From 8dfc17880cd9bb49d66142d7402d8701292f133a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pete gamache <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jan 2018 06:56:00 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 1/7] Jason.Formatter for pretty-printing and minimizing

This commit adds Jason.Formatter, which provides functions to
pretty-print and minimize JSON-formatted data:


Input must be 8 bits wide (e.g., UTF-8, Latin-1, etc.) and is accepted
in `binary` and `iolist` format.
 formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.json    |   2 +
 .../backslash-string.min.json                 |   1 +
 .../backslash-string.pretty.json              |   3 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.json          |   2 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.min.json      |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.pretty.json   |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.json          |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.min.json      |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.pretty.json   |   3 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.json        |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.min.json    |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.pretty.json |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.json    |   4 +
 .../multiple-objects.min.json                 |   4 +
 .../multiple-objects.pretty.json              |  18 ++
 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.json         |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.min.json     |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.pretty.json  |   5 +
 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.json       |   2 +
 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json   |   1 +
 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~  |   1 +
 .../simple-object.pretty.json                 |   3 +
 lib/formatter.ex                              | 289 ++++++++++++++++++
 test/formatter_test.exs                       |  68 +++++
 24 files changed, 415 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-list.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/empty-object.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-list.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~
 create mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.pretty.json
 create mode 100644 lib/formatter.ex
 create mode 100644 test/formatter_test.exs

diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.json b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6ba670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{"s": "\"string \nwith \nback \n slashes\\\""}
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f843a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+{"s":"\"string \nwith \nback \n slashes\\\""}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abc0d9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/backslash-string.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "s": "\"string \nwith \nback \n slashes\\\""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7dd4387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0637a08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-list.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1721244
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a55f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b55ac47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-nest.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  []
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0967ef4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e26dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e26dfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/empty-object.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.json b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..665ef3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+{"a": 1}
+{"b": 2}{"a": {} }
+{"c": {"d": [true, false, null]}}
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..215013b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6150ba6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/multiple-objects.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+  "a": 1
+  "b": 2
+  "a": {}
+  "c": {
+    "d": [
+      true,
+      false,
+      null
+    ]
+  }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acfb21f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[1, true, "three"]
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cd29fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59f0655
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-list.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+  1,
+  true,
+  "three"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f889d02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+{"a": 1}
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..daa5053
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8b13789
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.pretty.json b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.pretty.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..885e71c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.pretty.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+  "a": 1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2e2748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+defmodule Jason.Formatter do
+  @moduledoc ~S"""
+  `Jason.Formatter` provides pretty-printing and minimizing functions for
+  JSON-encoded data.
+  Input is required to be in an 8-bit-wide encoding such as UTF-8 or Latin-1,
+  and is accepted in `iodata` (`binary` or `iolist`) format.
+  Output is provided in either `binary` or `iolist` format.
+  """
+  @type opts :: [
+    {:indent, iodata} |
+    {:line_separator, iodata} |
+    {:record_separator, iodata} |
+    {:after_colon, iodata}
+  ]
+  @doc ~S"""
+  Returns a binary containing a pretty-printed representation of
+  JSON-encoded `iodata`.
+  `iodata` may contain multiple JSON objects or arrays, optionally separated
+  by whitespace (e.g., one object per line).  Objects in `pretty_print`ed
+  output will be separated by newlines.  No trailing newline is emitted.
+  Options:
+  * `:indent` sets the indentation string used for nested objects and
+    arrays.  The default indent setting is two spaces (`"  "`).
+  * `:line_separator` sets the newline string used in nested objects.
+    The default setting is a line feed (`"\n"`).
+  * `:record_separator` sets the string printed between root-level objects
+    and arrays.  The default setting is `opts[:line_separator]`.
+  * `:after_colon` sets the string printed after a colon inside objects.
+    The default setting is one space (`" "`).
+  Example:
+      iex> Jason.Formatter.pretty_print(~s|{"a":{"b": [1, 2]}}|)
+      ~s|{
+        "a": {
+          "b": [
+            1,
+            2
+          ]
+        }
+      }|
+  """
+  @spec pretty_print(iodata, opts) :: binary
+  def pretty_print(iodata, opts \\ []) do
+    pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts)
+    |> :erlang.list_to_binary
+  end
+  @doc ~S"""
+  Returns an iolist containing a pretty-printed representation of
+  JSON-encoded `iodata`.
+  See `pretty_print/2` for details and options.
+  """
+  @spec pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts) :: iolist
+  def pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts \\ []) do
+    depth = 0
+    in_str = false
+    in_bs = false
+    empty = false
+    first = true
+    opts = normalize_opts(opts)
+    {iolist, _state} =
+      pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    iolist
+  end
+  @doc ~S"""
+  Returns a binary containing a minimized representation of
+  JSON-encoded `iodata`.
+  `iodata` may contain multiple JSON objects or arrays, optionally
+  separated by whitespace (e.g., one object per line).  `minimize`d
+  output will contain one object per line.  No trailing newline is emitted.
+  The `:record_separator` option may be given to control the string
+  used as newline (default `"\n"`).  Other options are ignored.
+  Example:
+      iex> Jason.Formatter.minimize(~s|{ "a" : "b" , "c": \n\n 2}|)
+      ~s|{"a":"b","c":2}|
+  """
+  @spec minimize(iodata, opts) :: binary
+  def minimize(iodata, opts \\ []) do
+    minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts)
+    |> :erlang.list_to_binary
+  end
+  @doc ~S"""
+  Returns an iolist containing a minimized representation of
+  JSON-encoded `iodata`.
+  See `minimize/2` for details and options.
+  """
+  @spec minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts) :: iolist
+  def minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts) do
+    pretty_print_to_iolist(
+      iodata,
+      indent: "",
+      line_separator: "",
+      record_separator: opts[:record_separator] || "\n",
+      after_colon: ""
+    )
+  end
+  ## Returns a copy of `opts` with defaults applied
+  @spec normalize_opts(keyword) :: opts
+  defp normalize_opts(opts) do
+    [
+      indent: opts[:indent] || "  ",
+      line_separator: opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
+      record_separator: opts[:record_separator] || opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
+      after_colon: opts[:after_colon] || " ",
+    ]
+  end
+  ## Returns an iolist containing `depth` instances of `opts[:indent]`
+  @spec tab(opts, non_neg_integer, iolist) :: iolist
+  defp tab(opts, depth, output \\ []) do
+    if depth < 1 do
+      output
+    else
+      tab(opts, depth-1, [opts[:indent] | output])
+    end
+  end
+  @typep pp_state :: {
+    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
+    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+  }
+  @spec pp_iodata(
+    iodata,           ## input -- input data
+    iolist,           ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
+    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+    opts
+  ) :: {iolist, pp_state}
+  defp pp_iodata(input, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  defp pp_iodata("", output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    {:lists.reverse(output_acc), {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
+  end
+  defp pp_iodata([], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    {:lists.reverse(output_acc), {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
+  end
+  defp pp_iodata(<<byte::size(8), rest::binary>>, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_number(byte) do
+    pp_byte(byte, [], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  defp pp_iodata(list, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_list(list) do
+    starting_state = {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}
+    {reversed_output, end_state} = Enum.reduce list, {[], starting_state}, fn (item, {output_acc, state}) ->
+      {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts} = state
+      {item_output, new_state} = pp_iodata(item, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+      {[item_output | output_acc], new_state}
+    end
+    {[:lists.reverse(reversed_output) | output_acc], end_state}
+  end
+  @spec pp_byte(
+    byte,             ## byte -- current byte
+    iodata,           ## rest -- rest of input data
+    iolist,           ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
+    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+    opts
+  ) :: {iolist, pp_state}
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  ## in string, following backslash
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, true=_in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    in_bs = false
+    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## in string, backslash
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, _in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in '\\' do
+    in_bs = true
+    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## in string, end quote
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=_in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in '"' do
+    in_str = false
+    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## in string, other character
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, whitespace
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in ' \n\r\t' do
+    pp_iodata(rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, start block
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in '{[' do
+    out = cond do
+      first -> byte
+      empty -> [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
+      depth == 0 -> [opts[:record_separator], byte]
+      :else -> byte
+    end
+    first = false
+    empty = true
+    depth = depth + 1
+    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, end empty block
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, true=_empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in '}]' do
+    empty = false
+    depth = depth - 1
+    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, end non-empty block
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, false=empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in '}]' do
+    depth = depth - 1
+    out = [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
+    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, comma
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, _empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in ',' do
+    empty = false
+    out = [byte, opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth)]
+    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, colon
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  when byte in ':' do
+    out = [byte, opts[:after_colon]]
+    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
+  ## out of string, other character (maybe start quote)
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, _in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+    out = if empty, do: [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte], else: byte
+    in_str = byte in '"'
+    empty = false
+    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  end
diff --git a/test/formatter_test.exs b/test/formatter_test.exs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32feec7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/formatter_test.exs
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+defmodule Jason.FormatterTest do
+  use ExUnit.Case, async: true
+  import Jason.Formatter
+  doctest Jason.Formatter
+  @test_cases [
+    "empty-list",
+    "empty-object",
+    "simple-list",
+    "simple-object",
+    "multiple-objects",
+    "backslash-string",
+    "empty-nest",
+  ]
+  for name <- @test_cases do
+    input =!("formatter_test_suite/#{name}.json") |> IO.binread(:all)
+    pretty =!("formatter_test_suite/#{name}.pretty.json") |> IO.binread(:all)
+    min =!("formatter_test_suite/#{name}.min.json") |> IO.binread(:all)
+    test "#{name} |> pretty_print" do
+      assert(pretty_print(unquote(input)) == unquote(pretty))
+    end
+    test "#{name} |> minimize" do
+      assert(minimize(unquote(input)) == unquote(min))
+    end
+    test "#{name} |> pretty_print |> pretty_print" do
+      p = unquote(input) |> pretty_print |> pretty_print
+      assert(p == unquote(pretty))
+    end
+    test "#{name} |> minimize |> minimize" do
+      m = unquote(input) |> minimize |> minimize
+      assert(m == unquote(min))
+    end
+    test "#{name} |> pretty_print |> minimize |> pretty_print" do
+      p = unquote(input) |> pretty_print |> minimize |> pretty_print
+      assert(p == unquote(pretty))
+    end
+    test "#{name} |> minimize |> pretty_print |> minimize" do
+      m = unquote(input) |> minimize |> pretty_print |> minimize
+      assert(m == unquote(min))
+    end
+  end
+  test "pretty_print iolist" do
+    input = [['{"a":', " 3.14159", []], [[44]], "\"b\":", '1}']
+    output = ~s|{\n  "a": 3.14159,\n  "b": 1\n}|
+    assert(pretty_print(input) == output)
+  end
+  test "minimize iolist" do
+    input = [['{\n"a":  ', " 3.14159", []], [[44], '"'], "b\":\t", '1\n\n}']
+    output = ~s|{"a":3.14159,"b":1}|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+  end
+  test "pretty_print indent string" do
+    input = ~s|{"a": {"b": [true, false]}}|
+    output = ~s|{\n\t"a": {\n\t\t"b": [\n\t\t\ttrue,\n\t\t\tfalse\n\t\t]\n\t}\n}|
+    assert(pretty_print(input, indent: "\t") == output)
+  end

From 7740ade0e7972ea6f50a054b642f3d94e425cdd7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pete gamache <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 10:50:14 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 2/7] superficial changes to formatter

 lib/formatter.ex | 34 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
index f2e2748..d927abb 100644
--- a/lib/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pretty_print(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def pretty_print(iodata, opts \\ []) do
-    pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts)
-    |> :erlang.list_to_binary
+    pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
+    |> IO.iodata_to_binary
@@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   See `pretty_print/2` for details and options.
-  @spec pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts) :: iolist
-  def pretty_print_to_iolist(iodata, opts \\ []) do
+  @spec pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts) :: iodata
+  def pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts \\ []) do
     depth = 0
     in_str = false
     in_bs = false
@@ -70,10 +70,10 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     first = true
     opts = normalize_opts(opts)
-    {iolist, _state} =
+    {output, _state} =
       pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-    iolist
+    output
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec minimize(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def minimize(iodata, opts \\ []) do
-    minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts)
-    |> :erlang.list_to_binary
+    minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
+    |> IO.iodata_to_binary
@@ -106,9 +106,9 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   See `minimize/2` for details and options.
-  @spec minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts) :: iolist
-  def minimize_to_iolist(iodata, opts) do
-    pretty_print_to_iolist(
+  @spec minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) :: iodata
+  def minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) do
+    pretty_print_to_iodata(
       indent: "",
       line_separator: "",
@@ -151,14 +151,14 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pp_iodata(
     iodata,           ## input -- input data
-    iolist,           ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+    iodata,           ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
     non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
     boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
     boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
     boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
     boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-  ) :: {iolist, pp_state}
+  ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
   defp pp_iodata(input, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   defp pp_iodata("", output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_number(byte) do
+  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_integer(byte) do
     pp_byte(byte, [], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -191,14 +191,14 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pp_byte(
     byte,             ## byte -- current byte
     iodata,           ## rest -- rest of input data
-    iolist,           ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+    iodata,           ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
     non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
     boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
     boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
     boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
     boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-  ) :: {iolist, pp_state}
+  ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, following backslash
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
       first -> byte
       empty -> [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
       depth == 0 -> [opts[:record_separator], byte]
-      :else -> byte
+      true -> byte
     first = false
     empty = true

From 2438992aed7471e2d95cdbceec3ad8bfb6793364 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pete gamache <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 13:51:31 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 3/7] build formatter output in FIFO order

 lib/formatter.ex | 28 ++++++++++++++--------------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
index d927abb..f1dec52 100644
--- a/lib/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -162,11 +162,11 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   defp pp_iodata(input, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   defp pp_iodata("", output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    {:lists.reverse(output_acc), {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
+    {output_acc, {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
   defp pp_iodata([], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    {:lists.reverse(output_acc), {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
+    {output_acc, {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
   defp pp_iodata(<<byte::size(8), rest::binary>>, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     {reversed_output, end_state} = Enum.reduce list, {[], starting_state}, fn (item, {output_acc, state}) ->
       {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts} = state
       {item_output, new_state} = pp_iodata(item, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-      {[item_output | output_acc], new_state}
+      {[output_acc, item_output], new_state}
-    {[:lists.reverse(reversed_output) | output_acc], end_state}
+    {[output_acc, reversed_output], end_state}
@@ -204,26 +204,26 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   ## in string, following backslash
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, true=_in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
     in_bs = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, backslash
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, _in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   when byte in '\\' do
     in_bs = true
-    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, end quote
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=_in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   when byte in '"' do
     in_str = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, other character
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, whitespace
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     first = false
     empty = true
     depth = depth + 1
-    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, end empty block
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   when byte in '}]' do
     empty = false
     depth = depth - 1
-    pp_iodata(rest, [byte | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, end non-empty block
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   when byte in '}]' do
     depth = depth - 1
     out = [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, comma
@@ -268,14 +268,14 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   when byte in ',' do
     empty = false
     out = [byte, opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth)]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, colon
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   when byte in ':' do
     out = [byte, opts[:after_colon]]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, other character (maybe start quote)
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     out = if empty, do: [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte], else: byte
     in_str = byte in '"'
     empty = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [out | output], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)

From e9659ed8da4bff60b3a1bdd5ad15ab89610055e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: pete gamache <>
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2018 14:42:30 -0400
Subject: [PATCH 4/7] applied mix format to formatter and formatter_test

 lib/formatter.ex        | 171 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 test/formatter_test.exs |   3 +-
 2 files changed, 99 insertions(+), 75 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
index f1dec52..9e6a438 100644
--- a/lib/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -10,12 +10,11 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @type opts :: [
-    {:indent, iodata} |
-    {:line_separator, iodata} |
-    {:record_separator, iodata} |
-    {:after_colon, iodata}
-  ]
+          {:indent, iodata}
+          | {:line_separator, iodata}
+          | {:record_separator, iodata}
+          | {:after_colon, iodata}
+        ]
   @doc ~S"""
   Returns a binary containing a pretty-printed representation of
@@ -51,10 +50,9 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pretty_print(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def pretty_print(iodata, opts \\ []) do
     pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
-    |> IO.iodata_to_binary
+    |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
   @doc ~S"""
   Returns an iolist containing a pretty-printed representation of
   JSON-encoded `iodata`.
@@ -70,13 +68,11 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     first = true
     opts = normalize_opts(opts)
-    {output, _state} =
-      pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   @doc ~S"""
   Returns a binary containing a minimized representation of
   JSON-encoded `iodata`.
@@ -96,10 +92,9 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec minimize(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def minimize(iodata, opts \\ []) do
     minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
-    |> IO.iodata_to_binary
+    |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
   @doc ~S"""
   Returns an iolist containing a minimized representation of
   JSON-encoded `iodata`.
@@ -117,7 +112,6 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   ## Returns a copy of `opts` with defaults applied
   @spec normalize_opts(keyword) :: opts
   defp normalize_opts(opts) do
@@ -125,40 +119,50 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
       indent: opts[:indent] || "  ",
       line_separator: opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
       record_separator: opts[:record_separator] || opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
-      after_colon: opts[:after_colon] || " ",
+      after_colon: opts[:after_colon] || " "
   ## Returns an iolist containing `depth` instances of `opts[:indent]`
   @spec tab(opts, non_neg_integer, iolist) :: iolist
   defp tab(opts, depth, output \\ []) do
     if depth < 1 do
-      tab(opts, depth-1, [opts[:indent] | output])
+      tab(opts, depth - 1, [opts[:indent] | output])
   @typep pp_state :: {
-    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
-    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-  }
+           ## depth -- current nesting depth
+           non_neg_integer,
+           ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+           boolean,
+           ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+           boolean,
+           ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+           boolean,
+           ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+           boolean
+         }
   @spec pp_iodata(
-    iodata,           ## input -- input data
-    iodata,           ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
-    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
-    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-    opts
-  ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
+          ## input -- input data
+          iodata,
+          ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+          iodata,
+          ## depth -- current nesting depth
+          non_neg_integer,
+          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+          boolean,
+          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+          boolean,
+          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+          boolean,
+          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+          boolean,
+          opts
+        ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
   defp pp_iodata(input, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   defp pp_iodata("", output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
@@ -169,78 +173,100 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     {output_acc, {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
-  defp pp_iodata(<<byte::size(8), rest::binary>>, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+  defp pp_iodata(
+         <<byte::size(8), rest::binary>>,
+         output_acc,
+         depth,
+         in_str,
+         in_bs,
+         empty,
+         first,
+         opts
+       ) do
     pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_integer(byte) do
+  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+       when is_integer(byte) do
     pp_byte(byte, [], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   defp pp_iodata(list, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_list(list) do
     starting_state = {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}
-    {reversed_output, end_state} = Enum.reduce list, {[], starting_state}, fn (item, {output_acc, state}) ->
-      {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts} = state
-      {item_output, new_state} = pp_iodata(item, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-      {[output_acc, item_output], new_state}
-    end
-    {[output_acc, reversed_output], end_state}
-  end
+    {list_output, end_state} =
+      Enum.reduce(list, {[], starting_state}, fn item, {output_acc, state} ->
+        {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts} = state
+        {item_output, new_state} = pp_iodata(item, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+        {[output_acc, item_output], new_state}
+      end)
+    {[output_acc, list_output], end_state}
+  end
   @spec pp_byte(
-    byte,             ## byte -- current byte
-    iodata,           ## rest -- rest of input data
-    iodata,           ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
-    non_neg_integer,  ## depth -- current nesting depth
-    boolean,          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-    boolean,          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-    boolean,          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-    boolean,          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-    opts
-  ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
+          ## byte -- current byte
+          byte,
+          ## rest -- rest of input data
+          iodata,
+          ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
+          iodata,
+          ## depth -- current nesting depth
+          non_neg_integer,
+          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
+          boolean,
+          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
+          boolean,
+          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
+          boolean,
+          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
+          boolean,
+          opts
+        ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, following backslash
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, true=_in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, true = _in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
     in_bs = false
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, backslash
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, _in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in '\\' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, _in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+       when byte in '\\' do
     in_bs = true
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, end quote
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=_in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in '"' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = _in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+       when byte in '"' do
     in_str = false
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## in string, other character
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true=in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, whitespace
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in ' \n\r\t' do
+       when byte in ' \n\r\t' do
     pp_iodata(rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, start block
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in '{[' do
-    out = cond do
-      first -> byte
-      empty -> [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
-      depth == 0 -> [opts[:record_separator], byte]
-      true -> byte
-    end
+       when byte in '{[' do
+    out =
+      cond do
+        first -> byte
+        empty -> [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
+        depth == 0 -> [opts[:record_separator], byte]
+        true -> byte
+      end
     first = false
     empty = true
     depth = depth + 1
@@ -248,16 +274,16 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   ## out of string, end empty block
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, true=_empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in '}]' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, true = _empty, first, opts)
+       when byte in '}]' do
     empty = false
     depth = depth - 1
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, end non-empty block
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, false=empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in '}]' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, false = empty, first, opts)
+       when byte in '}]' do
     depth = depth - 1
     out = [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -265,7 +291,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   ## out of string, comma
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, _empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in ',' do
+       when byte in ',' do
     empty = false
     out = [byte, opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth)]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -273,7 +299,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   ## out of string, colon
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  when byte in ':' do
+       when byte in ':' do
     out = [byte, opts[:after_colon]]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -286,4 +312,3 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
diff --git a/test/formatter_test.exs b/test/formatter_test.exs
index 32feec7..c7a0a82 100644
--- a/test/formatter_test.exs
+++ b/test/formatter_test.exs
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ defmodule Jason.FormatterTest do
-    "empty-nest",
+    "empty-nest"
   for name <- @test_cases do
@@ -65,4 +65,3 @@ defmodule Jason.FormatterTest do
     assert(pretty_print(input, indent: "\t") == output)

From d0c869d584503d598a69b48ad1d6c1f38fcd5736 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20Muska=C5=82a?= <>
Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 16:55:52 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 5/7] Use record for options in formatter

 lib/formatter.ex | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
index 9e6a438..efb2d7b 100644
--- a/lib/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
           | {:after_colon, iodata}
+  import Record
+  defrecordp :opts, [:indent, :line, :record, :colon]
   @doc ~S"""
   Returns a binary containing a pretty-printed representation of
   JSON-encoded `iodata`.
@@ -61,12 +64,14 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts) :: iodata
   def pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts \\ []) do
+    opts = parse_opts(opts, opts(indent: "  ", line: "\n", record: nil, colon: " "))
+    opts = opts(opts, record: opts(opts, :record) || opts(opts, :line))
     depth = 0
     in_str = false
     in_bs = false
     empty = false
     first = true
-    opts = normalize_opts(opts)
     {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -103,36 +108,36 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) :: iodata
   def minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) do
-    pretty_print_to_iodata(
-      iodata,
-      indent: "",
-      line_separator: "",
-      record_separator: opts[:record_separator] || "\n",
-      after_colon: ""
-    )
+    opts = parse_opts(opts, opts(indent: [], line: [], record: "\n", colon: []))
+    depth = 0
+    in_str = false
+    in_bs = false
+    empty = false
+    first = true
+    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    output
-  ## Returns a copy of `opts` with defaults applied
-  @spec normalize_opts(keyword) :: opts
-  defp normalize_opts(opts) do
-    [
-      indent: opts[:indent] || "  ",
-      line_separator: opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
-      record_separator: opts[:record_separator] || opts[:line_separator] || "\n",
-      after_colon: opts[:after_colon] || " "
-    ]
+  defp parse_opts(opts, defaults) do
+    Enum.reduce(opts, defaults, fn
+      {:indent, indent}, opts -> opts(opts, indent: indent)
+      {:line_separator, line}, opts -> opts(opts, line: line, record: opts(opts, :record) || line)
+      {:record_separator, record}, opts -> opts(opts, record: record)
+      {:after_colon, colon}, opts -> opts(opts, colon: colon)
+    end)
   ## Returns an iolist containing `depth` instances of `opts[:indent]`
-  @spec tab(opts, non_neg_integer, iolist) :: iolist
-  defp tab(opts, depth, output \\ []) do
-    if depth < 1 do
-      output
-    else
-      tab(opts, depth - 1, [opts[:indent] | output])
-    end
+  for depth <- 1..16 do
+    defp tab("  ", unquote(depth)), do: unquote(String.duplicate("  ", depth))
+  defp tab([], _), do: ""
+  defp tab(indent, depth), do: List.duplicate(indent, depth)
   @typep pp_state :: {
            ## depth -- current nesting depth
@@ -262,8 +267,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     out =
       cond do
         first -> byte
-        empty -> [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
-        depth == 0 -> [opts[:record_separator], byte]
+        empty -> [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte]
+        depth == 0 -> [opts(opts, :record), byte]
         true -> byte
@@ -285,7 +290,7 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, false = empty, first, opts)
        when byte in '}]' do
     depth = depth - 1
-    out = [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte]
+    out = [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
@@ -293,20 +298,20 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, _empty, first, opts)
        when byte in ',' do
     empty = false
-    out = [byte, opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth)]
+    out = [byte, opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth)]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, colon
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
        when byte in ':' do
-    out = [byte, opts[:after_colon]]
+    out = [byte, opts(opts, :colon)]
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
   ## out of string, other character (maybe start quote)
   defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, _in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    out = if empty, do: [opts[:line_separator], tab(opts, depth), byte], else: byte
+    out = if empty, do: [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte], else: byte
     in_str = byte in '"'
     empty = false
     pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)

From e65827aa763d85abad0e571f83214e9876b00124 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20Muska=C5=82a?= <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 19:08:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 6/7] Refactor formatter, extract string to separate function,
 limit state

 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~ |   1 -
 lib/formatter.ex                             | 273 ++++++++-----------
 test/formatter_test.exs                      |  34 +++
 3 files changed, 147 insertions(+), 161 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~

diff --git a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~ b/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b13789..0000000
--- a/formatter_test_suite/simple-object.min.json~
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/lib/formatter.ex b/lib/formatter.ex
index efb2d7b..348b4c8 100644
--- a/lib/formatter.ex
+++ b/lib/formatter.ex
@@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec pretty_print(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def pretty_print(iodata, opts \\ []) do
-    pretty_print_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
+    iodata
+    |> pretty_print_to_iodata(opts)
     |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
@@ -67,13 +68,10 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
     opts = parse_opts(opts, opts(indent: "  ", line: "\n", record: nil, colon: " "))
     opts = opts(opts, record: opts(opts, :record) || opts(opts, :line))
-    depth = 0
-    in_str = false
-    in_bs = false
+    depth = :first
     empty = false
-    first = true
-    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, empty, opts)
@@ -96,7 +94,8 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec minimize(iodata, opts) :: binary
   def minimize(iodata, opts \\ []) do
-    minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts)
+    iodata
+    |> minimize_to_iodata(opts)
     |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
@@ -108,212 +107,166 @@ defmodule Jason.Formatter do
   @spec minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) :: iodata
   def minimize_to_iodata(iodata, opts) do
-    opts = parse_opts(opts, opts(indent: [], line: [], record: "\n", colon: []))
+    opts = parse_opts(opts, opts(indent: "", line: "", record: "\n", colon: ""))
-    depth = 0
-    in_str = false
-    in_bs = false
+    depth = :first
     empty = false
-    first = true
-    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    {output, _state} = pp_iodata(iodata, [], depth, empty, opts)
   defp parse_opts(opts, defaults) do
     Enum.reduce(opts, defaults, fn
-      {:indent, indent}, opts -> opts(opts, indent: indent)
-      {:line_separator, line}, opts -> opts(opts, line: line, record: opts(opts, :record) || line)
-      {:record_separator, record}, opts -> opts(opts, record: record)
-      {:after_colon, colon}, opts -> opts(opts, colon: colon)
+      {:indent, indent}, opts ->
+        opts(opts, indent: IO.iodata_to_binary(indent))
+      {:line_separator, line}, opts ->
+        line = IO.iodata_to_binary(line)
+        opts(opts, line: line, record: opts(opts, :record) || line)
+      {:record_separator, record}, opts ->
+        opts(opts, record: IO.iodata_to_binary(record))
+      {:after_colon, colon}, opts ->
+        opts(opts, colon: IO.iodata_to_binary(colon))
+  @spec tab(String.t(), non_neg_integer) :: iodata()
   ## Returns an iolist containing `depth` instances of `opts[:indent]`
   for depth <- 1..16 do
     defp tab("  ", unquote(depth)), do: unquote(String.duplicate("  ", depth))
-  defp tab([], _), do: ""
+  defp tab("", _), do: ""
   defp tab(indent, depth), do: List.duplicate(indent, depth)
-  @typep pp_state :: {
-           ## depth -- current nesting depth
-           non_neg_integer,
-           ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-           boolean,
-           ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-           boolean,
-           ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-           boolean,
-           ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-           boolean
-         }
-  @spec pp_iodata(
-          ## input -- input data
-          iodata,
-          ## output_acc -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
-          iodata,
-          ## depth -- current nesting depth
-          non_neg_integer,
-          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-          boolean,
-          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-          boolean,
-          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-          boolean,
-          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-          boolean,
-          opts
-        ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
-  defp pp_iodata(input, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  defp pp_iodata("", output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    {output_acc, {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
-  end
-  defp pp_iodata([], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    {output_acc, {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}}
+  defp pp_iodata(<<>>, output_acc, depth, empty, opts) do
+    {output_acc, &pp_iodata(&1, &2, depth, empty, opts)}
-  defp pp_iodata(
-         <<byte::size(8), rest::binary>>,
-         output_acc,
-         depth,
-         in_str,
-         in_bs,
-         empty,
-         first,
-         opts
-       ) do
-    pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  defp pp_iodata(<<byte, rest::binary>>, output_acc, depth, empty, opts) do
+    pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, empty, opts)
-  defp pp_iodata(byte, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when is_integer(byte) do
-    pp_byte(byte, [], output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  defp pp_iodata([], output_acc, depth, empty, opts) do
+    {output_acc, &pp_iodata(&1, &2, depth, empty, opts)}
-  defp pp_iodata(list, output_acc, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) when is_list(list) do
-    starting_state = {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts}
-    {list_output, end_state} =
-      Enum.reduce(list, {[], starting_state}, fn item, {output_acc, state} ->
-        {depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts} = state
-        {item_output, new_state} = pp_iodata(item, [], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-        {[output_acc, item_output], new_state}
-      end)
-    {[output_acc, list_output], end_state}
+  defp pp_iodata([byte | rest], output_acc, depth, empty, opts) when is_integer(byte) do
+    pp_byte(byte, rest, output_acc, depth, empty, opts)
-  @spec pp_byte(
-          ## byte -- current byte
-          byte,
-          ## rest -- rest of input data
-          iodata,
-          ## output -- output iolist (built in reverse order)
-          iodata,
-          ## depth -- current nesting depth
-          non_neg_integer,
-          ## in_str -- is the current byte in a string?
-          boolean,
-          ## in_bs -- does the current byte follow a backslash in a string?
-          boolean,
-          ## empty -- is the current object or array empty?
-          boolean,
-          ## first -- is this the first object or array in the input?
-          boolean,
-          opts
-        ) :: {iodata, pp_state}
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  ## in string, following backslash
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, true = _in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    in_bs = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  defp pp_iodata([head | tail], output_acc, depth, empty, opts) do
+    {output_acc, cont} = pp_iodata(head, output_acc, depth, empty, opts)
+    cont.(tail, output_acc)
-  ## in string, backslash
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, _in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in '\\' do
-    in_bs = true
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, empty, opts) when byte in ' \n\r\t' do
+    pp_iodata(rest, output, depth, empty, opts)
-  ## in string, end quote
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = _in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in '"' do
-    in_str = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  end
-  ## in string, other character
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  end
-  ## out of string, whitespace
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in ' \n\r\t' do
-    pp_iodata(rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-  end
-  ## out of string, start block
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in '{[' do
-    out =
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, empty, opts) when byte in '{[' do
+    {out, depth} =
       cond do
-        first -> byte
-        empty -> [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte]
-        depth == 0 -> [opts(opts, :record), byte]
-        true -> byte
+        depth == :first -> {byte, 1}
+        depth == 0 -> {[opts(opts, :record), byte], 1}
+        empty -> {[opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte], depth + 1}
+        true -> {byte, depth + 1}
-    first = false
     empty = true
-    depth = depth + 1
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, empty, opts)
-  ## out of string, end empty block
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, true = _empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in '}]' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, true = _empty, opts) when byte in '}]' do
     empty = false
     depth = depth - 1
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, byte], depth, empty, opts)
-  ## out of string, end non-empty block
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, false = empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in '}]' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, false = empty, opts) when byte in '}]' do
     depth = depth - 1
     out = [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, empty, opts)
-  ## out of string, comma
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, _empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in ',' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, _empty, opts) when byte in ',' do
     empty = false
     out = [byte, opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth)]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, empty, opts)
-  ## out of string, colon
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
-       when byte in ':' do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, empty, opts) when byte in ':' do
     out = [byte, opts(opts, :colon)]
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, empty, opts)
-  ## out of string, other character (maybe start quote)
-  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, _in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts) do
+  defp pp_byte(byte, rest, output, depth, empty, opts) do
     out = if empty, do: [opts(opts, :line), tab(opts(opts, :indent), depth), byte], else: byte
-    in_str = byte in '"'
     empty = false
-    pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, in_str, in_bs, empty, first, opts)
+    if byte == ?" do
+      pp_string(rest, [output, out], _in_bs = false, &pp_iodata(&1, &2, depth, empty, opts))
+    else
+      pp_iodata(rest, [output, out], depth, empty, opts)
+    end
+  end
+  defp pp_string(<<>>, output_acc, in_bs, cont) do
+    {output_acc, &pp_string(&1, &2, in_bs, cont)}
+  end
+  defp pp_string(<<?", rest::binary>>, output_acc, true = _in_bs, cont) do
+    pp_string(rest, [output_acc, ?"], false, cont)
+  end
+  defp pp_string(<<?", rest::binary>>, output_acc, false = _in_bs, cont) do
+    cont.(rest, [output_acc, ?"])
+  end
+  defp pp_string(<<byte>>, output_acc, in_bs, cont) do
+    in_bs = not in_bs and byte == ?\\
+    {[output_acc, byte], &pp_string(&1, &2, in_bs, cont)}
+  end
+  defp pp_string(binary, output_acc, _in_bs, cont) when is_binary(binary) do
+    size = byte_size(binary)
+    case :binary.match(binary, "\"") do
+      :nomatch ->
+        skip = size - 2
+        <<_::binary-size(skip), prev, last>> = binary
+        in_bs = not (prev == ?\\ and last == ?\\) or last == ?\\
+        {[output_acc | binary], &pp_string(&1, &2, in_bs, cont)}
+      {pos, 1} ->
+        {leading, tail} = :erlang.split_binary(binary, pos + 1)
+        output = [output_acc | leading]
+        case, pos - 1) do
+          ?\\ -> pp_string(tail, output, false, cont)
+          _ -> cont.(tail, output)
+        end
+    end
+  end
+  defp pp_string([], output_acc, in_bs, cont) do
+    {output_acc, &pp_string(&1, &2, in_bs, cont)}
+  end
+  defp pp_string([byte | rest], output_acc, in_bs, cont) when is_integer(byte) do
+    cond do
+      in_bs -> pp_string(rest, [output_acc, byte], false, cont)
+      byte == ?" -> cont.(rest, [output_acc, byte])
+      true -> pp_string(rest, [output_acc, byte], byte == ?\\, cont)
+    end
+  end
+  defp pp_string([head | tail], output_acc, in_bs, cont) do
+    {output_acc, cont} = pp_string(head, output_acc, in_bs, cont)
+    cont.(tail, output_acc)
diff --git a/test/formatter_test.exs b/test/formatter_test.exs
index c7a0a82..35cf932 100644
--- a/test/formatter_test.exs
+++ b/test/formatter_test.exs
@@ -64,4 +64,38 @@ defmodule Jason.FormatterTest do
     output = ~s|{\n\t"a": {\n\t\t"b": [\n\t\t\ttrue,\n\t\t\tfalse\n\t\t]\n\t}\n}|
     assert(pretty_print(input, indent: "\t") == output)
+  test "proper string escaping" do
+    input = ["\"abc\\\\", "\""]
+    output = ~S|"abc\\"|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\\\", ?"]
+    output = ~S|"abc\\"|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\\"", "\""]
+    output = ~S|"abc\""|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\\"", ?"]
+    output = ~S|"abc\""|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\", "\"\""]
+    output = ~S|"abc\""|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\", ?", ?"]
+    output = ~S|"abc\""|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc", "\\", ?", ?"]
+    output = ~S|"abc\""|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+    input = ["\"abc\\", "\\", ?"]
+    output = ~S|"abc\\"|
+    assert(minimize(input) == output)
+  end

From 6acd396e37f99b48031267f950e275f2c62792b3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Micha=C5=82=20Muska=C5=82a?= <>
Date: Mon, 2 Jul 2018 19:09:23 +0200
Subject: [PATCH 7/7] Support Jason.encode!(data, pretty: true)

 lib/jason.ex           | 37 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 test/encode_test.exs   |  4 ++++
 test/property_test.exs |  6 ++++++
 3 files changed, 40 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/lib/jason.ex b/lib/jason.ex
index ca6f1e6..43bda03 100644
--- a/lib/jason.ex
+++ b/lib/jason.ex
@@ -3,10 +3,12 @@ defmodule Jason do
   A blazing fast JSON parser and generator in pure Elixir.
+  alias Jason.{Encode, Decoder, DecodeError, EncodeError, Formatter}
   @type escape :: :json | :unicode_safe | :html_safe | :javascript_safe
   @type maps :: :naive | :strict
-  @type encode_opt :: {:escape, escape} | {:maps, maps}
+  @type encode_opt :: {:escape, escape} | {:maps, maps} | {:pretty, true | Formatter.opts()}
   @type keys :: :atoms | :atoms! | :strings | :copy | (String.t() -> term)
@@ -14,8 +16,6 @@ defmodule Jason do
   @type decode_opt :: {:keys, keys} | {:strings, strings}
-  alias Jason.{Encode, Decoder, DecodeError, EncodeError}
   @doc """
   Parses a JSON value from `input` iodata.
@@ -105,6 +105,11 @@ defmodule Jason do
         rejected, since both keys would be encoded to the string `"foo"`.
       * `:naive` (default) - does not perform the check.
+    * `:pretty` - controls pretty printing of the output. Possible values are:
+      * `true` to pretty print with default configuration
+      * a keyword of options as specified by `Jason.Formatter.pretty_print/2`.
   ## Examples
       iex> Jason.encode(%{a: 1})
@@ -117,7 +122,7 @@ defmodule Jason do
   @spec encode(term, [encode_opt]) ::
           {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, EncodeError.t() | Exception.t()}
   def encode(input, opts \\ []) do
-    case Encode.encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
+    case do_encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
       {:ok, result} -> {:ok, IO.iodata_to_binary(result)}
       {:error, error} -> {:error, error}
@@ -140,7 +145,7 @@ defmodule Jason do
   @spec encode!(term, [encode_opt]) :: String.t() | no_return
   def encode!(input, opts \\ []) do
-    case Encode.encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
+    case do_encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
       {:ok, result} -> IO.iodata_to_binary(result)
       {:error, error} -> raise error
@@ -168,7 +173,7 @@ defmodule Jason do
   @spec encode_to_iodata(term, [encode_opt]) ::
           {:ok, iodata} | {:error, EncodeError.t() | Exception.t()}
   def encode_to_iodata(input, opts \\ []) do
-    Encode.encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts))
+    do_encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts))
   @doc """
@@ -189,12 +194,30 @@ defmodule Jason do
   @spec encode_to_iodata!(term, [encode_opt]) :: iodata | no_return
   def encode_to_iodata!(input, opts \\ []) do
-    case Encode.encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
+    case do_encode(input, format_encode_opts(opts)) do
       {:ok, result} -> result
       {:error, error} -> raise error
+  defp do_encode(input, %{pretty: true} = opts) do
+    case Encode.encode(input, opts) do
+      {:ok, encoded} -> {:ok, Formatter.pretty_print_to_iodata(encoded)}
+      other -> other
+    end
+  end
+  defp do_encode(input, %{pretty: pretty} = opts) do
+    case Encode.encode(input, opts) do
+      {:ok, encoded} -> {:ok, Formatter.pretty_print_to_iodata(encoded, pretty)}
+      other -> other
+    end
+  end
+  defp do_encode(input, opts) do
+    Encode.encode(input, opts)
+  end
   defp format_encode_opts(opts) do
     Enum.into(opts, %{escape: :json, maps: :naive})
diff --git a/test/encode_test.exs b/test/encode_test.exs
index 039c14a..0533729 100644
--- a/test/encode_test.exs
+++ b/test/encode_test.exs
@@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ defmodule Jason.EncoderTest do
     assert {:error, %Protocol.UndefinedError{}} = Jason.encode(self())
+  test "pretty: true" do
+    assert to_json(%{a: 3.14159, b: 1}, pretty: true) == ~s|{\n  "a": 3.14159,\n  "b": 1\n}|
+  end
   defp to_json(value, opts \\ []) do
     Jason.encode!(value, opts)
diff --git a/test/property_test.exs b/test/property_test.exs
index 6426301..0ba6a80 100644
--- a/test/property_test.exs
+++ b/test/property_test.exs
@@ -33,6 +33,12 @@ if Code.ensure_loaded?(ExUnitProperties) do
+    property "pretty roundtrip" do
+      check all json <- json(string(:printable)) do
+        assert decode(encode(json, pretty: true)) == json
+      end
+    end
     property "unicode escaping" do
       check all string <- string(:printable) do
         encoded = encode(string, escape: :unicode)