 없는 경우에도 종료 시 덤프를 수집함(true/false) 
+      DumpType - 덤프 유형을 지정함(mini/full).
+      예: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">blame으로 지정된 blame 매개 변수 {0}이(가) 잘못되었습니다. 이 매개 변수를 무시합니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag 파일 경로 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Blame 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Logger 인수 '{0}'이(가) 잘못되었습니다.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35는 지원되지 않습니다. .NET Framework 3.5를 대상으로 하는 프로젝트의 경우 Framework40을 사용하여 CLR 4.0 "호환 모드"에서 테스트를 실행하세요.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
index 26dc70b020..84bcdabc26 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pl.xlf
@@ -738,11 +738,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;wersja struktury&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;wersja struktury&gt;
       Docelowa wersja programu .NET Framework, która zostanie użyta na potrzeby wykonania testu. 
       Prawidłowe wartości to ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" itp.
-      Inne obsługiwane wartości to Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 i FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Inne obsługiwane wartości to Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10, FrameworkUap10 i FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework: &lt; Framework w wersji &gt;
       Cel systemu .net Framework w wersji używanego do wykonania testu. 
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Nieprawidłowa wersja programu .NET Framework: {0}. Podaj pełną nazwę struktury docelowej. Inne obsługiwane wersje programu .NET Framework to Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 i FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Nieprawidłowa wersja programu .NET Framework: {0}. Podaj pełną nazwę struktury docelowej (np. .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Inne obsługiwane wersje programu .NET Framework to Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 i FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Nieprawidłowy .net Framework w wersji: {0}. Proszę podać imię i nazwisko z TargetFramework. Inne obsługiwane platformy .net Framework w wersji są Framework35, Framework40 i Framework45.</target>
@@ -1392,10 +1392,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;ścieżka do pliku dziennika&gt;
-      Włącza pełne dzienniki dla platformy testowej.
-      Dzienniki są zapisywane do podanego pliku.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;ścieżka do pliku dziennika&gt;
+      Włącz dzienniki dla platformy testowej.
+      Dzienniki są zapisywanie w podanym pliku.
+      Zmień poziom śledzenia dla dzienników, jak pokazano poniżej
+      Przykład: /Diag:&lt;ścieżka do pliku dziennika&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;wartość domyślna to „verbose”&gt;
+      Dozwolone wartości dla elementu tracelevel: off, error, warning, info i verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | / Diag: &lt; ścieżka do pliku dziennika &gt;
       Włączyć pełne dzienniki dla platformy testowej.
@@ -1497,9 +1501,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Uruchamia test w trybie Blame. Ta opcja jest przydatna przy izolowaniu problematycznego testu powodującego awarię hosta testów. Tworzy w bieżącym katalogu plik wyjściowy „Sequence.xml”, który przechwytuje kolejność wykonywania testu przed awarią.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Uruchamia test w trybie Blame. Ta opcja jest pomocna w odizolowaniu problematycznego testu powodującego awarię hosta testów.
+      Tworzy w bieżącym katalogu plik wyjściowy „Sequence.xml”,
+      który przechwytuje kolejność wykonywania testu przed awarią.
+      Opcjonalnie możesz zebrać zrzut procesu dla hosta testów.
+      Gdy zdecydujesz się na zebranie zrzutu, domyślnie w momencie awarii zostanie zebrany minizrzut.
+      Możesz także przesłonić to zachowanie domyślne opcjonalnymi parametrami:
+      CollectAlways — zrzut jest zbierany przy wychodzeniu, nawet jeśli nie ma awarii (true/false) 
+      DumpType — określa typ zrzutu (mini/full).
+      Przykład: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1593,33 +1607,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Parametr blame określony z argumentem blame, {0} jest nieprawidłowy. Ten parametr jest ignorowany.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Ścieżka pliku Diag „{0}” jest nieprawidłowa.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument Blame „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument Diag „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Argument Logger „{0}” jest nieprawidłowy.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Wersja Framework35 nie jest obsługiwana. W przypadku projektów przeznaczonych dla programu .Net Framework 3.5 użyj wersji Framework40 do uruchamiania testów w „trybie zgodności” CLR 4.0.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
index 03845bd620..d9bbe2d342 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -738,11 +738,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework Version&gt;
-      Indique a versão de destino do .Net Framework a ser usada para a execução do teste. 
-      Os valores válidos são ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
-      Outros valores compatíveis são Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Versão do Framework&gt;
+      Versão do .Net Framework de destino a ser usada para a execução do teste. 
+      Valores váidos são ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
+      Outros valores com suporte são Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Framework | / Framework: &lt; versão do Framework &gt;
       Direcionar o .net Framework versão a ser usada para a execução do teste. 
@@ -762,8 +762,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Versão inválida do .Net Framework: {0}. Forneça o nome completo do TargetFramework. Outras versões compatíveis do .Net Framework são Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Versão inválida do .Net Framework: {0}. Forneça o nome completo do TargetFramework(Exemplo: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Outras versões compatíveis do .Net Framework são Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 e FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Inválido .net Framework versão: {0}. Forneça o fullname do TargetFramework. Outro suporte para .net Framework versões são Framework35, Framework40 e Framework45.</target>
@@ -1392,10 +1392,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;
-      Habilitar logs detalhados para a plataforma de teste.
-      Os logs são gravados no arquivo fornecido.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Caminho para o arquivo de log&gt;
+      Habilita logs na plataforma de teste.
+      Os logs são gravados no arquivo fornecido.
+      Altera o nível de rastreamento para logs conforme abaixo
+      Exemplo: /Diag:&lt;Caminho para o arquivo de log&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Padrão como "verbose"&gt;
+      Valores permitidos para tracelevel: off, error, warning, info e verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-Diag | / Diag: &lt; caminho para arquivo de log &gt;
       Habilite logs verbosos para plataforma de teste.
@@ -1497,9 +1501,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Executa o teste em modo de acusação. Essa opção é útil para isolar o teste problemático causando uma falha no host de teste. Ele cria um arquivo de saída no diretório atual como "Sequence.xml", que captura a ordem de execução do teste antes da falha.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Executa o teste em modo blame. Essa opção é útil para isolar o teste com problema causando falha no host de teste .
+     Ele cria um arquivo de saída no diretório atual como "Sequence.xml",
+      que captura a ordem de execução do teste antes da falha.
+      Você pode optar por coletar o processo de despejo para o host de teste.
+      Ao optar por coletar despejo, por padrão, um mini despejo será coletado em uma falha.
+     Você também pode optar por sobrescrever este comportamento padrão por alguns parâmetros opcionais:
+      CollectAlways - Para coletar despejo na saída mesmo que não haja falha (true/false) 
+      DumpType - Para especificar o tipo de despejo (mini/full).
+      Exemplo: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1593,33 +1607,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">O parâmetro blame especificado com blame, {0} é inválido. Ignorando este parâmetro.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">O caminho para o arquivo diag '{0}' não é válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">O argumento blame '{0}' não é válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">O argumento diag '{0}' não é válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">O argumento logger '{0}' não é válido.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Não há suporte para Framework35. Para projetos com .Net Framework 3.5 de destino, use o Framework40 para executar testes em “modo de compatibilidade” CLR 4.0. </target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
index e1754f7895..f6de314c33 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.ru.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;версия платформы&gt;
-      Целевая версия .NET Framework для выполнения тестов. 
-      Допустимые значения: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" и т. д.
-      Другие поддерживаемые значения: Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;версия платформы&gt;
+      Целевая версия .Net Framework для выполнения тестов. 
+      Допустимые значения: ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" и т. д.
+      Другие поддерживаемые значения: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework: &lt; Framework версии &gt;
       Целевой .net Framework версии, используемый для выполнения теста. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Недопустимая версия .NET Framework: {0}. Укажите полное имя целевой платформы. Другие поддерживаемые версии .NET Framework: Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Недопустимая версия .NET Framework: {0}. Укажите полное имя целевой платформы (например: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Другие поддерживаемые версии .NET Framework: Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 и FrameworkUap10.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Недопустимый .net Framework версии: {0}. Укажите имя fullname TargetFramework. Другие поддерживаемые .net Framework версии, Framework35, Framework40 и Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;путь к файлу журнала&gt;
-      Включение подробных журналов для платформы тестирования.
-      Журналы записываются в указанный файл.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;путь к файлу журнала&gt;
+      Включает журналы для платформы тестирования.
+      Журналы записываются в указанный файл.
+      Изменить уровень трассировки журналов можно, как показано ниже
+      Пример: /Diag:&lt;путь к файлу журнала&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;по умолчанию "verbose"&gt;
+      Допустимые значения для tracelevel: off (отключено), error (ошибка), warning (предупреждение), info (информация) и verbose (подробная).</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | / Diag: &lt; путь к файлу журнала &gt;
       Включение подробных журналов для тестовой платформы.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Запускает тест в режиме обвинения. Этот параметр нужен, чтобы изолировать проблемный тест, вызывающий сбой хоста для тестов. Он создает файл выходных данных в текущем каталоге (Sequence.xml), в котором записывается порядок выполнения теста перед сбоем.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[&lt;значение&gt;];[DumpType]=[&lt;значение&gt;]
+      Выполняет тест в blame-режиме. Этот вариант помогает изолировать проблемный тест, вызывающий сбой хоста для тестов.
+      В текущем каталоге создается выходной файл "Sequence.xml",
+      который записывает порядок выполнения теста перед сбоем.
+      При необходимости вы можете выполнить сбор дампа процессов хоста для тестов.
+      В этом случае по умолчанию при сбое будет собран мини-дамп.
+      Вы также можете переопределить поведение по умолчанию с помощью дополнительных параметров:
+      CollectAlways — собирает дамп по завершении даже при отсутствии сбоев (true/false) 
+      DumpType — задает тип дампа, mini (мини-дамп) или full (полный).
+      Пример: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Указанный с Blame параметр {0} недопустим. Он будет пропущен.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Путь к файлу диагностики "{0}" недопустим.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Аргумент Blame "{0}" недопустим.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Аргумент диагностики "{0}" недопустим.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Аргумент средства ведения журнала "{0}" недопустим.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 не поддерживается. В проектах для .Net Framework 3.5 запускайте тесты в режиме совместимости CLR 4.0 с использованием Framework40.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
index 8a2796d5bc..16bf48729b 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.tr.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework Sürümü&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework Sürümü&gt;
       Test yürütmesi için kullanılacak hedef .NET Framework sürümü. 
       Geçerli değerler ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" vb.
-      Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 ve FrameworkUap10 desteklenen diğer değerlerdir.</target>
-        <note></note>
+      Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 ve FrameworkUap10 desteklenen diğer değerlerdir.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Framework | / Framework: &lt; Framework sürüm &gt;
       Hedef .net Framework sürümünü test yürütmesi için kullanılacak. 
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">Geçersiz .NET Framework sürümü: {0}. Lütfen TargetFramework tam adını belirtin. Desteklenen diğer .NET Framework sürümleri Framework35, Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 ve FrameworkUap10’dur.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Geçersiz .NET Framework sürümü:{0}. Lütfen TargetFramework tam adını (Örnek: .NETCoreApp,Sürüm=v2.0) belirtin. Desteklenen diğer .NET Framework sürümleri Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10’dur.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">Geçersiz .net Framework sürümü: {0}. Lütfen fullname in TargetFramework verin. Diğer desteklenen .net Framework sürümleri şunlardır: Framework35, Framework40 ve Framework45.</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Günlük dosyasının yolu&gt;
-      Test platformuna yönelik ayrıntılı günlükleri etkinleştirir.
-      Günlükler belirtilen dosyaya yazılır.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Günlük dosyasının yolu&gt;
+      Test platformu için günlükleri etkinleştirin.
+      Günlükler belirtilen dosyaya yazılır.
+      Günlüklerin izleme düzeyini aşağıda gösterildiği şekilde değiştirin
+      Örnek: /Diag:&lt;Günlük dosyasının yolu&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Varsayılan "verbose"&gt;
+      tracelevel için izin verilen değerler: off, error, warning, info ve verbose.</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">--Diag | / Diag: &lt; günlük dosyası yolu &gt;
       Test platformu için ayrıntılı günlüklerini etkinleştirir.
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      Testi blame modunda çalıştırır. Bu seçenek, test konağı kilitlenmesine neden olan sorunlu testi belirlemek için kullanışlıdır. Geçerli dizinde testin kilitlenmeden önceki çalıştırılma sırasını yakalayan "Sequence.xml" adlı bir çıkış dosyası oluşturur.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      Testi blame modunda çalıştırır. Bu seçenek, test ana bilgisayarının kilitlenmesine neden olan sorunlu testin ayrı tutulmasını sağlar.
+      Geçerli dizinde, kilitlenmeden önce testin yürütülme düzenini yakalayan,
+      “Sequence.xml” adlı bir çıkış dosyası oluşturur. 
+      İsteğe bağlı olarak test ana bilgisayarının işlem dökümünü çıkarmayı seçebilirsiniz.
+      Dökümü çıkarmayı seçtiğinizde, kilitlenme durumunda varsayılan olarak bir mini döküm çıkarılır.
+      Dilerseniz bazı isteğe bağlı parametrelerle bu varsayılan davranışı geçersiz kılabilirsiniz:
+      CollectAlways - Kilitlenme olmasa da her çıkışta döküm çıkarma (true/false) 
+      DumpType - Döküm türünü belirtme (mini/full).
+      Örnek: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Blame ile belirtilen blame parametresi {0} geçerli değil. Bu parametre yoksayılıyor.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag dosya yolu '{0}' geçerli değil.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Blame bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Diag bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Logger bağımsız değişkeni '{0}' geçerli değil.</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 desteklenmiyor. .NET Framework 3.5’i hedefleyen projeler için lütfen Framework40 kullanarak testleri CLR 4.0’ın “uyumluluk modunda” çalıştırın.</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
index 202546ac8f..2775c59a2d 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework Version&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework 版本&gt;
       用于测试执行的目标 .Net Framework 版本。
       有效值为 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 等。
-      其他受支持的值为 Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。</target>
-        <note></note>
+      其他受支持的值为 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">— 框架 | / 框架︰ &lt; 框架版本 &gt;
       目标.Net Framework 版本以用于测试执行。
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">无效的 .Net Framework 版本: {0}。请提供 TargetFramework 的全名。其他支持的 .Net Framework 版本为 Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">无效的 .Net Framework 版本: {0}。请提供 TargetFramework 的全名(示例: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。其他支持的 .Net Framework 版本为 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">无效的.Net Framework 版本︰ {0}。 请给 TargetFramework 的全名。其他受支持的.Net Framework 版本是 Framework35、 Framework40 和 Framework45。</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;
-      为测试平台启用详细日志。
-      日志写入到所提供的文件。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;日志文件路径&gt;
+      为测试平台启用日志。
+      日志写入到提供的文件中。
+      如下所示更改日志的跟踪级别
+      示例: /Diag:&lt;日志文件路径&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;默认为“详细”&gt;
+      跟踪级别允许的值: 关、错误、警告、信息和详细。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-诊断 | / 诊断︰ &lt; 日志文件路径 &gt;
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      在追责模式下运行测试。此选项有助于隔离有问题的测试,以免导致测试主机崩溃。它会在当前目录中创建一个输出文件 "Sequence.xml",用于在崩溃之前捕获测试的执行顺序。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      在追责模式下运行测试。此选项有助于隔离导致测试主机崩溃的问题测试。
+      它会在当前目录中创建一个输出文件 "Sequence.xml",
+      用于在崩溃之前捕获测试的执行顺序。
+      可以根据需要选择收集测试主机的进程转储。
+      选择收集转储时,默认情况下,将在崩溃时收集小型转储。
+      还可选择通过一些可选参数覆盖此默认行为:
+      CollectAlways - 若无崩溃则在退出时收集转储(true/false)
+      DumpType - 指定转储类型(小型/完整)。
+      Example: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">追责时指定的追责参数 {0} 无效。忽略此参数。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">诊断文件路径“{0}”无效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">追责参数“{0}”无效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">诊断参数“{0}”无效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">记录器参数“{0}”无效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Framework35 不受支持。对于面向 .Net Framework 3.5 的项目,请使用 Framework40 在 CLR 4.0“兼容性模式”下运行测试。</target>
+        <note />
diff --git a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
index 4f727a9407..6e9b8563bc 100644
--- a/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
+++ b/src/vstest.console/Resources/xlf/Resources.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -739,11 +739,11 @@
       Target .Net Framework version to be used for test execution. 
       Valid values are ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1", ".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" etc.
       Other supported values are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework 版本&gt;
+        <target state="translated">--Framework|/Framework:&lt;Framework 版本&gt;
       要用於測試執行的目標 .Net Framework 版本。 
-      有效值為 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 等等
-      其他支援的值為 Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 與 FrameworkUap10。</target>
-        <note></note>
+      有效值為 ".NETFramework,Version=v4.5.1"、".NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0" 等等。
+      其他支援的值為 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 和 FrameworkUap10。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">— 框架 | / 框架︰ &lt; 框架版本 &gt;
       目标.Net Framework 版本以用于测试执行。
@@ -763,8 +763,8 @@
       <trans-unit id="InvalidFrameworkVersion">
         <source>Invalid .Net Framework version:{0}. Please give the fullname of the TargetFramework(Example: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0). Other supported .Net Framework versions are Framework40, Framework45, FrameworkCore10 and FrameworkUap10.</source>
-        <target state="new">.Net Framework 版本無效:{0}。請提供 TargetFramework 的全名。其他支援的 .Net Framework 版本為 Framework35、Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 以及 FrameworkUap10。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">.Net Framework 版本無效:{0}。請提供 TargetFramework 的全名 (例如: .NETCoreApp,Version=v2.0)。其他支援的 .Net Framework 版本為 Framework40、Framework45、FrameworkCore10 以及 FrameworkUap10。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">无效的.Net Framework 版本︰ {0}。 请给 TargetFramework 的全名。其他受支持的.Net Framework 版本是 Framework35、 Framework40 和 Framework45。</target>
@@ -1393,10 +1393,14 @@
       Change the trace level for logs as shown below
       Example: /Diag:&lt;Path to log file&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;Defaults to "verbose"&gt;
       Allowed values for tracelevel: off, error, warning, info and verbose.</source>
-        <target state="new">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;記錄檔的路徑&gt;
-      啟用測試平台的詳細資訊記錄檔。
-      記錄會寫入提供的檔案中。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Diag|/Diag:&lt;記錄檔的路徑&gt;
+      啟用測試平台的記錄。
+      記錄已寫入提供的檔案。
+      根據以下範例變更記錄的追蹤層級
+      範例: /Diag:&lt;記錄檔的路徑&gt;;tracelevel=&lt;預設為 "verbose"&gt;
+      tracelevel 允許的值: off、error、warning、info 和 verbose。</target>
+        <note />
         <alt-trans match-quality="100%" tool="BlackBox/MSR MT">
           <target state-qualifier="mt-suggestion">-诊断 | / 诊断︰ &lt; 日志文件路径 &gt;
@@ -1498,9 +1502,19 @@
       Example: /Blame
-        <target state="new">--Blame|/Blame
-      在 Blame 模式中執行測試。此選項有助於隔離造成測試主機損毀的問題測試。其會在目前的目錄中建立 "Sequence.xml" 這樣的輸出檔案,以擷取損毀前執行測試的順序。</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">--Blame|/Blame:[CollectDump];[CollectAlways]=[Value];[DumpType]=[Value]
+      以 blame 模式執行測試。此選項在隔離造成測試主機當機的問題測試時相當實用。
+      它會在目前的目錄建立輸出檔案 "Sequence.xml",
+      該檔案會擷取當機前的測試執行順序。
+      您也可以選擇收集測試主機的處理序傾印。
+      當您選擇收集傾印時,預設會在當機時收集迷你傾印/
+      您也可以選擇使用一些選用參數來覆寫此預設行為:
+      CollectAlways - 即使沒有當機,也在離開時收集傾印 (true/false) 
+      DumpType - 指定傾印類型 (mini/full)。
+      範例: /Blame
+               /Blame:CollectDump
+               /Blame:CollectDump;CollectAlways=true;DumpType=full</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="TestRunAborted">
         <source>Test Run Aborted.</source>
@@ -1595,33 +1609,33 @@
       <trans-unit id="BlameIncorrectOption">
         <source>The blame parameter specified with blame, {0} is invalid. Ignoring this parameter.</source>
-        <target state="new">The option specified with blame, {0} is invalid. This will be ignored.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">以 blame 指定的 blame 參數 {0} 無效,即將忽略此參數。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagFilePath">
         <source>Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag file path '{0}' is not valid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">診斷檔案路徑 '{0}' 無效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidBlameArgument">
         <source>Blame argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Blame argument '{0}' in invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">Blame 引數 '{0}' 無效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidDiagArgument">
         <source>Diag argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Diag argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">診斷引數 '{0}' 無效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="InvalidLoggerArgument">
         <source>Logger argument '{0}' is not valid.</source>
-        <target state="new">Logger argument '{0}' is invalid.</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">記錄器引數 '{0}' 無效。</target>
+        <note />
       <trans-unit id="Framework35NotSupported">
         <source>Framework35 is not supported. For projects targeting .Net Framework 3.5, please use Framework40 to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibility mode".</source>
-        <target state="new">Framework35 not supported. Use Framework40 or above to run tests in CLR 4.0 "compatibly mode".</target>
-        <note></note>
+        <target state="translated">不支援 Framework35。若為以 .Net Framework 3.5 為目標的專案,請使用 Framework40 在 CLR 4.0「相容模式」中執行測試。</target>
+        <note />