All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Remove all LINQ usage from repo (except tests)
- Fixed an issue where fixed versions of abstractions would result in restore failures. microsoft/kiota-http-dotnet#256
- Updated serialization and deserialization of enums to remove LINQ to resolve NativeAOT compatibility issue
- Implements IAsyncParseNodeFactory interface which adds async support
- Parse empty strings as nullable Guid
- Replaced the included license by license expression for better auditing capabilities.
- Have made System.Text.Json only be included on Net Standard's TFM & net 5
- Added support for untyped nodes. (#197)
- Reduced
scope for enum methods to prevent ILC warnings.
- Add ability to use
) when serializing and deserializing
- Added
as target frameworks.
- Fixes
property on the project.
- Fixed AOT warnings caused by reflection on enum types.
- Fixed a bug where serialization of decimal values would write them as empty objects.
- Added support for dotnet 8.
- Fixed a bug where deserialization of downcast type fields would be ignored.
- Added support for dotnet trimming.
- Fixes deserialization of arrays with item type long
- Fixed composed types serialization.
- #86: Fix inheritance new keyword for hiding existing implementation of deserializing method
- #85: Bump Microsoft.NET.Test.Sdk from 17.5.0 to 17.6.0
- #84: Bump Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel from 17.5.0 to 17.6.0
- #82: Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1.3.6 to 1.4.0
- #81: Bump Microsoft.Kiota.Abstractions from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1
- Fixes a bug where 'new' keyword on derived classes from IParsable is not being respected, returning null properties for json parsed nodes
- Fixes a bug where EnumMember attribute enums would have the first letter lowecased
- Fixes a bug where EnumMember attribute was not taken into account during serialization/deserialization
- Fixes serialization of DateTime type in the additionalData
- Bumps abstraction dependency
- Update minimum version of
- GA release
- Relaxed nullability tolerance when merging objects for composed types.
- Adds support for nullable reference types
- Release candidate 1
- Added support for composed types serialization.
- Fixes a bug where JsonParseNode.GetChildNode would throw an exception if the property name did not exist in the json.
- Updated abstractions version to 1.0.0.preview8
- Breaking: Changes target runtime to netstandard2.0
- Fixes handling of JsonElement types in additionData during serialization
- Breaking: simplifies the field deserializers.
- Initial Nuget release