The network captures map to the examples of common usage scenarios described in Windows Protocols Overview Documents. For example, in MS-FASOD File Access Services Protocols Overview at, Example 2 at describes the sequence of events when a client accesses a file in a domain. The corresponding network capture file MS-FASOD_Example2_Win2016_X64_Win10_X64_Domain.matp -- which is included in the [MS-FASOD] file at[MS-FASOD] -- contains all the network traffic for that example.
Zip files of all the latest network captures (for Windows 10 and Windows Server 2019, generated in May 2019) can be found on the individual title pages for each Overview Document. For example, the network captures for MS-FASOD can be found under the CAPTURE links at
The Windows Protocols Overview Documents are available on Docs.Microsoft.Com (in HTML, DOCX, and PDF formats) at
Newer individual network capture files for Windows 10 are in WireShark .pcapng format and Microsoft Message Analyzer .matp format; older ones are in Network Monitor .cap format. All capture files associated with a particular Overview Document are then collected together into a single .ZIP file and published.
Yes. This GitHub project also contains .pcapng format versions of the .matp format network captures, including the annotations.
You'll first need to install the required parsers from You can then use Network Monitor (3.4 download at or Message Analyzer (latest version download at, WireShark, or any other network analysis tool to view and analyze the capture files. NOTE: If using Microsoft Message Analyzer or Network Monitor to view the captures, do not reparse the files or else you may lose some or all of the annotations/comments.
Selected frames in each capture file are annotated to match the numbered steps described for the corresponding scenario in the overview documents. They help you better understand the message sequencing and the examples themselves.
For Network Monitor, see and for Message Analyzer, see
Yes! The files in this repository are the same files that were uploaded to Azure. You can tell us about issues you find or suggest a change at, or fork a branch and annotate, modify, and add new captures - we welcome all contributors.