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File metadata and controls

185 lines (138 loc) · 5.18 KB


This project aims to provide a lean configuration for users that want to run lancache on their nix machines without having to resort to running a docker container.

It is designed to run alongside your configurations while keeping feature-parity with the upstream project.

The configurations are almost 1:1 with lancachenet/monolithic and all credit for the nginx configurations go to the lancache authors.


services.lancache = {
  enable = true;
  cacheLocation = "/mnt/storage/lancache";
  logPrefix = "/var/log/nginx/lancache";
  # the listen address you want lancache to use.
  listenAddress = "";

  # optional options with their defaults

    The upstream DNS servers the cache should use. The defaults are
    Cloudflare's DNS.

    Corresponds to the environment variable: `UPSTREAM_DNS` in standard
    lancache config.
  upstreamDns = [

    The amount of disk space the container should use for caching data.
    Specified in gigabytes.

    Corresponds to the environment variable: `CACHE_DISK_SIZE` in
    standard lancache config.
  cacheDiskSize = "1000g";

    Amount of index memory for the nginx cache manager. Lancache team
    recommends `250m` of index memory per `1TB` of `cacheDiskSize`

    Corresponds to the environment variable: `CACHE_INDEX_SIZE` in
    standard lancache config.
  cacheIndexSize = "500m";

    The maximum amount of time a file should be held in cache. There is
    usually no reason to reduce this - the cache will automatically
    remove the oldest content if it needs the space.

    Corresponds to the environment variable: `CACHE_MAX_AGE` in standard
    lancache config.
  cacheMaxAge = "3560d";

    Sets the minimum free disk space that must be kept at all times. When the
    available free space drops below the set amount for any reason, the cache
    server will begin pruning content to free up space. Specified in gigabytes.

    Corresponds to the environment variable: `MIN_FREE_DISK` in standard
    lancache config.
  minFreeDisk = "10g";

    See the guide before changing this. It WILL invalidate any currently cached data.


    Corresponds to the environment variable: `CACHE_SLICE_SIZE` in standard
    lancache config.
  sliceSize = "1m";

    Sets the default logging format

    Nothing corresponds to this option in the standard lancache config
    Set it to cachelog-json to output json logs
  logFormat = "cachelog";

  domainsPackage = pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "uklans";
    repo = "cache-domains";
    rev = "1f5897f4dacf3dab5f4d6fca2fe497d3327eaea9";
    sha256 = "sha256-xrHuYIrGSzsPtqErREMZ8geawvtYcW6h2GyeGMw1I88=";

  # Defines the number of worker processes.
  workerProcesses = "auto";

Adding the Slice Module to nginx

Lancaching will require you to enable the http slice module for nginx.

{pkgs, ...}: {
  services.nginx.package = pkgs.nginxMainline.override { withSlice = true; };

Advertising the DNS entries

How you advertise the dns entries that need to be rewritten is completely upto you. I use nix to dynamically populate the dns entries that are parsed by this flake into adguardhome.

{ config, lib, ... }:
  lancacheServerIp = "";
  services.adguardhome.settings.dns.rewrites =
    lib.pipe [
      (map (entry:
      (map (domain: { inherit domain; answer = lancacheServerIp; }))

These two are the major services that should be exposed:

  • the catch-all http server that you can point the dns entries of cachable cdns to
  • a transparent HTTPS proxy listening on listenAddress:443

One thing to note is that if you are listening to on any of your virtual hosts, it will clash with these configurations. The nixos nginx module uses as the defaultListenAddress so I recommend you change that

services.nginx.defaultListenAddresses = [ "" ];

Getting around address already in use errors

You might see errors like this:

nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use)
nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:443 failed (98: Address already in use)

This means you have vhosts already listening on 443/80. You should assign an extra ip address to your interface to get around this and use that ip address for lancache.

Setting the defaultListenAddress (see above) is important too if you want your vhosts to just work™ without specifying listen addresses.

networking.interfaces.${interface}.ipv4.addresses = [
    address = "";
    prefixLength = 24;

services.lancache.listenAddress = "";
