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File metadata and controls

68 lines (57 loc) · 5.64 KB




Lines beginning with '##' are directives (sometimes called pragmas or meta-data) and provide meta-information about the document as a whole. Blank lines should be ignored by parsers and lines beginning with a single '#' are used for human-readable comments and can be ignored by parsers

In addition, the following characters have reserved meanings in column 9 and must be escaped when used in other contexts:

; semicolon (%3B) = equals (%3D) & ampersand (%26) , comma (%2C)

Please add description for each columns/attribute (R:required, O:optional)


  • header:
    • (R) small RNA GFF version ## VERSION: 1.2
    • (R) database: ##source-ontology using
    • (R) tools used starting with the label ## TOOLS: and followed by tools used to call isomiRs separated by comma (,).
    • (O) commands used to generate the file. At least information about adapter removal, filtering, aligner, mirna tool. All of them starting like: ## CMD: . Can be multiple lines starting with this tag.
    • (O) genome/database version used (maybe try to get from BAM file if GFF3 generated from it): ## REFERENCE:
    • (R) sample names used in attribute:Expression: ## COLDATA: separated by comma: ,.
    • (O) Filter tags meaning: See Filter attribute below. Different filter tags should be separated by , character. Example: ## FILTER: and example would be ## FILTER: PASS(is ok), REJECT(false positive), REJECT lowcount(rejected due to low count in data).


  • (R) column1: seqID: precursor name or chromosome name
  • (R) column2: source: databases used for the annotation with version (miRBase21, mirGeneDB2.0, miRCarta, ...etc): miRTop/incubator#13. With the version: mirbase21
  • (R) column3: type: ref_miRNA, isomiR, pre_miRNA: miRTop/incubator#13 (SO:0002166 ref_miRNA or SO:0002167 isomiR or SO:0001244 pre_miRNA)
  • (R) column4/5: start/end: precursor/chromosome start/end as indicated by alignment tool
  • (O) column6: score (Optional): It can be the mapping score or any other score the tool wants to assign to the sequence.
  • (R) column7: strand. In the case of mapping against precursor should be always +. It should accept mapping against the genome: +/- allowed.
  • (O) column8: phase: (For features of type "CDS", the phase indicates where the feature begins with reference to the reading frame): Not relevant right now. This can be: .
  • (R) column9: attributes:
    • (R) UID: unique ID based on sequence like MINTplates has for tRNA: prefix-22-BZBZOS4Y1 ( It is a good way to use it as cross-mapper ID between different naming or future changes. Currently supported by mirtop code.
    • (O) Read: read sequence
    • (R) Name: mature name
    • (R) Parent: hairpin precursor name
    • (R) Variant: (categorical types - adapted from isomiR-SEA)
      • iso_5p:+/-N. + indicates the start is shifted to the right. - indicates the start is shifted to the left. N the number of nucleotides of difference. For instance, if the sequence starts 2 nts after the reference miRNA, the label will be: iso_5p:+2, but if it starts before, the label will be iso_5p:-2.
      • iso_3p:+/-N. Same explanation applied.
      • iso_add3p:N. Number of non-template nucleotides added at 3p.
      • iso_add5p:N. Number of non-template nucleotides added at 5p.
      • iso_snv_seed: when affected nucleotides are between [2-7].
      • iso_snv_central_offset: when affected nucleotides is at position [8].
      • iso_snv_central: when affected nucleotides are between [9-12].
      • iso_snv_central_supp: when affected nucleotides are between [13-17].
      • iso_snv: anything else.
    • (O) Changes (optional): similar to previous one but indicating the nucleotides being changed.
      • additions are in capital case
      • deletions are in lower case
      • example: Changes iso_5p:0,iso_3p:TT,iso_add3p:GTC where Variant iso_add3p:3,iso_3p:+2.
    • (R) Cigar: CIGAR string as indicated here. It is the standard CIGAR for aligners. With the restriction that M means exact match always. That's a difference with some aligners where M includes mismatches. In this case, if there is a mismatch, then it should be output like: 11MA7M to indicates there is a mismatch at position 12, where A is the reference nucleotide.
    • (R) Hits: number of hits in the database.
    • (O) Alias (Optional): get names from miRBase/miRgeneDB or other database separated by ,
    • (O) Genomic (Optional): positions on the genome in the following format: chr:start-end,chr:start-end
    • (R) Expression: raw counts separated by ,. It should be in the same order than colData in the header.
    • (R) Filter: PASS or REJECT (this allow to keep all the data and select the one you really want to consider as valid features). PASS can have subclasses: PASS:ignore: meaning the sequence pass but the tools consider the variants showed here not reliable. REJECT can go with any short word explaining why it was rejected: REJECT:lowcounts. In this case the sequence will be skipped for data mining of the file when quering counts or summarize miRNA expression.
    • (O) Seed_fam (Optional): in the format of 2-8 nts and reference miRNA sharing the seed. Useful to go for pre-computed target predictions: ATGCTGT:mir34a_5p