kubectl config set current-context aksmqCluster
kubectl config set current-context aksKedaCluster
Run the [initializeAKS](https://github.com/NileshGule/sample-dotnet-core-rabbitmq-keda/blob/master/Powershell/initializeAKS.ps1)
Powershell script to provision AKS Cluster
.\browseAKS.ps1 `
-resourceGroupName "kedaResourceGroup" `
-clusterName "aksKedaCluster"
Run the [initializeAKS](Powershell\initializeAKS.ps1)
Powershell script to provision AKS Cluster
.\initializeAKS.ps1 `
-resourceGroupName "rabbitmq-rg" `
-clusterName "rabbitmqCluster"
Deploy RabbitMQ using [deployRabbitMQ.ps1](Powershell\deployRabbitMQ.ps1)
Powershell script
Deploy TechTalks using [deployTechTalks-AKS.ps1](Powershell\deployTechTalks-AKS.ps1)
Powershell script
Browse Kubernetes dashboard
.\browseAKS.ps1 `
-resourceGroupName "rabbitmq-rg" `
-clusterName "rabbitmqCluster"
Port forward to RabbitMQ Management UI
kubectl port-forward svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672
.\deleteRG.ps1 `
-resourceGroupName "rabbitmq-rg"
.\deleteRG.ps1 `
-resourceGroupName "kedaResourceGroup"
**Note: ** Helm 2.14 version has problems creating the Custom Resource Definition for KEDA related objects. Install the stable version of Helm 2.13.1
choco install kubernetes-helm --version 2.13.1
$postParams = @{
} | ConvertTo-Json
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -Method POST -ContentType "application/json" -Body $postParams
To Access the RabbitMQ AMQP port:
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/rabbitmq 5672:5672
echo "URL : amqp://"
To Access the RabbitMQ Management interface:
kubectl port-forward --namespace default svc/rabbitmq 15672:15672
echo "URL :"