This repository provides a collection of playbooks to
- Deploy an OpenShift cluster on given machines:
- Install KubeVirt on an existing OpenShift cluster:
- Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on given machines and install KubeVirt:
- Provision resources, deploy a cluster and install KubeVirt:
NOTE: Checked box means that playbook is working and supported, unchecked box means that playbook needs stabilization.
Tested on CentOS Linux release 7.5 (Core), OpenShift 3.9 and Ansible 2.5.3
Install depending roles, and export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH
$ git clone
$ cd kubevirt-ansible
$ mkdir $HOME/galaxy-roles
$ ansible-galaxy install -p $HOME/galaxy-roles -r requirements.yml
$ export ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=$HOME/galaxy-roles
For OpenShift deployment clone OpenShift Ansible
$ git clone -b release-3.7
NOTE: For OpenShift 3.9 there is no release yet, please read this file to see what branch is currently used for automation.
This section describes how to set up a new cluster on given machines. Skip this part if you already have a cluster.
There are three key cluster components which need to be deployed: master, etcd and node.
The master is the host or hosts that contain the master components, including the API server, controller manager server, and etcd. The master manages nodes in its Kubernetes cluster and schedules pods to run on nodes.
etcd stores the persistent master state while other components watch etcd for changes to bring themselves into the desired state.
A node provides the runtime environments for containers. Each node in a Kubernetes cluster has the required services to be managed by the master. Nodes also have the required services to run pods, including the Docker service, a kubelet, and a service proxy.
Beside these three key components you might want to specify persistent storage component required for using Ansible Broker. Below cluster configuration sample uses nfs component as an example of NFS persistent storage.
There are two supported cluster configurations:
- All-in-one, where all cluster components are deployed on a single machine
- Single master and multiple nodes, where master, etcd and persistent storage are assigned to a single machine, and nodes are on separated machines.
For more information on cluster configuration please see Planning and Requirements documentation.
Edit the inventory file according to chosen cluster configuration. For example, for an all-in-one
case it will look like:
[nodes] openshift_node_labels="{'region': 'infra','zone': 'default'}" openshift_schedulable=true
Using this inventory file one can deploy a Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster. Make sure that you have passwordless ssh access to all machines of the cluster.
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory playbooks/cluster/kubernetes/config.yml
Be sure that you have an extra disk attached to your machines
for docker storage and modify defaults values
accordingly. The docker storage is installed using container_runtime role from openshift-ansible.
In most of cases you need to set container_runtime_docker_storage_setup_device
to match the name of your extra disk for docker storage.
Please follow docker-storage-setup documentation for more details.
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -e@vars/all.yml playbooks/cluster/openshift/config.yml
See OpenShift parameters documentation for more details and update vars/all.yml if needed.
Currently we don't have a playbook which installs KubeVirt on a Kubernetes cluster.
The playbook expects you have oc
, rpm package origin-clients
installed and a config file in $HOME/.kube/config
. Also make sure you
indentified with the cluster using oc login
Be sure to update the inventory file according to your OpenSift cluster configuration or use the file you used to deploy the cluster.
Install KubeVirt on your OpenShift cluster:
$ ansible-playbook -i localhost playbooks/kubevirt.yml -e@vars/all.yml
See KubeVirt parameters documentation for more details and update vars/all.yml if needed.
This section describes how to deploy a KubeVirt or OpenShift cluster with KubeVirt installed on it using Lago.
Following example is executing top level playbook playbooks/automation/check-patch.yml
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -e@vars/all.yml playbooks/automation/check-patch.yml
See Lago parameters documentation for more details and update vars/all.yml if needed.
storage-demo All-in-one ephemeral storage.
will provide GlusterFS storage and the storage-glusterfs role will
create the StorageClass.
In case you are experiencing permission or SELinux issues, please consider creating an issue for kubevirt and report what is not working for you.
As a temporary workaround, you can disable SELinux by running following playbook.
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory -e "selinux=permissive" playbooks/selinux.yml
Be sure to update the inventory file according to your OpenSift cluster configuration or use the file you used to deploy the cluster.