This started as Max Gruber, Andrew Haberlandt, and Adam Lis's Hack OHI/O 2019 project. It is a web app and web scraper that allows the user to view aggregated property data from various realties around the campus of The Ohio State University.
- Install dependencies:
sudo apt install build-essential postgresql libpq-dev python3 python3-pip nodejs npm
- Set up back end
- Navigate to the back end directory
- Install the dependencies in the Django project:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Set up the environment variables file
- Copy .env.local.example and rename it to .env.local
- Populate the "SECRET_KEY"
- Populate the "GOOGLE_SECRET_KEY"
- Run Django migrations:
python migrate
- Scrape listings:
python scrape
- Set up database
- Start the Postgres service:
sudo service postgresql start
- Change the password of the postgres user
- Open psql:
sudo -u postgres psql
- Change the password:
\password postgres
- Quit psql:
- Open psql:
- Update the password of the postgres user in the backend .env file
- Navigate to the backend directory
- Open the .env file
- Change the "POSTGRES_PASSWORD" to the password you set above
- Create the Off Campus database:
sudo -u postgres createdb offcampus
- Change Postgres's authentication mode
- Find the configuration file:
sudo -u postgres psql -c "show hba_file;"
- Open the configuration file:
sudo vim [configuration file path]
- Change "md5" to "password" in these lines:
# IPv4 local connections: host all all md5 # IPv6 local connections: host all all ::1/128 md5
- Find the configuration file:
- Start the Postgres service:
- Set up front end
- Navigate to the front end directory
- Install the dependencies in the Vue project:
npm install
- Navigate to the back end directory and run the Django app:
python runserver
- Navigate to the front end directory and run the Vue app:
npm run serve