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Run Test Suites Remotely Using SSH

Minghao Hu edited this page Jun 13, 2022 · 2 revisions

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Windows Protocol Test Suites currently only runs on Windows. You can use it interactively as a GUI application. It also can be run via CLI for auto testing purpose.

This guide will show you how to run Windows Protocol Test Suites remotely from a Linux machine through SSH. So you can integrate Windows Protocol Test Suites into your own testing environment for automation.


  1. A Windows machine with Protocol Test Manager, Windows Protocol Test Suites and all its prerequisites installed.
  2. A test profile saved from Protocol Test Manager.

Testing Environment

The graph below shows the testing environment used in this guide.

Testing environment

SUT is the machine to be tested against the test suite.

Driver is the Linux machine which triggers the testing.

The test suite runs on the Windows machine WPTS, and the user we use in this guide called prototest.

Setup SSH Connection

Install OpenSSH Server

  • Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and Later

Since Fall Creators Update (10.0.16299), you can install OpenSSH in Windows as an optional feature.

In PowerShell, run:

Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Name OpenSSH.Server~~~~
  • Windows 10 Creators Update and Earlier

Get the zip file from GitHub, extract it.

Configure SSH Server

The sshd configuration file is located at %ProgramData%\ssh\sshd_config, by default, it is C:\ProgramData\ssh\sshd_config.

Edit the file:

Enable key authentication:

PubkeyAuthentication yes

After editing the SSH server configuration file, restart the sshd service.

Setup SSH keys

  1. Generate a new SSH key on Linux machine

    Open terminal, and invoke ssh-keygen to generate the key. The generated keys are located in ~/.ssh/ directory.

  2. Copy the public key to Windows

    Use the following command to copy SSH key:

    ssh-copy-id prototest@WPTS

    This will grant access by adding the public key to the %HOME%\.ssh\authorized_keys file on Windows.

Test Connectivity

Once the key has been copied, you are able to use public key authentication to login to the Windows machine from the Linux machine. You can verify the connectivity using SSH.

ssh prototest@WPTS

This should succeed and you are now in a Windows shell.

Remotely Trigger Test Suite

Since there will be some popup windows showing detailed testing log, running test suites directly in a remote session will not work. We decided to use scheduled tasks to run test suite. The idea is to register a task, and start it when you want to run test suite.

Register a Scheduled Task

First, register a scheduled task.

schtasks /Create /TN ProtoTest /TR "'C:\Program Files\Protocol Test Manager\bin\PTMCli.exe' -p C:\ProtoTest\automation.ptm -r C:\ProtoTest\result.txt" /SC ONCE /SD 01/01/2000 /ST 00:00

/TN specifies the task name. /TR specifies the command to run. Here we use the test profile located at C:\ProtoTest\automation.ptm and the final results will write to C:\ProtoTest\result.txt. To create a scheduled task, a scheduled time must be set. /SC and /ST set the time when the task will be invoked. Here we only want to trigger the test manually, as a result we set a time in the past so that the task will not be automatically triggered.

Schedule the Task

You can run the following commands on the Linux machine.

ssh prototest@WPTS schtasks.exe /Run /TN ProtoTest

It create a session to the Windows machine, and trigger the task registered before.

Now the test suite will be running on the Windows machine.

Query Task Status

You can use the following script to query whether the task is still running or it has already finished.

ssh prototest@WPTS schtasks.exe /Query /TN ProtoTest

You will get the output like below:

Folder: \
TaskName                                 Next Run Time          Status         
======================================== ====================== ===============
ProtoTest                                N/A                    Running   

If the status says Running, it means testing is still in progress. If the status says Ready, it means it is not running, thus testing is done. You can copy the result file using scp.