Create a container source
kn source container create NAME --image IMAGE --sink SINK
# Create a ContainerSource 'src' to start a container with image '' and send messages to service 'mysvc'
kn source container create src --image --sink ksvc:mysvc
--arg stringArray Add argument to the container command. Example: --arg myArg1 --arg --myArg2 --arg myArg3=3. You can use this flag multiple times.
--cmd string Specify command to be used as entrypoint instead of default one. Example: --cmd /app/start or --cmd /app/start --arg myArg to pass additional arguments.
-e, --env stringArray Environment variable to set. NAME=value; you may provide this flag any number of times to set multiple environment variables. To unset, specify the environment variable name followed by a "-" (e.g., NAME-).
--env-from stringArray Add environment variables from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret:). Example: --env-from cm:myconfigmap or --env-from secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --env-from cm:myconfigmap-.
-h, --help help for create
--image string Image to run.
--limit strings The resource requirement limits for this Service. For example, 'cpu=100m,memory=256Mi'. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a resource limit, append "-" to the resource name, e.g. '--limit memory-'.
--mount stringArray Mount a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:), a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:), or an existing Volume (without any prefix) on the specified directory. Example: --mount /mydir=cm:myconfigmap, --mount /mydir=secret:mysecret, or --mount /mydir=myvolume. When a configmap or a secret is specified, a corresponding volume is automatically generated. You can use this flag multiple times. For unmounting a directory, append "-", e.g. --mount /mydir-, which also removes any auto-generated volume.
-n, --namespace string Specify the namespace to operate in.
-p, --port string The port where application listens on, in the format 'NAME:PORT', where 'NAME' is optional. Examples: '--port h2c:8080' , '--port 8080'.
--pull-secret string Image pull secret to set. An empty argument ("") clears the pull secret. The referenced secret must exist in the service's namespace.
--request strings The resource requirement requests for this Service. For example, 'cpu=100m,memory=256Mi'. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a resource request, append "-" to the resource name, e.g. '--request cpu-'.
--service-account string Service account name to set. An empty argument ("") clears the service account. The referenced service account must exist in the service's namespace.
-s, --sink string Addressable sink for events. You can specify a broker, channel, Knative service or URI. Examples: '--sink broker:nest' for a broker 'nest', '--sink channel:pipe' for a channel 'pipe', '--sink ksvc:mysvc:mynamespace' for a Knative service 'mysvc' in another namespace 'mynamespace', '--sink https://event.receiver.uri' for an URI with an 'http://' or 'https://' schema, '--sink ksvc:receiver' or simply '--sink receiver' for a Knative service 'receiver' in the current namespace. If a prefix is not provided, it is considered as a Knative service in the current namespace. If referring to a Knative service in another namespace, 'ksvc:name:namespace' combination must be provided explicitly.
--user int The user ID to run the container (e.g., 1001).
--volume stringArray Add a volume from a ConfigMap (prefix cm: or config-map:) or a Secret (prefix secret: or sc:). Example: --volume myvolume=cm:myconfigmap or --volume myvolume=secret:mysecret. You can use this flag multiple times. To unset a ConfigMap/Secret reference, append "-" to the name, e.g. --volume myvolume-.
--cluster string name of the kubeconfig cluster to use
--config string kn configuration file (default: ~/.config/kn/config.yaml)
--context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string kubectl configuration file (default: ~/.kube/config)
--log-http log http traffic
- kn source container - Manage container sources