A UI pager is a common control that lets a user page through content, rather than scroll or pan. A common experience is to provide preview/next buttons, and a way to jump to a specific page.
The absence of a standard WinUI pager control, last seen in Xaml as DataPager in Silverlight, has been a pain point in both WPF and WinUI that has forced a variety of unfavorable workarounds for developers. Inclusion of this control in WinUI would resolve an ecosystem gap and enable developers to efficiently deliver UI paging experiences in their applications. Through XAML Islands, it may also provide an opportunity to benefit WPF and WinForms developers working with DataGrid or ListView. The scope of this control is not to provide a data paging solution at this time, but to start with UI paging as a foundation on top of which data paging may be later integrated.
A pager control is a UI component that provides a standard interaction for pagination with a layout view (ListView, GridView, ItemsRepeater, DataGrid, etc.). A pager control is independent of the layout views and does not control any of the data being displayed in the layout view.
Important APIs: PagerControl class
This control can be configured to use one of three different display modes shown below:
Use a PagerControl to create a navigation interface for an end user to page through content instead of scrolling or panning.
Scrolling through all content in a single view can make it harder for the end user to find specific information and it can lead to performance issues when the content needs to be refreshed. PagerControl can be used as an alternate solution so the user can consume a subset of the content without needing to scroll. They can then page through the rest of the content to find what they are looking for.
A pager control has three different display modes and each display mode has configurable components within them.
A pager control does not require you to provide a max number of pages to the control. If the max number of pages is unknown, the suffix text for the combo box and number box modes will be removed and the last page the numerical button panel will not be shown.
You can choose to customize the look of a pager control by changing the visibility of the first, previous, next, and last buttons. They can be configured to always be visible, hidden, or hidden when the selected index is the first or last page in the range. When the last page is selected, the next and last buttons will be disabled and same when the first page is selected for the first and previous page. The prefix and suffix text can also be customized to display a string you provide.
Here is the XAML for how to add a pager control to your application using the auto display mode.
Auto will choose to use the combo box mode if the NumberOfPages property
is less than 100 and will otherwise show the number box mode. If you would like to use the muerical button panel, that will need to be explicilty set in the DisplayMode property.
In this example, combo box will be chosen.
<muxc:PagerControl x:Name="pager"
Below is the XAML for how to add the numerical button panel display mode. This mode is not part of the auto mode and needs to be explicitly set. The prefix and suffix properties do not apply to this mode so they will be ignored if they are set. The ButtonPanelShowFirstAndLast property is specific to this mode and controls if the button panel will always show the first and last page. This will also display ellipsis before the last page and after the first page to indicate that there are pages between the page numbers being shown and the last page. They will automatically be hidden if the pages being shown are close to the beggining or end of the page range.
<muxc:PagerControl x:Name="pager"
You can customize the visibility of each of the edge buttons (the first, previous, next, and last) by setting their visibility properties. In this example, the first and previous buttons will always be visible while the next button will be hidden when the last page is selected. The last button will be hidden. By default, all buttons will be set to AlwaysVisible.
<muxc:PagerControl x:Name="pager"
Below is a code sample for how to use the pager control with a data grid and how to handle the page changed event. Since this control is only a UI component, the data managment still needs to be handled through code. This example also shows how to set the number of pages property and manage what images need to be shown to the user when they select a specific page number.
When a user interacts with the pager control and selects an edge button or page number, the page changed event will fire. This event will provide the index the user is coming from (PreviousPageIndex) and the index the user is navigating to (NewPageIndex).
Background="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"
<RowDefinition Height="*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="auto"/>
<controls:DataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" AutoGenerateColumns="True"/>
<muxc:ProgressRing x:Name="progressRing" Visibility="Collapsed" IsActive="false">
<muxc:Pager x:Name="pager" Grid.Row="1" PageChanged="OnPageChanged" PagerDisplayMode="NumberPanel"/>
public sealed partial class DataGridSamplePage : Page
private const int imagesPerPage = 25;
public DataGridSamplePage()
private async void OnPageLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
pager.NumberOfPages = await ImageGenerator.GetNumberOfPages(imagesPerPage);
dataGrid.ItemsSource = await ImageGenerator.GetImagesInPage(0, imagesPerPage);
progressRing.Visibility = "Collapsed";
progressRing.IsActive = false;
private async void OnPageChanged(Pager sender, PageChangedEventArgs args)
dataGrid.ItemsSource = await ImageGenerator.GetImagesInPage(args.CurrentPage, imagesPerPage);
progressRing.Visibility = "Visible";
progressRing.IsActive = true;
Name | Description | Default |
PagerControlDisplayMode | Enum that contains 4 values (Auto, ComboBox, NumberBox, ButtonPanel) to represent the look of the pager control. When Auto is selected, the display mode will be ComboBox if the NumberOfPages property is less than 11 otherwise it will be NumberBox. | Auto |
PagerControlButtonVisibilityBehavior | Enum that contains 3 values (Visible, HiddenOnEdge, Hidden) that allows the app developer to hide or show the four edge buttons. HiddenOnEdge will remove the appropriate buttons if the selected page is the last or first page. When the last page is selected, the next and last buttons will be disabled and same when the first page is selected for the first and previous page. When Auto is selected, the visibility mode will be AlwaysVisible. | HiddenOnEdge |
NumberOfPages | Sets the max number of pages the index control will iterate through. The default will represent an infinite page range. | -1 |
First, Previous, Next, and Last ButtonCommand | Specially handle the button pressed event for when the end user selects the buttons. | N/A |
First, Previous, Next, and Last Style | Give the developer the option to customize the style by changing the text or glyph for the edge buttons. | N/A |
ButtonPanelAlwaysShowFirstAndLastPage | Note: This property only applies to the button panel display mode.Boolean to display the ellipses and the first and last index of the numerical button panel display mode. | True |
SelectedPageIndex | The 0 based index that is currently selected. It will default to the first index. | 0 |
PrefixText | Note: This property only applies to the combo box and number box display modes. Developer can change the prefix text for the combobox and number box display mode options. | "Page" |
SuffixText | Note: This property only applies to the combo box and number box display modes. Developer can change the suffix text for the combobox and number box display mode options. | "of (NumberofPages)". If NumberOfPages is infinite, display nothing |
PagerControlPageChangedEvent | Event that is fired when the end user selects a button from the number panel, any of the 4 directional buttons, or selects an option from the combobox or enters a number in the numberbox. This event will return the index number that the end user selected. If the end user enters a number greter than the number of pages this event will return the last page. If the end user enters a number less than 1 the event will return 1. | N/A |
enum PagerControlDisplayMode
enum PagerControlButtonVisibility
runtimeclass PagerControlSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs
Int32 NewPageIndex{get; };
Int32 PreviousPageIndex{get; };
unsealed runtimeclass PagerControlTemplateSettings : Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyObject
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ObservableCollection Pages;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.ObservableCollection NumberPanelItems;
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PagesProperty { get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty NumberPanelItemsProperty { get; };
unsealed runtimeclass PagerControl : Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Control
PagerControlDisplayMode DisplayMode;
Int32 NumberOfPages;
PagerControlButtonVisibility FirstButtonVisibility;
PagerControlButtonVisibility PreviousButtonVisibility;
PagerControlButtonVisibility NextButtonVisibility;
PagerControlButtonVisibility LastButtonVisibility;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ICommand FirstButtonCommand;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ICommand PreviousButtonCommand;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ICommand NextButtonCommand;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ICommand LastButtonCommand;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.ICommand PagerInputCommand;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Style FirstButtonStyle;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Style PreviousButtonStyle;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Style NextButtonStyle;
Windows.UI.Xaml.Style LastButtonStyle;
Boolean ButtonPanelAlwaysShowFirstAndLastPageIndex;
Integer SelectedPageIndex;
String PrefixText;
String SuffixText;
event Windows.Foundation.TypedEventHandler<PagerControl, PagerControlSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs> SelectedIndexChanged;
PagerControlTemplateSettings TemplateSettings{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty DisplayModeProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty NumberOfPagesProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty FirstButtonVisibilityProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PreviousButtonVisibilityProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty NextButtonVisibilityProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty LastButtonVisibilityProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty FirstButtonCommandProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PreviousButtonCommandProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty NextButtonCommandProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty LastButtonCommandProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PagerInputCommandProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty FirstButtonStyleProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PreviousButtonStyleProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty NextButtonStyleProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty LastButtonStyleProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty ButtonPanelAlwaysShowFirstLastPageIndexProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty SelectedPageIndexProperty{get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty PrefixTextProperty{ get; };
static Windows.UI.Xaml.DependencyProperty SuffixTextProperty{ get; };
Here are some end user scenarios for why a developer would want to choose one display mode over the others:
Button Panel
- Max wants to search a clothing store's inventory to find a new pair of blue tennis shoes. He searches for blue tennis shoes on the site and is presented with the list of search results. He then scans through the images and descriptions on the first page and does not find anything he likes. He then navigates to the next page and continues searching until he finds the blue tennis shoes he is looking for.
Combo Box/Number Box
- Jill opens an application that displays the produce inventory for her grocery store. She sorts her list of results alphabetically and wants to navigate to the page that has the results starting with "L". She knows that what she is looking for is on one of the pages in the middle and wants to navigate there from the list of pages. From there, she can go to the next or previous page to find where the items starting with "L" are.
Any Display Mode
- Samanatha opens up an application for the first time and is presented with a tutorial window to show her how to use the application. She needs to move through each page of the tutorial sequentially in order to continue using the application.
- ComboBox and NumberBox will use the control patterns already assigned to them. * ComboBox and NumberBox will need to have automation names so Narrator can read "Page 5" instead of just "5".
- The control will implement the ISelectionItemProvider interface so narrator can tell if a given item is currently selected or not. Similar to RadioButton.
- The button panel display mode will need to have the PosotionInSet/SizeOfSet properties so Narrator can read "page x of y".
- Pager Control should be added as a navigation landmark.
- End users should be able to tab to put focus on the first item in the control.
- Left and right arrows will navigate between the items in the control.
- The default accessibility behavior of the combo box and number box will be applied to this control.
- When the focus is on the control, narrator will announce "pager".
- When the focus is on the first, last, previous, or next button narrator will announce "first page", "last page", "next page", or "previous page". * If the buttons have text properties set by the developer, narrator will announce that text instead of the default announcement.
- When the focus is on a number button, narrator will announce "page x of y".
- Combo box and number box modes will use the default narrator announcements for combo box and number box when the user puts focus on them.
- When the user enters a value in to the number box, narrator will announce the number entered.
- Pager Control will not have engagement. The internal components (ComboBox and NumberBox) will keep their current engagement and accessibility features for game pad.
- The user can use the right and left arrow keys to navigate between the buttons and use the A button to select an item.
- Guidance will be added for app developers that are targeting Xbox applications to not place items to the left or right of the pager control. * Text added to guidance: “If you are developing an application that will target Xbox, we recommend not placing any UI elements to the left or right of the pager control so the end user does not have to navigate through the pager control in order to reach the next UI element.”
- The numbers will follow standard behavior when localized to/from a language that uses a numeral system that differs from Western Arabic.
- The prefix and suffix text will follow standard mirroring behavior when localized to/from languages that are RTL or LTR.
Adoption and validation of the control in the community
- Measurement: Use telemetry to determine how many first and third party developers are using the control in preview.
- Measurement: Count of posts providing feedback to us through Github and Discord.
Questions that can be answered through telemetry metrics to help focus future features and improvements: Which display mode is the most commonly used?
- Measurement: Count of how many applications include the pager control type broken out by display mode.
How often are developers using this control with an indefinite number of pages?
- Measurement: Count of how many applications include the pager control type and have the NumberOfPages property empty.