bonescss is a bare-bones CSS framework. It provides tools that enable you to focus on the awesome parts of CSS.
- make use of smacss namespaced class-names by default
- all the h5bp CSS defaults are there and up to date
- 100% BEM compatible
- Bootstrap mode that generates ready to use classess
Unlike Compass or Bourbon, bonescss is not meant to provide mixins for bower compatibility. autoprefixer does that job very well.
##Installation There are two ways to install it:
- add
to your SCSS directories thennpm install bonescss --save-dev
, then@include
the individual files in your SCSS files - Or checkout this repository into your SCSS directory and use it as a boilerplate:
git clone your-scss-directory
##Usage You can add it to your existing SASS setup and make use of all the mixins and helpers or you can let it generate helper classes in boilerplate mode.
- Using only the mixins on your own classes.
- all you have to include is
- adapt the different
's file to your project.
- Use it in as boilerplate with placeholder selectors or classes.
- include and adapt
- adapt the differet
's file to your project.
$boilerplate-mode [true] will generate ready to use placeholder selectors that can be used with extend and/or regular classes for each helper depending on the
config -
$layout-selectors ["%l-" ".l-"], $text-selectors ["%t-" ".t-"] etc... will prefix you classes and placeholders with smacssy names just remove the
etc. if you don't want this
$colors (map) a map containing your named colors.
c (function) helper function to use the colors:
$gradients (map) contains only linear gradients for now
gradient (function) usage:
background: gradient(dark);
$s-base should be the most important size in your app/website design. Usually 1rem/16px, depending on the design. Used for gaps and grids, Try to express every size with this number later on. Its mandatory though.
$s-design-width [1024] sets the default max-with of your website. Used in some helper classes
$s-golden [1.61803398875] golden radio, just because
$sizes (map) a place to maintain and name your spaces
s (function) usage:
returns a space by name from $sizes -
$breakpoints (map) contains the breakpoints of the project
$t-default-font-size [$s-base] Used as base font size for all the size mixins and functions. Usually set to the body font size.
$t-default-font-... Sets the defaults for the most common font on the app
$types (map) a list of all your typographical elements, only add attributes that are different from the default
t (function)
@include t(title)
render all the CSS attributes your titles needs
Contains the part H5BP's main.css before Author's custom styles
All rules inside this file are prefixed with .l-
and %l-
but you can overwrite this variable $layout-selectors: "%l-" ".l-";
.l-clearfix (@mixin clearfix) h5bp's cleafix
.l-size-width (@mixin site-witdh) Used as a class for containers. Sets the with of the design and centers it. (Also set it to position relative)
.l-horizontal-list (@mixin horizontal) Makes a
list display horizontally -
.l-horizontal (@mixin horizontal($childSelector: '*')) Does the same then
but for every element. -
.l-horizontal-samewidth-list (@mixin horizontal($type: samewidth)) Uses table layout to make a list that is horizontal where the total with of the list is divided by the number of children.
.l-horizontal-equidistant (@mixin horizontal($type: equidistant, $childSelector: '*')) Every element inside this container will have equal distances in between.
.l-table, .l-table-row, .l-table-cell (@mixin table, table-row, table-cell) Used for table layouts. Because yes sometimes I use them.
comes with a modifier.l-table-cell--max
Is always as wide as its contents. and.l-table-cell--max
as wide as possible inside the table layout. -
.l-horizontal-extremities (@mixin horizontal-extremities) Floats all children right and the first one left. Also extends
. -
.l-fill (@mixin fill) Uses
and fills its context. -
.l-centered Used for a CSS only modal-box. Will always be centered, scrollable and will have the size of its content. Works in all cool browsers and IE8+. in order to Make it work you have to use the following DOM structure:
If you don't need to support uncool browser is suggest you use the mixin
. -
@mixin center-absolute($direction:both|horizontal|vertical) Absolutely centers an element in it's parent horizontal, vertically or in both directions
The helpers are mostly text helpers. This is why the rules are prefixed with %t-
and .t-
, this can be changed by overwriting: $text-selectors: "%t-" ".t-";
.t-selectable, .t-not-selectable Will set
user-select: none;
oruser-select: text;
. -
.t-antialiased (@mixin antialiased) -webkit-font-smooting: antialiased; -moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
.t-truncate (@mixin truncate) Will truncate text using overflow ellipsis.
@mixin smoothscroll ($axis:y/x) Will make the overflow-y or x play nice on IOS.
overflow-y: scroll; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;
The print part from H5BP main.css
In SMACSS states are prefixed with .is-
but here as well you can modify this with:
$state-selectors: "%is-" ".is-"; $state-selectors-and: "&%is-" "&.is-";
.is-visuallyhidden & .is-visuallyhidden-focusable (@mixin visuallyhidden, @mixin visuallyhidden-focusable) Hide only visually, but have it available for screen readers. H5BP
.is-invisible Hide visually and from screen readers, but maintain layout
.is-disabled (@mixin disabled) Generic class to make any element disabled by removing pointer events and lower the opacity
.is-hidden (@mixin hidden) Hide visually and from screen readers: H5BP
.is-visible (@mixin visible) Used to show elements. Will set to inherit by default, but can be block inline or inline-block as well just use the modifiers
. -
.is-loading Generic loading class. Will make elements with this class pulsate.
Includes all the mixins and functions
@mixin px2percent ($size,$contextSize) Converts any size into percents. If in some PSD file your design is 1024px wide and some sidebar in this design has a width of 300px you would use the function like this:
width: px2percent(300px,1024px)
@mixin px2rel($px, $baseSize, $unit) Will convert any pixel unit to a relative unit. Usually used to convert font-sizes. If for example your
should have a font-size of 40px and your base font-size is 16px. The function would be used as such:font-size: px2rel(40px, 16px)
The default unit will berem
you can set it to something else (like EM) by using the third argument. If you set $s-font-base in your options somewhere you don't have to pass the second argument. -
@mixin font-size($px) Sets a font size with a PX fallback for old browsers
font-size: font-size(16px)
will result infont-size: 16px; font-size: 1rem:
line-height($px) Set a line-height with a PX fallback exactly as the font-size function
triangle( $height, $color, $direction, $width ) Creates a CSS triagnle using the border trick. if
is not set it will be the same as the height. -
circle( $size, $color ) Make a circle of a given color using border radius
Logo: (CC) Alexandra Hawkhead