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I never thought this would turn out the way it did and I really felt like I learned so much stuff in the process thanks to all of you. [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/641joo/sat_down_on_my_friends_macbook_and_broke_it/) is my previous question.
I went through every single comment from the 200+ ones and I sincerely thank each and every one of you.
I did some research specifically for repairing the screen for the macbook and for her particular model it’s around 310 for the screen + the labor cost so I wrote her back saying that since she didn't accept my initial offer of $2200, I’m withdrawing that offer, and offering to pay for the repair cost. She sent me an email calling me a bitch and that she’s going to take me to court.
I got served a few days later and went to court. I told the judge I gave her three options to choose from. 1) either to write her a check for a brand new one which was 2200 dollars. 2) Get her a refurbished one from apple or a third party or even used which would be around 1400 dollars or 3) fix her current MacBook since the screen is the only thing affected here and it would cost around 300 dollars plus money for labor. (I printed out the email I sent her and the mail she sent back refusing demanding the 2700 and calling me a bitch and saying we’ll go to court + screenshots for the price quotes from different websites for a new/refurbished and the screen fix for her particular model) and gave it to the judge. I also told him that when I offered at the very beginning to get her a new one from the apple store she said no I want the money in cash. When I told her I’d give her 2200 for a new one she said okay but later came asking for 2700 because she wants to upgrade. I tried to show him how it's clearly visible that she's trying to take advantage of me.
She gave the judge an attitude almost the whole time which really pissed the judge off and helped my case I guess. After listening to both of us he ruled that I pay 50% of the repair cost since she negligently left her laptop on the couch. So I'll only be paying not more than 200-250 dollars for the whole thing.
If it weren’t for you guys I would’ve paid $2,200 dollars instead of around $200 and I honestly loved her look at the end as we walked out.
I feel good for following all the advice here.
This is in north Texas.
Hey so I must apologize if this post is jumbled a bit. I started typing it up in Word yesterday before my date and forgot about it before finishing it today.
I think my boyfriend has been secretly drugging me for a while now and is gas lighting me. I know this is going to be hard to explain, but I have been having gaps in memory that I have been explaining away as being tired, or overworked, or whatever else. I was going to ask my boyfriend about it, since he is a doctor, but then I started to notice that this seems to happen when I go on dates with him.
I know it must be crazy, but I have woken up with dried semen on my breasts several times with no memory of the night before. I know its him as… well I wont get into specifics but he likes that kind of thing more than other guys would…
The first time it happened was when we were drinking and I wrote it off as too much to drink. We get drunk and have sex all the time so its not a big deal to me. But then there were a few times when I KNOW we were not drinking.
I decided to break up with him over it only to suddenly find myself on a date with him a few days later. I had not yet had the conversation to break up with him, but planned on it next time I talked with him. I remember being at the restaurant, but nothing before that. My car and his car was in the parking lot too so I was confused.
I decided to play along when he asked me to come back to his place.
After 3 days at his place I remembered everything so I was started to trust him again. Knowing he was an ENT I know it wont be his forte but he is a doctor. I was going to ask him about my issues when he randomly pointed to these red bumps on my thigh and said I should be treating those sores.
I had completely forgotten they were there. These little red bumps that look like needle injections that got infected. I got so freaked out he mentioned them that I decided to leave.
The next day he came over to “Check on me” and I remember waking up in bed with more dried semen on my chest.
Then today he met me for lunch saying we had agreed to meet. I never agreed to me with him and would never want to. He does this all the time, saying we agreed to do something I have no memory of.
I am sick and tired of it and want him punished.
This has started to affect my work life as well as I start to get paranoid when I see a boss walk into a room after making eye contact with me. I get paranoid that they are about to fire me. My friends also state I have been acting strangely and out of character. I have even begun to lose sleep and sleepwalk when I do.
Is there a way to have blood work done to see what kind of drug he is using on me? I do not want the police to blow me off and push me away as some crazy lady so I want to be damn sure when I go to the police.
I got my 13 year old brother after school yesterday and we went to see my math teacher. I didn't tell him all the details, but I told him my mother wanted too put a device on me to keep me from having sex, and my brother and I showed him the healed burn things like you guys suggested. At first he wanted to call our mom but that actually made my brother cry in fear so he didn't because I told him I'd run away and call the police if he did.
He called a bunch of people, and about an hour later the police and a bunch of other people showed up. Apparently they'd already been suspicious about our neighborhood. They talked to us away from eachother and I had to tell several people what happened, there was one lady who I told everything real specific. She was very nice and didn't make me feel ashamed at all.
We went back home with them and I showed the police where my mother kept drugs that I'm pretty sure we're illegal. She wasn't there but all my other 6 siblings who are home schooled were. Then they went down the street to where my mom and our preacher were and I don't know what happened but they arrested her i think for drugs and other stuff and someone else whose house they were at because they were doing drugs I think (that's what they usually do) but not the preacher. I think they're gonna look into it though.
There were a bunch of people and police who talked to all of us more and eventually they took us to a place where they said we'd stay for now. Like a shelter or something.
I should of done this year's ago, I feel really bad because I could have had my siblings taken better care of. I don't really know what's happening or gonna happen but the place I'm in now is way cleaner than I'm used to and we have clothes and stuff and food and we don't have to watch toddlers anymore. They weren't happy when they figured out stuff like the burns and that my 11 and 10 year old sisters can't read at all. They also weren't very happy with our house I could tell.
I hope we don't have to go back. And I hope it's ok to post this. Even tho I don't need advice anymore. Thank you to everyone who helped me.
OP here: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9gdico/my_college_says_if_i_miss_class_to_testify_at_my/?st=JN056NAS&sh=90aa7f5f
Thanks to everyone’s terrific advice, I got my university’s ombudsman involved, and also reached out to a local survivors group (similar to RAINN) who connected me to a wonderful attorney who facilitated between me and the legal services team at my school.
Within a day of meeting with the school’s general counsel, my attorney and I were invited to meet with the deans who had made the initial decision.
One of my professors also apparently saw my legal advice post and put two and two together (my professors were not previously aware of the full extent of what was going on) and he and my other professors submitted a letter on my behalf protesting the administration’s decision, copying the board, ombudsman, legal counsel, and high level members of the administration, which was so incredibly touching I am still overwhelmed and trying to properly thank them.
Between my professors’ incredible gesture and my showing up with an attorney raising flags, at the meeting I was given carte blanche to work out the details of my absences between myself and my professors (I’ll take them at school, just early) and two were able to give me modified assignments that could be done at home but still exemplified the same knowledge and skill sets.
The ombudsman and the legal counsel assured me they are looking into the policy that caused this ordeal in the first place, the ombudsman in making sure the policy is being correctly and reasonably enforced **(e.g., not used to coerce students into violating a subpoena)** and the legal counsel is advising the administration on new guidelines for the policy so no one else has to experience this going forward.
Thank you everyone here who took time to give me such helpful advice. I appreciate all of you!
Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/4xrn91/ohio_someone_is_threatening_to_release_nude/
So as the title states, last year I was dealing with blackmail from someone who got a hold of nudes from when I was 14/15. I thought I would update now that it's come to a resolution.
I went to see a lawyer the day after I made that post. He drafted a letter formally telling the guy to fuck off, and was very kind in assuring me that I had nothing to worry about. It was radio silence from the guy, for about six months. Then I got an email from another address with the same demand, saying that the money needed to be sent in 24 hours or the pictures would go live.
I panicked and called my lawyer, asking him to meet me at the police station. He was really understanding (literally left his daughter's birthday party to come help me) and when we got there, we met with a detective, who was also really nice and heard me out.
Long story short, we found out that the guy blackmailing me was actually (drumroll please) my ex-boyfriend masquerading as someone else. He was arrested, and it was also discovered that he had broken into my apartment on a few occasions (he had things in his possession that he could only have gotten by getting into my residence). I wasn't the only one who was being stalked, and they also discovered other illegal activity that I wasn't really allowed to know about.
Anyway, my ex was just sentenced a few days ago and he won't be getting out anytime soon, plus I'm getting married in a few months and I'll be moving to another state far away from my ex. So I thought I'd update here with the good news! I was afraid that I'd be arrested and lose everything, but thanks to you guys I got up the courage to deal with the situation. I really appreciate the advice I got here! Thank you again so much.
Okay, so a few days ago I was released from county jail after being held for 62 days. I lost my job, didn't pay rent for 2 months almost 3 now and my car is in the process of being put up for auction and they won't release it.
I was arrested for felon in possession of a firearm (I'm not a felon and never have been or had anything expunged and at the time of arrest I didn't even have a firearm on me) and reckless endangerment (firing a weapon at the side of a building, again something I did not do). I had an initial appearance thing in the jail over video where I was given a public defender who was completely and absolutely useless. I'm not sure if this is the norm for public defenders but he didn't say anything I told him to at this appearance I had because a simple background check shows I don't have a felony and on the night this all allegedly happened I was out of state (plane tickets and hotel with work). He literally just said not guilty then asked for a signature bond (Judge or magistrate guy denied it because felon with a firearm is a huge thing).
So then I sat, in jail for a total of 60 days before my public defender even came to see me. I tried to call him everyday with the phones and the number on the paper I had but he was never in and never came to see me. I couldn't afford a regular attorney who wanted around $2500 to even start a criminal case. I don't really have family or super close friends to call for help, I was fired from work obviously and now late on rent and will be evicted probably because I can't pay without a job and definitely not $2100+ utilities for rent on the 3 months I'm about to owe.
When he finally came and seen me 2 days before my next appearance and he finally listened to me he talked to the DA who apparently also had not looked at my case or my letter I mailed them until then also. After that appearance I got a "sorry, computer error you are free to go" and I was released.
What can I do for any of this? Apparently someone with the same name but a different DOB shot a building after a fight and is a felon but I sat in jail, lost my job, can't even get my car back they say unless I pay some crazy fees (how am I liable for these fees if it was a error?!). This is in Madison, Wisconsin
EDIT: Thanks for all the replies guys and gals, I'll contact the Wisconsin branch of the ACLU tomorrow and see what they say and where to go from here. Also I appreciate the messages offering to help me if I need it but I can kinda survive frugally on my credit cards if absolutely need be and will be contacting my boss tomorrow also and explaining the situation.
EDIT 2: To clear up more confusion about my car. The city had it towed by a local company they are contracted with. The storage fees are $1900 and growing daily and I only paid $3500 for the car 2 years ago. The towing company that has my vehicle told me the city can waive their percentage and pay the rest to them and I can get my car but told "good luck". Also their policy is to only store the vehicles for 90 days before auctioning the car.
So it is done. We called an abortion clinic in New Mexico and asked for advice. They were very helpful. Scheduled an appointment.
I told my parents that I'm taking my sister to go sightseeing in New Mexico for 2 days. They never suspected anything so they allowed it and didn't need any convincing. So in the morning I picked her up and we drove to New Mexico. We took a few pictures here and there to show later in case someone asked. Had the appointment and the procedure done in the afternoon. Spent the night at a hotel and drove back to my place the next day. She spent the day and that night at my place. I called my mom at about 11pm and told her that we arrived 15 minutes ago and she's already fallen asleep so I'll bring her there tomorrow.
She was feeling fine by then. So nothing suspicious at all. She's very happy this worked out the way it did and I'm happy that she's happy. I told her that she should not tell anyone about this until at least she is an adult and 100% independent from our parents. You can't really be sure who you can trust so better keep it a secret.
Thank you for your advice and the peace of mind that you gave us. Once we knew I won't be in legal trouble, we were relaxed and it was easy to arrange everything else.
I'm updating [my last post](https://redd.it/764vzw) here.
I did what you all told me to do. I wrote a letter, had my mom sign it and sent it to the superintendent's office. I also called them. They said they will speak with the school.
I was called into school and the principal's office and was told to take the test there in his presence. I did that, the math teacher came and looked through all my answers and said it's another perfect score and wanted to leave.
I said loudly "I think you owe me an apology."
She said "yes, I should not have accused you of cheating."
I said "Yes, and another apology for saying I don't have the mental faculties to get a perfect score."
She said "I'm sorry" and left.
The principal said "don't push your luck kid."
I said "It wasn't luck, and you also owe me an apology."
He apologized and said my suspension is reversed and it won't go in my records. I then went to the counselor and told him that now in his 24 years, there is one student who was accused of cheating and proved the teacher and administrators wrong, so he shouldn't give bad advice to the next poor student who is in my place.
So things are sorted out now. But also, I'm not going to be arrogant or aggressive like that with people. I only spoke like that with them because they have said incredibly mean and insulting things to me and I was very pissed off at them. And the counselor had given me horrible advice.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!
I talked to the officer in charge of the investigation for my brother being missing. They found his name written in a notebook which belonged to a drug trafficker. The officer who was looking for him was wondering if my brother was still missing after talking to the officer in charge of that investigation.
There days later we received the call that they may have found my brother's remains and they needed DNA samples to confirm. DNA confirmed it was him.
What happened was that when he went out that day he saw his friend and they went to see another friend (of his, not my brother). That was a drug dealing location, things went bad when my brother was there and someone was heavily beaten up which my brother and his friend saw. That's when they decided to... His friend was kept silent under the threat for his life (he was dealing for them). Recently he was arrested and confessed and reported my brother's murder to get a better deal.
The officer says my brother didn't die in pain. It was multiple gunshots. You'd expect after 6 years of playing this possibility in our heads we would have been prepared for it but we weren't. We had a funeral for him. Now there's a place that I can go and talk to him and at least feel a little closer to him even though he's gone.
I thank all of you who helped.
Past post:
Oh boy. I've been wondering for a while whether to post here again or not. I wasn't going to, but I know my last post ended up on a few other subreddits and I actually stumbled across it on my main account on r/niceguys and I read all the comments there. It was rough for me to read this original post, but it was a reminder of what my own mindset, and the mindset of so many men like me, was. I decided I needed to post again for some closure. I would have posted this on r/relationships, but they don't let you update posts they have taken down (yeah the mods there actually took down the post, not me).
For those who didn't see my original post on r/relationships before it was removed, it included more detail than my last one here, so I'm going to link to a thread from r/niceguys from a few people saved the text of my relationships post in the comments. I want to take full accountability for everything, so I want to link it here:
First, I want to assure everyone that I didn't contact that girl ever again. Since I moved, I no longer see her or go anywhere by where she used to live, go to school, or work (I don't know if she still lives in the same area or goes to the same school. I have avoided getting any information about her at all). The way I acted and the way I hurt her and scared her so much still haunts me. Part of me wants to track her down and apologize, but I know from my classes that 1. that can re-victimize her all over again; 2. it would be a selfish thing to do because it would be to clear my conscience, not make her feel better. If she wants to get closure by talking to me, I'm sure she can find me somehow; and 3. I don't want to make the mistake of using an apology to make her feel manipulated to talking to me again. I learned in my classes that men do that a lot. I don't want to hurt her anymore, so I will work past the guilt while never talking to her again.
I was distraught after my last post here. I admit I came here looking for validation, not help. I had a warped sense of entitlement that led me to believe that no one would possibly disagree with me, but obviously, hundreds of people told me that I was fucked up, a predator, a stalker, and that I needed help. All of these people were right. I don't know what happened, but something clicked in me after seeing those comments (despite how combative and abusive I was in response to the comments). I checked myself into therapy in Michigan the week after I posted here. I knew something was wrong, but I was still in denial. I thought I needed help with heartbreak. I didn't recognize that I actually needed help with identifying and combatting my messed up belief systems that I used to justify stalking and victimizing that poor girl. After a few sessions, I started seeing a psychiatrist too. I got on mood stabilizers and I started to realize that something was very very wrong with the way I was acting. Something that couldn't be cured by medication. After talking it over with my therapist, I decided it would be best for me to move out of state into my Aunt's house. Within a month of me posting here, I had moved into her house.
After moving, I started the process of transferring to a new school next semester, working full time, and continued to take my medication and was transferred to a new therapist. I had a fresh idea of the issues I wanted to work on in therapy, but after a few weeks of having two therapy sessions a week, my therapist pointed out to me during a session that I was still exhibiting the same kind of obsessive behaviors over women that earned me a cease and desist letter in Michigan (though I wasn't stalking anyone at this point, I was just obsessing in my mind. Which is still bad, but I wasn't actively victimizing anyone). I realize that in addition to therapy, I needed more help. My therapist pointed me to a class run by a local agency that was designed for men that have committed violent crimes against women like domestic violence, assault, sexual assault, stalking ect. Most of the men in the class are court-ordered to go as a condition of their probation/parole, but you didn't have to be court ordered to go, so I signed up voluntarily. I attend a two-hour class session every week and have been attending for about a month now. The goal of the class is to help us recognize and change abusive/violent behaviors. I know most of you are thinking: what kind of monsters can't recognize violent behavior? People like me. People like me in the last post. I look like a normal person. I grew up in an upper-middle-class neighborhood. Monsters come in all shapes and sizes and I fooled myself by saying because I didn't "look" like an abuser or because I wasn't "like" the abusers I saw on TV, that I wasn't one. But I am. I can't take back what I've done, but I can promise myself I will never victimize anyone else again.
In conclusion, a lot had changed for me in three and a half months. I want to say that I do not blame my behavior on my mental illness or anger or the media or whatever. I made a conscious decision to stalk and terrorize another human being because I thought I had the right to dictate how others interact with me. The class is a year-long class and I have only been in it for a month, but I have already learned so much. I have learned from my group that abuse is always a conscious choice and a learned behavior. But I believe that since I've learned this behavior and it's voluntary, it's totally within my control to change it. I've also learned from my group about the importance of having a non-romantic support system, so I made some male and female friends at work that invite me over to play video games with them. Don't worry reddit, these are actual friends and not just people I am stalking or believe I am in love with (I talked about this extensively with my therapist and try to be cognizant of my obsessive tendencies).
Thank you to everyone who told it to me straight and I'm sorry for how I decided to treat everyone who was just trying to give me the advice I asked for.
**tl;dr**: I ceased, I desisted, and I got mental health help. Thanks to everyone.
**EDIT**: Wow, just wow. I didn't expect this response. I guess this is a top post of all time.
I wanted to say some things for anyone who reads this in the future:
1. I read every single comment in r/bestoflegaladvice even though I didn't reply to many. I cried a lot while reading them.
2. I didn't post this to be gilded or to be patted on the back. I'm not sure why I did it, but I don't think "congrats" is quite the right thing to say to me. I don't know if I deserve praise for being a normal human being with normal relationships. But thank you all for being so supportive anyway.
3. I've had at least 10 people ask me for the name of the program I am in. The program I am in is specific to my area, so I'd rather not disclose the name. However, I encourage anyone who is concerned that they are controlling or abusive in their relationships with partners, family or friends to google "batterer intervention programs in my area." I did some research today about the class I am in and that is what these types of classes are called. They all operate a little differently based on where you live and what program you do, but we use stuff like the power and control wheel and there are steps in my program. There is no official federal program I don't think.
4. I am not healed. I have a lot of obsessive thoughts and I have to try really really hard to have appropriate boundaries. My meds have helped with this, but it is a behavior and thought process I need to change and that cant be done with pills. I have a lot of mental health issues (duh, based on my first post) but honestly what you saw was just the tip of the iceberg. I have never had real "friends" until the ones I have now. Before Jaime, I definitely engaged in stalking behaviors with both women I had crushes on and men I wanted to be friends with. It was never as bad as it was with Jaime, but I still am sure I made people uncomfortable. I also have some self-harm behaviors I am working out. So to the person who was worried that I would use all of the good praise to say "oh I'm perfect now so I can do what I want," trust me, I know I am fucked up and I want to change. I want to have normal relationships and friendships. I want to not be known as "that creepy kid" at my new college.
Please get help if you need it. Take it from me: all people are capable of changing for the positive.
You can read my old post here: [[Florida]: Parents hired people to kidnap me. My brother ended up pointing a gun at them. What do I need to do to get emancipated?](https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7478b8/florida_parents_hired_people_to_kidnap_me_my/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=legaladvice)
I sadly don't have any good news. Just two weeks after posting that my parents ended up sending me to a camp. The camp that they sent me to was using the same property and facilities of an older camp which was closed down due to abuse of teenagers.
The place wasn't like anything I imagined it would be. I tried to cooperate and pretend everything is normal but they see compliance as a form of resistance. They also see non-compliance as a form of resistance. Whatever you do they see it as resistance. Their formula is that we were defective people and the only way to fix us is to first break us down completely and then rebuild according to their standards.
Until they see you have mental breakdowns they don't agree that you're ready to relearn everything and change, so they continue the pressure. Even when I was doing everything they wanted they weren't convinced. It took maybe 3 months for them to be convinced that I'm broken down and they did break my spirit to be honest. I got to the point that I didn't care about anything anymore, I just wanted it to end.
They knew about my YouTube channel and they wanted me to login and delete all my videos and delete the channel. They had a girl who pretended to work in the kitchens to befriend me only to see if I truly hate my old self or not. She'd tell me that she watched my videos and she was insulting me left and right and was saying horrible things about me and my brother (also YouTuber) and I was supposed to agree with her, if I took things personally they knew I was acting and wasn't ready.
They got me when I was at my lowest and they got me to log them into the account. The next day they brought me in front of a computer and showed me that my old password wasn't working anymore and told me that they've deleted my account. I was thinking all the time and effort I placed there was gone.
From there I didn't care anymore and they were convinced they've achieved their goal. So things became easier. They'd teach me to be a nice girly Christian girl who wants to raise babies and would never touch a boy until she is married to someone her parents pick. It was like they were sending me into a children's book. Then my dad came and brought me back home.
When I got back my brother actually told me that my YouTube account wasn't deleted. Since I was using his email for recovery he got a notification when I logged in from the camp because it was a new place. So he figured this isn't good news and jumped and changed the password. So my account is intact. The assholes at the camp were lying.
I don't know if I'm the same person or not or how much I've changed but I really hate my parents. I hate them so much that a year ago I couldn't even imagine such a level of hatred is possible. There are 448 days until I'm 18 and I'm counting every single day until this is over and then I'm leaving with my brother and we're never looking back.
My big brother is the only positive thing in my life and the only person who I trust. When I was gone he went to police, CPS, even talked to a lawyer and a PI to find a way to get me back but nothing worked. My parents came after my $15,000 which I had at a joint account with my brother in order to pay for this program that they sent me to. But my brother actually ended up moving the money to an account only under his own name so parents couldn't access it. He continued to post the videos that I had prepared in the pipeline when I was gone so I continued to make more money and didn't lose subscribers.
That's it for me. From what I understand my parents couldn't afford to keep me there anymore that's why they pulled me out otherwise the place wanted more time with me.
Hi, I'm 16 y/o and have good reason to think my mom and dad aren't my real parents. I had a much older sister who killed herself when I was 6. She was 26 when she died. All of her stuff is in the basement in boxes. I don't remember too much about her honestly and it makes me sad sometimes. My parents don't talk much about her. There's a painting in our house that she painted. It's a very nice painting of a swamp. It's my favorite thing. I decided to go looking through all of her stuff mostly for more pictures. What I found was a bunch of notebooks of writing she did mostly poetry. I felt weird reading them at first because they were mostly about her depression then I read this one that was about how she had a baby and someone took him away. It's really short and I didn't really understand it like a lot of it seemed metaphorical I guess is the word. Anyways I asked my mom if she ever had a baby and my mom was real weird about it she wanted to know why I would ask that. I said idk I just found some stuff in the basement and was curious. She got real mad at me and told me not to snoop and said she didn't have kids. Well I started thinking about it. I am the spitting image of my sister but I don't look like my mom or dad. I casually asked my mom to see my birth certificate the next day and she got mad again and wouldn't let me see it.
TLDR I think my dead sister is my real mom. In Florida btw.
[original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/585svt/exwife_is_suing_me_for_child_support_i_dont_even/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=legaladvice)
I have both good news and bad news.
The good news is that I won the battle with my ex. I put all my money together and got a lawyer and we fought back against her child support claim against me. I had documents about me showing I don't even have the body parts to even be able to father a child (I don't have penis or testicles) and that the date of the documents were long before I married her. However paternity tests were ordered anyway which came back negative. That ended the case. It took a while and it caused me a lot of stress but I won. I don't know what my ex was thinking going after me like that. Maybe she thought that I won't fight back since my health was very poor at the time.
The bad news is that, I'm dying. As I mentioned in the comments of my original post, I was battling cancer at the time that I made the post. It was the fourth time in my life that I was dealing with cancer and even though I had some success in fighting it last year, it's now back and I have very little chance of beating it again. I will make it to 2018 but that year seems to be the end of my journey. I'm happy with the life I've lived and will continue to live a happy and free life until I finally rest for good.
Thank you all for helping me and giving me hope to fight back. It helped me stay focused and having something to fight for definitely helped me stay more hopeful. You could see from my comments on the original post that I was almost ready to give up.
Link to original post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8u3pzg/tnms\_i\_take\_prescription\_medication\_for\_adhd/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8u3pzg/tnms_i_take_prescription_medication_for_adhd/)
I am surprised how quickly this situation was resolved.
I met with an attorney for a consultation Thursday. After talking and explaining my situation, she told me this strikes a nerve and hits very close to home with her because her husband and one of her kids has ADHD. I could tell how furious she was by her expressions and mannerisms. She told me that she would contact the company pro bono, but if it came to a lawsuit, she would take it on contingency as I could get punitive damages. I told her I don't want to sue anyone if I don't have to, I just want this job offer back as I have been waiting a long time for a job like this. She also explained that if her attempts at contacting the company were unsuccessful, I could file an EEOC charge and go through them before filing a lawsuit with her if needed
Ultimately, she told me this is discrimination. Due to an unrelated incident a while back, I have an app on my phone that records all phone calls (one-party consent in my state) and saves them to my Google Drive. I played the calls with my manager to the attorney. When my manager informed me of the preliminary result I explained to her my prescription medication and my ADHD. The attorney told me it was good that I disclosed that at the time because now the company can no longer claim they didn't know about my disability, which would be a defense to discrimination (also this is an office job and my meds and ADHD would not cause any issues in performing my duties). I was not terminated at this time, just "suspended" pending the lab test. The call after my lab test came back, my manager said the offer was rescinded and my employment was being terminated due the preliminary result conflicting with the lab result but I would be paid for my one day of work. As far as not being "honest" in my interview regarding the drug test, my attorney feels that is just a smoke screen. Any reasonable person would think that question is being asked specifically to illegal substances so essentially we don't waste each other's time if I knew I would fail. I had no obligation to disclose any legally prescribed medications.
I asked about the collection site (apparently the collection site is not directly affiliated with the lab, they just have a contract with the lab to analyze the samples they collect) disclosing the preliminary result and she said she wasn't sure if they did anything illegal because I signed a release before providing my urine sample and this is a separate issue, but she thinks an argument can be made for negligence. She would check up on it because she is not 100% familiar with collection sites releasing preliminary results in lieu of a lab test. She said that if it was a positive test for a substance that had no legitimate medical purpose, then "maybe" they would be ok releasing that but even still, dipping some strips in urine is not a certified or accredited test. She said ultimately the point of having a lab test and MRO is to remove all potential variables of a false positive and the point of the MRO is to have someone that is knowledgeable with what can cause a positive result and that can analyze if that positive result is valid or not, to prevent sending false positive results back. If it comes down to a lawsuit, she would name the collection company as part of it, but ultimately this is about the company discriminating.
Anyway, my attorney called me the next day saying she had a conference call with the head of HR and their legal department. When she initially talked to the head of HR, he had been on vacation when all this went down and he had no knowledge of my situation and would look into it and get back to her. He called her back with legal on the line and they decided to re-offer me my job and pay me for all the time missed. My attorney goes on to say they want to have a conference call with me present and if I could come into her office that afternoon. I agreed.
When I was at her office for the conference call, those present on the call were the head of HR, legal department, my manager, my attorney, and myself. Essentially this call was an apology to me. The head of HR profusely apologized for this. He went on to tell me that this decision was made by someone new in HR and despite the head being on vacation, he always makes himself available to his employees and he should have been consulted at the very least. If he had known about this, he would have gone with the lab result and we would have never been in this situation. He went on to say that he talked with the rep that decided to rescind my offer, and although he was apologetic, the head of HR felt that the rep did not fully understand the legal position he put the company in and he is no longer employed with the company. They want me to come back in Monday (tomorrow) to continue my employment. He stated that my manager spoke very highly of my qualifications and interview and they “want nothing more than a person with my background on their team.” He even said he would treat me and my manager to lunch Monday.
He told me that they will give me a private office to accommodate my ADHD. I told them that wasn’t necessary as I am perfectly capable of performing my job in a cubicle, like everyone else, but he insisted.
So now I have my job back, getting back pay, have a private office, and being treated to lunch by the head of HR. I owe much thanks to this community for all the advice and support you have given me. I wish I could personally shake hands with all of you. I was so scared before reading your comments. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Edit: I'm going to disclose my medication. I take Vyvanse. A lot of people assume I'm taking Adderall. I used to take Adderall but my doctor suggested I try Vyvanse when it came out. Although similar and made by the same company, Vyvanse is a much better medication for me. The release is more controlled, it's not as "intense" as Adderall, my appetite is not affected, I sleep much better with it, and it doesn't give me the "crash" that Adderall does when wearing off.
[My question](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/72wjbw/found_cash_in_my_walls_its_mine_right_can_i/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=legaladvice)
I watched the VHS tape and it was of my uncle going on a 25 minute speech about government conspiracies and how banks cannot be trusted. That's why he kept his savings in cash. He didn't even trust a safe deposit box. That's why they were kept in his walls. And it was $120,000 as he said it in the video. I found the other $20,000.
I went to a lawyer and showed her the will, the video and she said it's surprisingly common for people to leave cash inheritances in our area. She talked to the executor of the will as well, and then wrote a letter for me to give to the bank which explained this is from a cash inheritance with contact details of the executor in case the bank needed to contact them.
I scheduled an appointment with the bank. When I told them it's for a cash deposit they told me I don't need an appointment for that but I told them it's for a large deposit. They still said no appointment is necessary, but then I said it's a very large deposit. So they booked the appointment. Everything went smoothly at the bank. They made a copy of the letter that my lawyer had prepared. Money was in my account a few hours later.
I made payments and my student loans and car loan are both paid off and I now have a larger emergency fund.
I had purchased a used Cadillac a few months ago for a good price from a mechanic I knew. He said his son was driving it. When I first purchased, i noticed a small container with what appeared to be trace amounts and a scent reminiscent of BHO oil, wax, shatter, dabs,... whatever you want to call it. I threw it away and searched the car thoroughly to make sure there was nothing else in the vehicle.
Flash forward to the other night and I was pulled over for an improper lane change. Officer was nice enough but said he thought he saw me making suspicious movements when I was being pulled over. He asked to search the vehicle and which point I said no. Waited half an hour for the dog to show up. He alerted to my side driver said at which point they had probably caused and they searched the vehicle. He checked all the normal spaces like the glove compartment, center console, side panels, trunk,... and they found nothing. After his point they started to separate the bit of material under the steering wheel and continued to thrash the entire vehicle. They cut into the leather seats. They also cut into my spare tire. Mind you, I have no criminal background and actually am in the process of working in law enforcement. They cut open just about everything in the car and searched everywhere and found nothing. I’m obviously growing increasingly agitated at this point but the officer standing with me on the curb was anticipating this ordered me to remain quiet and wait patiently. After this well over 2 hour ordeal, I was told I was free to go. When asking the officer if they were offering any restitutions for the damages they caused, he simply told me to call the county. Before I do that I would like to know if there’s any better options and how I should pursue this. The seats obviously had a razor blade go thru them and there’s so many things dangling they made the car look closer to what I probably would’ve payed for it. Not to mention they also ruined my spare. Thank you.
Edit: My location is in San Bernardino County SoCal
This is an update to https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7jubfl/iowa_city_threatening_a_lawsuit_to_get_me_to_take/
Hello r/legaladvice,
A few months ago I posted here asking for advice after the city council of the town I live in sent a letter demanding that I take down a website critical of them, or else they'd sue me. Most of the comments I received confirmed that, yes, this was violating my First Amendment rights, and yes, I should seek a lawyer.
So I did so. I set up a meeting with one of the two law firms here in town (the other law firm is the one that sent the letter), and he agreed with what everybody else had been telling me. However, he declined to represent me as he's largely a real estate attorney, and recommended I speak with someone "outside the city's little sphere of influence".
Skipping over unnecessary details, I met with the other lawyer, but wasn't able to afford representation at the time. I updated my website to be more fair to the city itself, but risked leaving in a few barbs toward the city council and the lawyers representing them -- borrowing a few reddit comments about " squander taxpayer money on spurious advice and pointless legal services". 😉
Once I updated the website and the city realized I wasn't going to take it down, a different attorney from the city's law firm contacted me and wanted to chat over coffee. I went, although now I realize I probably should not have done so. He was very friendly, telling me he thinks the whole situation had been badly handled, but he made it clear that he thought I should take down the website because it was hurting the town and "we both want what's best" for it. He also told me there was a reporter from a newspaper calling around trying to get in touch with me, and he didn't think I should talk to them, again because it would damage the town. I declined the interview, because I was afraid I'd get sued (whether justified or not) if I said something the city didn't like.
Of course, I was too naive to realize that the city themselves would have no problem talking to the reporter. So she ran her story, and I was made out to be the bad guy troublemaker by the city officials she interviewed. What's more, a city councilman, the mayor, and the city administrator all denied sending a letter to me. They were also quoted as saying "there may be legal stuff coming down the road".
A few weeks later I received *another* letter from the law firm, and this one was... weird. It was the attorney from the original letter writing "on his own time" to explain all the reasons he thinks he can sue me, citing several Iowa judicial cases and going on about disparaging property. He told me I was making a stupid argument and attributing unfounded legal arguments to him. The letter ended by saying it wasn't a threat of litigation and not intended to deter me from exercising my legal rights.
This was around mid-January, 2018 (I received the first letter mid-December, 2017). Everything was quiet, once again, for two more weeks, until I got an email from the legal director at the ACLU of Iowa. On the advice of Reddit, I had emailed both the ACLU and the EFF, but after over a month with no response I had figured they were too busy to look at my case. I was very happy when she contacted me and wanted to talk.
I spoke with the director and, long story short, she thought what the city was doing to me was an egregious violation of my civil rights, and the ACLU of Iowa wanted to represent me in a lawsuit against the city. Toward the end of February we filed suit in Federal court, and by March 29th we settled the case after the city agreed to these five terms:
1. They had to agree to a permanent injunction where they can't threaten to sue me, or actually sue me, for any website or content I produce regarding the town.
2. They must pay legal damages to me.
3. They must pay attorney fees to the ACLU.
4. They must write an apology letter to me.
5. My favorite part, the city's staff *and its attorneys* must take First Amendment training.
All in all, I'm incredibly impressed with the ACLU's work on this case. I know it's not typical to file a lawsuit and win a month later, but I think just shows how blatant their attempts to censor me were. I'm super grateful to the ACLU for helping me with this, because as I said above, I wouldn't have been able to afford an attorney and the city would have gotten away with their threat. I'm also grateful to r/legaladvice for encouraging me to contact the ACLU -- thank you for all of the help!
*Edit: [Original](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5oa42v/dog_ate_my_neighbors_drone_am_i_liable_il/) *
A small update to my neighbor flying his drone in my backyard and attacking my dog:
I was served a summons by a Sheriff's Deputy, neighbor decided to take me to Small Claims over his drone. My MIL is a paralegal secretary, so I was able to get a free consultation with a lawyer where she works to ask some questions about what to bring and how to prepare. He seemed genuinely amused that my neighbor was even trying to sue. He also suggested I counter sue and how I could possibly add in more damages.
He also told me that my neighbor and I technically live within 5 miles of an airport, and even though it doesn't have a tower technically that falls under FAA regulations. I called the hotline from google and spoke to them about my neighbor's hobby of flying out of line of sight, flying several thousand feet in the air, flying near an airport and made an inquiry into if he was registered to fly drones, saying he owned two very large drones (he already bought a new one, this one is almost 5' across). I don't know the weight of his, but it definitely is at least a few pounds. They took my information and have called me back once, so I know they're investigating but don't know anything else. Not sure if they'll tell me anything anyways.
I brought both police reports to court, as well as several photos of my backyard, photos of our shared 8' high privacy fence, medical bills for my dog, and a few short videos I had of him doing fly bys over my dog in the past. His main argument to the judge was that I "maliciously installed a table to allow my dog to jump high enough to catch his drone, which I (somehow) trained him to do". Which, yes I had recently bought a new picnic table, but only so I have somewhere to sit and eat outside. I argued that his flying was causing my dog anxiety and that's what provoked it, and thanks to y'alls advice, that my dog could have potentially died from ingesting part of the drone or if the drone hit him. In the end, he now has to pay me just under $2,000 for various vet bills (xrays, dental exams, sedation, medication etc). He is also banned from flying over my property, and I installed trail cams front and back yards just in case. He seems pretty upset with me, so I wanted to be careful.
The only thing that could make this better is if the FAA finds a reason to fine him or take away his drones.
My daughter was playing with a wild raccoon last night and got bit. I killed a raccoon in the area foaming at the mouth. Not sure if its the same one but refuse to take the chance.
My wife vehemently refused the rabies series because its a vaccine. I am in panic mode and I am taking her to a hospital over 50 miles away near Dallas.
Can I kidnap my own daughter? There is not a custody agreement in place because we are married and not separated. Probably will be soon though.
I need to know what to watch out for here and what to say to police if I get stopped. Rabies is fatal so I am not playing with this one.
I am leaving here in 10 minutes so just need to know a few things.
Is it kidnapping in this case?
Will I be arrested?
What do I do if she calls in an amber alert?
I am desperate.
Due to the huge amount of PMs and chats that I've received and the fact that people in our district are identifying us by this post, I have removed the story to avoid being doxxed. We have no desire to go public and we do not want this story of sexual harassment to be attached to our daughter forever. Please leave us alone.
And to the person who messaged me and told me I should have never had children and that I'm taking feminism back a step, please reconsider your feeling of entitlement over my daughter's body, time, and life. Going public would have lasting ramifications for her social life and self esteem, particularly if subjected to internet trolls and the like. She is not obligated to dedicate the entirety of her emotional energy to an internet phenomenon. We are handling this without the media.
So my parents are heavily Mormon and we just recently had a tithing settlement and when they asked me if I had paid my tithing I told them no. They then asked me if I had a plan to fix that and I told them that I worked too hard just to give that money away.
Anyways so afterwards, my mom, who is my account co-owner as I am under 18, decided to take 10% of my bank account out and refuses to give it back.
This isn’t legal right?
*Update: I plan to slowly over the next few days, withdraw the money over time. I will leave some in as to not look suspicious. I will try talking to my mom about paying the 500$ just to keep her on my good side.
*Update 2: Ok now this has gotten ridiculous.
Turns out my dad is sick of my mom overspending so he did two things. He’s stopped paying tithing himself and swapped my moms credit card for a debit card. My mom took my money to pay off tithing for him and she gave me roughly 200$ back. She said she’ll give me the rest back and that she’s still disappointed in me for not paying my tithing. I’m at a loss what to do next.
*Update 3: Doesn’t sound like I’m getting my money back any time soon, both my parents are in a significant amount of debt, my parents fought a lot yesterday apparently. My mom spent almost 10,000$ on stuff for the past month or so. My dad has started making cuts in our budget to fix this, tithing being one of them.
I’m still following through with taking my money and putting it in a place where my parents can’t touch it. Just in case they get any ideas.
Background: my mom worked at a very small hospital in a very small town for 30+ years and is close to most of the doctors, nurses, and office workers not only in the hospital but around the whole town as well. My GP who I have seen since I was ~10 years old is one of them my mother is close with. I moved away for college when I was 18 but continued seeing him due to just not wanting to mess with finding a new GP and my mom wanting me to continue seeing him since I've seen him half my life.
I get routine blood work done to measure how my liver is doing as well as monitor the levels of a certain medication I take to make sure that I'm not getting too little/too much. The results of this information or the fact that I have those tests done isn't a big secret I want to keep, they don't really mean anything unless I were to become sick and they don't test for information like say illicit drugs.
The first time I had this work done, I hadn't been to that doctor in a while to really remember if this had happened in the past, but they called my mom with my results. They even told her specifics, like what my liver enzymes were and what exact mg/mL the medication level was. Again, it's not like to my mother this is anything I want to hide, but it was a little concerning that she got the call and I never received any call about my results. I go in for these monthly, so the next month that I went I told the woman working in the lab of the office that I wanted to update my information to make sure I got the results (I thought also since I had been seeing this doctor since I was 10 I probably had never given them my phone number). A few days later my mother again got the call and called to tell me my results; I again got no call from the office. Once again, not a big deal, but since this happened when I explicitly gave my phone number in place of my mother's, I was a little tipped off that I wasn't called again. I chose to wait until my next lab work to say anything again anyway.
At this visit I had both lab work and an appointment to get a refill on birth control. He asked me to do a pregnancy test in with this blood work due to me running out of said birth control a few days earlier. I wasn't worried that I was pregnant, but I knew that now it was serious time to make them stop calling my mom with my results. I asked the lady drawing my blood to confirm my phone number to see if it even got put in last time. It did, so on my way out I stopped to talk to the women who always work in the office/at the desk and tell them explicitly that I and I alone want to be called for my results - not my mother. They nonchalantly agreed and I asked them to check my phone number on the system they use in the office, and it was there. I happened to be visiting in town during this time and staying with my mom, who, you guessed it, got the phone call right in front of me telling her my results including negative pregnancy test. My mom BLEW UP at me asking why I needed to take a pregnancy test (I didn't think this was a big deal especially since it was negative). That all blew over, but at this point I was pissed that she kept getting this information.
I ended up getting into it with my mom, telling her that that was a direct breech of HIPAA and she knows it after working in a hospital. She laughed it off and said something about the doctor knowing me since I was born, her being friends with the office ladies and the doctor, and the one that hit me the most, "it's not a big deal - I'm your mom!"
Since then, I've been getting my lab work done elsewhere. To no surprise there are no issues. I don't really know what to do here. Since I cut ties with that doctor, I no longer have personal problems with this, but I'm sure other people do without even knowing it. I don't have resources really for a lawyer. I might consider it depending on how serious you all think this is. So how serious is it really?
[This is my first post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5gexji/girlfriend_now_ex_is_pregnant_and_wants_to_give/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=front&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=legaladvice)
Short version: I'm sitting here and my baby daughter is right here next to me, taking a nap!
Long version:
If you remember, I asked about how I should go about stopping my then-pregnant ex from leaving the baby for adoption. I listened to the suggestions. Got a lawyer. Put myself on the registry as well.
She really wanted to fight me over this right until the last month of the pregnancy. I was fully ready to fight her legally to get my rights as the father. But in the final month she changed her mind and decided that give me full custody instead of giving up the child for adoption. So we had no messy legal right over it.
The childbirth and custody situation went very smoothly. My lawyer took care of it quickly and my ex made it easy as well. Her family didn't like this, but they couldn't do anything about it in the end.
So I have my baby daughter!
Taking care of my baby is difficult but certainly worth it. I feel like I have something to live for! My family has been super helpful and with their help we can make sure my daughter is happy. I also got a promotion at work. I realized that I need to be more ambitious because I now have a baby to provide for. A higher position was open at my work and I asked for the promotion but they told me I'm too young. I offered to do the job for as a trial 1 month without any extra pay only to prove that I can do it. After a month they gave me the job!
As most of you suggested (and my lawyer did too), I had my lawyer file for child support after I had full custody. My ex didn't like it and wasn't expecting it. She actually called me names and various insults and all of that. But I didn't say anything, just that communications should go through my lawyer. She said she regrets making it easy for me to get the baby. I don't know. I didn't need the child support payments for daily care of my daughter but I think she deserves to have something saved up for the future and for her college. I didn't have the chance to go to college (not smart enough, I'm not good at studying) but I want to make sure my daughter has the chance! My sister in law is helping me setup a 529 plan with vanguard and I think I'll send most of the child support payments there once I start receiving them.
Thank you all.
[So i came here yesterday to ask for some advice on my situation and I thought I might as well leave a update](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9l2z39/co_my_autistic_brother_was_banned_from_the_local/)
So I want to start out by saying that I was wrong and I want to apologize to anyone I may have hurt with my last question. It was wrong of me to defend my brothers actions and I wish I could have seen that at the time but thats the past.
I went to my parents and talked to them and they have begun to see that they were wrong too. Me and my dad went last night and apologized to the shop owner for our actions and how we treated him and the victim of my brother and that we agree with his ban. The owner was genuinely happy with us for this so i'm glad we did that. The girl who who my brother touched was also at the store and despite what many of you said I felt that I needed to apologize to her too because she deserved it after my actions and she thanked me for it. My parents are now looking into different options to deal with my brother including therapy and other programs.
I really want to end this by saying thank you for helping me learn I was wrong. Like I said I'm sorry if i hurt anyone with my post, I didn't mean to do that but it was wrong of me too. This has been a learning experience for me and I hope that I can become a better person because of it.
Its kind of a genius revenge tactic, but the ones who suffered the most are my new renters. One guy has a thyroid problem and had to repurchase $500 in meds. A lot of people missed paychecks or credit cards. One lady missed the receipt of a Death Certificate. We thought someone was stealing the mail from the mailbox at first but then we started watching the mailman just skip over the house everyday and some "test" mail didn't move. So I tried calling the USPS and that got me nowhere. Going down in person was the only way to do this I guess. Turns out, some lady who we'd kicked out for being nasty, attracting bugs, and breaking furniture was mad or something or maybe using my address like a personal PO Box? Who knows. The post office was really nice about it though and gave me back all my mail. Still, how could this have happened? Surely this can't be legal. I got copies of her hold requests too as proof it was her. She hadn't lived there in 2 weeks when she put in the first one.
Edit: Well that was quick~! The Post Office called me directly before I could even report her and pro-actively already reported this lady to the postal inspector. They're very certain what she did is illegal. Thanks /u/BeamDriver for the advice! Important lesson here kids: Don't fuck with people's mail, because the USPS apparently is the most effective law enforcement agency there is.
Edit 2: OMG this made it to the front page? Not what I expected from a post that was solved on the first comment. Thanks for your updoots everyone!
Thank you for all the support! We have started a change.org petition to attempt to reach our legislators in the state.[Petition for longer lunches](https://chn.ge/2NmugBR)
Update: I'll be sure to post updates so please stop PMing me or replying to my comments/post history outside of this sub asking me to do so or suggesting I shit-bomb them back.
My wife noted that what we think might be his kid comes around most weekends. In the interest of remaining neighborly and with the possibility neighbor dude might be losing his mind, we're going to talk with them before lawyering up or involving the fuzz. Updates forthcoming.
Original post:
Hey all, I have a shitty situation here that I'm hoping to get some advice about. This is in Idaho.
My neighbor is shit-bombing my front yard. A new neighbor bought a house across the street about 6 months ago. A few weeks back, I was working in the garage when I saw him take his dog directly across the street, into my front yard. He let it pee in my yard and then walked straight home. He didn't notice me - my garage is set up as a shop and is pretty busy, and the garage door is up a lot - but this piqued my interest because it's goddamned weird. Now, my wife and I have a dog so there are a few dog droppings from her that we pick up on a regular basis. My wife had been doing the dooty duty recently, so I asked her if there are more piles than normal. Sure enough, she said there had been a ton for a while now. She figured it was assholes walking their dogs and letting them crap in our lawn. I figured it was our new weirdo neighbor.
It happened again around a week later: I was in the garage as the neighbor took his dog into our lawn. This time the dog dropped a deuce and he started to walk away without picking it up. I called out to him, asking him if he needs a plastic bag to pick up after his dog, and he avoided eye contact and scurried back home. I went across the street and knocked on his door. He didn't answer. We set up a security camera to discretely watch the front lawn and I kept an eye out for when he was next out in his yard so I could talk to him.
I reviewed the footage over the next few days and, sure enough, he was consistently taking his dog to do the deed in our yard. Why our yard? No clue, we've never had any interaction with this guy whatsoever. The next time I saw him walking to his car, I confronted him. I simply told him that I knew he was taking his dog to shit in our yard and if I caught him doing it again I'd call the police to report him for trespassing. He denied doing it, claiming it must be other neighbors, got in his car, and drove away with me standing in his driveway.
So I review the footage from the last few days. Dude is not walking his dog into my yard anymore: he's letting the dog shit in his yard. He then scoops it up, walks it across the street, and tosses it into my yard with a shovel. What the absolute fuck.
How do I even begin handling this?
Well, here's my update! And with good news!
So first of all, I just wanted to say: wow. The amount of support I received, both in replies and in PMs, was absolutely amazing. Everything from fantastic advice to hilarious commentary. The person who said "Sand is a weird name for a guy" had me in stitches.
That said - I feel like people assumed a much worse picture of my landlord (people telling me to buy cameras, etc). He's a nice enough person, but has some very problematic views. He grew up in rural (Arkansas, I think? That or Alabama) and came to MA later in life. This was his first time being a landlord, so he still had the idea in his head that it was "his house", so to speak. That, coupled with the fact that up till now he'd avoided even talking with people who were openly gay, led to a lot of ignorance.
I know some of you were hoping I'd screw him over for all he's worth, or torment him with daily updates of my gay agenda, but alas, I decided to take the calmer approach, and it seemed to work.
Yesterday I sat down with him, and first laid out the various information that you guys helped me find. Everything from sexual orientation being a protected class, treble damages, and the fact that those old laws and 100% completely unenforceable. He realized VERY quickly that he was in the wrong, and he has fucked up bad. He also admitted that even he didn't know what he defined as "the sin of homosexuality", or how he'd enforce the fine. He just kneejerk reacted to the (to him) shocking news.
We ended up chatting for about 2 hours then, and it started with me dispelling a lot of misconceptions about gays (some of his notions were comically bad - like, if I weren't having the conversation with him I'd think he were a caricature). He's a lot older than me, and his kids recently moved across the country (and he was renting their house for him), so I think he had some notions of being a father figure to me, and thinking he could "lay down the law" or "set me straight". He seemed genuine, and seemed to be legitimately concerned for me and my soul. I reminded him to hate the sin and not the sinner, and that seemed to resonate with him.
He still doesn't agree with homosexuality or my lifestyle, but he's willing to accept it. He seemed to be earnestly trying, and in my mind that counts for a lot. He agreed to write both me and my boyfriend a letter of apology (which I will be keeping copies of in case this matter comes up again and needs to go to court).
The past few days have been super stressful, but it seems to be resolved. If things go well, I might even potentially renew the lease come September. I'll still be on guard for any shenanigans, but I think I'll leave the issue where it lies for now. If this was all a ruse or him backpedaling, I'll go at him with everything I can in the future - but for now I'm satisfied. I'm truly appreciative of all the people who offered advice and moral (and immoral!) support in the original thread.
[Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5smsoi/indiana_im_pregnant_and_being_investigated_by_dcs/) is my original post. When I made it, I was advised to get a lawyer right away. I was also advised that Indiana's DCS doesn't investigate pregnant women who don't already have kids, and that the woman claiming to be a social worker might be an imposter.
I contacted and met with a lawyer, and explained the situation to him. He seemed to agree that something was very fishy. To make a long story short, the woman "handling our case" has no affiliation with DCS.
I'm still in complete shock.
We went straight to the police. They're taking this very seriously. I can't give a lot of details because it's an ongoing investigation, but she seems to have been a very skilled/well-researched liar. I never would have known anything was amiss without the advice of this subreddit and the intervention of my attorney. I feel like a complete idiot, but the instinct to cooperate unquestioningly when faced with an intimidating "authority figure" is strong.
I haven't had the baby yet. We're staying at a trusted family member's home until the baby is born. My OB and the hospital we'll be delivering at have already been informed of the situation, and will be taking the appropriate security measures. I'm still freaking out, but we're taking every precaution for the safety of my child, and hopefully everything will turn out okay.
Thanks again, everybody. Truly.
I have been accused of a litany of sexual crimes, some against children because of the way I dress. My neighbor is so adamant about all of this she's got me a bit worried.
About a month ago, I moved in with my sister and her boyfriend into a neighborhood that's mostly families. I didn't expect any trouble. My first introduction to this woman, let's call her Karen, was my first week here. I went to check the mail and I wasn't wearing a bra. I had on a baggy t shirt and basketball shorts, though. Karen is one of *those* Southern women who spend all day in their yards, pretending to garden, but are really spying on their neighbors. You know the type. She waved at me and I waved back, trying to be pleasant. She came at me, I thought to make a proper introduction, or whatever, but she started lecturing me about not having on a bra.
It was creepy and weird. I am not at all well endowed, I go without frequently and so far, no one seems to pick up on it, but not Karen. Karen urged me to think of her children and Jesus, who was always watching, and my parents (bless their hearts) she *knows* they raised me better than this. It was so goddamn weird, I felt like laughing in her face, but I didn't want there to be issues so I said I'd be more diligent in the future and Karen went about her business.
Well, wearing a bra wasn't good enough for Karen, y'all, oh no. Not only is blasting my nips lewd, so are regular women's shorts and any form fitting type of bottoms even if they cover my sinful legs. Karen seems to have an issue with the lower half of my body. While my breasts are small and humble, I am "aesthetic" from the waist down.
The second time Karen confronted me, her brood was playing in the street and any semblance of pleasantness was gone. She threatened to call the police on me for indecent exposure in front of her children, insinuated I got off on arousing her tween boys, called me a hussy, a Jezebel and that I needed Jesus. Because I was wearing Jean shorts.
We live in a nice area, lots of woods, by lakes and parks and I like to go out for walks, but it seems every time I step foot out of my door, there's fucking Karen making snide remarks, outright threatening to call the police, or gossiping with other bored housewives. It's getting annoying.
This is in Florida, by the way.
EDIT: I got dressed up in my skimpiest daisy dukes that barely cover my ass and a legit camel toe, a half shirt with no bra on, my abs exposed to check the mail (I do not regularly dress like this) I must have been quite a sight to Karen who immediately stormed over once she spotted me, nearly knocking over her lawn chair she stood up so fast. She started laying into me. I just stood there letting her bump her gums for a minute then I said "you can stop the games, Karen. I see the way you look at me, I know you want me." Her face went beet red and she stammered out, "I'll pray for you." Then scurried away. Actually went inside her house. 😂
Previous post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/9iun6h/being_sued_for_helping_a_choking_victim_or/?st=JMQ6D09Z&sh=0a252ed4)
TL;DR of last post: Got a letter from a firm to prepare for a lawsuit for battery to someone i preformed the Heimlich on.
Well, I took y’alls advice and went back to the restaurant, i spent about an hour and a half waiting and then speaking with a shift manager who called the general manager who called the owner, and they swore up and down that no one had come to ask for a tape or anything of the sort.
Then i started looking for defense attorneys but I wasn’t sure exactly how to proceed, honestly this week i’ve been mortified and really on edge. Finally when i told my friends about everything one of them fessed up to the fact that it was actually them and they made it up as some kind of prank. Pretty twisted joke, I wasn’t laughing. I’m pretty pissed and seriously reconsidering my relationship with him. I appreciate everyone’s support, excluding the people who made fun of my mother’s death or tried to figure out where i lived.
TL;DR: Friend made a fake letter from a law firm, soon he might be able to sue me for battery
This is an update to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/6pcmwx/school_wants_my_sons_facebook_password_email_also/).
I went to school and asked what's going on. I did that both to confirm that the call was genuine and to see why they want to violate my son and our family's privacy on such a massive scale.
First, the call was genuine and it wasn't a scam. Second, the principal explained the situation to me. It had to do with another student who attempted suicide because of bullying during the summer. Thank goodness she is now alright (and has since moved to another school) but this was part of the school's investigation to figure out how it happened.
When I asked how is it any of my son's business, they said they've seen them hang out together and while they don't think my son was involved in the bullying himself, they'd like to read his conversations with her because she may have confined in him about the students involved in bullying. I asked why this information wasn't obtained from the parents of that student, the answer was that they weren't willing to work with the school about it and she had left so they had no power (strange use of words in this situation) over them.
I told them to leave my son out of this witchhunt and the way they're speaking to us they sound like they're trying to bully us into helping their anti-bullying investigation which is troubling and absurd. I told them that if they ever approach my son or try to take his phone or anything by force or threat I'm going to make a big deal out of this, talk to the superintendent and hire a lawyer.
Up until this day, they haven't said or done a thing.
I talked to my son about the girl and what happened to her, he knew her and they had some mutual friends but they weren't exactly friends and he wasn't aware of her suicide attempt. He only knew that she had left the school. He showed me their conversations and there wasn't much there except talking about movies and tv shows.
In short: they backed off after I made sure they understood that I won't take any harassment or violation of our privacy lightly.
Small edit; thanks for the couple of who messaged me the mistake. Someone messaged me and asked me if the parents of the girl had allowed the school to share the suicide news with me. I will try talking to them to make sure. They deserve to know if the school is not respecting their privacy, it's something they seem to be good at.
[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8chp37/ga_just_moved_into_a_condo_neighbor_is_tasing/)
Tl;dr of previous post\- My next door neighbor is absolutely convinced I have a pet bird and has made complaints to the HOA, animal control, and the police because my supposed pet bird is so loud it is causing emotional distress.
I got another complaint from the head guy running the HOA that my \(now multiple\) birds are causing severe emotional distress to my neighbors and their children, who can't sleep at night because of my "flock" of birds. The wife sent a recording to him as proof of my bird\(s\), and to tell him to tell me my smoke alarm is also beeping and needs the batteries replaced because they can hear it from their unit as well.
Now, you can clearly hear a smoke alarm beeping, as well as birds chirping on the recording. However, the beeping is coming from their unit, as I can faintly hear it if I press my ear to the shared wall. And the birds that are supposedly my pets? The ones that are so loud that their whole household can't sleep and it's causing severe emotional distress? THOSE ARE THE BIRDS OUTSIDE. IT'S LITERALLY THE CHIRPING OF THE BIRDS OUTSIDE THEY'RE HEARING. Now, I'm no Disney princess, so I have no effect on wild birds\- or imaginary pet birds\- for that matter. I mean, my singing is so terrible it actually scares them away. And I'm not sure how any person that is not a complete moron would mistake ordinary bird chirping for "a flock of loud, abused rain forest birds".
I've sent a letter to the HOA telling them to kindly pound sand and stop harassing me over the wild birds that I have no control over. I'm also going to record the birds from my porch and from inside the condo so if they say I have birds again I can prove that it's just ordinary outside birds making reasonable outside bird noises. I'm looking into get a bird feeder as well, because it's allowed by the HOA covenants and fuck these people for being utter imbeciles and blaming me for the natural behaviour of wild animals.
Now I'm just going to sit and wait for the next problem they have with me, because I don't think these nitwits will take kindly to being proven wrong over something so stupid.
I would like to thank you guys for the help and all the creative ideas you have proposed in the [original thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/5kkp7e/this_mankid_keeps_flying_a_drone_over_my_house/). Sorry for not updating you right away as I was really impacted by the death of a very close person in my family.
So here’s what happened. I liked one of the comments here where it said to see if there is anyone who fly drones as a hobby willing to use his drone for me for a thousand dollar instead of me paying for a whole new drone, figured just like you guys said it would make someone’s day to fly a drone as a hobby and also get paid. So I hired a guy which I'll call him Frank.
After waiting for 3 days at my house every morning the drone finally flew to us but apparently when the other kid saw the other drone take off he went crazy and tried to hit it or take it down, which he did, which resulted in the kid’s drone and frank’s drone both to go down broken on the ground.
A few minutes later this kid came running to the house (whom I recognized lives a couple of blocks away) and started whining about how we flew our drone in his way and crashed it bla bla bla. We went and spoke to his dad and showed him all the footage and explained all the shit his son has caused. Shockingly he was completely understanding. He told me he would put me through one of his lawyers so that they would offer both Frank and I a settlement if I agree not to sue. I called my lawyer and we all met a week later and he reimbursed Frank for his drone plus way more money that I would’ve ever paid him. He also wrote me a check for what his son has caused under the condition that I wont pursue any legal action.
It was a happy ending and I was quite shocked of his father’s reaction and his willingness to pay for everything his son has caused, but I must admit that I feel sad knowing that his dad is definitely the one enabling him to do so. Never have I felt his dad was mad about anything his son did. While we were there discussing what happened his dad received a phone call and then shortly after ending it he started telling his son what the other party was saying and they both started making jokes about the caller! So the whole thing made me feel that his dad was like “mehhh just another day, my son caused damage and I’ll just have to pay those people here for this to go all away”.
My little brother got involved with drugs and overdosed because he got a bad batch with fentanyl. He was with the drug dealer when it happened and the guy had prior charges, so instead of calling an ambulance, he took my brother's phone and left. My little brother was found the next morning by some amazing woman that took him out of the car and did CPR till the ambulance got there. I got a call that morning to come to the hospital because I was his emergency contact. I knew it was bad after the phone call but not the full extent. He was brain dead and could have been saved if the guy has just called an ambulance.
I didn't immediately start digging, I just thought he overdosed. My parents wouldn't take him off life support for 3 days(they have to make the decision, I was not allowed) and I stayed with him the whole time. In the middle of night 2, the nurse station got a phone call pretending to be me and trying to get information about my brothers condition. They gave the phone to me and he hung up and when I called back he wouldn't give me a name and was just very suspicious, I didn't let on that's how I felt but when I got off the phone all the ICU nurses agreed it the dealer trying to find out information. I did some digging and then I called the police and gave them everything I found. His car was still parked a couple houses down from the dealers house. A homicide detective called me and we made an appointment over text message to go get the car(she wanted it searched and I had an extra key, they said his key was gone).
The day of the appointment she texted me to say she had the car towed to the police station. We made another appointment a few days later where she handed me off to the narcotics detective and told me he was taking over. The narcotics detective told me he was going to search the car after our appointment, I asked if I could be there and he said no. Somehow they ended up with my brother's key after telling me they didn't have it. I had to plan the funeral so I just let the police do their thing and they told me they would let me know when I could pick up the car. My brother was in the process of moving so his car was filled to the brim with his belongings. Fast forward 2 weeks and I am told I can come pick up the car. When I was let in to the locked lot, I noticed all his cars windows were down including the sunroof. It had rained pretty steady for three weeks and the car was literally a puddle. I had the car towed to my mother's and started going through his stuff. All his belongings are ruined including the car, electronics, artwork.
The police had the key, it was in a locked lot, and they wouldn't let me get the car for weeks. The narcotics officers were just too lazy to close the windows and sunroof I guess because I don't see why they would do it on purpose. They could have let me know at anytime and I would have driven down there and closed the windows. I'm not sure where to go from here. Are the police responsible for any of this? This is in MD, if that helps.
A second update. Still in California.
Without exaggeration, this was probably the of the worst of my life.
After getting served the injunction/temporary restraining order thing, my brother 1. told my parents and 2. chose to immediately violate it. He left me several messages that essentially was low key threatening to ruin my life and I was scared so I reported it. He was taken to jail and to my current understanding is going to get a type of misdemeanor charge for it if he already hasn't. I don't know if hes in jail right now.
I knew my parents were going to take his side but they have effectively disowned me for this. My parents are very religious conservative catholics (i'm not religious anymore but they don't know that) and they were very upset by me reporting it. Thats an understatement. I have enough scholarships where I will be able to continue paying for my living expenses/school with my part time job but they way they treated me was horrible. They're very upset because thisll probably screw up his college according to the talks we've had. They said i'm disgusting/not welcome home etc. My dad sent me a video of him and my mom burning most of the belongings i left at his house (not much important to me but still). they don't believe me about the camera and my dad said he specifically didnt care even if it was there. just screaming the entire time, i stopped answering my phone and checking my email because it terrifies me. i bought a new cheap computer because even though someone helped me wipe it clean i'm honestly too scared of using the old one at this point.
i haven't left my room in a week. the worst of it is over i think but i feel like i felt in a pit. I can't stop crying.
Thank you to everyone for the advice. I'm also a SHE by the way (many of you thought I was a dude lol), but on to the update:
After my initial post, I saw that many of you advised for me to call the manager and demand information from her because Enterprise is the one at fault and I shouldn't have to go to the police for their mistake. So I did exactly this, and she told me that id I want her to give me more info, I would need to file a police report within 24 hours and email it to her as evidence that I am NOT the person who rented the car. If not, she would report me for Embezzlement and Grand Theft to the Sacramento Police. Upon hearing this, I decided to file a report immediately online with the San Jose Police Department. I know many of you said I shouldn't because its not my fault but after she told me the consequences, I did not want to take any chances where I could end up with a warrant on my head. I thought that if anything, filing this report would also prove my innocence if the police actually did come knocking on my door. After filing it, I emailed her the copy and she responded the next day, saying that she recieved it and to give her a call. When I spoke to her over the phone this time, she said that I was in the clear and finally gave me information about what had happened:
On May 29, a woman claiming to be me had come in to rent out a black cadillac. She showed the representative "her" drivers license that had MY information on it, and paid for the car rental upfront with CASH. (I thought that you need a credit card to do this but apparently you can just use cash) The manager also says that she has video surveillance of the woman which she will turn into the Sacramento Police later that afternoon. The following morning, she emailed me the number of her report which she filed as FRAUD, and said that the police opened up an investigation which she will keep me updated on. At this point, I was relieved to be in the clear yet also pissed that some woman is out there impersonating me. I then started contemplatig about taking a 3 hour drive to Sacramento see who the hell this woman is. However, turns out I didn't have to because 2 HOURS LATER...
THE SAN JOSE POLICE DID SHOW UP KNOCKING ON MY FRONT DOOR. ( 2 Policemen and 2 CHP officers) Before opening it, the first thing I did was grab the copy of the police report I printed because I seriously thought that they were going to arrest me (2 squad cars, 4 officers, and 1 me). When I open the door, the first thing they ask me is if NAME OF WOMAN I DO NOT KNOW lives at my home? I tell them no, and that I have no idea who that is, then they ask if I am ALYMG and I tell them that I am. They then begin to inform me about a car accident that happened in the nearby town of Fremont that morning. The accident was a hit and run, with the driver fleeing the scene but she dropped her drivers license which they found on the floor. They then show the license to me and it's an EXACT replica of MY DRIVERS LICENSE, and I ask them how this is possible if I have my license in my wallet? They then tell me to go grab it and after comparing the two side by side, one of them tells the others that the one they have is a fake. (The black strip on theirs is chipping but mine isn't... it's not supposed to chip) I then ask them if the driver was the woman who stole the car from Enterprise, and they ask me to ellaborate which is when I hand them my report. I explain what happened which prompts them to give me more details about the accident, and they tell me that the woman was driving a stolen car and crashed into another vehicle, but she fled the scene in the black cadillac from Enterprise. So basically, the rental car was used as the "getaway car" and was identified by the witnesses in the other vehicle. I told the officers that I have the plate number of the vehicle in the demand letter, and the that info down as well. I then asked them who is the NAME OF THE WOMAN I DO NOT KNOW and they told me that she is the who stole the car. However, I'm not sure how they know that (fingerprints maybe) but they did show me her mugshot, and we DO NOT look a-like at all. Idk how the hell she was able to rent the car in the first place but whoever rented it to her probably didn't even check for a comparison. But after this, the police then thanked me and told me that they'll call me when there's an update on the case.
I do have her name now though, and After doing a google search I found her Facebook and other social media accounts. I'm very tempted to message her but I've decided to leave this to the police because I have no idea who this bitch is, and don't know if she's dangerous (she might be gang affiliated or something and she DOES know where I live) However, I do hope that they catch this bitch and will update you all when that happens.
SECOND UPDATE: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7vi2zk/pa_update_2_my_ex_has_nude_photos_of_me_and
Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7r12hs/pa_my_ex_has_nude_photos_of_me_and_threatens_to
My post was not hugely popular, but I have a small update. Thank you to everyone who commented on my previous post, I read all of them, even the ones I didn't reply to immediately.
I called the police last night. An officer came out to my house, he read the messages, saw the photos, and said, "Yeah that's illegal and I don't think it gets much easier to prosecute than this." He had my fiance send him screenshots of everything and then the photos separately. He took my ex's information, our information, and the surprisingly ample amount of information I have on his girlfriend.
My ex is currently on both probation and parole, so the officer is reaching out to his PO today for a current address since he refused to provide it to me. He'll be calling my ex today, and if he hangs up on him or gets smart, he'll be prepared with an address to just go talk to him. He also knows where he is working this evening while the officer is on duty, so that is a last resort.
He is also going to run the evidence and our statements by the DA's office today and get the green light to proceed with charges, which apparently will include an actual arrest once everything that needs to happen happens. I'm not clear on the details exactly, I just know that they are almost certainly going to be charging him with a misdemeanor 2.
Additionally, I am almost positive that my ex's current girlfriend, who he has been with for roughly 9 months now, was involved in some manner. She is an RN, so if it comes to light that she was complicit, she could also be charged and lose her job. I don't know how it would impact her license as an RN, but I did work for the hospital she works for currently, and any charges, no matter how minor, result in termination. The officer confirmed this, as well.
And I took everyone's advice - I contacted my attorney. He is drafting a cease and desist letter to send to both my ex and his current partner. He is also going to request a copy of the police report to add to the already massive stack of evidence of reasons why he should not get custody of either of his kids, he should remain strictly on visitation, if he's lucky enough to even get that.
Thank you everyone, I have a small amount of hope that this will work out favorably. My current partner doesn't care what he has to say or what pictures he sends, he sees it every day. He also knows that my ex is vindictive and is grasping at straws in an adult temper tantrum. Hopefully this will end the years of this crap from my ex, as this is not the first partner he has done this with. It's just finally a charge in PA!
Because I know you lovable assholes are all about the updates...and seriously, thanks for all the kindness on my post. You all helped break the cycle of panic.
Original: https://old.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8nxple/colorado_my_landlord_has_revoked_permission_for/
Turns out it wasn't my landlord at all. It was my roommate SAYING my landlord had said I couldn't hospice there.
Yeah. I know.
I specifically moved in with this person for this reason...with the understanding I would be dying in this house. I'm not sure if it was malice or just idiocy but apparently she thought that 'terminally ill' was just a cutsie designation or something? And I guess she thought it wouldn't actually happen. So instead of telling me six months ago, or three months ago, or when the hospice nurse started coming to the house...she tells me three weeks into hospice care that, supposedly, the landlord says "You can't do in-home hospice here".
Obviously this is super illegal (thanks, LA!), and I call my lawyer who calls me back at noon on a fucking Saturday to say nofuckingwayisthisokayholyshit. Lawyer wants the landlord's contact info asap so we can get moving on this immediately.
I started to get suspicious when the roommate wouldn't give me the contact info for the landlord...finally, after I threatened roommate with lawyers, roommate gave landlord's info to me... and I call landlord and of course the landlord had no clue what I was talking about because roommate hadn't even discussed it with her.
So yes, it is an illegal eviction and interestingly because I subtenant to the roommate and not the landlord,yes, we are going to pursue it fully. My attorney is thrilled, my landlord didn't do anything wrong and is will be getting rid of a super shady tenant (my roommate), and my roommate will have to pay for what she did, hopefully. Everybody wins?
Except I still gotta die, yo. After I move lol. At least I can afford it I guess. :(
Thanks LA.
Last post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/92evgg/can\_my\_parents\_force\_a\_pregnancy\_test/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/92evgg/can_my_parents_force_a_pregnancy_test/)
I'd like to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who responded to my last post. Your advice helped prepare me for what came next.
Pretty soon after I posted, I received a letter in the mail from a lawyer that basically said that my parents were demanding a paternity test on the basis of grandparents rights. I knew from my post that it was unlikely that a lawyer would take this case, so I googled the law firm and lawyer's name. I couldn't find the lawyer's name anywhere, but the law firm was real so I reached out to them. The letter was fake and the law firm was not happy. They asked for the letter and are pursuing some sort of legal action against my parents. I don't know exactly what's happening as I have not been in contact with my parents in a while.
In other news, my daughter was recently diagnosed with a (very minor) skin condition that is fairly uncommon and that I also have, which means she's most likely mine after all. We still won't be doing a paternity test any time soon, but it was helpful for our peace of mind.
Thanks again for the advice everyone!
Location: Toronto, Ontario
I own an apartment in downtown Toronto, our building has had a bad history of problems with AirBnB tenants so we voted to ban any sort of short term rental. Currently i am on the other side of the continent for work, and won't be back until January.
I decided to list my place up for a rental in late August, for rental until Janaury. Since the rental time was almost half a year it doesn't count as a short term rental (several people do this in our building and it is fine). I immediately got a hit by a person named Jane who was a student about to start grad school (i don't know if this is true or not), and we talked and decided to agree to the rental.She signed a document indicating she agreed to the buildings rules, including the notice about "No short term rentals, through services such as AirBnB".
Yesterday i got an email from our property manager:
* On Monday they were testing each units smoke detectors, and he noticed there were 3 people in the unit. Along with a strong smell of pot. They apparently identified themselves as AirBnB renters. (Apparently they tried to deny our property manager from entering, since they weren't sure of who he was since they were only renting this place for a week through AirBnB).
* I am violating the rule about no short term rentals.
* I am apparently in violation of a bunch of rule violations such as the fact that more people are staying in my unit than permitted.
* Apparently multiple guests have been parking overnight in the visitors spot (not allowed) who all recorded my unit number as the one they are visiting.
After getting that email i called him and confirmed, and i was able to find my place listed on AirBnB, using very recent photos of my apartment. I tried to contact Jane, through email (no response), phone calls go to voice mail, and facebook (she blocked me after i sent her a message).
I have tried numerous times to talk to AirBnB, but all they have told me is they can't do anything about this, and basically refused to do anything about the listing.
Aside from all the issues above, frankly i don't feel comfortable with a bunch of random strangers in my apartment at all. Unfortunately i have no idea even what to do about this legally speaking. Do i have any way to block these random people from entering my unit?
\*EDIT\* I forgot to add, that i have talked to a lawyer about evicting the tenant however he told me it could take upto 2+ months, which is why it won't really help. Since by then in \~2 months her lease will be over. I want to stop randoms from AirBnB from entering my apartment now.
For clarity we're both minors. I'm 16 and my demonic sister is 15. She has never been right since we were little kids. Always violent. She bashed me in the head with a metal pipe when I was 5 because I wouldn't let her ride my bike. All of my life I've been putting up with this shit and I have had enough.
She hits me, breaks my things, literally stabbed me last year, stole the keys to my car and banged it up twice this year. My parents wont do anything about it. She's already in alternative school for stalking another girl in her class. I really don't know what is wrong with her. She's not slow or anything like that before she got kicked out of regular school she was in the gifted program. My parents think she's like this misunderstood genius or whatever. They refuse to involve cops because it's a "family issue". Which brings us to today. My parents force me to let her tag along with me and my friends because honestly she doesn't have any except for this delinquent at the alternative school she is supposedly dating. Whatever, not important.
Anyway, I was hanging out with my friends today and of course the demon was with us. We decided to go to the Dollar Tree to get some snacks. Demon didn't buy anything. As we left the store I could hear something in her bag like a rattling noise. I confronted her and this little beezy stole a bunch of cough pills! I don't know why. Don't they make meth out of those or something? So I told her I was going to call mom. I pulled out my phone right there and she fucking punched me in the face! I was really angry she did that in front of my friends and no way was I going to let her embarrass me so we started fighting. I took her down and had her pinned on the ground. That's what you have to do pin her and let her tire herself because she will NOT stop otherwise. I had her arms pinned and she started flailing her legs and kicking me. She got me in the throat and I was letting her go! I was getting off of her when she kicked me right smack in my face full fucking force like she charged that fucking kick up and broke my nose. Blood was gushing everywhere and she didn't even care she just left!
It took forever to stop the bleeding and my face is swollen and ugly. It hurts like a bitch. My friend gave me a bunch of Tylenol and it still hurts. I came home and told my parents immediately and they asked me what did *I* do to upset her?! I was so angry I told them I was calling the cops and my dad told me I couldn't go to the cops without parental consent! Is that true???
Something needs to be done about her because she's like getting a lot worse and my mom is 8 months pregnant now and I'm really scared for my little brother when he gets here. Please help me.
Update: Well shit went down basically how I expected it would. My mom called me very upset that police had came. What happened is my dad answered the door and he was really mad and probably drunk honestly and they told him they were there to check up on my sister. I asked if my friend's mom would really play up the fact she's crazy af to get her Baker Acted because I was afraid they wouldn't arrest her and she'd come after me. Well my dad didn't want to let the cops in and basically told them to fuck off and they threatened to arrest him if he didn't so he finally let them and I guess my sister must have heard all of this going down so she barricaded herself in her room and wouldn't answer so they broke down the door and they found a bunch of empty pill bottles in her room and she was really disoriented so they called an ambulance and she got taken to the hospital. My mom said she went in after they left and there was a bunch of empty bottles of cough medicine. She said my dad is super pissed but she told me she's honestly relieved.
Thanks for the help!
She ended up taking me to court. Her lawyer focused a lot on my criminal record (which had happened before I even met her, and she married me knowing it). Her lawyer claimed otherwise, that I had hidden my record from her and she only learned about it after our marriage. This was very easy for me and my lawyer to disprove as I had email communications with her acknowledging my record. She insisted the emails not being in her inbox is proof that the emails are made up. Perhaps she seriously thought deleting the emails from her account would delete them from mine too. Her own lawyer looked really upset after this.
She dropped the case immediately after that hearing.
Her own husband apologized to me, said he wouldn't have agreed come forward for adoption if he knew the truth. He was a decent guy. Ex lied to him about me to get him to adopt my son. It's been a couple of months since then and according to my son they're now separated.
I'm talking to my lawyer to change the custody agreement too.
As the post says I am a 27 year old family nurse practitioner in **Virginia**. I work in private practice, think family doctor, and my company from the beginning has required me to use my own personal computer. When I was hired I wasn't told about that, but instead on the first day, they told me to bring it and use it daily as it needs to go in with me to see the patients. I think this is crazy for a variety of reasons- lots of wear/ tear that I'm not compensated with, bring back/ forth- risk of losing it or it being stolen, patient's records on my personal computer, sick people getting germs on my computer and on and on. I have been at this position for 5 months and so far the mouse pad has stopped working because my hands are always wet with hand sanitizer. So then I had to buy a wireless mouse. I have a nice computer and I hate that it's being "destroyed" like this.
Today I have strep. Strep as an adult is terrible. I told my boss I could either stay home or stay home and work at home clearing lab results, ect. That night on the phone she said yes please work from home. First thing this morning they wanted me to install a timer to my personal computer that allows the practice to see how much time is being spent in each chart, for billing purposes they say. It is a google chrome timer extension. I told them that I would be more than happy to use that on a work computer (we have a few desktops) but I was not comfortable downloading a timer on my home computer. She said OK, but was clearly mad, then 5 minutes later had her assistant call me and tell me to stop working for the day since I wouldn't install the timer and that I was now only allowed to use a desktop at work.
This is on top of the fact that I have to clock in/ clock out on an app on my phone that tracks my gps. Yes, I have a master's degree and have to clock in/out even for lunch. During the entire time it is on, gps is tracked.
So listen, I know I need a new job but- is this legal? How do I approach this? I am now going to have to use sick/vacation time that I wasn't planning on using. I think I should be paid for my time today.
She was lying. She was protecting her new "boyfriend" who is 24. She said so to her friend who told me then I told her parents. She then confessed to them. She was having sex with the guy when we were fooling around. I've blocked her number and the guy has been arrested.
Thank you for giving me good advice.
I'm a 16 year old girl. I live with my aunt and uncle and cousins. My maternal grandfather also stays with us. My parents passed away in a car accident two years ago - I was in the car but I survived - and I was taken in by my maternal aunt. My dad grew up an orphan so there is no family on his side.
The last two years have been hell for me. Not only because I still can't get over losing my parents (I cry a lot) but also because the situation with my aunt and her family has been an awful experience. My mom was actually estranged from her family. She was white, and my dad was black. Her family never approved - they disowned her when she decided to marry my dad. They have never really "forgiven" my mom and I guess I'm a walking and talking representation of her "mistake."
They have told me just that on several occasions. That my existence is a mistake. I get called "halfbreed" and other racist stuff. And I'm constantly on the receiving end of verbal abuse. Sometimes it gets physical. Sometimes it feels like I'm trapped in a minefield. I have to be so careful about where I step cause the repercussions may be explosive. My "uncle" has also made inappropriate sexual advances towards me. He has groped me before and disguised it as "being sloppy with his movements."
I can't live like this anymore. I'm an absolute emotional mess. I wanna emancipate myself but I don't know how to go about it. I know the odds of getting emancipation rely a lot on the minor being able to show they can be financially independent.
I'm close with a set of twins at school - I'm dating the boy and the girl is my best friend. Their parents own a farm and I work regularly with the family. I'm also into photography and I've been doing real good with shooting weddings. They are very lucrative and I've saved up a substantial amount. With summer at an end and winter coming up, not so many weddings anymore but I also do like family shoots and other portraits; that also supplements my income.
The parents of my boyfriend and my best friend know my situation and they said they can offer me lodging as an employee. I've also recorded my family being emotionally abusive towards me. I don't know if that is enough to get me emancipated.
I would really appreciate advice.
Thank you
So basically, I lived next door to my neighbor for around 5 years. He was a widower in his early 60s, and we quickly bonded. We watched football together, drank together, and all that. I even went to his church every now and then, even though it's not my bag. The point, I guess, is that even though he had 30 years on me, we were friends. I think this point is important.
He recently passed, which sucks. Then I learned he left me a little something. That little something turned out to be just over $40,000, which nearly knocked my dick off since I had no idea he had that kind of money. That 40k, though a lot of money, was "only" around 5% of his net worth. So it's not like I'm getting the majority of his estate. But then his son, who I'd met a couple times, sued me (as of yesterday), claiming that I "took advantage" of his elderly father.
I have three things going for me:
1. My friend was mentally acute. He had his share of health problems (pack-a-day smoker), but none of them were mental.
2. Our town's not big, and I know people who can attest to the fact that we went to the bar and church and watched football together, proving that we actually had a relationship. Hell, I even mowed his lawn, which our neighbors can attest to. These people can be witnesses I think, though I don't know how civil suits work.
3. His adult daughter is a very nice lady, and has no problems with her dad leaving me some of his estate. She came around from time to time, and knew her dad and I hung out and stuff. The first time I met her, her dad and I were watching college football in our robes while sitting on my porch and drinking beer (we live in the South so that's acceptable behavior for grown men).
Basically, my point is he and I were friends, and does the son have a pot to piss in regarding this lawsuit? Also, what kind of lawyer should I hire? The lawyer who did his will seemed like a straight shooter, but I don't know if me hiring him is a conflict of interest or if he's even the right kind of lawyer to represent me.
Edit: You guys were right. The son's contesting the will, not suing me directly. The letter had a bunch of legal terms, so I didn't get the gist when I first read it. I'll be contacting a lawyer ASAP.
My boyfriend has mobility issues and uses either a wheelchair or crutches depending on his pain levels. I’ve done a lot of home improvement projects to ensure he can get around my house easily, including a wheelchair ramp up to my front door. My front door is really recessed from the street due to my lawn and hidden by my porch, so the ramp isn’t very visible from the street. I painted it to match the house as well.
Few months ago, a new family moved across the street and the wife’s never been very friendly with me like my other neighbors are, which I chalked up to her being shy or whatever. However, recently I got a note taped up to my door that said she’s going to sue if I don’t take the ramp down, as it’s an eyesore and “reduces curbside value.” I have no idea what she means since you can’t see the thing unless you know what to look for and really get up in my property, as confirmed by neighbors and friends.
She refused to answer the door when I went over to talk to her about it. I’m trying not to lose my temper over this but it’s hard. There’s been many times my boyfriend has been screwed over by so-called “handicap accessible” places, I don’t want my home to be one of them. Does she have any sort of case? I’m in Washington.
We've received a couple of PMs with people who have found our identities, and as such, we don't see any reason to keep this post up. Thanks everyone for your help.
I am in Boston BUT my abortion happened in New York City. I was 18 and this was completely legal.
I’m 18 and in college. Like all 18 year olds, I mess up. I messed up big time and I ended up pregnant. I waited a week after my pregnancy test came up positive, I went to the doctor to 100% confirm the pregnancy, and my best friend, her boyfriend, my boyfriend, and I took a couples’ trip to NYC so I could have the abortion in a safe environment and have everything taken care of in a timely manner.
We got back to Boston and life went on. I am in therapy to work through my problems regarding the suicide attempts of my older sister and dealing with the repercussions of her mental illness. I have not been diagnosed with any mental illnesses, I’m not considered depressed, I have no history of any kind of any mental illnesses, self harm, or anything of the sort. I receive my therapy in a non religious environment. This is just straight up confidential counseling because my sister attempted suicide right before I went to college, my parents are toxic, and I needed help with that burden.
I told my therapist immediately that I’d had an abortion, told her my reasons (cost of a baby, not wanting children, I go to a university that I worked my ass off to get into and I’ll be damned if I let an unwanted pregnancy ruin my life. I also could not raise a child that I disdained. Selfish? Yes. But I’m not sorry). I also informed her that my boyfriend and I are still together and that he and I plan on staying together, the sex was between two adults who 100% consented, it was just a mixup and confusion on both of our parts. He and I split the cost of the abortion with him paying 75% of the cost.
I go home and do homework. At around 4 pm, I get a visit from the Boston Police who are investigating a rape. They think that I’m the victim and my boyfriend is the perpetrator and that I’ve been forced to have an abortion, I ask them where they got this false information and give them proof that both he and I agreed that abortion was the way to go. After a lot of talking to smooth things over and apologizing, they left.
Then I get a call from my parents. They’re ranting on and on about how I’ve gotten an abortion and sinned in God’s eyes, how I’ve been fornicating and screwed every man in NYC, and how my lack of contact (I’m NC with them because of abuse and they’re narcissists) is killing my mother. They screamed down the phone for four hours before telling me that they’ve been given my address in Boston by my therapist and are coming to get me no matter what.
It becomes clear. My therapist called the police, reported a false rape and forced abortion, violated all sorts of confidentiality, and had to track my parents down (I never gave her their number, address, or personal information. She did not know their names, I only ever called them mom and dad) to call them to say that I’d been raped and gotten an abortion.
I never gave her any sort of go ahead to do anything. I never used the word rape in our sessions, in fact, when I mentioned the sex, I called it “consensual sex”. The police are still hounding me, I’m freaking out and constantly having panic attacks, my therapist is making things worse by CONTINUING to knowingly provide false information to the police (although I gave them the information that should have ended this all), therapist is also saying that I have Stockholm Syndrome and that’s why I won’t report my boyfriend, and I’m at a loss for what to do.
I also know why she’s having some weird witch hunt. My boyfriend is in a fraternity and in her mind, I was brutally raped at a fraternity party (this is what she told the police). I was not and in the session I said specifically told her that I never had sex with him at his fraternity house several times when she tried to convince me that I was raped at his fraternity house.
I’ve also started to get calls from the NYPD investigating the “forced abortion” and I’m freaking out and don’t know what to do. This is serious.
At this point in time I know that I need to get the police off my butt. Is there a way that would help me? Is a lawyer the best way to go? Also, is there a way for me to report my therapist and make sure that she is punished? Is there a way to make sure she doesn’t do this again?
Edit: when the cops came the first time, I told them that she was completely falsifying everything and I gave them evidence. She is continuing to call and labeling me with various mental illnesses so she gets her point across and so I’m not taken seriously. The last time the cops called was last night.
**EDIT:** Forgot to add this...My first post was here:
Firstly I would like to thank everyone for all the support in my first post and all the supportive PM's I received. It was really overwhelming (in a good way). A few people asked for an update so here it is.
So a lot has happened since I first posted. I called in to work while I was trying to get all this sorted. One of my co-workers has a cousin who is a lawyer and she knew someone who was able to help me and file the paperwork. My husband played dumb in court but his visits got reduced to supervised and he was ordered to take a parenting class. My daughter went to physiotherapy. Eventually the court reinstated his visitation when he swore he had learned his lesson and was sorry and with his otherwise clean record the court agreed. I was against it but the court ruled against me.
I gave my daughter her own cell phone so she could call me whenever she needed to. On her second visit it happened again. This time the brace had steel and fabric instead of wood and they took her phone too. The next night she left when they weren't looking and went up the street to a neighbor who is a police officer. The neighbor called paramedics and her co-workers. They had to cut the brace off my daughter. My husband and his wife were arrested. They got out quickly but they have been charged and their infant is with CPS. My ex lost visitation and custody and I'm working on making it permanent. Unfortunately my daughter's shoulder was dislocated from the brace. It set back her rehab and part of her arm is still numb and tingling. She needed surgery and is still recovering. She always played sports (especially at school) and did dance but the doctor thinks she won't ever be able to lift her arm all the way up again. I hate my ex and he'll see her again over my fucking dead body. Right now I'm focusing on my daughter while my lawyer takes care of things. That's my update.
Is he breaking any laws? Can I post these videos online? He's been renting out this room for almost 20 years and has had many tenants. He resides in this house as well. He finds people through newspaper ads and Craigslist. I want to warn potential future tenants who Google him.
Mostly good news.
I worked with my dad and got my own lawyer.
I got the timeline of my shares wrong, but it comes out the same. What my brother and I inherited from my grandmother was originally part of my grandfather's portfolio, he was the money savvy one. My grandmother looked after those after he died and she personally set up my brother's accounts and gave him control of his part. She didn't do the same with mine before she died (I thought she had already set the accounts up for me and given control to dad before passing) instead the shares were in her will, and she left everything she owned to my dad with instruction that what was $15000 worth when my brother got his equivalent part would go to me when I was old enough to know how to take care of them. There was no trust, she just trusted my dad. My dad did the right thing and set up accounts for me and gave me control six years ago. My dad put some of his own shares in too as an extra leg up.
Dad admitted to me he'd chewed out my brother last year when he came to him asking for money, and dad had supported him several times over the years and got to the point he'd had enough. My brother found out I still had my investments because dad had used me as an example of how brother should have been using money. That's how my brother found out I still had shares and they'd grown.
According to all that info my lawyer tells me I'm in the clear, but it's not going to get to the point of finding that out in court as my brother's gf was only a legal secretary. I say was because the firm she worked for apologised and informed my lawyer she was terminated immediately. The letter I received from them had been edited to put her name in a position higher up than it should have been, and some of the contact information had been changed.
A week after she was fired my brother visited me begging for money. His girlfriend is in serious debt and she took a chance on scamming cash from me and lost. I felt awful rejecting my own brother over and over, and if he hadn't involved his girlfriend needing an amount well into five figures I might have given him some. The next morning I found all my tires had been slashed. Screw him, I don't feel bad any more.
The rest of the comments in the previous thread made me realise I don't know nearly enough about what I'm doing with the shares and dividends and money in general. A lot of the decisions I've made have been with dad's help and his advice has paid off well so far but not because I knew it would but because I had no idea what I was doing and left it up to him. I've booked in to work with a financial advisor to make the most of what I have. Thanks for all your comments.
Im in California and looking for some land to purchase for this purpose. If all goes to plan, the lot will eventually have trees with a plaque that says "Here Grows So-And-So".
Does this count as a graveyard? Can I buy non-HOA land that's intended for residential use and do this? I'd hate to drop $10k on a half acre and have to cut my Dad down in 20 years because of a zoning law or something.
She accused him of rape years ago. She was 18 and he was 22. It was false and never happened. He was arrested and eventually convicted. When he served his stance and got out he was broken. From what he told me, he was heavily abused during his prison time by other prisoners. He tried to get back to his life and he couldn't. His record, his name on the registry and lack of options. He went from being a student in a top college in the country to having almost no prospects. Within a year of being out, he committed suicide.
Yesterday was 3 years since his death. This cousin sent word through a friend that she wanted to speak with me and seek my blessing on visiting my brother's grave. I said yes, but figured something doesn't seem right. I went and had a recorder with me and recorded the conversation. Also had my boyfriend record a video of our meeting from a distance (it was in public). She told me she's sorry and my brother didn't deserve what happened to him. I asked why and pressed her for an answer, she broke down and said she didn't know who did it and she accused him because he had refused to lend her money she desperately needed and she was angry at him.
The voice recorder got everything, and the video also has audio in parts that match the voice recorder perfectly.
Are these evidence useful in overturning that decision? I want to make my brother's slate clean. Not only for his memory but also because he has a son he never saw (his girlfriend was pregnant when this happened, he lost his parental rights as a result of this conviction). His son should know this is not the kind of man his father was. If so, how do we begin the process? Do we need a lawyer here, or do we need to go to the police?
What consequences (criminal) will she face? Will she go to jail?
And, does my brother's estate have a claim against her for damages? Of course this belongs to his son now although I don't know how that would work with respect to his parental rights being terminated (doesn't matter, as we'd want his son to be supported more than anything else). And can his son have a separate claim for damages against her? This conviction deprived him of a chance to know his father, because parental rights were terminated.
I know this won't bring my brother back but it can at least provide some comfort to us and to his son, and maybe making things more fair. So please help put me in the right direction.
Throwaway account for obvious reasons. I am a 19 year old male and I was recently looking through an old digital camcorder. Most of it was really nostalgic, old videos of myself and my siblings as kids, stuff like that. I then came across a video of my father raping me. I don't want to go into detail as I am still in shock and typing this out is still extremely hard, but I have no idea what to do. I live a relatively normal middle class life and I am just at a loss of words. I have been in my room with the door locked for eight hours as I don't want to face my family. The worst thing about this is my mother was present in the video as well, she seemed to allow it.
I am typing this through tears. I have absolutely no idea what to do legally about this. I cannot afford a lawyer.
Thank you all so much for your support, I am completely shocked right now
I keep getting messages asking for an update. I can’t say much, but I have gotten a lawyer through a friend of the family. He has contacted corporate HR. There will be a settlement out of court, as they want this resolved quickly with no publicity. I cannot express how grateful I am for all of your quick thinking and ability to connect the dots. I don’t know if I would’ve had the guts to get a lawyer if you hadn’t said anything. Thank you.
This coworker of mine is beautiful and very popular, but in my opinion is taking this hippie thing entirely too far. Her daughter is smart enough but constantly reverting to acting like a toddler; she's doing it more than she acts her age. I support extended breast feeding but this is getting weird. We work at a health food store; we are talking major crunchy granola. So, once she let it slip that they all sleep naked in bed together. I honestly do not think they are pedophiles at all, but as liberal as I am, that's still getting weird at her age. I've always minded my own business, but now she's saying she's going to pull the girl out of the public school because the classroom teacher is starting to question the emotional development of the child. Do I mind my own business or make a discreet phone call to CPS? No way in Hell would I discuss the matter with her; she's on one hell of an ego trip. Could I do this anonymously? I can't risk CPS telling her it was me. One last detail: another coworker's daughter spent the night at their house and they had both girls running around naked, which would not have been cool with the girl's conservative mom, but the adults were not naked in front of the girls. # Free Spirit!
I apologize for formatting/grammar errors. I am on my phone.
My post got a decent amount of attention. I thought I would update since I still get really sweet messages from people wishing me well/praying for me and my family.
My fiance, now husband did pull through! He's currently in our backyard setting up a tent to "camp out" with our 2 and 3 year old boys. He was in a coma for over a month and the doctor's were pretty sure he would never wake up. His recovery was slow and he still goes to physical therapy 4 times a week but he is pretty much back to normal now and we couldn't be happier! Although it was a horrible thing to go through it changed both of us for the better. You don't realize how much the small things matter until they're about to be taken from you.
He was appalled by his sisters actions when I finally discussed it with him. We recently both made wills and made sure there is no chance SIL or BIL will get any money if both of us were to pass, or God forbid our children too. We also chose godparents for our children and we are expecting a baby girl in 2018!
I really appreciate all of the sweet thoughtful messages I was sent. They definitely made me feel better on bad days to know how many people were praying for him!
I post this a year ago.
Since that time I got denied for the second job and basically been coasting by until I landed another position and turned in my two weeks notice.
Recently I found a position at a tech firm that will allow me to work from home, is easier than what I used to do, and pays more. Basically tired of doing nothing even though Im getting paid for it.
The day after I mailed the keys to the satellite office back to the corporate office I got a phone call exactly at 8 AM. The head of HR for the former company wanted to speak with me in person. I asked her if there were any issues such as equipment that was not returned. She stated that there were no issues like that. They just had some questions about my job function over the last year.
I told her that they should have that information as head of HR and promptly disconnected stating I had to return back to work. She called back at 12:05 exactly.
I have been ducking her calls ever since. Her voicemails state that I am required to come into her office to discuss a few things. My emails with her have asked if there is anything that needs to be returned or issues with company property. Each time I am assured it is nothing like that, but that they need me to come into their office to discuss this with me in person. She calls at least once per day.
I am thinking I just need to ignore her until she either escalates or goes away.
How incredibly bad is that plan? Before anyone says it. I know... I know ok I should have quit a long time ago. I did not.
EDIT: Texas
Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/72h3rm/oregon_neighbor_cut_down_several_trees_on_my/
Hello legal advice community! I have not forgotten about you, who helped set me on the path to justice! I'll get right to it. I can't speak to all the details, and I'm sorry about not continuing to update (after everything got underway I figured it would be best not to). To keep it short, we (my lawyer and I) spoke to the police, who then spoke to the neighbors down and across the street (the one who witnessed my trees getting cut down) who stated they saw the neighbor and the company cutting down the trees, and then finally they spoke to him (neighbor). I don't know much beyond that with the criminal investigation, what happened with the whole city document or the company, and why that is will be explained below.
I hauled his ass into court. Well, first, the arborist came, as did the surveyor. The trees were on my property and they were white oaks. The arborist gave me an estimate on having 15 mature white oaks brought and replanted on my property, which was just shy of $650,000, though he did say some trees would die and that would drive the cost up. I also had my property appraised, for the difference before and after losing my trees. It then became a question of whether I wanted to pursue my lost trees and see how much their lumber was worth, or sue for the replacement cost and loss of property value. Basically, do I want the trees back or do I want the cost of the ones I lost? (apparently you can't have both).
Well guys...
The actual court stuff started a lot sooner than I thought. We filed, a few weeks passed, and a few days before our day in court his lawyer reached out with a settlement offer. Apparently he was wealthier than I thought. We accepted and while I can't speak to the details of it...
It's going to take a long time apparently (several months, possibly all the way until September since the process didn't start until just this week due to the Holidays), but I will have all 12 trees back on my property at no cost to me! My neighbor has also put his house up for sale, and I haven't seen him for quite some time now. Oh well! There's a bit more to the settlement, but I don't feel comfortable speaking to that, hopefully that's understandable.
I remember some of the comments about whether the trees were a hazard to the road based on how far they were from the road. I ended up having to check with the county (not the city), and they sent someone out to measure and mark the boundaries. My trees were at least 5 feet beyond it (so outside the boundary). Not even close! Just thought I'd add that in.
Anyways, there it is! I plan to take photos of the trees once they start getting put in, and of course once they are all in place and I have them back. I'll be sure to share them! I want to thank everyone for all their advice, it was a huge help! I didn't know you all were so into trees, but I'm glad you are!
Have a good one everyone!
So after 6 long months, everything been resolved. This is my final post regarding this, already asked my lawyer if I could post this and he said go ahead.
So here's my last update:
So the HOA board got a lawyer to respond to my C&D and they requested a meeting ASAP with my lawyer present as well. I didn't want to go but my lawyer suggested me hear them out at atleast. At the meeting, I noticed there president and some of the higher ups were not there.
The board had no idea what the hell was happening and their lawyer was just as confused as them. After I laid out my timeline of events they thanked me for my time accepted all the financial burden of replenishing my pond, missing car (couldn't locate it), and damages.
I got checks for everything and got my pond restored back in April and didn't really think much of it.
I found out a few weeks ago from the new HOA president. Turns out the old president, tresaurer and someone else had been stealing money from the coffers. They wanted my land to expand and put in a pool, clubhouse and etc just as I saw on their website. The old board fined everyone a ton of money to get all the cash together and buy my land. Instead they spent it on themselves. They needed my land somehow so they thought they could just take over the land I wasn't using.
Long story short, their entire plan fell apart after I fought back and brought to the other members of the HOA attention what they were doing. From what I've been told, they had to sell their house to pay back the HOA and have since moved away. The HOA has offered me market value for my land and I do plan on selling since I really don't use the land for anything and the money isn't bad.
I did not file any complaints with the Postal inspector or anything, since the situation resolved itself. I got a new project car and for those asking it was a '98 Supra with a bad engine. My new project is a '67 Fastback that I plan on restoring to look like Elanor. :)
I want to thank a ton of redditors for chiming in with advice including a few from Nebraska.
and others that PMed with advice and support.
and lastly /u/20000to0 for advising me regarding nebraska laws and getting me in touch with his awesome lawyer(i guess mine now too)
Link to original post in case you need it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8wkt4x/flneighborstenants\_cutting\_down\_my\_magnolia\_trees/](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/8wkt4x/flneighborstenants_cutting_down_my_magnolia_trees/?context=10)
I've received a number of messages begging for an update, but as it's only been a few months, I can only give a partial one, due to the ongoing legal issues (my attorneys have advised me not to divulge too much to anyone).
1) The day after my post, I called a good friend of mine who has been my go to plumber since I inherited the property (we went to high school together), to ask for his help. He went to both houses the next day, saying that I had called him last week since the water bill seemed high, and asked him to come look at the pipes. He went through the houses, surreptitiously taking pictures, while "inspecting" the bathrooms/kitchens/water boilers, etc for leaks. Apparently while he was there they made a bunch of comments about me that included racial slurs (tldr: i'm biracial, and do not pass for white) and such about how I need to learn my place. After he'd inspected both houses he came over to mine, and gave me all the photos.
2) I conferred with an attorney regarding evicting them, and four days later both families were served with 7 day eviction notices. As expected, they blew up, and started throwing rocks at my house, slinging more racial epithets in my direction. I'd always grown up being terrified of angry racist white men twice my size, I never realized how unbelievably pathetic they actually are until I watched them crying like babies while being hauled off by the police on the video cameras.
3) The bride made a very angry post on facebook, followed up by standing up in church (small town, most of us go to the same church) during "prayers and concerns" to beg for prayers for her family because "Our landlord is evicting all of us because she's jealous that I'm getting married!" The pastor, feigning innocence, said "I thought she was evicting you all because your father and \[Groom\]'s father cut down \[My Great-Grandmother\]'s prize magnolias?" Hardest game of You-Laugh-You-Lose I've ever played, still proud I survived.
4) According to the arborists (yes plural. though my friend came out and did an assessment, my attorney for the suit over the trees advised selecting someone who isn't so close to me for the paperwork we'll submit to the court), based on the number of trees cut down and the number of trees damaged beyond repair, and how old/well-tended those trees were, the value of the trees alone is more than i could sell all three houses for in the current housing market around here. Then the attorney started talking about how the damages are multiplied and let's just say I would be quite happy with half that number, but I know when to zip my lips so I'll let my attorneys handle the negotiating.
5) They did, in fact, destroy the houses as best they could. I have enough savings/inheritance left that I can live without the rents for a while, so I'm using it as an excuse to have both houses renovated since they haven't had major renovations since well before I was born.
6) The bride and groom got married and had their reception in the church basement instead of the cul-de-sac. They had to cancel the honeymoon to spend the money on legal fees. (Am I a bad person for being amused?)
7) Hurricane Michael just gave me some wild thunderstorms, thankfully passed over us with the worst of it.
8) My boyfriend of seven years proposed (finally, goddamn).
Other than that, you'll have to wait until the eternally slow court systems process through. I do want to take a moment to thank you all for thinking of me, and being so helpful with your advice with what was a terrifying ordeal at the time. I'd never really stood up to my elders like that before, and it was comforting to know that not only did a gaggle of internet strangers have my back, but there were resources and protections in my community as well.
I just wanted to let everyone know that everything turned out fine!
The club president was prosecuted.
(I should have found it suspicious that the club was extremely friendly and insistant that I come to their meetings. Looking back now, I was their token brown person for the couple meetings I attended. But hey-free food.)
USCIS didn't give me a hard time about it-surprisingly. My lawyer was awesome and fully reported everything and documented everything. Having an email from the club president admitting to it was great.
I have sailed through the citizenship process and will be taking my citizenship oath in a couple weeks, finally ending my immigration journey.
And for the dozens of people that messaged me slurs and told me to kill myself- fuck you. I'm going to have a great life here and I'm never leaving the US. Die mad about it.
Location: CA
A lot has happened since I posted.
I talked with my sister for a long time over the next week and she eventually agreed to talking to an adult at school. I went with her to talk to a teacher she was close with. After a lot of crying together she called the police and our school counselor and principal. They basically didn't let us go home that day from school.
We ended up getting a case worker and parents of my sister's best friend (NOT the mom who was constantly harassing us about going public) took us in temporarily. We are currently still with them.
The police visited my dad who won't admit to raping me or my sister, but they found a ton of child porn on his computer and other things they wouldn't tell us about. He has been arrested for the child porn. Unfortunately, that did make the news and everyone knows. It's extremely embarrassing and stressful to have people judge you all the time. People wouldn't shut up about it for like two weeks.
My sister moved to a different school that helps with troubled kids and special situations for while she is pregnant. We are hoping she can go back after she has the baby and continue at her first school... Ideally..
She and I both have gone through a lot of counseling and she is okay giving up the child for adoption now. Our case worker and counselor are both really great about this whole thing. Mom is still not in the picture.
I fully plan on changing my name to my mom's maiden name and so does my sister. My case worker says that's completely possible for us to do. Thanks for that advice reddit, I got that from here.
Anyway, thanks for the advice. It helped me talk her into how serious it was.
Original [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7npxzn/father_got_my_sister_14_pregnant_and_friends_mom/)
(New York)
A lot has happened over the last ten days.
I realized, shortly after making my initial post that my life, as it is, has become unsustainable. I cannot live like this anymore. And I mean that literally, because this realization came to me just before i hurt myself very badly.
I was sitting in my bathtub and it suddenly struck me that I was completely prepared to just stop living because I was too scared to find help. So I went and found help.
I took all of last week off and with my ex-husband's help, I found a good, understanding and very very patient therapist. I've also made an appointment to see a psychiatrist, to see what medication options are open to me.
When I finally went back to work, I took the head of the Fun Committee aside and talked to her. I explained to her that I have PTSD and some very severe anxiety issues and I apologized for not being more clear to her when I asked her not to do anything for my birthday.
And she cried. She wept openly and apologized, she told me she thought I was just shy, that she was just trying to help me fit in and she never intended to do anything hurtful to me.
Then, I spoke to my Manager and my workspace is being moved to a far less-populated part of the building, where I can just quietly do my work and be left alone. It is literally all I have ever wanted.
So, the moral of this story was, fucking talk to people about your shit before it gets so bad you feel like you have no choice but fucking die. Apparently.
Thank you.
That happened about two weeks ago. It was initially pushed down to a guidance counselor as a "friends issue". My wife went to the school about a week ago because the issue had yet to be resolved; a group of girls were still picking on our daughter. Since then, one the assistant principals conducted an investigation. The girl that did the recording is still running around the campus with her phone, and now our daughter is labeled a snitch and bullied even more because of the way the school has handled it.
Needless to say, we're a bit pissed. Our daughter won't be going back to that school. We're not really sure what to do next. Do any of you fine folks out there have any advice on a way ahead?
Edit: Forgot to mention two important details:
1. The kid that did the recording...she admitted to doing it in a written statement to the school. She denied posting it to social media, but other kids have told our daughter they saw the video posted on music.ly.
2 . Our daughter has a 504 plan for anxiety and PTSD.
So this is part 3 and most likely the final update for now.
Link to past: https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7cirxu/continued_ne_sold_land_around_my_house_to_a/
So I was away for the holidays and I came back on Monday to find my project car was towed out of my driveway, my pond was emptied out and filled with gravel and sand and a fenced off 2 acres (2 chains by one furlong) of my property closest to HOA. I immediately called the police and filed a report regarding the stolen property. The car wasn't registered and was just an empty shell so I have no idea where it is nor will it be easy to track. It's not worth a lot (maybe $2,500?) but it's the principle of that jackass president of the HOA.
I had my lawyer draft up the C&D and sent it nearly 2 weeks ago and they haven't contacted me in any way except this. I hired a local salvage company to come tear up the fence this weekend and they are doing it free of charge since I'm letting them keep the fence to sell as scrap metal or whatever they do with it.
My lawyer suggested I send up a letter demanding payment to fix my pond as it was filled in with gravel and sand. A local landscape company quoted me nearly $8,000 to get the pond back to the way it was so that is what he suggested I ask and another $2,000 for loss of use of the pond. The HOA has lawyered up so I think it's best I no longer post anything else on here until it's settled. I didn't want to leave you all without some closure since you all have been an amazing help. I've put a picture of the layout since a few people asked. It's bad but should convey the land.
I posted [earlier](https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/6n6lrr/phd_student_here_being_accused_of_plagiarism_only/) about a plagiarism situation with the university in my PhD thesis.
To make it short, a few sentences in the thesis was too similar to what I had said in a couple of papers and my masters thesis. This wasn't a direct copy & paste, and it was 7 sentences (53 words) out of my thesis which was a little over 95,000 words.
Last week I got an automated email that an investigation has been started on the recommendation of the person that I talked to. The email explained that in case scientific misconduct is found, I will have a chance to defend my case to the board and the board will decide what to do, which vary from a simple revision and resubmission to presenting the case to the diciplinary committee for a serious offense.
I asked for appointments with a few people. Head of the department, dean of students, and a head tutor to ask for advice. I haven't managed to see any of them yet.
Today, I received an email that the investigation is over and they have found no evidence of misconduct or plagiarism. They apologized for the stress that this has caused. A little later, I received another email from the head of the committee personally apologizing for this mess, and explaining that the officer who I talked to had gone fishing rather than doing the standard practice which is not the policy.
So that's that. Now I can graduate in peace. I cancelled the appointments and decided not to pursue the potential racism situation as there's no point anymore. Thanks all for advice.
Hi everyone,
I want to take a minute to say thank you to everyone who gave me advice and words of encouragement. I read every single comment on both threads about my situation and I really really appreciate the support and help. If not for the advice here, I probably would not have felt justified in leaving.
I'm sorry for taking so long to post, but I am now back home in NH with my parents. I feel like I'm coming out of a fog and I feel really stupid for believing everything; I guess I just justified it by assuming laws were different in the south.
I left with just my computer, my phone, my documents, and a few family heirlooms. I'm not concerned about my phone being tracked as I am still on my dad's phone plan. My husband has sent me about 200 texts and has filled my voicemail completely but I haven't spoken to him.
I managed to withdraw half the balance of two out of three joint accounts. The third is a local bank and I did not want to stay in the area any longer. My parents told me to just leave the money. They are going to help me get the medical procedures I need and then they are going to help me pay for a divorce attorney. I thought they would say I told you so because they told me not to get married, but they have been very supportive and even offered to pay for me to go back to college and finish my degree.
Thank you again for all your kind words!
I was eating at a diner with some friends at 3 am, the guy in the booth next to us started coughing and gagging. I realized he was choking and went to help him, I had Heimlich training at my place of work (I’m office safety manager for my floor). The guy managed to get the thing out and it flew across the booth. He looked really pissed, payed his bill and left. I felt like a little hero the rest of the dinner and then just kinda forgot about it. This was two weeks ago.
Today I got a letter from a law firm that I’m getting sued for battery, they said I bruised a rib, I have no clue how this guy figured out who I am. I thought I helped the guy seeing as he probably would have choked without help. How did he figure out who I am? I never actually spoke to him. Is this a real letter? Do I need a lawyer for this?
Edit: the language i used to describe him choking was wrong. He was choking, gagging sounds but otherwise silent and obviously distressing.
I posted my dilemma [here] (https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/7gd18f/minc_bartender_took_my_real_id_and_passport_and/)
It turns out, I actually ended up calling the wrong police jurisdiction. This morning I called the East Lansing PD non-emergency line (whom I called the previous night), and I spoke to an officer who told me that they only have jurisdiction on campus and 3 blocks surrounding campus. The venue/bar I was attending is actually on the city line between East Lansing and Lansing, so the officer directed me to the Lansing PD.
The LPD officer told me that bar always calls about fake ID's and-- in his words-- "90% of the time, they're wrong" so he told me not to worry and he would get my identification back for me. Long story short, I got my stuff back and I got to rub it in the bartender and managers face that I was right all along.
Update of my previous post: