diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/operation_mode_transition_manager/operation_mode_transition_manager.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/operation_mode_transition_manager/operation_mode_transition_manager.param.yaml
index a4e8ab2c83..f7a7e0686a 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/control/operation_mode_transition_manager/operation_mode_transition_manager.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/operation_mode_transition_manager/operation_mode_transition_manager.param.yaml
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
+# These parameters are tuned for xx1
- transition_timeout: 10.0
+ transition_timeout: 5.0
frequency_hz: 10.0
# set true if you want to engage the autonomous driving mode while the vehicle is driving. If set to false, it will deny Engage in any situation where the vehicle speed is not zero. Note that if you use this feature without adjusting the parameters, it may cause issues like sudden deceleration. Before using, please ensure the engage condition and the vehicle_cmd_gate transition filter are appropriately adjusted.
- enable_engage_on_driving: false
+ enable_engage_on_driving: true
- check_engage_condition: false # set false if you do not want to care about the engage condition.
+ check_engage_condition: true # set false if you do not want to care about the engage condition.
nearest_dist_deviation_threshold: 3.0 # [m] for finding nearest index
nearest_yaw_deviation_threshold: 1.57 # [rad] for finding nearest index
@@ -19,8 +21,8 @@
lateral_acc_threshold: 1.0
lateral_acc_diff_threshold: 0.5
- duration: 0.1
- dist_threshold: 1.5
+ duration: 3.0
+ dist_threshold: 0.5
speed_upper_threshold: 2.0
speed_lower_threshold: -2.0
yaw_threshold: 0.262
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0077637d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/1/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.01
+ kd: 0.1
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.3
+ min_d_effort: -0.3
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c98424e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/10/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c98424e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/2/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..85e729fe3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/3/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.90
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.40
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.625
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.75
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fad9a654bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.50 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..be9e35ce4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/4/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.2
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.1
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.3
+ min_d_effort: -0.3
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.73
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.23
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.53
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.73
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..303cc344d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.3 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c98424e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/5/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0077637d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/6/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.01
+ kd: 0.1
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.3
+ min_d_effort: -0.3
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c98424e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/7/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c00852e69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ # -- system --
+ traj_resample_dist: 0.1 # path resampling interval [m]
+ use_steer_prediction: false # flag for using steer prediction (do not use steer measurement)
+ admissible_position_error: 5.0 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
+ # -- path smoothing --
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
+ path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
+ curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
+ # -- trajectory extending --
+ extend_trajectory_for_end_yaw_control: true # flag of trajectory extending for terminal yaw control
+ # -- mpc optimization --
+ qp_solver_type: "osqp" # optimization solver option (unconstraint_fast or osqp)
+ mpc_prediction_horizon: 50 # prediction horizon step
+ mpc_prediction_dt: 0.1 # prediction horizon period [s]
+ mpc_weight_lat_error: 0.2 # lateral error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
+ mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.03 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
+ mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
+ mpc_acceleration_limit: 2.0 # limit on the vehicle's acceleration
+ mpc_velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # time constant used for velocity smoothing
+ mpc_min_prediction_length: 5.0 # minimum prediction length
+ # -- vehicle model --
+ vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
+ # -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
+ # stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
+ converged_steer_rad: 0.1
+ keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
+ new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
+ new_traj_end_dist: 0.3
+ mpc_converged_threshold_rps: 0.01 # threshold of mpc convergence check [rad/s]
+ # steer offset
+ steering_offset:
+ enable_auto_steering_offset_removal: true
+ update_vel_threshold: 5.56
+ update_steer_threshold: 0.035
+ average_num: 1000
+ steering_offset_limit: 0.02
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
similarity index 84%
rename from autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
rename to autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
index bc3213081d..f1b46fcead 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/9/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- delay_compensation_time: 0.17
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
enable_smooth_stop: true
- enable_overshoot_emergency: true
- enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
enable_slope_compensation: true
enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
# drive state
- kp: 1.0
+ kp: 2.0
ki: 0.1
kd: 0.0
max_out: 1.0
@@ -37,10 +37,10 @@
brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
# smooth stop state
- smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.5
- smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -0.8
- smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.3
- smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.85
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.35
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.7
smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
min_acc: -5.0
# jerk limit
- max_jerk: 2.0
+ max_jerk: 3.5
min_jerk: -5.0
# pitch
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/mpc.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
similarity index 85%
rename from autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
rename to autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
index 4222082d40..68fba6fbed 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/lateral/mpc.param.yaml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
admissible_yaw_error_rad: 1.57 # stop mpc calculation when error is larger than the following value
# -- path smoothing --
- enable_path_smoothing: false # flag for path smoothing
+ enable_path_smoothing: true # flag for path smoothing
path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25 # param of moving average filter for path smoothing
curvature_smoothing_num_traj: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for trajectory): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
curvature_smoothing_num_ref_steer: 15 # point-to-point index distance used in curvature calculation (for steer command reference): curvature is calculated from three points p(i-num), p(i), p(i+num)
@@ -23,19 +23,19 @@
mpc_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q
mpc_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.3 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q
mpc_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R
- mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.25 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
+ mpc_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 1.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_lat_jerk: 0.1 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R
mpc_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R
- mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.1 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_error: 0.05 # lateral error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error: 0.0 # heading error weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_heading_error_squared_vel: 0.3 # heading error * velocity weight in matrix Q in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input: 1.0 # steering error weight in matrix R in low curvature point
- mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 0.25 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
+ mpc_low_curvature_weight_steering_input_squared_vel: 2.00 # steering error * velocity weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_lat_jerk: 0.0 # lateral jerk weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_rate: 0.0 # steering rate weight in matrix R in low curvature point
mpc_low_curvature_weight_steer_acc: 0.000001 # steering angular acceleration weight in matrix R in low curvature point
- mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.0 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
+ mpc_low_curvature_thresh_curvature: 0.03 # threshold of curvature to use "low_curvature" parameter (recommend: 0.01~0.03)
mpc_weight_terminal_lat_error: 1.0 # terminal lateral error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
mpc_weight_terminal_heading_error: 0.1 # terminal heading error weight in matrix Q to improve mpc stability
mpc_zero_ff_steer_deg: 0.5 # threshold that feed-forward angle becomes zero
@@ -45,22 +45,22 @@
# -- vehicle model --
vehicle_model_type: "kinematics" # vehicle model type for mpc prediction. option is kinematics, kinematics_no_delay, and dynamics
- input_delay: 0.24 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
- vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.3 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
- steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [40.0, 50.0, 60.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
+ input_delay: 0.1 # steering input delay time for delay compensation
+ vehicle_model_steer_tau: 0.1 # steering dynamics time constant (1d approximation) [s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_curvature: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on curvature [deg/s]
curvature_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [0.001, 0.002, 0.01] # curvature list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [/m]
- steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [60.0, 50.0, 40.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
+ steer_rate_lim_dps_list_by_velocity: [20.0, 20.0, 20.0] # steering angle rate limit list depending on velocity [deg/s]
velocity_list_for_steer_rate_lim: [10.0, 15.0, 20.0] # velocity list for steering angle rate limit interpolation in ascending order [m/s]
- acceleration_limit: 2.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
+ acceleration_limit: 1.0 # acceleration limit for trajectory velocity modification [m/ss]
velocity_time_constant: 0.3 # velocity dynamics time constant for trajectory velocity modification [s]
# -- lowpass filter for noise reduction --
- steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 3.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
+ steering_lpf_cutoff_hz: 10.0 # cutoff frequency of lowpass filter for steering command [Hz]
error_deriv_lpf_cutoff_hz: 5.0
# stop state: steering command is kept in the previous value in the stop state.
- stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.001
- stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.001
+ stop_state_entry_ego_speed: 0.2
+ stop_state_entry_target_speed: 0.2
converged_steer_rad: 0.1
keep_steer_control_until_converged: true
new_traj_duration_time: 1.0
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c98424e6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/default/longitudinal/pid.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ delay_compensation_time: 0.40
+ enable_smooth_stop: true
+ enable_overshoot_emergency: false
+ enable_large_tracking_error_emergency: false
+ enable_slope_compensation: true
+ enable_keep_stopped_until_steer_convergence: true
+ # state transition
+ drive_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ drive_state_offset_stop_dist: 1.0
+ stopping_state_stop_dist: 0.5
+ stopped_state_entry_duration_time: 0.1
+ stopped_state_entry_vel: 0.01
+ stopped_state_entry_acc: 0.1
+ emergency_state_overshoot_stop_dist: 1.5
+ emergency_state_traj_trans_dev: 3.0
+ emergency_state_traj_rot_dev: 0.7854
+ # drive state
+ kp: 2.0
+ ki: 0.02
+ kd: 0.0
+ max_out: 1.0
+ min_out: -5.0
+ max_p_effort: 0.5
+ min_p_effort: -5.0
+ max_i_effort: 0.3
+ min_i_effort: -0.3
+ max_d_effort: 0.0
+ min_d_effort: 0.0
+ lpf_vel_error_gain: 0.9
+ current_vel_threshold_pid_integration: 0.5
+ enable_brake_keeping_before_stop: false
+ brake_keeping_acc: -0.2
+ # smooth stop state
+ smooth_stop_max_strong_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_min_strong_acc: -1.3
+ smooth_stop_weak_acc: -0.6
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_acc: -0.8
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_acc: -3.4
+ smooth_stop_max_fast_vel: 0.5
+ smooth_stop_min_running_vel: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_min_running_acc: 0.01
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_time: 0.8
+ smooth_stop_weak_stop_dist: -0.3
+ smooth_stop_strong_stop_dist: -0.5
+ # stopped state
+ stopped_vel: 0.0
+ stopped_acc: -3.4
+ stopped_jerk: -5.0
+ # emergency state
+ emergency_vel: 0.0
+ emergency_acc: -5.0
+ emergency_jerk: -3.0
+ # acceleration limit
+ max_acc: 3.0
+ min_acc: -5.0
+ # jerk limit
+ max_jerk: 3.5
+ min_jerk: -5.0
+ # pitch
+ use_trajectory_for_pitch_calculation: false
+ lpf_pitch_gain: 0.95
+ max_pitch_rad: 0.1
+ min_pitch_rad: -0.1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/pure_pursuit.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/pure_pursuit.param.yaml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b8b464e9f..0000000000
--- a/autoware_launch/config/control/trajectory_follower/lateral/pure_pursuit.param.yaml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- ros__parameters:
- ld_velocity_ratio: 2.4
- ld_lateral_error_ratio: 3.6
- ld_curvature_ratio: 120.0
- long_ld_lateral_error_threshold: 0.5
- min_lookahead_distance: 4.35
- max_lookahead_distance: 15.0
- converged_steer_rad: 0.1
- reverse_min_lookahead_distance: 7.0
- prediction_ds: 0.3
- prediction_distance_length: 21.0
- resampling_ds: 0.1
- curvature_calculation_distance: 4.0
- enable_path_smoothing: false
- path_filter_moving_ave_num: 25
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/localization/crop_box_filter_measurement_range.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/localization/crop_box_filter_measurement_range.param.yaml
index ad55423154..be5a50ef0f 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/localization/crop_box_filter_measurement_range.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/localization/crop_box_filter_measurement_range.param.yaml
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
input_frame: "base_link"
output_frame: "base_link"
- min_x: -60.0
- max_x: 60.0
- min_y: -60.0
- max_y: 60.0
+ min_x: -100.0
+ max_x: 100.0
+ min_y: -100.0
+ max_y: 100.0
min_z: -30.0
max_z: 50.0
negative: False
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/localization/ekf_localizer.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/localization/ekf_localizer.param.yaml
index 667217d259..07a9edc1e8 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/localization/ekf_localizer.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/localization/ekf_localizer.param.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
show_debug_info: false
- enable_yaw_bias_estimation: true
+ enable_yaw_bias_estimation: false
predict_frequency: 50.0
tf_rate: 50.0
extend_state_step: 50
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/localization/localization_error_monitor.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/localization/localization_error_monitor.param.yaml
index 2aa28014ea..f56fd03893 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/localization/localization_error_monitor.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/localization/localization_error_monitor.param.yaml
@@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
scale: 3.0
error_ellipse_size: 1.0
warn_ellipse_size: 0.8
- error_ellipse_size_lateral_direction: 0.3
- warn_ellipse_size_lateral_direction: 0.25
+ error_ellipse_size_lateral_direction: 0.35
+ warn_ellipse_size_lateral_direction: 0.3
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/localization/ndt_scan_matcher.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/localization/ndt_scan_matcher.param.yaml
index 4a22059bda..3a8dcb1e5a 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/localization/ndt_scan_matcher.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/localization/ndt_scan_matcher.param.yaml
@@ -35,10 +35,10 @@
# If converged_param_type is 1
# Threshold for deciding whether to trust the estimation result
- converged_param_nearest_voxel_transformation_likelihood: 2.3
+ converged_param_nearest_voxel_transformation_likelihood: 2.2
# The number of particles to estimate initial pose
- initial_estimate_particles_num: 100
+ initial_estimate_particles_num: 400
# Tolerance of timestamp difference between current time and sensor pointcloud. [sec]
lidar_topic_timeout_sec: 1.0
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/localization/pose_initializer.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/localization/pose_initializer.param.yaml
index a05cc7c35c..6f03dfb49d 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/localization/pose_initializer.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/localization/pose_initializer.param.yaml
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
# from gnss
- 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
- 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
+ 0.0, 4.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.01, 0.0,
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/perception/object_recognition/tracking/multi_object_tracker/data_association_matrix.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/perception/object_recognition/tracking/multi_object_tracker/data_association_matrix.param.yaml
index 13f2220655..be2fe52ce4 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/perception/object_recognition/tracking/multi_object_tracker/data_association_matrix.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/perception/object_recognition/tracking/multi_object_tracker/data_association_matrix.param.yaml
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
2.00, 10000.00, 10000.00, 10000.00, 10000.00, 2.00, 2.00, 1.50] #PEDESTRIAN
- [ 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, #UNKNOWN
+ [ 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, #UNKNOWN
3.600, 3.600, 6.000, 10.000, 10.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, #CAR
6.000, 3.600, 6.000, 10.000, 10.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, #TRUCK
10.000, 3.600, 6.000, 10.000, 10.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, #BUS
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/common.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/common.param.yaml
index 6bb130e805..a23570a5fc 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/common.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/common.param.yaml
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
# constraints param for normal driving
- min_acc: -1.0 # min deceleration [m/ss]
+ min_acc: -0.5 # min deceleration [m/ss]
max_acc: 1.0 # max acceleration [m/ss]
- min_jerk: -1.0 # min jerk [m/sss]
+ min_jerk: -0.5 # min jerk [m/sss]
max_jerk: 1.0 # max jerk [m/sss]
# constraints to be observed
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/Analytical.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/Analytical.param.yaml
index 329714e3d3..f847e81cfa 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/Analytical.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/Analytical.param.yaml
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@
max_acc: 1.0
- min_acc: -1.0
- max_jerk: 0.3
- min_jerk: -0.3
+ min_acc: -0.5
+ max_jerk: 1.0
+ min_jerk: -0.5
kp: 0.3
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/JerkFiltered.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/JerkFiltered.param.yaml
index f74ca045f5..09a2153775 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/JerkFiltered.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/JerkFiltered.param.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- jerk_weight: 10.0 # weight for "smoothness" cost for jerk
- over_v_weight: 100000.0 # weight for "over speed limit" cost
- over_a_weight: 5000.0 # weight for "over accel limit" cost
- over_j_weight: 2000.0 # weight for "over jerk limit" cost
- jerk_filter_ds: 0.1 # resampling ds for jerk filter
+ jerk_weight: 0.1 # weight for "smoothness" cost for jerk
+ over_v_weight: 10000.0 # weight for "over speed limit" cost
+ over_a_weight: 500.0 # weight for "over accel limit" cost
+ over_j_weight: 200.0 # weight for "over jerk limit" cost
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/motion_velocity_smoother.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/motion_velocity_smoother.param.yaml
index 235c76a5c1..2cbc0272bf 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/motion_velocity_smoother.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/common/motion_velocity_smoother/motion_velocity_smoother.param.yaml
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@
# lateral acceleration limit parameters
enable_lateral_acc_limit: true # To toggle the lateral acc filter on and off. You can switch it dynamically at runtime.
max_lateral_accel: 1.0 # max lateral acceleration limit [m/ss]
- min_curve_velocity: 2.74 # min velocity at lateral acceleration limit and steering angle rate limit [m/s]
+ min_curve_velocity: 2.0 # min velocity at lateral acceleration limit and steering angle rate limit [m/s]
decel_distance_before_curve: 3.5 # slow speed distance before a curve for lateral acceleration limit
decel_distance_after_curve: 2.0 # slow speed distance after a curve for lateral acceleration limit
- min_decel_for_lateral_acc_lim_filter: -2.5 # deceleration limit applied in the lateral acceleration filter to avoid sudden braking [m/ss]
+ min_decel_for_lateral_acc_lim_filter: -0.5 # deceleration limit applied in the lateral acceleration filter to avoid sudden braking [m/ss]
# steering angle rate limit parameters
enable_steering_rate_limit: true # To toggle the steer rate filter on and off. You can switch it dynamically at runtime.
- max_steering_angle_rate: 40.0 # maximum steering angle rate [degree/s]
+ max_steering_angle_rate: 11.5 # maximum steering angle rate [degree/s]
resample_ds: 0.1 # distance between trajectory points [m]
curvature_threshold: 0.02 # if curvature > curvature_threshold, steeringRateLimit is triggered [1/m]
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/avoidance/avoidance.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/avoidance/avoidance.param.yaml
index c91ec0e88b..d206a9a588 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/avoidance/avoidance.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/avoidance/avoidance.param.yaml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# avoidance module common setting
enable_bound_clipping: false
- enable_force_avoidance_for_stopped_vehicle: false
+ enable_force_avoidance_for_stopped_vehicle: true
enable_yield_maneuver: true
enable_yield_maneuver_during_shifting: false
enable_cancel_maneuver: true
@@ -31,41 +31,41 @@
is_target: true # [-]
execute_num: 1 # [-]
moving_speed_threshold: 1.0 # [m/s]
- moving_time_threshold: 1.0 # [s]
+ moving_time_threshold: 2.0 # [s]
max_expand_ratio: 0.0 # [-]
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.3 # [m]
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0 # [m]
- safety_buffer_lateral: 0.7 # [m]
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5 # [m]
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.7 # [m]
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.3 # [m]
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 0.0 # [m]
is_target: true
execute_num: 1
moving_speed_threshold: 1.0 # 3.6km/h
- moving_time_threshold: 1.0
+ moving_time_threshold: 2.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.3
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 0.7
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.9
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.1
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 0.0
is_target: true
execute_num: 1
moving_speed_threshold: 1.0 # 3.6km/h
- moving_time_threshold: 1.0
+ moving_time_threshold: 2.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.3
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 0.7
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.9
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.1
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 0.0
is_target: true
execute_num: 1
moving_speed_threshold: 1.0 # 3.6km/h
- moving_time_threshold: 1.0
+ moving_time_threshold: 2.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.3
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 0.7
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.9
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.1
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 0.0
is_target: true
@@ -73,9 +73,9 @@
moving_speed_threshold: 0.28 # 1.0km/h
moving_time_threshold: 1.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.3
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 0.7
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.7
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.3
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 0.0
is_target: true
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@
moving_speed_threshold: 0.28 # 1.0km/h
moving_time_threshold: 1.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.8
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 1.0
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.7
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.5
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 1.0
is_target: true
@@ -93,9 +93,9 @@
moving_speed_threshold: 1.0 # 3.6km/h
moving_time_threshold: 1.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.8
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 1.0
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.7
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.3
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 1.0
is_target: true
@@ -103,9 +103,9 @@
moving_speed_threshold: 0.28 # 1.0km/h
moving_time_threshold: 1.0
max_expand_ratio: 0.0
- envelope_buffer_margin: 0.8
- avoid_margin_lateral: 1.0
- safety_buffer_lateral: 1.0
+ envelope_buffer_margin: 0.5
+ avoid_margin_lateral: 0.7
+ safety_buffer_lateral: 0.5
safety_buffer_longitudinal: 1.0
lower_distance_for_polygon_expansion: 30.0 # [m]
upper_distance_for_polygon_expansion: 100.0 # [m]
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
check_current_lane: false # [-]
check_shift_side_lane: true # [-]
check_other_side_lane: false # [-]
- check_unavoidable_object: false # [-]
+ check_unavoidable_object: true # [-]
check_other_object: true # [-]
# collision check parameters
check_all_predicted_path: false # [-]
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
# avoidance lateral parameters
lateral_execution_threshold: 0.09 # [m]
- lateral_small_shift_threshold: 0.101 # [m]
+ lateral_small_shift_threshold: 0.501 # [m]
lateral_avoid_check_threshold: 0.1 # [m]
soft_road_shoulder_margin: 0.3 # [m]
hard_road_shoulder_margin: 0.3 # [m]
@@ -202,10 +202,10 @@
# lateral constraints
- velocity: [1.0, 1.38, 11.1] # [m/s]
+ velocity: [2.78, 4.17, 11.1] # [m/s]
max_accel_values: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] # [m/ss]
min_jerk_values: [0.2, 0.2, 0.2] # [m/sss]
- max_jerk_values: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] # [m/sss]
+ max_jerk_values: [1.5, 1.0, 1.0] # [m/sss]
# longitudinal constraints
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/lane_change/lane_change.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/lane_change/lane_change.param.yaml
index 1accb1f709..80aa271931 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/lane_change/lane_change.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/lane_change/lane_change.param.yaml
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
truck: true
bus: true
trailer: true
- unknown: true
+ unknown: false
bicycle: true
motorcycle: true
pedestrian: true
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/scene_module_manager_foa.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/scene_module_manager_foa.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4da549dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/scene_module_manager_foa.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+# https://github.com/autowarefoundation/autoware.universe/blob/main/planning/behavior_path_planner/CMakeLists.txt
+# NOTE: The smaller the priority number is, the higher the module priority is.
+ ros__parameters:
+ external_request_lane_change_left:
+ enable_module: false
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: false
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: true
+ priority: 7
+ max_module_size: 1
+ external_request_lane_change_right:
+ enable_module: false
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: false
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: true
+ priority: 7
+ max_module_size: 1
+ lane_change_left:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: true
+ priority: 6
+ max_module_size: 1
+ lane_change_right:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: true
+ priority: 6
+ max_module_size: 1
+ start_planner:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: false
+ priority: 0
+ max_module_size: 1
+ side_shift:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: false
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: false
+ priority: 2
+ max_module_size: 1
+ goal_planner:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: false
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: false
+ priority: 1
+ max_module_size: 1
+ avoidance:
+ enable_module: true
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: false
+ priority: 5
+ max_module_size: 1
+ # NOTE: This module is unstable. Deprecated for now.
+ avoidance_by_lc:
+ enable_module: false
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: false
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: false
+ priority: 4
+ max_module_size: 1
+ dynamic_avoidance:
+ enable_module: false
+ enable_rtc: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_approved_module: true
+ enable_simultaneous_execution_as_candidate_module: true
+ priority: 3
+ max_module_size: 1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/behavior_velocity_planner.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/behavior_velocity_planner.param.yaml
index 7a0ef047f7..0ce5b9e519 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/behavior_velocity_planner.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/behavior_velocity_planner.param.yaml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
forward_path_length: 1000.0
backward_path_length: 5.0
stop_line_extend_length: 5.0
- max_accel: -2.8
+ max_accel: -3.0
max_jerk: -5.0
system_delay: 0.5
delay_response_time: 0.5
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
- behavior_velocity_planner::BlindSpotModulePlugin
- behavior_velocity_planner::DetectionAreaModulePlugin
# behavior_velocity_planner::VirtualTrafficLightModulePlugin
- - behavior_velocity_planner::NoStoppingAreaModulePlugin # No stopping area module requires all the stop line. Therefore this modules should be placed at the bottom.
+ # behavior_velocity_planner::NoStoppingAreaModulePlugin # No stopping area module requires all the stop line. Therefore this modules should be placed at the bottom.
- behavior_velocity_planner::StopLineModulePlugin # Permanent stop line module should be after no stopping area
# behavior_velocity_planner::OcclusionSpotModulePlugin
# behavior_velocity_planner::RunOutModulePlugin
# behavior_velocity_planner::SpeedBumpModulePlugin
- - behavior_velocity_planner::OutOfLaneModulePlugin
+ # behavior_velocity_planner::OutOfLaneModulePlugin
# behavior_velocity_planner::NoDrivableLaneModulePlugin
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/crosswalk.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/crosswalk.param.yaml
index 0c12624f3b..12fc3ec845 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/crosswalk.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/crosswalk.param.yaml
@@ -49,13 +49,13 @@
min_jerk: -1.0 # min jerk [m/sss]
max_jerk: 1.0 # max jerk [m/sss]
- stop_object_velocity_threshold: 0.28 # [m/s] velocity threshold for the module to judge whether the objects is stopped (0.28 m/s = 1.0 kmph)
+ stop_object_velocity_threshold: 0.25 # [m/s] velocity threshold for the module to judge whether the objects is stopped (0.25 m/s = 0.9 kmph)
min_object_velocity: 1.39 # [m/s] minimum object velocity (compare the estimated velocity by perception module with this parameter and adopt the larger one to calculate TTV. 1.39 m/s = 5.0 kmph)
## param for yielding
disable_stop_for_yield_cancel: false # for the crosswalk where there is a traffic signal
disable_yield_for_new_stopped_object: false # for the crosswalk where there is a traffic signal
- timeout_no_intention_to_walk: 3.0 # [s] if the pedestrian does not move for X seconds after stopping before the crosswalk, the module judge that ego is able to pass first.
- timeout_ego_stop_for_yield: 3.0 # [s] the amount of time which ego should be stopping to query whether it yields or not
+ timeout_no_intention_to_walk: 1.0 # [s] if the pedestrian does not move for X seconds after stopping before the crosswalk, the module judge that ego is able to pass first.
+ timeout_ego_stop_for_yield: 1.0 # [s] the amount of time which ego should be stopping to query whether it yields or not
# param for target object filtering
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/intersection.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/intersection.param.yaml
index a932254140..4ab18f1835 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/intersection.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/intersection.param.yaml
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
keep_detection_vel_thr: 0.833 # == 3.0km/h. keep detection if ego is ego.vel < keep_detection_vel_thr
- enable: false
+ enable: true
occlusion_attention_area_length: 70.0 # [m]
enable_creeping: false # flag to use the creep velocity when reaching occlusion limit stop line
occlusion_creep_velocity: 0.8333 # the creep velocity to occlusion limit stop line
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/stop_line.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/stop_line.param.yaml
index 5fa183d73a..af876b4f1b 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/stop_line.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/stop_line.param.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- stop_margin: 0.0
+ stop_margin: 1.4
stop_duration_sec: 1.0
use_initialization_stop_line_state: true
hold_stop_margin_distance: 2.0
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/traffic_light.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/traffic_light.param.yaml
index e8e0357daa..0d7461d798 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/traffic_light.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/traffic_light.param.yaml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- stop_margin: 0.0
+ stop_margin: 2.0
tl_state_timeout: 1.0
yellow_lamp_period: 2.75
enable_pass_judge: true
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/walkway.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/walkway.param.yaml
index f21e3d12db..07f493edcd 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/walkway.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/walkway.param.yaml
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- stop_duration: 1.0 # [s] stop time at stop position
+ stop_duration: 0.1 # [s] stop time at stop position
stop_distance_from_crosswalk: 3.5 # [m] make stop line away from crosswalk when no explicit stop line exists
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager.param.yaml
index 9d761b15ee..1b50ff081f 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager.param.yaml
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
- "crosswalk"
- "detection_area"
- "intersection"
- - "no_stopping_area"
- "traffic_light"
- "lane_change_left"
- "lane_change_right"
@@ -22,7 +21,6 @@
- "crosswalk"
- "detection_area"
- "intersection"
- - "no_stopping_area"
- "traffic_light"
- "lane_change_left"
- "lane_change_right"
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager_foa.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager_foa.param.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..369b28416e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/rtc_auto_mode_manager/rtc_auto_mode_manager_foa.param.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ ros__parameters:
+ module_list:
+ - "blind_spot"
+ - "crosswalk"
+ - "detection_area"
+ - "intersection"
+ - "traffic_light"
+ - "lane_change_left"
+ - "lane_change_right"
+ - "avoidance_left"
+ - "avoidance_right"
+ - "goal_planner"
+ - "start_planner"
+ - "intersection_occlusion"
+ default_enable_list:
+ - "blind_spot"
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/obstacle_cruise_planner.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/obstacle_cruise_planner.param.yaml
index cb4d6a68c5..1fb1768fd5 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/obstacle_cruise_planner.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/obstacle_cruise_planner.param.yaml
@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@
max_lat_margin: 1.0 # lateral margin between obstacle and trajectory band with ego's width
- obstacle_velocity_threshold : 3.0 # minimum velocity threshold of obstacles outside the trajectory to cruise or stop [m/s]
- ego_obstacle_overlap_time_threshold : 1.0 # time threshold to decide cut-in obstacle for cruise or stop [s]
+ obstacle_velocity_threshold : 3.5 # minimum velocity threshold of obstacles outside the trajectory to cruise or stop [m/s]
+ ego_obstacle_overlap_time_threshold : 2.0 # time threshold to decide cut-in obstacle for cruise or stop [s]
max_prediction_time_for_collision_check : 20.0 # prediction time to check collision between obstacle and ego
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
# parameters to calculate slow down velocity by linear interpolation
min_lat_margin: 0.2
max_lat_margin: 1.0
- min_ego_velocity: 2.0
+ min_ego_velocity: 4.0
max_ego_velocity: 8.0
time_margin_on_target_velocity: 1.5 # [s]
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/adaptive_cruise_control.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/adaptive_cruise_control.param.yaml
index 73e7a578fe..e3899e3820 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/adaptive_cruise_control.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/adaptive_cruise_control.param.yaml
@@ -7,34 +7,34 @@
consider_obj_velocity: true # consider forward vehicle velocity to ACC or not
# general parameter for ACC
- obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_start_acc: 1.5 # start adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle exceeds this value [m/s]
- obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_stop_acc: 1.0 # stop adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle falls below this value [m/s]
- emergency_stop_acceleration: -5.0 # supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss]
+ obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_start_acc: 3.5 # start adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle exceeds this value [m/s]
+ obstacle_velocity_thresh_to_stop_acc: 3.0 # stop adaptive cruise control when the velocity of the forward obstacle falls below this value [m/s]
+ emergency_stop_acceleration: -4.5 # supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in emergency stop [m/ss]
obstacle_emergency_stop_acceleration: -5.0
emergency_stop_idling_time: 0.5 # supposed idling time to start emergency stop [s]
- min_dist_stop: 4.0 # minimum distance of emergency stop [m]
- max_standard_acceleration: 0.5 # supposed maximum acceleration in active cruise control [m/ss]
- min_standard_acceleration: -1.0 # supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in active cruise control
+ min_dist_stop: 6.0 # minimum distance of emergency stop [m]
+ max_standard_acceleration: 1.0 # supposed maximum acceleration in active cruise control [m/ss]
+ min_standard_acceleration: -0.7 # supposed minimum acceleration (deceleration) in active cruise control
standard_idling_time: 0.5 # supposed idling time to react object in active cruise control [s]
- min_dist_standard: 4.0 # minimum distance in active cruise control [m]
- obstacle_min_standard_acceleration: -1.5 # supposed minimum acceleration of forward obstacle [m/ss]
- margin_rate_to_change_vel: 0.3 # margin to insert upper velocity [-]
+ min_dist_standard: 6.0 # minimum distance in active cruise control [m]
+ obstacle_min_standard_acceleration: -2.0 # supposed minimum acceleration of forward obstacle [m/ss]
+ margin_rate_to_change_vel: 0.7 # margin to insert upper velocity [-]
use_time_compensation_to_calc_distance: true
# pid parameter for ACC
- p_coefficient_positive: 0.1 # coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist >=0) [-]
+ p_coefficient_positive: 0.25 # coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist >=0) [-]
p_coefficient_negative: 0.3 # coefficient P in PID control (used when target dist -current_dist <0) [-]
- d_coefficient_positive: 0.0 # coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist >=0) [-]
- d_coefficient_negative: 0.2 # coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist <0) [-]
+ d_coefficient_positive: 0.15 # coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist >=0) [-]
+ d_coefficient_negative: 0.0 # coefficient D in PID control (used when delta_dist <0) [-]
# parameter for object velocity estimation
- object_polygon_length_margin: 2.0 # The distance to extend the polygon length the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
- object_polygon_width_margin: 0.5 # The distance to extend the polygon width the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
+ object_polygon_length_margin: 3.0 # The distance to extend the polygon length the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
+ object_polygon_width_margin: 0.8 # The distance to extend the polygon width the object in pointcloud-object matching [m]
valid_estimated_vel_diff_time: 1.0 # Maximum time difference treated as continuous points in speed estimation using a point cloud [s]
valid_vel_que_time: 0.5 # Time width of information used for speed estimation in speed estimation using a point cloud [s]
valid_estimated_vel_max: 20.0 # Maximum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s]
valid_estimated_vel_min: -20.0 # Minimum value of valid speed estimation results in speed estimation using a point cloud [m/s]
- thresh_vel_to_stop: 1.5 # Embed a stop line if the maximum speed calculated by ACC is lower than this speed [m/s]
- lowpass_gain_of_upper_velocity: 0.75 # Lowpass-gain of upper velocity
+ thresh_vel_to_stop: 0.0 # Embed a stop line if the maximum speed calculated by ACC is lower than this speed [m/s]
+ lowpass_gain_of_upper_velocity: 0.90 # Lowpass-gain of upper velocity
use_rough_velocity_estimation: false # Use rough estimated velocity if the velocity estimation is failed (#### If this parameter is true, the vehicle may collide with the front car. Be careful. ####)
rough_velocity_rate: 0.9 # In the rough velocity estimation, the velocity of front car is estimated as self current velocity * this value
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_velocity_limiter/obstacle_velocity_limiter.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_velocity_limiter/obstacle_velocity_limiter.param.yaml
index c6a0c275db..ab87645d7f 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_velocity_limiter/obstacle_velocity_limiter.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_velocity_limiter/obstacle_velocity_limiter.param.yaml
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
dynamic_obstacles_min_vel: 0.5 # [m/s] velocity above which a dynamic obstacle is ignored by the module
static_map_tags: # linestring tags in the lanelet maps that will be used as static obstacles
- guard_rail
+ - curbstone
filter_envelope : false # whether to calculate the apparent safety envelope and use it to filter obstacles
rtree_min_points: 500 # from this number of obstacle points, a rtree is used for collision detection
rtree_min_segments: 1600 # from this number of obstacle segments, a rtree is used for collision detection
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/component_state_monitor/topics.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/component_state_monitor/topics.yaml
index c00203dbb6..3080cade0e 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/component_state_monitor/topics.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/component_state_monitor/topics.yaml
@@ -1,3 +1,107 @@
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: imu
+ topic: /sensing/imu/imu_data
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu
+ best_effort: false
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 10.0
+ error_rate: 5.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera0
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera0/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera1
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera1/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera2
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera2/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera3
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera3/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera4
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera4/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera5
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera5/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: sensing
+ mode: [online]
+ type: launch
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: camera6
+ topic: /sensing/camera/camera6/camera_info
+ topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo
+ best_effort: true
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 5.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
- module: map
mode: [online, logging_simulation, planning_simulation]
type: launch
@@ -51,7 +155,7 @@
timeout: 1.0
- module: perception
- mode: [online, logging_simulation]
+ mode: [online, logging_simulation, planning_simulation]
type: launch
node_name_suffix: obstacle_segmentation_pointcloud
@@ -59,7 +163,7 @@
topic_type: sensor_msgs/msg/PointCloud2
best_effort: true
transient_local: false
- warn_rate: 5.0
+ warn_rate: 3.0
error_rate: 1.0
timeout: 1.0
@@ -72,7 +176,20 @@
topic_type: autoware_auto_perception_msgs/msg/PredictedObjects
best_effort: false
transient_local: false
- warn_rate: 5.0
+ warn_rate: 3.0
+ error_rate: 1.0
+ timeout: 1.0
+- module: perception
+ mode: [online]
+ type: autonomous
+ args:
+ node_name_suffix: traffic_light_recognition_objects
+ topic: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/traffic_signals
+ topic_type: autoware_perception_msgs/msg/TrafficSignalArray
+ best_effort: false
+ transient_local: false
+ warn_rate: 3.0
error_rate: 1.0
timeout: 1.0
@@ -98,7 +215,7 @@
topic_type: autoware_auto_planning_msgs/msg/Trajectory
best_effort: false
transient_local: false
- warn_rate: 5.0
+ warn_rate: 3.0
error_rate: 1.0
timeout: 1.0
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/dummy_diag_publisher/dummy_diag_publisher.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/dummy_diag_publisher/dummy_diag_publisher.param.yaml
index 43edd109b5..ff3b0881a0 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/dummy_diag_publisher/dummy_diag_publisher.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/dummy_diag_publisher/dummy_diag_publisher.param.yaml
@@ -14,4 +14,38 @@
- dummy_diag_empty: default
+ #control
+ joy_controller_connection: default
+ #localization
+ localization_accuracy: default
+ ndt_scan_matcher: default
+ #system
+ bagpacker: default
+ NTP Offset: default
+ CPU Temperature: default
+ CPU Usage: default
+ CPU Thermal Throttling: default
+ CPU Frequency: default
+ CPU Load Average: default
+ GPU Temperature: default
+ GPU Usage: default
+ GPU Memory Usage: default
+ GPU Thermal Throttling: default
+ Memory Usage: default
+ Network Usage: default
+ Network Traffic: default
+ HDD Temperature: default
+ HDD Usage: default
+ HDD PowerOnHours: default
+ HDD TotalDataWritten: default
+ High-load: default
+ High-mem: default
+ Tasks Summary: default
+ #vehicle
+ vehicle_errors: default
+ pacmod_errors: default
+ pacmod_accel_brake_fault: default
+ accel_brake_map_calibrator: default
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/diagnostic_aggregator/vehicle.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/diagnostic_aggregator/vehicle.param.yaml
index e96e3b3b05..bcc9c388d5 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/diagnostic_aggregator/vehicle.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/diagnostic_aggregator/vehicle.param.yaml
@@ -9,3 +9,41 @@
path: vehicle_errors
contains: [": vehicle_errors"]
timeout: 1.0
+ pacmod_errors:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
+ path: pacmod_checker
+ contains: [": pacmod_checker"]
+ timeout: 1.0
+ pacmod_accel_brake_fault:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
+ path: pacmod_accel_brake_fault
+ contains: [": pacmod_accel_brake_fault"]
+ timeout: 1.0
+ node_alive_monitoring:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/AnalyzerGroup
+ path: node_alive_monitoring
+ analyzers:
+ # TODO(Tier IV): Consider splitting sensor input and control command output
+ topic_status:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
+ path: topic_status
+ contains: [": vehicle_topic_status"]
+ timeout: 1.0
+ calibration:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/AnalyzerGroup
+ path: calibration
+ analyzers:
+ accel_brake_map_calibrator:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
+ path: accel_brake_map_calibrator
+ contains: [": accel_brake_map_calibrator"]
+ timeout: 1.0
+ awsim:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/AnalyzerGroup
+ path: awsim
+ analyzers:
+ vehicle_stuck_detection:
+ type: diagnostic_aggregator/GenericAnalyzer
+ path: vehicle_stuck_detection
+ contains: [": vehicle_stuck_detection"]
+ timeout: 1.0
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.awsim.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.awsim.param.yaml
index 2f98f9d0e2..950e808a6e 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.awsim.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.awsim.param.yaml
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
/autoware/control/autonomous_driving/node_alive_monitoring: default
- /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default
+ # /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default # tmp
/autoware/control/control_command_gate/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ # /autoware/control/external_control/local_external_control/device_connection: default
/autoware/localization/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/localization/performance_monitoring/matching_score: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
@@ -32,21 +33,25 @@
/autoware/planning/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/planning/performance_monitoring/trajectory_validation: default
- # /autoware/sensing/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ /autoware/sensing/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/emergency_stop_operation: default
- /autoware/system/service_log_checker: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
- # /autoware/system/resource_monitoring: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
+ /autoware/system/resource_monitoring: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/vehicle/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ /autoware/system/debug_data_logger/storage_error: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
+ /autoware/vehicle/calibration: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
+ /autoware/vehicle/awsim: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/control/control_command_gate/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/control/external_control/external_command_selector/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/emergency_stop_operation: default
- /autoware/system/service_log_checker: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/vehicle/node_alive_monitoring: default
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.param.yaml
index 251486dafd..18a91ebaee 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.param.yaml
@@ -18,8 +18,9 @@
/autoware/control/autonomous_driving/node_alive_monitoring: default
- /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default
+ # /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default # tmp
/autoware/control/control_command_gate/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ /autoware/control/external_control/local_external_control/device_connection: default
/autoware/localization/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/localization/performance_monitoring/matching_score: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
@@ -32,21 +33,23 @@
/autoware/planning/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/planning/performance_monitoring/trajectory_validation: default
- # /autoware/sensing/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ /autoware/sensing/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/emergency_stop_operation: default
- /autoware/system/service_log_checker: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/system/resource_monitoring: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "error", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/vehicle/node_alive_monitoring: default
+ /autoware/system/debug_data_logger/storage_error: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
+ /autoware/vehicle/calibration: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/control/control_command_gate/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/control/external_control/external_command_selector/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/node_alive_monitoring: default
/autoware/system/emergency_stop_operation: default
- /autoware/system/service_log_checker: { sf_at: "warn", lf_at: "none", spf_at: "none" }
/autoware/vehicle/node_alive_monitoring: default
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.planning_simulation.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.planning_simulation.param.yaml
index 2c5fe6e8f5..a8a562689f 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.planning_simulation.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_error_monitor/system_error_monitor.planning_simulation.param.yaml
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
/autoware/control/autonomous_driving/node_alive_monitoring: default
- /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default
+ # /autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/lane_departure: default
/autoware/control/autonomous_driving/performance_monitoring/trajectory_deviation: default
/autoware/control/control_command_gate/node_alive_monitoring: default
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/cpu_monitor.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/cpu_monitor.param.yaml
index da4d74e53d..cae88d6a96 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/cpu_monitor.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/cpu_monitor.param.yaml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
usage_warn: 0.96
- usage_error: 0.96
- usage_warn_count: 1
+ usage_error: 1.00
+ usage_warn_count: 2
usage_error_count: 2
usage_avg: true
msr_reader_port: 7634
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/hdd_monitor.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/hdd_monitor.param.yaml
index d818d848be..cdb48f73e9 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/hdd_monitor.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/hdd_monitor.param.yaml
@@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
name: /
temp_attribute_id: 0xC2
- temp_warn: 55.0
- temp_error: 70.0
+ temp_warn: 75.0
+ temp_error: 85.0
power_on_hours_attribute_id: 0x09
power_on_hours_warn: 3000000
total_data_written_attribute_id: 0xF1
- total_data_written_warn: 4915200 # =150TB (1unit=32MB)
+ total_data_written_warn: 11417920 # =440TB (1unit=32MB)
total_data_written_safety_factor: 0.05
recovered_error_attribute_id: 0xC3
recovered_error_warn: 1
diff --git a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/net_monitor.param.yaml b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/net_monitor.param.yaml
index d72b8d1334..dac4ad1da8 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/net_monitor.param.yaml
+++ b/autoware_launch/config/system/system_monitor/net_monitor.param.yaml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- devices: ["*"]
- traffic_reader_port: 7636
- monitor_program: "greengrass"
- crc_error_check_duration: 1
- crc_error_count_threshold: 1
- reassembles_failed_check_duration: 1
- reassembles_failed_check_count: 1
+ devices: [ 'eno1', 'enp3s0', 'enp4s0', 'logging_bond0' ]
+ traffic_reader_port: 7636
+ monitor_program: "greengrass"
+ crc_error_check_duration: 1
+ crc_error_count_threshold: 1
+ reassembles_failed_check_duration: 20
+ reassembles_failed_check_count: 30000
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/autoware.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/autoware.launch.xml
index 5d98c9388f..fa12553eb3 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/autoware.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/autoware.launch.xml
@@ -39,8 +39,39 @@
@@ -94,11 +125,20 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_control_component.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_control_component.launch.xml
index 8b29135048..26c950a0f5 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_control_component.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_control_component.launch.xml
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_localization_component.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_localization_component.launch.xml
index 5fe0d856d2..1fd99502e3 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_localization_component.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_localization_component.launch.xml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_perception_component.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
index 342396934c..b827faf78d 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_perception_component.launch.xml
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@
description="options: obstacle_pointcloud, occupancy_grid (occupancy_grid_map_method must be laserscan_based_occupancy_grid_map)"
@@ -21,6 +23,15 @@
@@ -26,7 +28,7 @@
@@ -40,7 +42,7 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_sensing_component.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_sensing_component.launch.xml
index fe520e1fdc..f70f11ecbc 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_sensing_component.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/components/tier4_sensing_component.launch.xml
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/e2e_simulator.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/e2e_simulator.launch.xml
old mode 100644
new mode 100755
index fe8d1de1d8..76bc0da986
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/e2e_simulator.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/e2e_simulator.launch.xml
@@ -34,7 +34,36 @@
@@ -65,8 +94,11 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/logging_simulator.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/logging_simulator.launch.xml
index 7eb13135d3..bd14c2ba52 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/logging_simulator.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/logging_simulator.launch.xml
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@
@@ -65,6 +70,11 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/launch/planning_simulator.launch.xml b/autoware_launch/launch/planning_simulator.launch.xml
index fdc86ebba7..fc0a9b59cc 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/launch/planning_simulator.launch.xml
+++ b/autoware_launch/launch/planning_simulator.launch.xml
@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@
@@ -57,6 +64,10 @@
diff --git a/autoware_launch/rviz/autoware.rviz b/autoware_launch/rviz/autoware.rviz
index 00e924da39..fb69ecc938 100644
--- a/autoware_launch/rviz/autoware.rviz
+++ b/autoware_launch/rviz/autoware.rviz
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ Panels:
Name: AutowareDateTimePanel
- Class: rviz_plugins::AutowareStatePanel
Name: AutowareStatePanel
+ - Class: AutowareScreenCapturePanel
+ Name: AutowareScreenCapturePanel
Visualization Manager:
Class: ""
@@ -902,7 +904,7 @@ Visualization Manager:
Durability Policy: Volatile
History Policy: Keep Last
Reliability Policy: Best Effort
- Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/debug/rois
+ Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/camera6/debug/rois
Value: true
- Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
Enabled: true
@@ -913,7 +915,7 @@ Visualization Manager:
Durability Policy: Volatile
History Policy: Keep Last
Reliability Policy: Best Effort
- Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/traffic_light_map_based_detector/debug/markers
+ Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/camera6/detection/traffic_light_map_based_detector/debug/markers
Value: true
Enabled: true
Name: TrafficLight
@@ -2688,6 +2690,8 @@ Visualization Manager:
X: 0
Y: 0
Window Geometry:
+ AutowareScreenCapturePanel:
+ collapsed: false
collapsed: false
diff --git a/autoware_launch/rviz/awsim.rviz b/autoware_launch/rviz/awsim.rviz
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..2669764e36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/rviz/awsim.rviz
@@ -0,0 +1,3061 @@
+ - Class: rviz_common/Displays
+ Help Height: 0
+ Name: Displays
+ Property Tree Widget:
+ Expanded:
+ - /Map1
+ - /Map1/Lanelet2VectorMap1
+ - /Map1/Lanelet2VectorMap1/Namespaces1
+ - /Sensing1
+ - /Sensing1/LiDAR1/ConcatenatePointCloud1/Autocompute Value Bounds1
+ - /Perception1
+ Splitter Ratio: 0.557669460773468
+ Tree Height: 147
+ - Class: rviz_common/Selection
+ Name: Selection
+ - Class: rviz_common/Tool Properties
+ Expanded: ~
+ Name: Tool Properties
+ Splitter Ratio: 0.5886790156364441
+ - Class: rviz_common/Views
+ Expanded:
+ - /Current View1
+ Name: Views
+ Splitter Ratio: 0.5
+ - Class: tier4_localization_rviz_plugin/InitialPoseButtonPanel
+ Name: InitialPoseButtonPanel
+ - Class: AutowareDateTimePanel
+ Name: AutowareDateTimePanel
+ - Class: rviz_plugins::AutowareStatePanel
+ Name: AutowareStatePanel
+ - Class: AutowareScreenCapturePanel
+ Name: AutowareScreenCapturePanel
+ - Class: multi_data_monitor::MultiDataMonitor
+ Name: MultiDataMonitor
+ Path: package://autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim_data_monitor.yaml
+Visualization Manager:
+ Class: ""
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/TF
+ Enabled: false
+ Frame Timeout: 15
+ Frames:
+ All Enabled: true
+ Marker Scale: 1
+ Name: TF
+ Show Arrows: true
+ Show Axes: true
+ Show Names: true
+ Tree:
+ {}
+ Update Interval: 0
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.5
+ Cell Size: 1
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Grid
+ Color: 160; 160; 164
+ Enabled: false
+ Line Style:
+ Line Width: 0.029999999329447746
+ Value: Lines
+ Name: Grid
+ Normal Cell Count: 0
+ Offset:
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ Z: 0
+ Plane: XY
+ Plane Cell Count: 10
+ Reference Frame:
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/SteeringAngle
+ Enabled: true
+ Left: 64
+ Length: 128
+ Name: SteeringAngle
+ Scale: 17
+ Text Color: 25; 255; 240
+ Top: 64
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /vehicle/status/steering_status
+ Value: true
+ Value Scale: 0.14999249577522278
+ Value height offset: 0
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/ConsoleMeter
+ Enabled: true
+ Left: 256
+ Length: 128
+ Name: ConsoleMeter
+ Text Color: 25; 255; 240
+ Top: 64
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /vehicle/status/velocity_status
+ Value: true
+ Value Scale: 0.14999249577522278
+ Value height offset: 0
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Class: rviz_plugins/VelocityHistory
+ Color Border Vel Max: 3
+ Constant Color:
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VelocityHistory
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Timeout: 10
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /vehicle/status/velocity_status
+ Value: true
+ - Alpha: 0.30000001192092896
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/RobotModel
+ Collision Enabled: false
+ Description File: ""
+ Description Source: Topic
+ Description Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /robot_description
+ Enabled: true
+ Links:
+ All Links Enabled: true
+ Expand Joint Details: false
+ Expand Link Details: false
+ Expand Tree: false
+ Link Tree Style: Links in Alphabetic Order
+ base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera0/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera0/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera1/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera1/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera2/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera2/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera3/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera3/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera4/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera4/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera5/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera5/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera6/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera6/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ camera7/camera_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ camera7/camera_optical_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ gnss_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ livox_front_left:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ livox_front_left_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ livox_front_right:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ livox_front_right_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ sensor_kit_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ tamagawa/imu_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_left:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_left_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_rear:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_rear_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_right:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_right_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_top:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ velodyne_top_base_link:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Show Axes: false
+ Show Trail: false
+ Value: true
+ Mass Properties:
+ Inertia: false
+ Mass: false
+ Name: VehicleModel
+ TF Prefix: ""
+ Update Interval: 0
+ Value: true
+ Visual Enabled: true
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/PolarGridDisplay
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Delta Range: 10
+ Enabled: true
+ Max Alpha: 0.5
+ Max Range: 100
+ Max Wave Alpha: 0.5
+ Min Alpha: 0.009999999776482582
+ Min Wave Alpha: 0.009999999776482582
+ Name: PolarGridDisplay
+ Reference Frame: base_link
+ Value: true
+ Wave Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Wave Velocity: 40
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/MaxVelocity
+ Enabled: true
+ Left: 298
+ Length: 48
+ Name: MaxVelocity
+ Text Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Top: 140
+ Topic: /planning/scenario_planning/current_max_velocity
+ Value: true
+ Value Scale: 0.25
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/TurnSignal
+ Enabled: true
+ Height: 128
+ Left: 98
+ Name: TurnSignal
+ Top: 175
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /vehicle/status/turn_indicators_status
+ Value: true
+ Width: 256
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Vehicle
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: System
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.20000000298023224
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Autocompute Value Bounds:
+ Max Value: 28.71826171875
+ Min Value: -7.4224700927734375
+ Value: true
+ Axis: Z
+ Channel Name: intensity
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PointCloud2
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Color Transformer: FlatColor
+ Decay Time: 0
+ Enabled: false
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Max Intensity: 237
+ Min Color: 211; 215; 207
+ Min Intensity: 0
+ Name: PointCloudMap
+ Position Transformer: XYZ
+ Selectable: false
+ Size (Pixels): 1
+ Size (m): 0.019999999552965164
+ Style: Points
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Transient Local
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /map/pointcloud_map
+ Use Fixed Frame: true
+ Use rainbow: false
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Lanelet2VectorMap
+ Namespaces:
+ center_lane_line: true
+ center_line_arrows: true
+ crosswalk_lanelets: true
+ lane_start_bound: true
+ lanelet direction: true
+ lanelet_id: true
+ left_lane_bound: true
+ no_stopping_area: true
+ parking_lots: true
+ partitions: true
+ pedestrian_marking: true
+ right_lane_bound: true
+ road_lanelets: false
+ shoulder_center_lane_line: true
+ shoulder_center_line_arrows: true
+ shoulder_lane_start_bound: true
+ shoulder_lanelet direction: true
+ shoulder_left_lane_bound: true
+ shoulder_right_lane_bound: true
+ shoulder_road_lanelets: false
+ stop_lines: true
+ traffic_light: true
+ traffic_light_id: true
+ traffic_light_triangle: true
+ walkway_lanelets: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Transient Local
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /map/vector_map_marker
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Map
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.4000000059604645
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Autocompute Value Bounds:
+ Max Value: 5
+ Min Value: -1
+ Value: false
+ Axis: Z
+ Channel Name: intensity
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PointCloud2
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Color Transformer: AxisColor
+ Decay Time: 0
+ Enabled: true
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Max Intensity: 4096
+ Min Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Min Intensity: 0
+ Name: ConcatenatePointCloud
+ Position Transformer: XYZ
+ Selectable: false
+ Size (Pixels): 1
+ Size (m): 0.019999999552965164
+ Style: Points
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /sensing/lidar/concatenated/pointcloud
+ Use Fixed Frame: false
+ Use rainbow: true
+ Value: true
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Polygon
+ Color: 25; 255; 0
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: MeasurementRange
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /sensing/lidar/crop_box_filter/crop_box_polygon
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: LiDAR
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Axes Length: 1
+ Axes Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PoseWithCovariance
+ Color: 233; 185; 110
+ Covariance:
+ Orientation:
+ Alpha: 0.5
+ Color: 255; 255; 127
+ Color Style: Unique
+ Frame: Local
+ Offset: 1
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: false
+ Position:
+ Alpha: 0.20000000298023224
+ Color: 204; 51; 204
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: true
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Head Length: 0.699999988079071
+ Head Radius: 1.2000000476837158
+ Name: PoseWithCovariance
+ Shaft Length: 1
+ Shaft Radius: 0.5
+ Shape: Arrow
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /sensing/gnss/pose_with_covariance
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: GNSS
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Sensing
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Axes Length: 1
+ Axes Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PoseWithCovariance
+ Color: 0; 170; 255
+ Covariance:
+ Orientation:
+ Alpha: 0.5
+ Color: 255; 255; 127
+ Color Style: Unique
+ Frame: Local
+ Offset: 1
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: true
+ Position:
+ Alpha: 0.30000001192092896
+ Color: 204; 51; 204
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: true
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Head Length: 0.4000000059604645
+ Head Radius: 0.6000000238418579
+ Name: PoseWithCovInitial
+ Shaft Length: 0.6000000238418579
+ Shaft Radius: 0.30000001192092896
+ Shape: Arrow
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_estimator/initial_pose_with_covariance
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Axes Length: 1
+ Axes Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PoseWithCovariance
+ Color: 0; 255; 0
+ Covariance:
+ Orientation:
+ Alpha: 0.5
+ Color: 255; 255; 127
+ Color Style: Unique
+ Frame: Local
+ Offset: 1
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: true
+ Position:
+ Alpha: 0.30000001192092896
+ Color: 204; 51; 204
+ Scale: 1
+ Value: true
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Head Length: 0.4000000059604645
+ Head Radius: 0.6000000238418579
+ Name: PoseWithCovAligned
+ Shaft Length: 0.6000000238418579
+ Shaft Radius: 0.30000001192092896
+ Shape: Arrow
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_estimator/pose_with_covariance
+ Value: false
+ - Buffer Size: 200
+ Class: rviz_plugins::PoseHistory
+ Enabled: false
+ Line:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 170; 255; 127
+ Value: true
+ Width: 0.10000000149011612
+ Name: PoseHistory
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_estimator/pose
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Autocompute Value Bounds:
+ Max Value: 10
+ Min Value: -10
+ Value: true
+ Axis: Z
+ Channel Name: intensity
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PointCloud2
+ Color: 0; 255; 255
+ Color Transformer: ""
+ Decay Time: 0
+ Enabled: false
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Max Intensity: 4096
+ Min Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Min Intensity: 0
+ Name: Initial
+ Position Transformer: XYZ
+ Selectable: false
+ Size (Pixels): 10
+ Size (m): 0.5
+ Style: Squares
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /localization/util/downsample/pointcloud
+ Use Fixed Frame: true
+ Use rainbow: true
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Autocompute Value Bounds:
+ Max Value: 10
+ Min Value: -10
+ Value: true
+ Axis: Z
+ Channel Name: intensity
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PointCloud2
+ Color: 85; 255; 0
+ Color Transformer: FlatColor
+ Decay Time: 0
+ Enabled: false
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 85; 255; 127
+ Max Intensity: 0
+ Min Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Min Intensity: 0
+ Name: Aligned
+ Position Transformer: XYZ
+ Selectable: false
+ Size (Pixels): 10
+ Size (m): 0.5
+ Style: Squares
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_estimator/points_aligned
+ Use Fixed Frame: true
+ Use rainbow: true
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: MonteCarloInitialPose
+ Namespaces:
+ initial_pose_index_color_marker: true
+ initial_pose_iteration_color_marker: true
+ initial_pose_transform_probability_color_marker: true
+ result_pose_index_color_marker: true
+ result_pose_iteration_color_marker: true
+ result_pose_transform_probability_color_marker: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_estimator/monte_carlo_initial_pose_marker
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: NDT
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Buffer Size: 1000
+ Class: rviz_plugins::PoseHistory
+ Enabled: true
+ Line:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 255; 255
+ Value: true
+ Width: 0.10000000149011612
+ Name: PoseHistory
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /localization/pose_twist_fusion_filter/pose
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: EKF
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Localization
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Autocompute Value Bounds:
+ Max Value: 15
+ Min Value: -2
+ Value: false
+ Axis: Z
+ Channel Name: z
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PointCloud2
+ Color: 200; 200; 200
+ Color Transformer: FlatColor
+ Decay Time: 0
+ Enabled: true
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Max Intensity: 15
+ Min Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Min Intensity: -5
+ Name: NoGroundPointCloud
+ Position Transformer: XYZ
+ Selectable: false
+ Size (Pixels): 3
+ Size (m): 0.019999999552965164
+ Style: Points
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/obstacle_segmentation/pointcloud
+ Use Fixed Frame: true
+ Use rainbow: true
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Segmentation
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - BUS:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ CAR:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Class: autoware_auto_perception_rviz_plugin/DetectedObjects
+ Display Acceleration: true
+ Display Label: true
+ Display PoseWithCovariance: true
+ Display Predicted Path Confidence: true
+ Display Predicted Paths: true
+ Display Twist: true
+ Display UUID: true
+ Display Velocity: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Line Width: 0.029999999329447746
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Name: DetectedObjects
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 192; 203
+ Polygon Type: 3d
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/object_recognition/detection/objects
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Value: true
+ Visualization Type: Normal
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Detection
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - BUS:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ CAR:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Class: autoware_auto_perception_rviz_plugin/TrackedObjects
+ Display Acceleration: true
+ Display Label: true
+ Display PoseWithCovariance: true
+ Display Predicted Path Confidence: true
+ Display Predicted Paths: true
+ Display Twist: true
+ Display UUID: true
+ Display Velocity: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Line Width: 0.029999999329447746
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Name: TrackedObjects
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 192; 203
+ Polygon Type: 3d
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/object_recognition/tracking/objects
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Value: true
+ Visualization Type: Normal
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Tracking
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - BUS:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ CAR:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Class: autoware_auto_perception_rviz_plugin/PredictedObjects
+ Display Acceleration: true
+ Display Label: true
+ Display PoseWithCovariance: false
+ Display Predicted Path Confidence: true
+ Display Predicted Paths: true
+ Display Twist: true
+ Display UUID: true
+ Display Velocity: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Line Width: 0.029999999329447746
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 119; 11; 32
+ Name: PredictedObjects
+ Namespaces:
+ acceleration: true
+ label: true
+ path: true
+ path confidence: true
+ shape: true
+ twist: true
+ uuid: true
+ velocity: true
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 192; 203
+ Polygon Type: 3d
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 30; 144; 255
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/object_recognition/objects
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Value: true
+ Visualization Type: Normal
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Maneuver
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/object_recognition/prediction/maneuver
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Prediction
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: ObjectRecognition
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/Image
+ Enabled: true
+ Max Value: 1
+ Median window: 5
+ Min Value: 0
+ Name: RecognitionResultOnImage
+ Normalize Range: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/camera6/debug/rois
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: MapBasedDetectionResult
+ Namespaces:
+ beam: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/traffic_light_recognition/camera6/detection/traffic_light_map_based_detector/debug/markers
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: TrafficLight
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.5
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Map
+ Color Scheme: map
+ Draw Behind: false
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Map
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/occupancy_grid_map/map
+ Update Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /perception/occupancy_grid_map/map_updates
+ Use Timestamp: false
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: OccupancyGrid
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Perception
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: RouteArea
+ Namespaces:
+ end_lanelets: true
+ goal_lanelets: true
+ lane_start_bound: true
+ left_lane_bound: true
+ right_lane_bound: true
+ route_lanelets: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Transient Local
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/mission_planning/route_marker
+ Value: true
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Axes Length: 1
+ Axes Radius: 0.30000001192092896
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Pose
+ Color: 255; 25; 0
+ Enabled: true
+ Head Length: 0.30000001192092896
+ Head Radius: 0.5
+ Name: GoalPose
+ Shaft Length: 3
+ Shaft Radius: 0.20000000298023224
+ Shape: Axes
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/mission_planning/echo_back_goal_pose
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: MissionPlanning
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/Trajectory
+ Color Border Vel Max: 3
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: ScenarioTrajectory
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/trajectory
+ Value: true
+ View Footprint:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 230; 230; 50
+ Offset from BaseLink: 0
+ Rear Overhang: 1.0299999713897705
+ Value: false
+ Vehicle Length: 4.769999980926514
+ Vehicle Width: 1.8300000429153442
+ View Path:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Constant Width: false
+ Value: true
+ Width: 2
+ View Point:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 0; 60; 255
+ Offset: 0
+ Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Value: false
+ View Text Velocity:
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: false
+ View Velocity:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/Path
+ Color Border Vel Max: 3
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Path
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/path
+ Value: true
+ View Drivable Area:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 148; 205
+ Value: true
+ Width: 0.30000001192092896
+ View Footprint:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 230; 230; 50
+ Offset from BaseLink: 0
+ Rear Overhang: 1.0299999713897705
+ Value: false
+ Vehicle Length: 4.769999980926514
+ Vehicle Width: 1.8300000429153442
+ View Path:
+ Alpha: 0.4000000059604645
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Constant Width: false
+ Value: true
+ Width: 2
+ View Point:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 0; 60; 255
+ Offset: 0
+ Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Value: false
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+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/walkway
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (DetectionArea)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/detection_area
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (Intersection)
+ Namespaces:
+ intersection1391_stop_factor_text: true
+ intersection1391_stop_virtual_wall: true
+ intersection_occlusion1391_stop_factor_text: true
+ intersection_occlusion1391_stop_virtual_wall: true
+ intersection_occlusion_first_stop1391_stop_factor_text: true
+ intersection_occlusion_first_stop1391_stop_virtual_wall: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/intersection
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (MergeFromPrivateArea)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/merge_from_private
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (NoStoppingArea)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/no_stopping_area
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (OcclusionSpot)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/occlusion_spot
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (StopLine)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/stop_line
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (TrafficLight)
+ Namespaces:
+ 1391_stop_factor_text: true
+ 1391_stop_virtual_wall: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/traffic_light
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (VirtualTrafficLight)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/virtual_traffic_light
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (RunOut)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/run_out
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (SpeedBump)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/speed_bump
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (OutOfLane)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/virtual_wall/out_of_lane
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Arrow
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/path
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Crosswalk
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/crosswalk
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Intersection
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/intersection
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.5
+ Autocompute Intensity Bounds: true
+ Class: grid_map_rviz_plugin/GridMap
+ Color: 200; 200; 200
+ Color Layer: color
+ Color Transformer: IntensityLayer
+ Enabled: false
+ Height Layer: elevation
+ Height Transformer: Layer
+ History Length: 1
+ Invert Rainbow: false
+ Max Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Max Intensity: 10
+ Min Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Min Intensity: 0
+ Name: IntersectionOcclusion
+ Show Grid Lines: false
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/intersection/occlusion_grid
+ Use Rainbow: true
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Blind Spot
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/blind_spot
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: TrafficLight
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/traffic_light
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: VirtualTrafficLight
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/virtual_traffic_light
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: StopLine
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/stop_line
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: DetectionArea
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/detection_area
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: OcclusionSpot
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/occlusion_spot
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: NoStoppingArea
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/no_stopping_area
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: RunOut
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/run_out
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Avoidance
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/avoidance
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: LaneChange
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/lane_change
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: LaneFollowing
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/lane_following
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: GoalPlanner
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/goal_planner
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: PullOut
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/pull_out
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: SideShift
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/debug/side_shift
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: SpeedBump
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/speed_bump
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: OutOfLane
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_velocity_planner/debug/out_of_lane
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: DebugMarker
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (Avoidance)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/avoidance
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (AvoidanceByLC)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/avoidance_by_lane_change
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (LaneChangeLeft)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/lane_change_left
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (LaneChangeRight)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/lane_change_right
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (ExtLaneChangeLeft)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/external_request_lane_change_left
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (ExtLaneChangeRight)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/external_request_lane_change_right
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (PullOver)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/pull_over
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Info (PullOut)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/behavior_planning/behavior_path_planner/info/pull_out
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: InfoMarker
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: BehaviorPlanning
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/Trajectory
+ Color Border Vel Max: 3
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Trajectory
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/trajectory
+ Value: false
+ View Footprint:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 230; 230; 50
+ Offset from BaseLink: 0
+ Rear Overhang: 1.0299999713897705
+ Value: false
+ Vehicle Length: 4.769999980926514
+ Vehicle Width: 1.8300000429153442
+ View Path:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Constant Width: false
+ Value: true
+ Width: 2
+ View Point:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 0; 60; 255
+ Offset: 0
+ Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Value: false
+ View Text Velocity:
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: false
+ View Velocity:
+ Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (ObstacleStop)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (SurroundObstacle)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/surround_obstacle_checker/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (ObstacleAvoidance)
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_avoidance_planner/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall (ObstacleCruise)
+ Namespaces:
+ stop_factor_text: true
+ stop_virtual_wall: true
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: VirtualWall
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: SurroundObstacleCheck
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/surround_obstacle_checker/debug/marker
+ Value: true
+ - Alpha: 1
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Polygon
+ Color: 25; 255; 0
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Footprint
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/surround_obstacle_checker/debug/footprint
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 1
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Polygon
+ Color: 239; 41; 41
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: FootprintOffset
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/surround_obstacle_checker/debug/footprint_offset
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 1
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Polygon
+ Color: 10; 21; 255
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: FootprintRecoverOffset
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/surround_obstacle_checker/debug/footprint_recover_offset
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: SurroundObstacleChecker
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: ObstacleStop
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_stop_planner/debug/marker
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: CruiseVirtualWall
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/debug/cruise/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: SlowDownVirtualWall
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/debug/slow_down/virtual_wall
+ Value: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: DebugMarker
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_cruise_planner/debug/marker
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: ObstacleCruise
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: ObstacleAvoidance
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/lane_driving/motion_planning/obstacle_avoidance_planner/debug/marker
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: DebugMarker
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: MotionPlanning
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: LaneDriving
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Alpha: 0.699999988079071
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/Map
+ Color Scheme: map
+ Draw Behind: false
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Costmap
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/parking/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid
+ Update Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/parking/costmap_generator/occupancy_grid_updates
+ Use Timestamp: false
+ Value: false
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Arrow Length: 0.30000001192092896
+ Axes Length: 0.30000001192092896
+ Axes Radius: 0.009999999776482582
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PoseArray
+ Color: 255; 25; 0
+ Enabled: true
+ Head Length: 0.10000000149011612
+ Head Radius: 0.20000000298023224
+ Name: PartialPoseArray
+ Shaft Length: 0.20000000298023224
+ Shaft Radius: 0.05000000074505806
+ Shape: Arrow (3D)
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/parking/freespace_planner/debug/partial_pose_array
+ Value: true
+ - Alpha: 0.9990000128746033
+ Arrow Length: 0.5
+ Axes Length: 0.30000001192092896
+ Axes Radius: 0.009999999776482582
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/PoseArray
+ Color: 0; 0; 255
+ Enabled: true
+ Head Length: 0.10000000149011612
+ Head Radius: 0.20000000298023224
+ Name: PoseArray
+ Shaft Length: 0.20000000298023224
+ Shaft Radius: 0.05000000074505806
+ Shape: Arrow (Flat)
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/parking/freespace_planner/debug/pose_array
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Parking
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/PoseWithUuidStamped
+ Enabled: true
+ Length: 1.5
+ Name: ModifiedGoal
+ Radius: 0.5
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/scenario_planning/modified_goal
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: false
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: ScenarioPlanning
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: PlanningErrorMarker
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Best Effort
+ Value: /planning/planning_diagnostics/planning_error_monitor/debug/marker
+ Value: true
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Diagnostic
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Planning
+ - Class: rviz_common/Group
+ Displays:
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/Trajectory
+ Color Border Vel Max: 3
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Predicted Trajectory
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ Filter size: 10
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /control/trajectory_follower/lateral/predicted_trajectory
+ Value: true
+ View Footprint:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 230; 230; 50
+ Offset from BaseLink: 0
+ Rear Overhang: 1.0299999713897705
+ Value: false
+ Vehicle Length: 4.769999980926514
+ Vehicle Width: 1.8300000429153442
+ View Path:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 255; 255; 255
+ Constant Color: true
+ Constant Width: true
+ Value: true
+ Width: 0.05000000074505806
+ View Point:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 0; 60; 255
+ Offset: 0
+ Radius: 0.10000000149011612
+ Value: false
+ View Text Velocity:
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: false
+ View Velocity:
+ Alpha: 1
+ Color: 0; 0; 0
+ Constant Color: false
+ Scale: 0.30000001192092896
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Debug/MPC
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /control/trajectory_follower/mpc_follower/debug/markers
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Debug/PurePursuit
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /control/trajectory_follower/controller_node_exe/debug/markers
+ Value: false
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MarkerArray
+ Enabled: false
+ Name: Debug/AEB
+ Namespaces:
+ {}
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /control/autonomous_emergency_braking/debug/markers
+ Value: false
+ Enabled: true
+ Name: Control
+ Enabled: true
+ Global Options:
+ Background Color: 10; 10; 10
+ Fixed Frame: map
+ Frame Rate: 30
+ Name: root
+ Tools:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/Interact
+ Hide Inactive Objects: true
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/MoveCamera
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/Select
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/FocusCamera
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/Measure
+ Line color: 128; 128; 0
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/SetInitialPose
+ Covariance x: 0.25
+ Covariance y: 0.25
+ Covariance yaw: 0.06853891909122467
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /initialpose
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/SetGoal
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /planning/mission_planning/goal
+ - Class: tier4_adapi_rviz_plugins::RouteTool
+ Topic:
+ Depth: 5
+ Durability Policy: Volatile
+ History Policy: Keep Last
+ Reliability Policy: Reliable
+ Value: /rviz/routing/rough_goal
+ - Acceleration: 0
+ Class: rviz_plugins/PedestrianInitialPoseTool
+ Interactive: false
+ Max velocity: 33.29999923706055
+ Min velocity: -33.29999923706055
+ Pose Topic: /simulation/dummy_perception_publisher/object_info
+ Target Frame:
+ Theta std deviation: 0.0872664600610733
+ Velocity: 0
+ X std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Y std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Z position: 1
+ Z std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ - Acceleration: 0
+ Class: rviz_plugins/CarInitialPoseTool
+ H vehicle height: 2
+ Interactive: false
+ L vehicle length: 4
+ Max velocity: 33.29999923706055
+ Min velocity: -33.29999923706055
+ Pose Topic: /simulation/dummy_perception_publisher/object_info
+ Target Frame:
+ Theta std deviation: 0.0872664600610733
+ Velocity: 3
+ W vehicle width: 1.7999999523162842
+ X std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Y std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Z position: 0
+ Z std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ - Acceleration: 0
+ Class: rviz_plugins/BusInitialPoseTool
+ H vehicle height: 3.5
+ Interactive: false
+ L vehicle length: 10.5
+ Max velocity: 33.29999923706055
+ Min velocity: -33.29999923706055
+ Pose Topic: /simulation/dummy_perception_publisher/object_info
+ Target Frame:
+ Theta std deviation: 0.0872664600610733
+ Velocity: 0
+ W vehicle width: 2.5
+ X std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Y std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ Z position: 0
+ Z std deviation: 0.029999999329447746
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/MissionCheckpointTool
+ Pose Topic: /planning/mission_planning/checkpoint
+ Theta std deviation: 0.2617993950843811
+ X std deviation: 0.5
+ Y std deviation: 0.5
+ Z position: 0
+ - Class: rviz_plugins/DeleteAllObjectsTool
+ Pose Topic: /simulation/dummy_perception_publisher/object_info
+ Transformation:
+ Current:
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/TF
+ Value: true
+ Views:
+ Current:
+ Angle: 0
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/TopDownOrtho
+ Enable Stereo Rendering:
+ Stereo Eye Separation: 0.05999999865889549
+ Stereo Focal Distance: 1
+ Swap Stereo Eyes: false
+ Value: false
+ Invert Z Axis: false
+ Name: Current View
+ Near Clip Distance: 0.009999999776482582
+ Scale: 14.160340309143066
+ Target Frame: viewer
+ Value: TopDownOrtho (rviz_default_plugins)
+ X: -530.96728515625
+ Y: 307.5765075683594
+ Saved:
+ - Class: rviz_default_plugins/ThirdPersonFollower
+ Distance: 18
+ Enable Stereo Rendering:
+ Stereo Eye Separation: 0.05999999865889549
+ Stereo Focal Distance: 1
+ Swap Stereo Eyes: false
+ Value: false
+ Focal Point:
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+ Z: 0
+ Focal Shape Fixed Size: true
+ Focal Shape Size: 0.05000000074505806
+ Invert Z Axis: false
+ Name: ThirdPersonFollower
+ Near Clip Distance: 0.009999999776482582
+ Pitch: 0.20000000298023224
+ Target Frame: base_link
+ Value: ThirdPersonFollower (rviz)
+ Yaw: 3.141592025756836
+ - Angle: 0
+ Class: rviz_default_plugins/TopDownOrtho
+ Enable Stereo Rendering:
+ Stereo Eye Separation: 0.05999999865889549
+ Stereo Focal Distance: 1
+ Swap Stereo Eyes: false
+ Value: false
+ Invert Z Axis: false
+ Name: TopDownOrtho
+ Near Clip Distance: 0.009999999776482582
+ Scale: 10
+ Target Frame: viewer
+ Value: TopDownOrtho (rviz)
+ X: 0
+ Y: 0
+Window Geometry:
+ AutowareDateTimePanel:
+ collapsed: false
+ AutowareScreenCapturePanel:
+ collapsed: false
+ AutowareStatePanel:
+ collapsed: false
+ Displays:
+ collapsed: false
+ Height: 1538
+ Hide Left Dock: false
+ Hide Right Dock: false
+ InitialPoseButtonPanel:
+ collapsed: false
+ MultiDataMonitor:
+ collapsed: false
+ QMainWindow State: 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
+ RecognitionResultOnImage:
+ collapsed: false
+ Selection:
+ collapsed: false
+ Tool Properties:
+ collapsed: false
+ Views:
+ collapsed: false
+ Width: 2371
+ X: 1293
+ Y: 77
diff --git a/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim.css b/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim.css
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..6ba091bdb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim.css
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+QLabel.value[test="gear"] {
+ font-size: 24px;
+ color: white;
+ background-color: black;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+QLabel.value[test="red_traffic_light"] {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ font-size: 12px;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: red;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+QLabel.value[test="green_traffic_light"] {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: green;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+QLabel.value[test="yellow_traffic_light"] {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: yellow;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+QLabel.value[test="unknown_traffic_light"] {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: gray;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+QLabel.value[test="none_traffic_light"] {
+ font-size: 12px;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: black;
+ background-color: white;
+ border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
diff --git a/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim_data_monitor.yaml b/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim_data_monitor.yaml
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dac8fb56b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim_data_monitor.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+version: 2.0
+ - path: package://multi_data_monitor/css/plugins/titled.css
+ target: Titled
+ - path: package://autoware_launch/rviz/config/awsim.css
+ - path: package://multi_data_monitor/css/colors.css
+ - class: Matrix
+ cols: 3
+ items:
+ - class: Titled
+ title: Gear
+ input: vehicle_gear
+ rules:
+ class: SetFirstIf
+ type: uint
+ list:
+ - { eq: 0, value: NONE, attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - { eq: 1, value: N(Neutral range), attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - { eq: 22, value: P(Parking), attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - { eq: 30, value: R(Reverse range), attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - { eq: 2, value: D(Drive range), attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - { eq: 23, value: L(Low range), attrs: { test: gear } }
+ - class: Titled
+ title: NVTL
+ input: nvtl
+ - class: Titled
+ title: Traffic light
+ input: traffic_light_color
+ rules:
+ - class: Access
+ fails: ERROR-VALUE
+ field: [elements, 0, color]
+ - class: SetFirstIf
+ type: text
+ list:
+ - { eq: 1, value: Red, attrs: { test: red_traffic_light } }
+ - { eq: 2, value: Yellow, attrs: { test: yellow_traffic_light } }
+ - { eq: 3, value: Green, attrs: { test: green_traffic_light } }
+ - { eq: 0, value: Unknown, attrs: { test: unknown_traffic_light } }
+ - { eq: ERROR-VALUE, value: None, attrs: { test: none_traffic_light } }
+ - { class: subscription, label: vehicle_gear, topic: /vehicle/status/gear_status, field: report }
+ - class: subscription
+ label: nvtl_raw
+ topic: /localization/pose_estimator/nearest_voxel_transformation_likelihood
+ field: data
+ - { label: nvtl, class: apply, input: nvtl_raw, rules: round_number }
+ - class: subscription
+ label: traffic_light_color
+ topic: /awapi/traffic_light/get/nearest_traffic_signal
+ field: ""
+ - { class: Precision, label: round_number, digits: 2 }