All notable changes to the "terraform-completer" extension will be documented in this file.
- Now successfully provides autocompletion for modules from other Terraform files (.tf) in the same directory.
- The extension will now autocomplete module names that exist within your document when referencing it as variable.
- Extension was forked from erd0s' terraform-autocomplete
- Modules autocomplete inputs when provided a source by querying the module registry API.
- Autocomplete outputs when referencing the module in other parts of code.
- Readme displays on hover over module source.
- Snippet for auto adding required inputs for modules.
- Extension no longer provides autocomplete for resources, instead relying on the official Terraform language server in the Terraform official extension
- Updated to the most recent AWS provider docs
- Changed the structure a bit to use json instead of ts for storing definitions
- Added "Go to definition functionality for AWS"
- Initial release