Bayesian Evolutionary Analysis by Sampling Trees is a cross-platform software package for Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of molecular sequences using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC). It is implemented in JAVA and depends on JRE version 1.6 or higher to run.
Programs distributed in the BEAST "bundle":
- BEAST mcmc: Runs the MCMC from XML configuration files. Is the heart of the BEAST framework;
- BEAUti: an user-friendly GUI for creating input (configuration) XML files to run BEAST;
- LogCombiner: a program (GUI) to combine log and tree files from multiple runs of BEAST;
- TreeAnnotator: program for summarising the information in a sample of trees produced by BEAST.
The BEAST family also has two other honorary members:
- Tracer: graphical program for analysing results from MCMC programs such as BEAST and MrBayes;
- FigTree: A program for viewing trees including summary information produced by TreeAnnotator, a.k.a, "annotated" trees.
In the development repository you will find the current bug-prone bleeding-edge version of BEAST.
Supposing you want the dev version:
user@machine:~$ git clone
user@machine:~/beast-mcmc$ cd beast-mcmc/
user@machine:~/beast-mcmc$ ant
will build both beast.jar
and beauti.jar
in beast-mcmc/build/dist/.
This is what we informally call "BEAST 1", the original BEAST.
Alexei Drummond and his team have developed BEAST2 that features a more modular, plugin-based architecture where users can contribute plugins implementing a plethora of phylogenetic models. The development repo for BEAST2 sits here.
For doubts and general troubleshooting (after RTFM), see the user group.
Likelihood computations are costly. To address this, Daniel Ayres and peers have written the Broad-platform Evolutionary Analysis General Likelihood Evaluator (BEAGLE), a C library that provides "fine-scale parallelization while minimizing data transfer and memory copy overhead" (see paper). BEAGLE brings substantial speed-ups in likelihood computation by efficiently using multicore CPUs and modern bazillion-core graphical processing units (GPUs). BEAGLE is compatible with a range of phylogenetic software, such as BEAST, MrBayes, PhyML, and Garli. The gain in speed is so significant that most complex models in BEAST, such as phylogeography, now depend exclusively on BEAGLE to run. See this post for a nice guide on how to get BEAGLE up and running.
if you want to look at the options
user@machine:~$ java -Xms64m -Xmx4096m -jar /path/to/beast -help
A typical run would look something like this
user@machine:~$ java -Xms64m -Xmx4096m -Djava.library.path=/path/to/beagle -jar /path/to/beast -beagle_SSE -threads 8 input.xml
BEAST feeds on souls XML input files that are supposed specify everything you need to run MCMC and get a posterior distribution for your parameters:
- Data!
- Likelihoods (i.e, models);
- Priors;
- Operators;
- Number of iterations, sampling frequency and auto-optimisation options.
Having everything in the same place makes it easy to share and reproduce analyses.
Now, what the heck is an "operator"?
In BEAST, we name Operators all of the MCMC proposals. Example: how do you propose a new tree topology within the chain? Use a SubTreeSlide, NarrowExchange or Wilson-Balding operator. Each operator is given a weight, that tells BEAST how often to perform that particular proposal. In order to achieve better efficiency, some proposals in BEAST are tunable, which means their width (variance) can be adjusted such that we attain a certain acceptance probabiliy (usually around 0.234). We call this auto-optimise and it comes in two flavours: "default" and "log", which differ in how they relate proposal variance and acceptance probability.
Being coded in JAVA, BEAST is naturally sort of modular. The wide array of different necessary components to allow the kind of model complexity BEAST offers, however, calls for some more deliberate modularity in order to avoid conflicts and broken dependencies. BEAST2, for instance, capitalises on the general routines developed for BEAST but has a much stronger focus on modularity.
Ok, enough with the babbling. Let's take a look at BEAST's internal structure, borrowing very heavily from the developer notes.
In order to avoid circular dependencies between packages, certain packages are intended as global utility classes (feel free to add stuff to them but consider whether they may be useful to other classes
are low level utility packages and should have no dependencies on the packages below;dr.inference
comprises generic MCMC routines and should have no dependencies on the biological packages (dr.evolution
). Notably, things like priors, operators are generic ones that work on continuous parameters not biology specific ones;dr.evolution
is basic evolutionary stuff and should have no dependencies ondr.evomodel
is where all BEAST-specific stuff should go - this ties together the biology indr.evolution
into the inference engine indr.inference
If you're developing a whole new set of classes implementing a particular model, it is probabiliy desirable to "package" them together rather than distribute classes all over the place. Your best bet is to create all of your stuff inside dr.evomodel
. This was the germ of the plugin-based architecture of BEAST2, that allowed a range of model extensions to be developed.
- From now, any parser not ready for release should stay in Once it is ready for release, it should be moved into release
- Any parser has to be implemented by an individual java class extended from
and named by model name + Parser. If there are multi-parsers referring to one model class, they can be included in one parser class and each parser has its own inner class extended fromAbstractXMLObjectParser
. - Model in dr.evolution = parser in
, model indr.evomodel
= parser indr.evomodelxml
, model indr.inference
= parser indr.inferencexml
Now that we kinda know how BEAST works in the inside, let's talk about one of the most important features of BEAST: its EXtensible Markup Language (XML) input file specification.
Knowing your way around the XML syntax is important because the graphical utility for building XMLs is not nearly exhaustive. Thus, many of the interesting models are only available through manually editing the XMLs.
First, let's look at a BEAUti-constructed XML. Now let's mess round a bit.
Suppose we want a Gamma distribution for the clock model, that is, we want to model the among-branch variation with a Gamma distribution rather than, say, a lognormal.
We would then need to change
<!-- The uncorrelated relaxed clock (Drummond, Ho, Phillips & Rambaut (2006) PLoS Biology 4, e88 )-->
<discretizedBranchRates id="branchRates">
<treeModel idref="treeModel"/>
<logNormalDistributionModel meanInRealSpace="true">
<parameter id="ucld.mean" value="0.001" lower="0.0"/>
<parameter id="ucld.stdev" value="0.3333333333333333" lower="0.0"/>
<parameter id="branchRates.categories"/>
with something like
<!-- The uncorrelated Gamma relaxed clock -->
<discretizedBranchRates id="branchRates">
<treeModel idref="treeModel"/>
<gammaDistributionModel offset="0.0">
<parameter id="ucg.shape" value="1.0" lower="0.0"/>
<parameter id="ucg.scale" value="0.001" lower="0.0"/>
<parameter id="branchRates.categories"/>
Of course, this calls for changes in the operators, with
<scaleOperator scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3">
<parameter idref="ucld.mean"/>
<scaleOperator scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3">
<parameter idref="ucld.stdev"/>
<scaleOperator scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3">
<parameter idref="ucg.shape"/>
<scaleOperator scaleFactor="0.75" weight="3">
<parameter idref="ucg.scale"/>
Further adjustments to the "priors" and "log" blocks would follow in a similar fashion. This is what I would call the trivial extensibility of BEAST. Let's now look at a slightly less trivial way of extending BEAST.
Imagine this Andrew Rambaut guy wants to contribute a new tree proposal (move) to BEAST.
Suppose that for some twisted reason the name of such move is SubtreeJump
Following the guidelines seen above when we visited the developer notes we will place our new class
inside dr.evomodel.operators
The first lines of which would look something like
package dr.evomodel.operators;
import dr.evolution.tree.NodeRef;
import dr.evolution.tree.Tree;
import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel;
import dr.evomodelxml.operators.SubtreeJumpOperatorParser;
import dr.inference.operators.*;
import dr.math.MathUtils;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Implements the Subtree Jump move.
* @author Andrew Rambaut
* @version $Id$
public class SubtreeJumpOperator extends AbstractTreeOperator implements CoercableMCMCOperator {
Now, we need to write an XML parser for the new operator, to take in the specs it needs, in this case size
and weight
This parser class, unsurprisingly called
is to be placed in dr.evomodelxml.operators
and looks like this
package dr.evomodelxml.operators;
import dr.evomodel.operators.SubtreeJumpOperator;
import dr.evomodel.operators.SubtreeSlideOperator;
import dr.evomodel.tree.TreeModel;
import dr.inference.operators.CoercableMCMCOperator;
import dr.inference.operators.CoercionMode;
import dr.inference.operators.MCMCOperator;
import dr.xml.*;
public class SubtreeJumpOperatorParser extends AbstractXMLObjectParser {
public static final String SUBTREE_JUMP = "subtreeJump";
public String getParserName() {
So in the end, one can just add
<subtreeJump size="1.0" weight="36">
<treeModel idref="treeModel"/>
to their XML to use the new operator.