This is a description of each of the core projects, their purpose and output artifacts.
Sample applications are not covered.
- Common\Common.vcxproj
- Chakra\Chakra.vcxitems
- Desktop\React.Windows.Desktop.vcxproj
- Desktop.DLL\React.Windows.Desktop.DLL.vcxproj
- Desktop.IntegrationTests\React.Windows.Desktop.IntegrationTests.vcxproj
- Desktop.UnitTests\React.Windows.Desktop.UnitTests.vcxproj
- Folly\Folly.vcxproj
- FollyWin32\FollyWin32.vcxproj
- IntegrationTests\React.Windows.IntegrationTests.vcxproj
- Microsoft.ReactNative\Microsoft.ReactNative.vcxproj
- Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx\Microsoft.ReactNative.Cxx.vcxitems
- Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed\Microsoft.ReactNative.Managed.csproj
- Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged\Microsoft.ReactNative.SharedManaged.projitems
- ReactCommon\ReactCommon.vcxproj
- ReactCommon.UnitTests\ReactCommon.UnitTests.vcxproj
- Shared\Shared.vcxitems
Static Library
Functionality shared between React and JSI projects.
Shared Items (no build artifact)
Holds sources common to both Windows variants, that require different build configuration
(i.e. compiler flags, language standard).
Static Library
React Native core, cross-platform C++ types and interfaces.
Sources provided as part of the react-native
Node dependency. Not part of this repository.
Static Library
Folly variant type system for JavaScript/C++ interoperability.
Sources provided as part of the react-native
Node dependency. Not part of this repository.
Shared Items (no build artifact)
ChakraCore bridging layer. May use different compiler flags between Windows variants.
Shared Items (no build artifact)
Contains helpers to simplify authoring C++/WinRT native modules on top of Microsoft.ReactNative.
Managed Library
Contains helpers to simplify authoring C# native modules on top of Microsoft.ReactNative.
Deprecated: This is still here so that customers get a specific error message on how to upgrade their project.
Static Library
Common framework for running out of process and/or full React instance testing.
MSBuild Node project. For reading/editing purposes only (no build artifact)
Set of JavaScript component tests for RNTester.
Sources provided as part of the react-native
Node dependency. Not part of this repository.
Static Library
Set of Native Modules, View Managers and Executors for Windows Desktop.
Dynamic Library
Shared library that exports the intended public API surface for React.Windows.Desktop.
Main artifact to use in Windows Desktop applications.
VSTest Dynamic Library
Set of isolated (mocked) tests for types defined in React.Windows.Desktop.
VSTest Dynamic Library
Set of component tests that validate functionality against external runtime components
(i.e. networking servers, file system, React Native applications, external processes).
Validates React.Windows.Desktop.DLL.
Google Test Application
Gathers tests within react-native\ReactCommon
Its main purpose is to validate JSI with any given engine (V8, ChakraCore, etc).
Static Library
Superset of Folly APIs only available and required by React.Windows.Desktop.
Sources provided as part of the react-native
Node dependency. Not part of this repository.
Windows Runtime Component
The primary Windows Universal entry point and public API surface for React Native Windows.
Main artifact to use in Windows Universal applications.