diff --git a/guides/micronaut-graalpy-python-package/micronaut-graalpy-python-package.adoc b/guides/micronaut-graalpy-python-package/micronaut-graalpy-python-package.adoc
index 2e8f6ad319..28f3f940d4 100644
--- a/guides/micronaut-graalpy-python-package/micronaut-graalpy-python-package.adoc
+++ b/guides/micronaut-graalpy-python-package/micronaut-graalpy-python-package.adoc
@@ -70,6 +70,11 @@ Open `http://localhost:8080/pygal` in a web browser of your choice execute the e
+Open http://localhost:8080/pygal[http://localhost:8080/pygal] in your web browser to execute the endpoint exposed by the native executable. You should see a stacked bar chart.
+endpoint exposed by the native executable. You should see a stacked bar chart.
== Next Steps
Read more about https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-test/latest/guide/[Micronaut testing].
diff --git a/guides/micronaut-graalpy/micronaut-graalpy.adoc b/guides/micronaut-graalpy/micronaut-graalpy.adoc
index c628de26be..246c1f77d1 100644
--- a/guides/micronaut-graalpy/micronaut-graalpy.adoc
+++ b/guides/micronaut-graalpy/micronaut-graalpy.adoc
@@ -56,6 +56,20 @@ callout:http-request[]
+You can execute the endpoint exposed by the native executable:
+[source, bash]
+curl localhost:8080/hello
+Hello World
== Next Steps
Read more about https://micronaut-projects.github.io/micronaut-graal-languages/latest/guide/[Micronaut Graalpy] integration.
diff --git a/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graal-with-plugins-multi.adoc b/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graal-with-plugins-multi.adoc
index 4e27aa5322..250240959c 100644
--- a/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graal-with-plugins-multi.adoc
+++ b/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graal-with-plugins-multi.adoc
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ It is possible to customize the name of the native executable or pass additional
- mn-graalvm-application <1>
+ mn-graalvm-application
diff --git a/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graalpy-graalvm.adoc b/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graalpy-graalvm.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a603f34f0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/docs/common/snippets/common-graalpy-graalvm.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+== Python Runtime Compilation
+When using the GraalVM JDK, Python code executed with the GraalPy engine is just-in-time compiled.
+With other JDKs, the Python code is interpreted, resulting in reduced performance.
+The easiest way to install https://www.graalvm.org[GraalVM] on Linux or Mac is to use https://sdkman.io/[SDKMan.io].
+[source, bash]
+.Java 23
+sdk install java 23-graal
+For installation on Windows, or for a manual installation on Linux or Mac, see the https://www.graalvm.org/latest/docs/getting-started/[GraalVM Getting Started] documentation.
+The previous command installs Oracle GraalVM, which is free to use in production and free to redistribute, at no cost, under the https://www.oracle.com/downloads/licenses/graal-free-license.html[GraalVM Free Terms and Conditions].
+Alternatively, you can use the https://github.com/graalvm/graalvm-ce-builds/releases/[GraalVM Community Edition]:
+[source, bash]
+.Java 23
+sdk install java 23-graalce
+=== GraalVM JDK Compatibility
+To enable runtime compilation, you must use versions of GraalPy and the Polyglot API dependencies that are compatible with the specified GraalVM JDK version. If you see errors like the following:
+[source, bash]
+Your Java runtime '23.0.1+11-jvmci-b01' with compiler version '24.1.1' is incompatible with polyglot version '24.1.0'.
+You need to override the versions of the following dependencies according to the error message:
+[source, text]
+== Generate a Micronaut Application Native Executable with GraalVM
+Starting with GraalVM for JDK 23, Micronaut applications that use GraalPy or any Truffle language can be compiled into native executables using GraalVM Native Image.
+Compiling Micronaut applications ahead of time with GraalVM significantly improves startup time and reduces
+the memory footprint of JVM-based applications.
+=== Native Image Configuration
+GraalVM Native Image compilation requires metadata to correctly run code that uses https://www.graalvm.org/latest/reference-manual/native-image/metadata/#dynamic-proxy[dynamic proxies].
+Create a proxy configuration file:
+=== Native Executable Generation
+To generate a native executable using Maven, run:
+[source, bash]
+./mvnw package -Dpackaging=native-image
+The native executable is created in the _target_ directory and can be run with `./target/micronautguide`.